MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.364Mar 06, 2023


[Miracle · Root Man has taken effect]

[The item bar and skill bar will not be available within 24 hours, and the six-dimensional energy level will drop by three within 24 hours, and you will not be able to obtain the protection of the game of destiny]

The reason why the puppet master can leave the keyboard with both hands to die so easily is due to the effect of her miracle, the person of the root.

In theory, every puppet made by her is her own. Whenever the "host" puppet dies, the next puppet will revive as the host until there is no one else in the world that can act as the host. until the puppet.

At the same level, this situation is very difficult to occur. The cunning rabbit has three caves. The puppet master has stored puppets that can be used as hosts in more than one world. If you want to kill all these puppets, you can only use the miracle or power of restraint. For example, the ability of cause and effect can only be done.

Of course, it's not that there is an easier way.

For example, black fog.

And the person of miracle root is so powerful, its side effects are of course not small.

The blockade of the skill bar and the equipment bar is only one of the costs, and the decline of the six-dimensional can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. The real price is that each "reboot" will deplete her knowledge and wisdom as a smart creature. If there are too many reboots, She may become truly integrated with the puppet, and she will no longer be able to exist as a "puppet master".

To alleviate or even eliminate side effects, it is only possible to condense miracles into power, and even sublime them into divine power.

The reason why the puppet master died so simply was because of the idea of ​​minimizing the loss.

Even if she struggles again, under the joint strangulation of Ivanov and Zhao Yesui, the probability of her surviving is infinitely close to zero, and she will definitely lose a lot of puppets in the process. At that point, she will "restart" again. It doesn't make sense anymore.

A puppet master without puppets is like a computer without electricity, with no bricks to use.

In this case, it is better to break the tail to survive, and then the vast world will make a big difference, and a comeback is just around the corner...

Just as the puppet master was thinking about it, her expression suddenly changed slightly.

Because she heard the change in the content of the conversation of the happy family who was controlled by her.

Originally, the husband was still concerned about the children's academic performance, while the wife listened with a smile on the side, but now the content has completely changed.

The puppet master is a learned man, proficient in hundreds of extraordinary languages, but she is sure it is a language she has never heard of.

But the strange thing is that she can understand what they are saying!

"Praise my lord! You are the death of life, the dragon of the end of all things..."

"Life is but a moment, only death is eternal, engrave your pain, and keep it in your heart..."

"Weaver above the sky, the tide of fate, I pray to you..."

"My lord Olfindland, you are the priest of death, the master of the plague..."


Gradually, your sentence-by-sentence conversation turned into messy chanting, and from messy chanting to neat and uniform babbling.

The puppet master stood up expressionlessly and ran away without any thought of staying on the sidelines.

Only Xiaobai, who has not yet passed the novice stage, will choose to wait and see when he encounters abnormal phenomena.

In fact, bystander doesn't change anything.

Look, look at your dead head, look at you, even though you know the calamity, you still want to watch it, but you feel that your life is not colorful enough, do you want to challenge your luck?

Many incidents have shown that when something like this happens, the best thing to do is to run away.

Unless you have the power to crush everything, staying behind is waiting to die.

The puppet master is not a novice. When the equipment bar and skill bar were blocked, her first reaction was to leave immediately.

But, it's too late.

The puppet master had already blocked her six senses and only supported her movement with silk threads, but the babble still echoed in her mind.

Gradually, the ravings unified from the shuffle at the beginning to the same words:

"In spring, I plant a sun."

"In autumn, I harvest countless suns."

"Praise the Lord of abundance, give us the brilliance of hope, give us the hope of a good harvest..."

"The cycle of life and death, the crops are abundant, this is the abundance."

The puppet master immediately identified the source of the raving.

It was the puppet from this whole building that was dominated by her!

They were all babbling in the same way, frenzied and stiff, like puppets.

This is a scene that puppet masters often see, but seeing this scene at this time only made her feel horrified.

She immediately interrupted her domination, and to be on the safe side, she also terminated the **** of the puppets who had not yet heard the ravings.

But the pollution had passed into her soul, making her thinking stiffer.

The puppet master turned to the family behind him with his peripheral vision, and found that their faces were cold, and the exposed skin suddenly began to wriggle.

Then, before the puppet master turned his eyes away, the skin opened.

It's like fast-forwarding the blooming process of the buds that are about to bloom to this moment, the skin seems to be controlled by some kind of force, twisting out a "vortex", and then suddenly blooming.

Hollows formed by flesh and blood appeared in this family of three, but they just continued to babble as if they didn't notice anything.

The next moment, one after another "eyeballs" radiating dazzling light appeared in these cavities.

Although he knew that he should look away at this time, the puppet master couldn't control his gaze.

Her eyes seemed to be locked on these "eyes", and when she carefully examined these "eyes", she realized that these were not "eyes", but "suns" one after another.

The sun... is talking to me!

After the puppet master realized this fact, the babble that echoed in her mind suddenly became clear and loud, almost confusing her thinking.

"Damn, it's memetic pollution...!"

The puppet master made this judgment.

If it was her in her heyday, she might be able to cope with this level of pollution, but at a time when she couldn't use props and skills, and the six dimensions were declining in all aspects, she couldn't compete with it.

So, she gritted her teeth and manipulated the silk thread with her last thought, wrapping it around her neck.

The thread is tight.


The head fell to the ground.

The puppet master dies again.

reboot again.

On the other side of the ocean, in the distant New Roman Empire, an elegant woman who was chatting and laughing at a reception suddenly froze. The glass in her hand fell to the ground, and the clear wine and glass fragments smeared on the precious blanket.

