MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.360Mar 06, 2023


The reason why the puppet master dared to tease Zhao Yeshi like this is because they are indeed teammates recognized by the game of Destiny. Before the official start of the main quest, normal players should not tear their faces because of this level of temptation. On the one hand, it is because she has absolute confidence in her puppet technique.

Even the "puppet master" who came to participate in the meeting tonight is just her puppet. Her real body is still in a corner of the imperial city at the moment, quietly grasping the situation of the entire imperial city through her puppets.

She is confident that even if Zhao Ye is angry and wants to kill someone, she will not be able to find her body.

This is the confidence of the puppet master who dares to jump directly to Zhao Yesao, trying to find a balance point to restrict Zhao Yesang.

However, Zhao Yesui is not a normal player, never has been.

Following the rules and moving forward with difficulty in the rules set by others has never been Zhao Yesui's style.

The puppet master may have some careful thoughts. This time, he may just release some kind of signal to let Zhao Yejiao cooperate with her, or he may want to coerce Zhao Yejiao to exchange benefits, but it doesn't matter.

If it is the sincere cooperation of Miss Ji Gong, then Zhao Yesui will of course accept it, but if it is this kind of coercion......

Then don't blame Zhao Yesao for kicking over the chess game you thought you had carefully designed, and using his own way to treat others.

If it really violated Zhao Yesao's bottom line, then things would be simpler.

No matter where you are, what kind of disguise you have, what kind of identity, what kind of life-saving means...

As long as Zhao Yejia really wanted to do this, the so-called **** of the game of fate would be meaningless to him.

What the enemy will face is a predestined death that has no way to escape, no way to resist, no way to ask for mercy.

Of course, things haven't developed to that stage yet, so Zhao Yesui just wanted to send warmth to his "good teammates" late at night.

I don't know how many times I held the bone sword tonight, Zhao Yesui said to the sleepy Miss Guide, "Miss Guide, help me find someone."

"It's a long night, and I don't want to sleep. I still have to find some fun, so that people who want to make fun of me know what kind of fun it will be to make fun of me."

"By the way, let's teach these 'wise men' who like to calculate. There are always some people in this world who don't like to play house-like board games with them."

"Qi? To your mother, I will be at your door tonight, and the ashes will be lifted for you."

...................................................... ...................................................... ......

In a residential building in the imperial city, the puppet master opened his eyes in the darkness, watching the broken silk thread in his hand fluttering in the air, the puppet-like face showed an expression other than a smile for the first time.

After a long time, a suspicious voice sounded in the room:

"That's not right... It shouldn't be like this... Shouldn't he agree to my request on the surface and try to sanction me behind the scenes..."

No matter how he looked at it, he shouldn't be the kind of reckless man who would be hot-blooded when he was provoked?

Zhao Yesui is indeed not a reckless man. In a sense, he stands at the top of the thousand-layer cake.

It is precisely because he has seen through what will happen next and is tired of everything that is about to happen, Zhao Yesui will take the most direct measures directly.

I chose to set the stage and the theater on fire when it was time for you to perform.

What kind of conspiracy and tricks should be rolled into the garbage heap of history together with Benge's reasoning!

...................................................... .....................................................

P.S. If it is written according to the conventional method, it should be a virtual and a snake. The two sides choose to cooperate tacitly, and then after certain events, the relationship will be improved, and the relationship will be warmed up...

However, Xiao Zhao is not human.

Chapter four hundred and twentieth

The black limousine drives smoothly on the road at night.

The person in the driver's seat was not the previous driver, but Zhao Yesui.

Now that he has decided to send warmth to his "good teammates", of course Zhao Yesui will not implicate ordinary people.

He had already sent a puppet to send the driver back to Jigong's house, and then drove to deliver the warmth by himself.

"Did you see her?"

Zhao Yesui put the bone sword on his side and calmly said to Miss Guide, "She should have a lot of puppets, don't be fooled by her appearance."

"Well, I saw it, I saw it..."

The guide yawned a lot, and then said half-awake, "But next time, if you have something to say, can you finish it all at once, and you get me here and there in the middle of the night, so I can't sleep well... ..."

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. How do I know that a Hanhan who thinks he can control everything pops up out of nowhere."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and stepped up the accelerator, feeling the speed of the vehicle under him gradually increasing, galloping on the streets at night, gradually reaching a speed of one hundred and sixty yards.

