MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.367Mar 06, 2023


It is not necessarily a request, but in short, it is to speak.

Hmph, a man has gold under his knees, how can he bend his waist for five buckets of rice? !

Zhao Yesui took a deep breath and said word by word, "Ling, what you said makes a difference."

"What's yours and mine? Isn't this all our family's? You and I don't need to be so clearly distinguished."

Ji Gongling was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that Zhao Yesui would be able to say such tough words in such serious words.

It looks like I made a mistake because I didn't give my husband anything to eat because he didn't go home at night...

No, this is clearly my elixir!

Ji Gongling shook her head, pushed this strange thought out of her mind, and said angrily, "Don't be so familiar with yourself, I'm not so familiar with you..."

When he said this, Ji Gongyao's words suddenly froze.

Because she saw Zhao Yesui take out a piece of paper.

That was their marriage session, which recorded the fact that "Himiya Ayane" and "Chen Yingxia" became legally recognized husband and wife.

There is even a photo of her and Zhao Yesao on it. She smiles gracefully, while Zhao Yesao seems to be a little bit unable to let go, but the two of them stand together quite harmoniously.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that the world is getting worse, and people's hearts are not ancient."

Zhao Yeshou held the marriage ceremony, shook his head, and said slowly: "Today is the first day of my marriage with you, but on this wedding night, not only did we not enter the bridal chamber, but you also kicked me out. Home, send me to do something with the Imperial City Guard."

"Hey, there's nothing you can do about it. Who gave me a handle on you? But when I finished the case, on the way back, I was attacked by a villain, and I had to fight her fiercely, and I was lucky enough to escape. One life, but also scarred and bruised all over."

"Of course, I'm already very lucky, because I still have a life left, and it's enough to be able to come back to see you. But who would have thought that for you, for your Ji Gong family, I've been born and died, and now you are even alive. Even if you don’t even want to give me a bottle of elixir, is our marital relationship so fragile that even a bottle of elixir can’t compare?”

Speaking of this, Zhao Yesui seemed to be in the play, and said excitedly: "I know you look down on me, I won't say it, but it doesn't mean I don't know, on this wedding night, I can only talk to my friends. Borrowing wine to relieve worries..."

"Bitter wine hurts my throat, and there is no Ye Weiyang in my dream..."


Ji Gongling looked at Zhao Yeshou who was reciting with emotion, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

The friendship between us?

Is there really such a thing?

Didn't we just meet today?

Also, although today is theoretically our wedding night, I didn't let you kill the puppet master!

Also, why are you and Ivanov drinking and having fun without going home at night, why are you related to me? ? ? ? ? ?

In the end, Ji Gongling reluctantly took out a bottle of elixir from the inventory and handed it to Zhao Yesui: "Okay, my husband, don't take that piece of paper to read the scriptures, I was wrong. I'm wrong, isn't it?"

Zhao Yesui stopped and glanced at Ji Gongling in surprise, not expecting that she would actually give it.

He was just joking, Zhao Yesui really had no idea of ​​taking such a valuable thing for nothing.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yesui took the elixir and said seriously to Ji Gongling, "Thank you, Miss Ji Gong."

"You are a good person, and a good person will definitely be rewarded."

"Farewell, husband, please don't say I mistreat you, I will be thankful." Ji Gongling pouted and said, "I don't dare to ask for anything in return."

"There is no good news, I can create good news."

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows, and after saying this seriously, he checked the elixir in his hand and confirmed that there was no problem, so he planned to drink it up.

At this moment, Jigong Ling stopped him.

"This is a special elixir made by Zhaoqi Taisha."

Jigong Ling hesitated for a moment, but still said: "So, you need to take it in a special way to get the best effect."

Zhao Ye asked shamelessly, "For example?"

"...You should just drink it." Ji Gong Ling said.

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and didn't care too much, then drank the clear elixir.

But when he took it, Ji Gong Ling sat beside him.

Zhao Yeshou subconsciously sat beside him.

"What are you hiding?" Ji Gongling said angrily, "Sit down with me."

Zhao Yesui originally thought that Ji Gongling planned to settle accounts in the autumn, but now it doesn't look like it, so he sat next to her again.

Ji Gongling glanced at him, snorted softly, and said, "You are lucky, this is the prayer song of the goddess and witches of Zhaoqi Taisha. In this world, no one is qualified to listen to it except gods."

God? me too.

Zhao Yesui can still read the air for the time being, and will not say such unpleasant words at this time.

At this time, he was able to perceive the effect of the elixir in his body. It seemed to be a elixir related to the sun attribute. , to restore vitality to the body that had been dried up.

It was at this moment that Ji Gong Ling opened her cherry lips and sang softly.

There are no specific lyrics, and no emotional thoughts to be pinned on. It seems to be just random, but it has a magical power to indulge in it.

Even a war ghost who has experienced hundreds of battles and is riddled with evil spirits will wash away the sins of a lifetime in such gentle prayers.

Of course, Zhao Yesui didn't feel that way. He was well-ordered and had no sins to be washed. He just relaxed his body during this prayer, feeling the elixir surging in his body, making his body revitalized.

At the same time, the exhaustion of releasing Sword God Taixu twice in a row flooded into his heart, and Zhao Yesao was rarely able to restrain his drowsiness, so he just wanted to fall asleep like this.

Hmm, isn't it rude to go to sleep while Miss Himemiya is still dissolving the power of the elixir for me...

Just as Zhao Yesui was thinking about it, he felt a slender hand holding him, and someone said softly, "Go to sleep, I will sing for you until sunset."

"Now you can't say that I won't let you bridal chamber..."