After responding to the people around her with a smile, the woman walked into the clothing room on the grounds of changing clothes, then locked the door and looked at herself in the mirror, her expression gradually turning cold.

[Miracle · Root Man has taken effect]

[The item bar and skill bar will not be available within forty-eight hours, and six energy levels will be lowered in six dimensions within forty-eight hours, and you will not be able to obtain the protection of the game of destiny]

Yes, she, the puppet master, restarted again.

Ushered in more severe punishment.

Miracles and magic are never free things. If you use miracles twice in a row, the puppet master has already received double the punishment. If you use miracles again before the punishment ends, you will usher in a more terrible punishment.

But by then she had no choice.

Either commit suicide decisively, or be approached by the other party in the state of hanging negative BUFF, and then it will be impossible to escape death.

In contrast, doing it yourself is a little more decent.

"When exactly..."

The puppet master changed his dress and checked the function of the puppet in front of the sink, still thinking about the raving pollution he had just encountered.

There is no doubt that it should be the handwriting of Mr. "Yama", because this kind of strange method is out of tune with this world, and Ivanov is even less likely to have such bells and whistles. Therefore, except for Yama There is no one else outside.

But, when on earth did he come to this building and plant a meme on my puppets?

One wrong step, one wrong step, those unknown thoughts at the beginning caused the initial failure, and step by step created the more tragic failure now.


The puppet master looked at himself in the mirror and adjusted a standard but lifeless smile.

"Just rest here for a while and then go back. This time, it is indeed a big problem, but there is no way to do it..."

If there is still will during the restart, the puppet master can choose which puppet to restart. After judging the current situation, she chose to restart the puppet left in the New Roman Empire when she first entered the scene.

In her eyes, the current imperial city is no different from the Dragon Pool and the Tiger's Den, especially since her abilities are still limited. If she stays there and restarts it, she might just give food, so she chose to restart it in the New Roman Empire.

Yama can't leave the main quest alone and travel across the ocean to the New Roman Empire just to kill me, right?

It doesn't match my perception of him either.

But at the next moment, the puppet master suddenly felt dizzy, and an irresistible drowsiness flooded into his heart.

What is this...?

Before the puppet master could make a decision, there seemed to be a deep blue long sword stabbing from the sky, nailing her soul to death.

There is no chance to resist, puppet master, die again.

...................................................... ...................................................... ............

Imperial City, "Kapok Field" izakaya.

Zhao Yesui and Ivanov sat one after the other. There was a glass and a dozen empty beer bottles on the bar.

"ton ton ton ton..."

Ivanov didn't use a cup, he drank a whole bottle of beer directly to his mouth, and then put down the empty beer bottle, smacking his lips: "Sure enough, it has to be a white bear... that Hezhou The boiled water that people drink is really tasteless..."

After Ivanov proposed to go for a drink together, the two casually found a home liquor store by the roadside, which happened to be the one where the players first met.

The reason why I chose this one is because this one happened to have the "White Bear Beer" that Ivanov wanted to drink, so the two of them didn't run much and just sat down here.

And Zhao Yesui was sitting beside him, holding the straw rope borrowed from the proprietress with both hands, and was weaving something.

"Yam, what are you doing?"

Ivanov glanced at Zhao Yeshou curiously and said, "Are you making up something?"

"Well, make up a straw man."

Zhao Ye's robe crossed the straw ropes attentively, and replied, "It's the first time we've made it, so I don't have much experience."

What he is doing is what is recorded in the magical "Nail Head Seven Arrows".

The back-hand in the apartment has already received feedback, but looking at the puppet master's straightforward appearance, there should be a spare body, so Zhao Yesao doesn't mind spending more effort to see if he can send her to the West again.

Ivanov vaguely guessed something, but didn't say anything. He just sipped his head and drank wine, chatting with Zhao Yesui from time to time, as if seeing each other late.

Finally, Zhao Yesui made up a straw man based on the knowledge he had acquired.

After that, he thought about it, and felt that it was too troublesome to find some mermaid candle oil. The bronze lamp was too troublesome. Anyway, he just tried it. He simply took two oil lamps from the store, put one under the grass man's feet, and hung the other. on the grass man's head.

Then, write "Dominator 8729" on the grass figurine, and in this way, a simple ritual of the book of seven arrows with nails is completed.

It can be said to be a super youth version, and I don't know if those immortals who have used this magical power see Zhao Yeshou's perfunctory so perfunctory.

"Is that enough?"

Ivanov also came over, thought about it, and said with his own common sense: "Could it be... too simple? Although I don't, I have seen Warlocks of the Yan Kingdom use similar Skills, don't seem to be so simple, right?"

"Try it, anyway, she has already died once again, so it's not a loss if she doesn't succeed."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged, recalled what he should do next, stood up, and bowed to the grass man.

According to what was recorded in the magical powers, it seemed that it would take twenty-one days of worship to be able to proceed to the next step, so Zhao Yesui just gave it a try with the idea that the New Year's Eve would come.

Anyway, the arrangement on the other side has already taken effect, and the next thing is unplanned.

Who knows, just a bow, the straw man in front of him suddenly burst into flames, startling Ivanov and the proprietress beside him.

Ivanov helped Zhao Yesui deal with the proprietress who looked like she was going to put out the fire, and then asked Zhao Yesao, "Is this all right?"

" doesn't seem like that..."

Zhao Yesui is a little confused, how is this different from what I learned?

Don't you want to worship the foot for thirty-seven and twenty-one days first, and then shoot the grass figurine with three arrows?

Moreover, it didn't say that the grass figurines would burn themselves?

