MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.369Mar 06, 2023


Thinking about it too, if someone had shouldered the responsibility of supervising an evil **** who could destroy the universe from a long time ago, then no matter how timid she was, she would gradually become indifferent.

If we had to make an analogy, it would be like someone who came into contact with the real Zhao Yesao and spent time with him day and night, of course he wouldn't feel that death was a terrible thing.

This job is even more exciting than sleeping on a nuclear bomb that may explode at any time. Even with the matching "prison", it is a heart-pounding thing to face an evil **** of that level.

To describe it as walking on thin ice is a bit too forgiving.

Only then did Zhao Yesui realize the tough side of his "legal wife".

Think about it too, to become an apostle of that kind of evil god, how can you do it if you are not strong?

"It's really admirable, Miss Jigong."

Zhao Yeshi said sincerely: "Because I have a similar experience, I think you are indeed very courageous to make such a choice."

"To face that kind of existence... is not something that courage can overcome."

Zhao Yesang said it very sincerely, but Ji Gongling couldn't see the slightest falsehood, so she couldn't help but wonder.

No, you also have the experience of supervising evil gods? ? ? ? ? ?

Has the evil gods spread to such an extent now? ? ? ? ? ?

In a sense, it does.

Don't take Brother Nai as the top one, although it's still just a background board, but when my brother Nai woke up, I looked down on him and killed him as a small three.

Play to play, trouble to make trouble, don't joke with my brother Nai.JPG

Of course, what Zhao Yesui was thinking of at this time was not Nielsyat.

Because the object of his analogy was Jigiya Aya, and he didn't think he was a brave existence.

The reason why people admire those heroes who stand shoulder to shoulder with gods in mortal bodies is because heroes fight against gods with fragile mortal bodies.

This is an instinct engraved in the depths of human genes. The weak overcome the strong and the weak become strong, which is enough to make the blood flow.

As for Zhao Yesui and Niles Yat...

I can only say that I understand.

The reason why the ineffable is terrifying is because he cannot understand, describe, and communicate, but when you are his own kind, then of course you will not feel terrible.

Brother, are you out for a walk too?

Therefore, Zhao Yesui is analogous to Daya.

As for the supervised gods...

Of course it was him.

Zhao Yesui looked at Ji Gongling who was puzzled, and felt a little dazed for a while.

Himemiya Aya relied on the divine artifact Amazumi Cloud as a tool to restrain Nagi.

Then, what did Daya use as a "prison tool" to imprison me?

At the beginning, when he first met Daya, Daya was in a very bad state, so fragile that it seemed that it would shatter with just a touch, and the death intent was so strong that it only needed to be hooked up with black mist and it would escape.

But even so, she still stayed, even if Zhao Yesui at that time could easily kill her.

As a result, before he knew it, the most sturdy fixture had been cast, and Daya easily completed the containment of Zhao Yeshou—even though he had lost himself in it.

At that time, what kind of courage did Daya use to embrace the almost out of control me?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yesui's gaze softened when he looked at Ji Gongling, reached out and patted her head, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work, Miss Ji Gong."

This was what Zhao Yesui had said before, but at this moment, Ji Gongling saw undisguised sincerity and inexplicable distress in his eyes.

Thanks a lot.

I don't know how many times Ji Gong Ling has heard this sentence. Living in Yingzhou, which is good at superficial skills, I can listen to this kind of words at least one hundred and eighty times a day.

But, who can really understand the "hard work" of Ji Gong Ling?

Those who haven't experienced it can't imagine how terrifying the pressure brought by a person in the top is.

Comparing the ants with the galaxy is too optimistic.

So, even though everyone said to Hime Miya-ya, "It's hard work, Miko-sama," and "We'll be finished without you", but they probably didn't think so in their hearts.

As far as Jigiya Aya knows, there are many people who think that even if there is no Tiancongyun, without her, Tianzhan Naqi will be as peaceful as himself, because there is still the threat of Amaterasu.

Since Amaterasu had defeated him, he would definitely be afraid.

Nonsense, utter nonsense.

To understand a high-ranking person with mortal thinking will only fall into one-sided wishful thinking.

Their lives are endless, and their reason is omnipotent. It is completely unworkable to understand their behavior with the simple "view of good and evil" and "life and death" of mortals.

At the same time, there are still many people who are envious and dissatisfied with the fact that she has become the supreme leader of Zhaoqi Taisha because she is holding Tiancongyun.

Even though she didn't stand up and pull out Amakusa Yun for these people, working with these virtuous people still made Himimiya Aya uncomfortable.