In general reason, it was the first time he had driven a car.

Although Zhao Yesui is knowledgeable, this does not include driving.

The reason is very simple. Before joining the game of destiny, he was not an adult, and as a matter of course, he did not have the right to take a driver's license.

Of course, he still has relevant theoretical knowledge. With his current ability, it is not difficult to learn to drive a Star Destroyer in five minutes, let alone a mere car.

Residents of the imperial city could only hear the roaring sound of the engine passing by, and the echo echoed in the street. When they opened the window to look, they could not even see the shadow of the car. on the window.

Since it is to deal with a player, of course it cannot be slow. In fact, right now, Zhao Yesui has noticed the very abnormal flow of people in the imperial city through the guide lady.

Miss Guide's ability is to hang the whole picture... ah no, it is to check the customs, not to automatically distinguish the faction, if there is a puppet made by a puppet master on the street now, then before he shows an abnormality , Miss guide can't tell whether they are enemies or friends.

Judging from the previous performance of the puppet master, all the main roads in the imperial city should have puppets arranged by her, which means that Zhao Yesui's current movements should already be under her control.

Therefore, she began to cast doubts.

The location where the puppets gathered was not where her body was, and this was the puppet master's conspiracy.

She is testing whether Zhao Yesui has the ability to directly find her body.

The so-called Yang conspiracy is a plan that can't be solved when it is placed on the table.

Zhao Yesui currently has two choices, one is to go directly to the puppet master and reveal his trump card, and the other is to follow the puppet master's plan to go to the trap she arranged, neither of which is a good choice.

"Have you begun to dispatch troops..."

Zhao Ye snorted.

A puppet master, as the name suggests, should be able to make and drive puppets.

If you want to deal with the puppet master, now should be the best chance.

Because Zhao Yesui is also a practitioner in a related industry, she is very clear about what will happen if she is given enough time for such a violent player.

For example, if Zhao Yesui is given enough time and resources, in just three days, Zhao Yesui will be able to pull out a steam army that is enough to compete with the Imperial City Guards under normal conditions. It is possible to make one's own side become stronger and stronger like a snowball by means of fighting to support the war, and develop violently.

He is still not a player who specializes in this. It can be seen from the casting idea of ​​the steam undead that Zhao Yechao is taking the elite route. Even so, when a violent soldier is needed, he can pull out a weapon anytime, anywhere. come an army.

Starting from himself, Zhao Yesui was of course cautious about a possible legion player.

If you want to hit hard, of course, it is the most appropriate to take advantage of the opponent's fledgling, otherwise...

Hmm, doesn't seem to be the case?

If there are many people on the opposite side, it may be a good thing for Zhao Yesui.

Because this means that his pseudo-perpetual motion machine has the possibility of looping.

Just as Zhao Yesui was increasing the speed of the car, he suddenly heard the somewhat surprised voice of the guide lady:

"Wait, something doesn't seem right..."

"Sir, there is an empty area in front of you... It should exist, but I can't perceive the situation in it..."

The guide's voice sounded very confused, as if she had never encountered such a thing before: "Please be careful, I can't see there..."


Zhao Ye's heart moved slightly, but instead of slowing down, he asked the guide lady, "The empty area? How big is it?"

"It's not very big, maybe just one street away."

The guide lady replied: "But it's still very strange. Before, even when the 'Chun Jun' came, nothing like this happened..."

After saying these words, Miss Guide suddenly realized something, whispered, and said repeatedly, "I didn't say anything just now, I didn't say anything."

Zhao Yesui did not respond to Miss Guide's remarks for the time being, but quickly thought about it.

A street-wide void...

Could it be the handwriting of the puppet master?

But she shouldn't know the abilities of Miss Guide now...

If you already know that Zhao Yesui has opened the whole picture hanging, then is there any need to lay traps in one fell swoop?

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Yesui did not hesitate, stepped up the accelerator and drove into the empty area that the guide lady said.

The ability of Miss Guide is the biggest help he has obtained in this world so far, and the priority is even before solving the puppet master. Events that can make her ability abnormal are things that Zhao Yejiao needs to eliminate first.

When the car drove in here, Zhao Yesui slowed down and summoned the Heavenly Sin Sword, and everything around him immediately came into his mind.

