MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.370Mar 06, 2023


Well... how to say...

Both incidents were done by him, and now, he has to deal with these two matters as the representative of the Jigong family...

I catch myself?

At the same time, Zhao Yesui heard a prompt from the game of Destiny:

[Personal side quest: Mystery of the Sword Puppet Demon has been updated]

[Quest goal: Hide your identity, and continue to let the name of the sword puppet ghost fly over the imperial city and even the entire Hezhou sky as much as possible. The quest reward will be settled based on the success of hiding and the popularity of the crime]

[It is detected that the player Ye Lin has triggered related events, because the player Ye Lin did not show the relevant elements of "Sword Puppet Demon", the following options are now given]

[One: Let the world know that this incident was done by the "Sword Puppet Evil Ghost", and this incident will be fully counted in the task completion degree]

[Second: Keep yourself safe and clear the relationship with this incident. This incident will be counted as one-third of the completion degree of the task]

The mystery of the sword puppet evil ghost, this is the task that Zhao Yesui appeared after killing Lin Youde and knowing that he was wanted.

Now it seems that the key to this task is not just to "do", but also to let people know that "the sword puppet evil ghost did it".

Zhao Yesui gave the New Roman Empire's embassy in the Imperial City a shock indeed. During the twelve hours he slept, the news had spread all over the streets and alleys. "Blood Moon" did it, some said it was done by the ambassador who was assassinated and "killed", and some said it was done by someone sent by a prince and aristocrat in Hezhou.

Well... in a sense, it all seems right.

However, in these gossip, there is no "sword puppet evil ghost" scene.

—Because everyone doesn’t even know what a “Sword Puppet Demon” is.

The Imperial City Guard did not list the sword puppet ghost as the prime suspect. First, because there was no information related to it at the scene, and second, because from a normal point of view, he just committed a heinous crime. Reason is like rushing to the set to go to the next crime scene.

Of course, there is also the "full help" of a certain superintendent Yu Asakami who presides over the work on the front line.

However, Asakami Yu was kind enough to help out this time.

Because Zhao Yejia just needs to let the world know the name of the sword puppet evil ghost.

"Well, for the sake of maintaining stability, the Imperial City Guard will definitely not actively promote the 'Sword Puppet Demon', so ordinary people should not know that such a person exists, which is very detrimental to the completion of my mission. . . …”

"However, if I take the initiative to report the name of the 'Sword Puppet Demon', it will be very strange, after all, this is the crime given by the Imperial City Guard, and the second is too low... ."

Just thinking about that scene made Zhao Yesui feel so low.

After a beautiful sword fight, Zhao Ye stood tall in the sky and proclaimed, "I am the sword puppet evil ghost, the one who brings judgment to this world."

It's not impossible, but this kind of thing that manifests in front of people has to be done by others to make it appear invisible and effective.

Just like the atmosphere group that often appears in fantasy novels, calling for Zhao Yeshou to shout "such horror" and "adult mighty".

So, where do I go to find someone who can do it all?

First of all, he needs to have a certain position in the Imperial City Guard, with the ability to execute my plan, and secondly, he needs to have a certain relationship with me, otherwise he will not risk losing his head to do this kind of work with me. .....

Threats to get others to carry out their own plans are fine, but that's a low point.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui could only think of a very suitable target.

But, I don't know if he will cooperate with him?

After all, once discovered, it is very likely to be wanted by the faction you belong to...

After standing in the same place and thinking for a while, Zhao Yesui put away the file and said to Ji Gongling, "Since Miss Ji Gong is alive, of course I, Ji Gong Yingxia, do not dare to refuse."

"However, this sword puppet devil looks like a scheming person. It may take a while to bring him to justice. Please also ask Miss Ji Gong Haihan."

"Okay, as long as I can catch it in the end."

Ji Gongling and Zhao Yesui played a riddle that both of them could understand: "After you catch him, remember to tie him up and send him to my room, I want to take this guy out of anger, because of him today, I will deal more with it. I don't know how many things, it's really hateful."