And now, a strange player whom she met for the first time in the scene, after fully understanding what Hime Miyaya did, sent her condolences.

Oh, he's no stranger, at least in this scene, he's my legal "husband".

Thinking of this inexplicable marriage, Ji Gongling's mouth pulled into a shallow smile, but she quickly suppressed it and said to Zhao Yesui: "So, does Mr. Yama have a similar experience? Say something like that."

"more or less."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "Evil gods or something, aren't they all over the place?"

— I have a lot of experience both in regulation and being regulated.

"Puchi." Ji Gongling saw Zhao Yeshou's calm appearance, and finally couldn't help laughing, and said, "If there is really such a terrible thing as you said, Mr. Yama, then the entire Xinghai would be early. It should be a mess."

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows and didn't waste much time on the topic of "supervising the evil gods". After all, he couldn't share with Ji Gongling about Nilsyat right now, it was purely looking for trouble for himself.

As for sharing the matter of "supervising Zhao Yesui", it is even more so that he feels that his life is too comfortable.

Therefore, after just thinking about it, he asked the question that he was most concerned about: "Miss Jigong, since you are the apostle of Tenza Naqi, then you should at least have contact with him, right? What is he like? the gods?"

According to Himemiya Aya, the predecessor of Tianxie Naqi was the eight-headed snake.

According to the original mythological records, the Orochi Baqi should be beheaded by Su Xiaowuzun, the younger brother of Amaterasu, and then take out the divine sword Tiancongyun from his tail.

But now, the Orochi Yachi ate both of the younger brothers of Amaterasu, and then became Tenzanaki. Although I don't know what happened in the middle, what exactly is Tenzanaki who survived?

Can the gods gain the strength of each other just by eating...

He seemed to have guessed what Zhao Yesui was thinking. After thinking about it, Ji Gongling said, "Well, what kind of **** is Tianxie Naqi..."

"It's not so much 'eat', it's better to say that their principles merged into one, and a new **** was born. Therefore, although the Yaqi Orochi is still the leading role, the new Tenzhan Nagi is in human form. active."

After Ji Gongling recalled for a while, she nodded and said, "Well, at least you have a big chest."

...................................................... ...................................................... ......

P.S. Originally, there was a bounty, but the next day there was a summer event for no reason. I was a little nervous. I watched the backstage today, and it didn't matter at all.

Wait until tomorrow to settle the bill together, because there is not much.

Chapter 431 The Dragon Tower is about to be established, and active participation is welcome

Pretty big?

Zhao Yesui didn't understand what Ji Gongling was referring to for a while. After thinking for a while, he said, "You mean...Tianxie Naqi's human form has a commendable heart?"

This is really something Zhao Yesui did not expect.

In Zhao Yeshou's imagination, the gods who have reached this level should no longer stick to the so-called form.

Just like Nilsat's real body, it is difficult to describe him with a specific description, and only a very vague description can be made with the words of the riddler who seem mysterious and mysterious.

However, the gods in this world should be different from the outer gods, but the fact that Tianxie Naqi has a "human form" still makes Zhao Yesui very surprised.

"Well, because to be precise, Tianxie Naqi is the eight-headed snake, the existence of the unity of the three gods, Su Yuwu Zun and Yue Yejian Zun."

When it came to this, Ji Gongling thought for a while and said, "Mr. Yama, do you think Yingzhou is strong?"

Zhao Yesui didn't understand why Ji Gongling suddenly asked such a question, but after thinking about it, she said sincerely: "From my point of view...or, from a country From the point of view, I am afraid it is not so powerful."

According to the information revealed by Ji Gongling before, apart from the newly born evil **** Tian Xian Naqi, the entire Yingzhou should only have the top **** Amaterasu. Maybe it is already a veritable giant in the sea of ​​​​stars. , but to put it in this outrageous place in the world, it can only be said that it is barely ranked.

After all, this is the cradle of the gods.

Even Zhao Yesui's happy old home had a high-ranking person sleeping, and there was only one high-ranking person in Yingzhou, which was really not enough to watch.


Zhao Yekai recalled what Ji Gongling said before, and said thoughtfully: "So, Miss Ji Gong, do you mean that this integration was agreed in advance?"


Ji Gongling lowered her eyes and said with a sigh, "Yingzhou needs a second person in the top position, therefore, the two adults, Su Yuwu and Yue Yejian, have reached an agreement with the eight-headed snake, according to their reasoning. Fight to the death, and the winner will inherit everything from the loser."