However, at a certain position, the perception of "Geyuan Insight" lost its effect, and Zhao Yesui got the same result as Miss Guide.

There is only one "hole" there.

The body of the puppet master is still where the guide misses, and at the same time, she made a suspicious formation and summoned a large number of puppets to go to another location for protection, so there is no need to make arrangements here.

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows, parked the car on the side of the road, and then got out of the car and headed towards the perceived position.

This is a very ordinary Hezhou neighborhood. There are a row of houses built around it. If there is a difference, it is that there is a factory in this neighborhood.

The scale is not large, and it seems that it should be just a small factory, responsible for providing high-quality parts and products for large factories, and the business prospects are proportional to the economic conditions of large factories.

The center of the void that Zhao Yesui and Miss Guide sensed was this factory.

After confirming with the guide lady and confirming that the target was correct, Zhao Yesui turned in from the factory window.

Even though it was late at night, the factory was still brightly lit, with the sound of machinery roaring and operating endlessly. One employee was working on the production line, and the whole factory was like daytime.

In the corner of the factory, Zhao Yesui saw the source of the abnormality.

There was a Slav standing there. He pursed his lips and stared silently at the lively factory in front of him, his brows furrowed.

Ivanov, one of Zhao Yesui's teammates on this mission.

Until confirmed with his eyes, Zhao Yesui could not perceive Ivanov's existence through any extraordinary ability. Even now, when he saw Ivanov, he could not perceive him through the Heavenly Sin Sword.

That place is still empty.

When he saw that it was Ivanov, Zhao Yesui breathed a sigh of relief.

As the guide lady said, her ability has never been wrong before, but if it is deflated on the players, then it is normal.

The ghost knows how many scenes the players have experienced, and what strange abilities and props have been obtained from those scenes. It is also normal that there will be things that can block the perception of Miss Guide.

Zhao Yesui thought for a while, and felt that he had come all the way. If he turned around and left at this time, he would have a ghost in his heart, so he walked towards Ivanov.

Ivanov also noticed the arrival of Zhao Yesui, did not speak, just continued to stare at the factory in front of him.

It wasn't until Zhao Yesui came to him that he looked at Zhao Yesang and said, "Yam? Is there anything you want me to do?"

Unexpectedly, his attitude was unusually gentle.

It was the first time that Zhao Yesang had seen such a kind Ivanov. The last time I met, Ivanov was fighting against the puppet master. He couldn't understand it, but it felt like a slang word after sentence. It looked like Like a grumpy old man.

This time, Zhao Yesui saw Ivanov in normal state.

Maybe, he doesn't do this to everyone either?

At least when dealing with Ji Gong Ling and Asaka Yu, Zhao Yesui never saw him behave so kindly.

Zhao Yesui thought for a while, and answered frankly: "I have a certain perception skill. When I just passed by here, I felt a sense of being blocked here. I came here to have a look out of curiosity."


However, Ivanov was interested, and a bit of doubt appeared on his rough face: "You don't know me, or the path of the Northern Alliance?"

His doubts came from the bottom of his heart, because in his opinion, since Zhao Yesang could line up with them, he must also be a senior player, and with the matching mechanism of the game of destiny, it is impossible for Zhao Yesang to have not encountered a player from Northern League players.

Besides, even if you haven't encountered it before, you should know a thing or two from hearsay, right?

But Zhao Yesui really didn't know.

His current sources of information can be described as very closed, and the news about the game of destiny and players basically comes from the water group and chatting with a few friends.

Because of his lack of seniority, no one pulled him into a small group of high-end players. The people who spoke in the public group were basically new players who were very similar to him. What kind of advanced knowledge can Mengxin share? Woolen cloth?

However, Zhao Yesang happened to see someone say in the public group that the players of Beilian are different from other players, and they are taking a completely different path, but there will be no more text, the news will be very soon. It was swiped by other messages, and no one responded to this message.

So, it's just a vague impression. If you really want to say it, Zhao Yesui really doesn't know.

Seeing Zhao Yeshou's expression, Ivanov understood. The doubt on his face became more and more obvious, but he didn't say anything. He just patted Zhao Yessang on the shoulder and said, "This is not what I'm talking about. place, let's go out and talk."