Does that mean the bridal chamber?

Zhao Yesui thought for a while, but still decided not to be a gangster at this time, and let his body fall down gently with the guidance of Ji Gongling, as if it was resting on something soft.

Fall asleep.

...................................................... ...................................................... ...

P.S. Currently owed (3/14).

By the way, another unlimited bounty will be opened, and the rules will follow the previous ones.

to ask why...

Because I ordered two illustrations for 1W, and I urgently need to restore blood (X

Chapter 429 Can you compete?

When Zhao Yesui woke up, he found himself lying on the sofa. It seemed that someone helped him take off his shoes, so that he could lie on the sofa.

And when Zhao Yesui moved his gaze slightly upwards, he saw Ji Gongling's face.

At the same time, he felt his head resting on something soft, if nothing else, it should be Himemiya Aya's thigh.

In general reason, this should be called a "knee pillow".

It stands to reason that this is an uncompromising perspective of death.

Although this behavior is described very beautifully in many literary works, in fact, from this perspective, no matter how good-looking people are, they will become very strange, and even small flaws will be infinite. enlarge.

At the same time, the "knee pillow" also has a very critical problem.

That's why it's not comfortable to lie down like that.

After a normal human puts his legs together, there will be a gap between the two TUIs.

This means that no matter how you lie down, it is impossible for people to lie down comfortably.

After all, the reason why tools such as tools are made is to do things that humans cannot do. A good pillow is not needed, so why use a degenerated tail to pillow your head?

But Zhao Yesui felt as if he was lying on the water with tension, a bit like the touch of a water bed, and the position of his head seemed to be supported by something, and it was just cold and cold.

Zhao Yeshou turned his head to look at it, and without any surprise, he saw the blue-blue spiritual power surging like a sea wave under his head.

"Tsk, actually using spiritual power at such a time..."

The corners of Zhao Yesui's mouth twitched, and she looked up at Ji Gongling, who just took her eyes away from the document in her hand and looked at him.

Even from this perspective of death, Himimiya Aya is still very good-looking, probably because her appearance is indeed flawless.

"Awake?" Ji Gongling chuckled and said, "You have slept for a long time, my husband."

"long time?"

Zhao Ye's robe sat up without hesitation, and summoned the bronze clock that belonged to him.

Clocks and weather can deceive people, only their own miracles can not deceive people.

If he cheated, it can only prove that there is a mystery far beyond himself interfering with his own body. At that point, it is natural to be cheated.

"'s five o'clock in the afternoon?"

Zhao Yesui blinked, not expecting that he had slept for so long.

It was almost six o'clock in the morning when he returned to Jigong's house, and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Yesui did not expect that he would be able to sleep for such a long time.

Although it was because of the continuous use of the Taixu Sword God, the elixir that Himemiya Aya gave and the prayers she sang should also have a large part of the reason.

During the routine inspection of his physical condition, Zhao Yesui unexpectedly discovered that the conceptualization of the black sun had actually moved forward a little bit.

No, it shouldn't be said to be a little bit, but due to the limitation of the black sun itself, it seems to be only a little bit. In fact, Zhao Yejia can perceive that his black sun has exceeded 100% conceptualization.

Before, the external performance of Black Sun was 99.99999999999%. This was just because Zhao Yesui had not yet figured out what kind of miracle the Black Sun would condense into. Now, after taking the elixir, the concept of Black Sun is in a certain It's done in a sense.

But miracles are the embodiment of the mind of the extraordinary, and miracles will not happen until Zhao Yesui really understands his mind.

And the elixir that can achieve this step, will it really be something simple?

Zhao Yesui checked the information bar.

[Player Ye Lin took the secret elixir Amaterasu Kagura]

[Player Ye Lin received the blessing of God's Prayer Song Amaterasu Kagura]

[Player Ye Lin has recovered all states]

[Player Ye Lin's six-dimensionality has been improved]

[The sun attribute of the player Yerin has been strengthened]

[Player Yerin's Black Sun conceptualization progress has been improved]

[Player Ye Lin please condense miracles as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary losses]


Looking at this series of information, Zhao Yesui faintly realized that something was wrong.

He originally thought that what Ji Gongling gave him was just a bottle of MP potion, or a bigger bottle of blue medicine, but it seemed that this bottle of elixir was far from being as simple as Zhao Yejiao imagined.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Zhao Yesui asked Ji Gongling: "Miss Ji Gong, I can ask, if this bottle of elixir is put on the market, what will the market price be...?"

Jigong Ling thought for a while and replied, "Well, the elixir of Amaterasu can't be released into the market... However, if you have to make a price..."

Himemiya Aya stretched out her slender fingers and began to write down numbers on the table in front of her.

The ice-blue spiritual power condensed into clear numbers, and Zhao Yesui stopped decisively when he saw the six-digit number.

"Stop! No more writing! I don't want to know if there are numbers after this!"

Zhao Yeshou stretched out his hand and stopped Ji Gongling's next move.

It seems that she really has plans to write later...

"Is it okay to use such a precious elixir directly for me?"

Zhao Yesui finally asked: "Although we are husband and wife, but our relationship is not so good, right?"

"Now I'm starting to feel that our relationship is not good again, don't you?"

Ji Gongling curled her lips and said, "You didn't have such a guilty conscience when you accused me of the 'new wife' being unqualified before with a marriage certificate..."

Because I was just playing cosplay at that time...

Zhao Yesui really just said this to Ji Gongling just as a joke yesterday. He felt that Ji Gongling should also be able to understand what he meant. After all, the two have only known each other for such a short time, how could it be taken seriously?