"Well, hateful!"

Zhao Yechuang said indignantly: "It should be cut with a thousand cuts, put in a frying pan, and immersed in a pig cage!"

"Then I'll go first if there's nothing else..."

"Go, let's go." Ji Gongling waved her hand and said, "Will it be late tonight? Will you come back to rest? Do you need me to leave a door for you?"

"It shouldn't be very late...isn't it?" Zhao Yeshi thought about it and said uncertainly: "In short, Miss Ji Gong, you should rest first, don't wait for me."

"Well, if something happens, you can come back to me." Ji Gongling said with a deep meaning: "No matter what happens, I will help you."

"Then I would like to thank Miss Jigong first."

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows, said goodbye and left the room.

Ji Gong Ling looked at his back and fell into deep thought.

"Why... Mr. Yama didn't respond when he heard the name of Tianxie Naqi..."

"If it's simply 'inaudible', it's impossible to retell it... Moreover, when Mr. Yama recounted it, he didn't seem to respond..."

Aya's light blue pupils were filled with doubts.

She suddenly remembered what Zhao Yesang had told her jokingly before.

He said that he had personally experienced the supervision of an evil god.

That wouldn' it true?

...................................................... .....................................................

P.S. Because the next volume needs a lot of tricks, I will build a trick building in the book review area after I wake up. The format will be announced in the post, and everyone is welcome to participate.

Let me tell you in advance that the probability of being selected for a character that is too BUG is not very high, because it is a "dragon suit" (X

But it does not rule out the possibility of adding a supporting role because of the right character.

Chapter 432: Thank you for the rich love experience provided by Yizhu

On the other side, after Zhao Yejia hurriedly left Ji Gong's house, he put his hand on the bone sword.

The reason why he was in such a hurry to say goodbye to Ji Gong Ling was because he suddenly remembered something.

Miss guide.

He slept for twelve hours this time, and he himself was sleeping comfortably, but the lady guide was so anxious for him.

Zhao Yesao had agreed with her before that they would keep in touch with her through this bone sword. At the same time, in yesterday's battle, Miss Guide's full-picture hanging ability also played a big role. Rocked her out of bed.

Although Zhao Yesui couldn't see the situation on Miss Guide's side, judging from the Miss Guide's tone yesterday, she should be quite happy, so when she wakes up today, she will definitely continue to communicate with him about what happened last night. thing.

Then Zhao Yesui disconnected beautifully.

It is conceivable that when Miss Guide woke up and wanted to chat with Zhao Yesao about yesterday's events and discuss the boundary between good and evil, but found that Zhao Yesang never answered her, she would be. how are you feeling

Zhao Yeshou put himself in his shoes and thought about what he would do if he encountered such a situation.

If a friend who made an appointment with him yesterday to open a black hole with him today doesn't respond no matter how he calls it, Zhao Yesui should find a way to confirm his situation.

The guide should think the same way.

And for her, who has a full picture hanging, it couldn't be easier to confirm Zhao Yesao's situation.

Therefore, when she looked at Zhao Yeshou's position with worry, what she saw was a silent scene.

If nothing else, Zhao Yesui should still be enjoying Ji Gongling's lap pillow at that time, and listening to Ji Gongling's prayer song, she fell asleep peacefully.

In other words, this scene should have been seen by the guide lady.

Give, see, arrive, here.

Just thinking about it, Zhao Yesui felt what an embarrassing scene it was.

It would be fine if he wasn't seen by others, that is, he just slept on the beautiful girl's lap for the night, but if he was seen, it wouldn't be so wonderful.

What's more, Miss Guide should be looking for Zhao Yeshou with a very anxious mood...

Zhao Yesui touched the bone sword, and unexpectedly received a message from the guide lady.

Lots and lots of news.

Miss Guide: "Well, I got up so late today. It's all my fault that you tossed me up so much yesterday that I didn't sleep well."

