MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.361Mar 06, 2023


After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the factory that was in full swing. I can't breathe."

Zhao Yesui originally planned to decline Ivanov's invitation first, and postpone this question to the next time. After all, there is still a puppet master waiting for him.

But Ivanov had already taken the lead in walking towards the gate, and his undisguised behavior made him visible to many people in the factory.

"...No, brother, I thought you were standing here because you cast yourself some sort of cover-up spell, but everyone can see you?"

The corners of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched, because almost everyone in the factory turned their eyes here, and Zhao Yeshou, who was behind Ivanov, was also seen by the workers.

He could only follow behind Ivanov, planning to go out first.

There was still only the sound of mechanical operation resounding in the factory, but Zhao Yesui had an inexplicable feeling.

Finally, a worker said, "Mr. Ivanov."

Ivanov turned around without any hesitation, looked at the person who made the voice, and said seriously, "Mr. Oda, what's the matter?"

The person called Oda hesitated for a long time before asking, "Will you... come again?"

"Of course." Ivanov replied without hesitation: "But it may not be tomorrow, because tomorrow I have to go to other places to investigate, but please rest assured, as long as there is still one day of oppression, I will never leave, I will stand with you until you break the shackles."

His answer was loud and convincing.

When Zhao Yesui and Ivanov left the factory together, there was still only the roar of the machine running behind him, but when he turned around to look, he found the reverence in the eyes of people watching Ivanov.


When the main quest has not yet officially started and players are exploring side quests in the imperial city, what exactly did Ivanov do in the imperial city?

...................................................... .....................................................

P.S. Got home.

I finally got home.

There is no need to go to the balcony in the middle of the night to study.


Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-Four "Reincarnated as a demon and cast a ghost and then dominated the world"

Outside the factory, Ivanov and Zhao Yesui stood on the curb, and neither of them spoke first.

Just when Zhao Yesui was going to tell Ivanov that he had something to do, Ivanov took out a box of crumpled cigarettes from his pocket, took two out of them, first lit one for himself, and then He handed another one to Zhao Ye:

"Want one?"

Zhao Yeshou shook his head: "No need, I don't smoke."

He doesn't smoke, but he respects the right of others to smoke. As long as he doesn't smoke in a small confined space or in a public space, Zhao Yesui will go with him.

Ivanov had already lit his cigarette, but hadn't even taken a sip. After noticing Zhao Yeshou's movement, he mumbled something, then took off the cigarette he just lit and pressed it in his palm to extinguish it.

Little sparks splashed in the man's broad palm, and then went out.

Mr. Ivanov is surprisingly attentive and respectful of others...

Zhao Yeshi raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

It's only a small detail, but something can be seen.

After Ivanov solemnly put the two cigarettes back in the cigarette box, he looked at Zhao Yesao and said actively, "I haven't had time to tell you just now, you seem to be in a hurry, otherwise next time ?"

"It's not in a hurry." Zhao Yesui replied helplessly: "But Mr. Ivanov, if you don't say anything now, I won't be at ease no matter what I do later."

Half the talk, the classic riddle man.


Ivanov laughed heartily a few times, then got serious and said, "Well, then I'll keep it short."

"If you can understand it better, it should be..."

Ivanov recalled for a moment, and said hesitantly, "...Forbidden magic?"

Ban magic?

Zhao Ye's heart moved slightly, waiting for Ivanov's next sentence.

"Although this is just the most superficial use of 'Beijing truth', and we don't like to understand 'Beijing truth' as ​​this kind of thing, but we will make it clear to you about 'Beijing truth' in a while. It's too troublesome, so you can just interpret my ability just now as a demon."

Ivanov said seriously: "Any knowledge other than those recorded in the 'North Alliance Truth' will be invalidated, which is reflected in the fact that when you just swept into me, it would be invalid, because it was also invalidated."

I'm super, what kind of walking untouchable is this?

It was indeed the first time that Zhao Yesui heard the news about the players of Beilian, and it was said by a Beilian person himself.

And according to Ivanov, he has the ability to ban magic, which can invalidate the extraordinary ability of others. This is why there is a void in the exploration of Miss Guide and Zhao Yesao.

Only in the literal sense, this is already a very terrifying ability.

Zhao Yesui still doesn't know how big the scope of this demon ban is and how effective it is, but if nothing else, it should be able to take effect on both himself and the outside world at the same time.

This means that most of the curses, energy attacks, and soul shocks will be greatly weakened or even invalid in the face of Ivanov. At the same time, he can also use the defense organized by the ineffective opponent through extraordinary abilities to launch attacks on the enemy. attack......

Although it does not work on all extraordinary abilities, Zhao Yesui has just caught a key word.

"Knowledge beyond the truth record of Beilian"

What's the difference between this and his faction determination? Almost all of them are defined by themselves, and they set their own rules. Of course, they will not set rules that are unfavorable to themselves.

At this time, Zhao Yesui finally understood why when Shui Qun mentioned the Beilian players, everyone seemed to avoid talking about it. If what Ivanov said was true, then for most extraordinary players In a word, Beilian players will be veritable killers of superhumans.

"It sounds like a very powerful ability."

Zhao Yesui sighed with sincerity, and then said goodbye to Ivanov: "However, Mr. Ivanov, I still have things to do, I will talk to you next time when I have time, thank you for answering my questions tonight. "

"No need to thank you, this is actually common sense."

Ivanov smiled and asked casually, "So, where are you going so late?"

Zhao Yexuan thought about it and felt that this is not something that can't be said. Anyway, by the next morning, Miss Ji Gong and the others will definitely get the news of the conflict between the puppet master and him from their respective channels, so they said calmly:

"Go kill the puppet master."