"But, in the end, the Orochi Yaqi won, so he was the leader, and the three glorious principles were unified. The newly born Tianxie Naqi successfully engraved his own principles in the long river of civilization and was promoted to the top. "

"Although Amaterasu was unbearably grieved, for the sake of the overall situation, in the end, he just sealed Tianxian Naqi."

It really has the style of Yingzhou people... This kind of idea of ​​"new civilization must be better than old civilization" and "revenge will not bring the future no matter what the reason is", I looked at some Yingzhou literature and art in the past Zhao Yesui was tortured for a long time during the work.

However, for this overall behavior, Zhao Yesui can only say that it is not good to comment.

Weakness is the original sin. In a world where the strong have an overwhelming advantage, if there is something you want to protect, you can only rely on your own strength.

"Therefore, Nagi, who was finally born, also has some of the characteristics brought by the two gods, and no longer appears in the form of a giant snake with eight heads and eight tails."

When Ji Gong Ling said this, she recalled and said, "Well, if you ignore the violence and destruction contained in it, then Lord Tenza Naqi is indeed a beauty with a unique style..."

The corner of Zhao Yesui's mouth twitched, and he said, "But you still haven't said what kind of **** Tianxie Naqi is."

"The answer is I don't know either."

Ji Gong Ling shrugged and said helplessly: "Although I became his apostle and took on the responsibility of supervising him, I still can't understand his thoughts..."

"I have no way of knowing what he wants to do, his preferences, his character, everything, because you can't see anything from the destruction of chaos."

"So, it's hard for me to tell you, Mr. Yama, what kind of **** Tianxie Naqi is."

Zhao Yesui blinked and said, "It doesn't matter, after all, it's just my curiosity."

In fact, Zhao Yesui wanted to ask Ji Gongling what the relationship between gods and apostles should be like, but looking at Ji Gongling like this, she probably couldn't ask anything.

When thinking of this, Zhao Yesui suddenly realized a problem.

He tentatively asked: "Miss Jigong, these things sound like the secrets of Zhaoqi Taisha... Is it really okay to tell me such an outsider?"

Ji Gongling glanced at him and said with a chuckle, "It sounds like a secret, but it's not at all."

"Because the birth of Tianxian Naqi could not be concealed from others, and the battle between Amaterasu and Him was the same, so everyone actually knew about this a long time ago, and naturally also knew that Tian Congyun was on me. "

"So, it's just some well-known news. Mr. Yama doesn't have to look like I'm going to kill you."

Ji Gongling narrowed her eyes slightly, raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Also, Mr. Yama, don't consider yourself an outsider, our relationship is very close."

Why do you think I'm your husband again at this time... The bottom line of a flexible husband and wife relationship isn't it...

Zhao Yesui did not refute Ji Gongling's statement, but suddenly remembered something, stood up and said goodbye to Ji Gongling: "Then, thank you Miss Ji Gong, I will remember your help, but now I have something to do, see you later."

Ji Gongling glanced at Zhao Yesao and thought of something. She didn't say more, but threw a document on the table to Zhao Yeshou.

Zhao Yesui caught it, and before he could open it, Ji Gongling said:

"Don't forget, you have to represent the Ji Gong family to deal with the 'Sword Puppet Demon' incident."

"Of course, that matter can be put aside for a while. After all, the 'Sword Puppet Demon' should not be caught in a short time. You can focus on another major vicious incident that just happened this morning. "

"This incident has a worse impact than the 'Sword Puppet Demon' incident, because it touched the face of the New Roman Empire, and the current Hezhou... can only sigh, so this incident is even worse. It's the most important thing."

"Tsk tsk, overnight, Hezhou has angered the New Roman Empire and Daxia at the same time, the emperor is probably already devastated..."

Listening to Ji Gongling's teasing words, Zhao Yesui had probably guessed what the incident Ji Gongling asked him to be responsible for this time.

If there is no accident, it should be the attack on the New Roman Empire's embassy in the Imperial City that occurred early this morning, and the plenipotentiary ambassador of the New Roman Empire in the Imperial City should also "die" in this attack.

- Even if there is no real death, it is almost the same as death, or in other words, life is better than death.

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows, pretended not to hear what Ji Gongling said, and opened the file bag in his hand.

It did not surprise him, it contained the incident that happened in the early hours of this morning, and was officially named by Hezhou as "terrible! The agent of New Rome was assassinated in the mansion!".

For a while, Zhao Yesui stood on the spot, feeling a little subtle.