Miss Guide: "Everyone seems to know about the embassy of the New Roman Empire, huh, if I go to report against you now, what will happen to you, sir? So, sir, it is best not to have bad thoughts and do bad things. Ability, if you do bad things, bad things will happen."

Miss Guide: "And...I don't want to see you do this, sir."

Miss Guide: "Aren't you awake yet? Yes, you did a lot of things yesterday."

Miss Guide: "When you wake up, I happen to have some questions to ask you."

Miss Guide: "You said, since the New Roman Empire did such a thing to Hezhou, then, if the attack on the embassy yesterday was done by Hezhou people, is it justified?"

After that, Miss Guide sent a lot of messages, all of which were her opinions, mixed with some short whispers from parents, so that people can imagine how serious and cute the Miss Guide looked when she sent these words just by looking at these words.

Then there is a long blank.

At the very end, there is only one message:

Miss Guide: "You don't need to call me back."


Zhao Yesui knew that there was a big problem when he saw this.

Miss Guide... I'm afraid I really saw the scene just now.

It's not a big problem for the guide lady to know that her relationship with Ji Gongling is actually not a big problem, because with the guide's ability, after a while, you will naturally find out that he is the new son-in-law of the Ji Gong family, Ji Gong Yingxia.

However, to be found out that he is the son-in-law of the Jigong family, and the one-to-one service of the current **** and witch who was found lying on Jigiya Aya's lap, enjoying the service of the current **** and witch of the Shōchi Taisha Shrine, are two different things.

However, Zhao Yesui didn't think it was a low-level thing to be jealous. It should just make the guide lady feel uncomfortable.

Although I don't know why Miss Guide is upset, maybe she has something to do with "Himiya Ayane", maybe it's because she helped Zhao Yeshou with her work, but Zhao Yesang turned her head and lay on the beautiful girl's lap to sleep. Anyway, she was really not happy.

So, how to deal with this kind of problem...

Zhao Yesui flipped through his experience with Gu Yizhu, and quickly found something similar.

"Well, aside from the facts, let's not care what the source of Yizhu's anger is, but directly answer Yizhu's question... This trick works for Yizhu, because Yizhu is a reasonable person. But will it be useful to Miss Guide..."

Zhao Yesui was a little undecided for a while.

If you really want to count, all his experience with the opposite **** comes from Gu Yizhu, but practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. It will definitely not work if you apply the experience accumulated with Yizhu to others, but Zhao. There is no better choice for the night jacket.

So he decided to trust his own experience.

- Mainly because there is no other experience available.

Getting along with Daya is not like getting along with the opposite **** at all, it is more like a process of bringing the souls of both parties closer together with a soul mate.

As for Tongtong...

Zhao Yesui felt that he should have no chance to touch Miss Guide's bed now.

Not to mention Miss Surgeon, what about single-celled organisms, can that be called experience?

Hey, did you forget someone?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

With the cold wind blowing, Zhao Yeshou said something, held the bone sword, and said, "Miss Guide, I'm awake, I just saw your question, I'm really sorry."

"There are a lot of questions, so can I answer them one by one?"

After that, without waiting for Miss Guide's reply, Zhao Yesui answered on his own:

"You said, if the Hezhou people launched an attack on the embassy of the New Roman Empire, is this action justified, right?"

"Then, can I understand that your question is, is it right or wrong for the He Continents who suffered from the colonial rule to rebel against the New Roman Empire on the colonial side?"

"No, I think what you mean by 'embassy' should refer to most of the 'ordinary people' in the New Roman Empire? Otherwise, this question does not need to be answered at all."

"The first thing I can tell you, then, is that the revolution is not a dinner party."


According to his own opinion, Zhao Yesui answered the first question from the guide, and then received a familiar task prompt.

[The World Hidden Quest and Flower Quest progress has been updated]

[Current progress: 8%]

Well, Miss Guide is really peeking at the screen, and she is still reading my answer carefully, otherwise the task progress will not be updated!

With the game of destiny, something similar to the progress bar of the GALGAME strategy, Zhao Yesui was much more relaxed, and then answered the questions of the guide lady one by one.