Ivanov's voice suddenly became high-pitched, as if he heard something unbelievable, looked at Zhao Yesui and said, "Kill that disgusting lackey? This is of course a good thing, but we didn't make an appointment before. Well, will there be no conflict until the end of the mission?"

Mr. Ivanov really keeps his promise...

The corners of Zhao Yesang's mouth twitched, and then he said the truth: "Because she threatened to kill me, I'm going to kill her now."

That's why it's so plain and simple.

The murderer pays for his life, and the murderer is always killed. Although the puppet master has not yet done anything, it is only a verbal threat. Judging from Zhao Yeshou's professional knowledge, it is not a crime at all, but he feels that crime prevention is still necessary.

If the murderer is strangled in the cradle in advance, there will be no murder case.

"Is that so..."

Ivanov hesitated for a moment, then said to himself: "Tonight's inspection is almost over, this is the last factory planned..."

Then, he looked at Zhao Yeshou and said seriously:

"Can you take me?"

take you?

Zhao Yesui was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Ivanov would want to intervene in this matter.

It was the first official meeting between him and Ivanov tonight. Although the two sides got along very well, the progress was a bit too fast, right?

But thinking about it carefully, Ivanov didn't like the puppet master at first, and for some reason, he seemed to have a favorable impression of Zhao Yeshou from nowhere. Thinking of this, he went out to solve a problem for his friends. It seems that it is not incomprehensible for an enemy who wants to be detrimental to his friend.



Zhao Yesui thought of something, nodded decisively, and said, "Okay."


...................................................... ...................................................... ....

Imperial City, in a residence on the fifth floor of an apartment.

Hezhou's most popular TV series "Reincarnated as a demon and cast a ghost and then dominate the world" is playing on the TV. The husband is lying on the sofa, watching the wonderful TV series on the TV in front of him, relieving the fatigue after a long day of work.

The wife was washing the dishes in the kitchen, and the sound of the radio came from the kitchen.

Their child, a daughter who just entered middle school this year, is doing homework in her room and working hard for the deviation value.

No matter how you look at it, this is an ordinary family in Hezhou.

As the mainstay of the family, the father who works hard to support the family with his salary; as a housewife, the mother who takes care of the family affairs; and the crystallization of their love, a lovely girl.

However, in this happy scene, there is a person who should not exist.

puppet master.

She just sat on the single-seat sofa on the right, eating the fruit cut by her wife, watching the TV series on TV, and commenting a few words from time to time:

"Reincarnated into a demon and cast a ghost... It's really a brain-opening idea, I don't know what Hezhou people are thinking, can come up with this kind of script, but also make this kind of TV series. Approved..."

"But it doesn't seem surprising. After all, Zhao Tu, the devil casts a ghost, is just a symbol of violence, symbolizing absolute authority and the ability to take life and death to most people in this world. People may not like Zhao Tu. itself, but only the power that this identity brings."

After speaking, the puppet master turned his gaze from the TV to the male host sitting on the sofa in the main seat, and said with a smile, "What do you think? Mr. Omiya?"

The person who was called Mr. Omiya by the puppet master didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear the puppet master's question at all.

This is also a normal thing, because he, his wife, his daughter, and even everyone in this apartment have become the puppet masters.

Those who can match Zhao Yesui are of course the best among the brave. It is just a matter of flipping a hand to completely bring an apartment where ordinary people live.

There were a few hiccups in the handling of the apartment, but overall it wasn't a big deal.

Soon, the wife in the kitchen cleaned the dishes and came out, sitting on the sofa with her husband and talking, completely ignoring the puppet master sitting beside them.

The puppet master continued to concentrate on watching the TV. At the same time, her fingers were constantly flying up and down, and the invisible silk thread was pulling puppets to the apartment.

It's a procession outside.

The religious procession initiated by the Omniscientists, a local sect in Hezhou, has legal procedures and proper procedures. The participants in the parade are all followers of the Omniscientists. They are forming a mighty team and heading towards the location of this apartment building.

They are all puppets of the puppet master.

Of course, if it is just an ordinary person, it is impossible to participate in the struggle between players.

Therefore, in the parade team, there are also the puppets that the puppet master has been carefully looking for since he came to the imperial city.

"Then, will you come?"

The puppet master narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled slyly like a fox: "There are so many 'ordinary people' here... If they are also involved in the battle between you and me, Is it against your rules?"

Her fingers were always on, another missionary activity was going on on the outskirts of the imperial city at the moment.

The only difference is that one is a grand procession and the other is a secret mission.

The parade around the apartment has puppets carefully prepared by the puppet master, while the mission field in the suburbs has only a large number of ordinary people.

This is also in line with the expectations of the puppet master.

No matter what Zhao Yejiao chooses, she can get the information she wants.

Can Zhao Yesui find his own body, and...

Will Zhao Yesui disregard the lives of ordinary people?

Just as "Reincarnated as a demon and cast a ghost and then dominated the world" came to an end, the puppet master was about to cut the stage, but the hand holding the remote control suddenly froze.

After a while, she sighed helplessly:

"The Beilian people who killed a thousand knives, the truth of the Northern Alliance who killed a thousand knives..."

"I shouldn't have voted in favor of that **'s speech... Now it's better, it's become the cancer of the entire Xinghai..."

Having said that, the corners of her mouth rose slightly: "However, this is interesting, isn't it?"

...................................................... .....................................................

After finishing the conversation with Ivanov, Zhao Yesui drove with him to the outskirts of the imperial city.

The imperial city is vast, and one-fifth of the entire population of Hezhou gathers in the imperial city. Therefore, in addition to the urban area, the vast suburbs are still full of people, sharing the population pressure of the imperial city.

Suburbs aren't as densely populated as urban areas and generally don't live in the elite, but that means they're more vulnerable to certain rhetoric.

