MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.383Mar 06, 2023


The sad truth is, I'm afraid the vast majority of the world thinks so.

Forget it, that's Zhao Tu, what does it have to do with me...

Zhao Yeshi comforted himself, and then turned his attention to the corpse in front of him again.

Since according to the setting, no one can know undead magic, then this beheading thing seems a bit weird.

To intimidate, to demonstrate?

Or just cut it off and take it away?

There are too many possibilities, and Zhao Yesui can only put this matter down temporarily.

"The first thing to do is to confirm whether the body is Lieutenant Colonel Liu Wanyu..."

Lin Yi was still observing the corpse in the bathtub, dutifully analyzing it, and asked Zhao Yesao for information: "Have you found a sword puppet in the house? If not, then my guess is that it is very likely that real......"

Zhao Yesui didn't answer her, just stepped forward and put his hand on the shrunken skin of the corpse.


Lin Yi slowly made a question mark.

"Are you planning to observe any clues on the corpse?" Out of professional habit, Lin Yi subconsciously persuaded: "But that's not very useful, the corpse in this state will not leave any information, unless a special technology, but this is the imperial city, we can't do that..."

Just as Lin Yi was saying this, Zhao Yesui looked back at her and said, "Stay back a little, be careful of splashing."

Lin Yi didn't understand what Zhao Yesang was saying at all, and even wanted to sneer, but looking at the other party's serious eyes, and thinking of Zhao Yesang's performance along the way, she still took two steps back in silence.

Then, she saw a terrifying scene.

The corpse in the bathtub twitched twice in the bathtub as if it had come to life.

The tank full of corpse water that was almost overflowing suddenly splashed out, and it was really bad luck to be contaminated by this kind of thing.

Because of taking two steps back, the corpse water didn't touch Lin Yi, but watching the rotting corpse water leap up still made people feel fearful.

After calming down, Lin Yi looked at Zhao Yesui again, but found that Zhao Yeshou did not step back, as if the scene just now was what he expected.

And the splashing corpse water...

Lin Yi hesitantly looked at the sword puppet on Zhao Yeshou's body, she doubted her eyes.

Was the scarlet paint on it... wiggling?

Soon it will be clean again.

"Zhao Tu...?"

Zhao Yeshou appeared so calm, and things like "Susheng of the dead" seemed to be irrelevant. Lin Yi could only try to call Zhao Yessang.

But at this moment, the body moved again.

It stood up silently from the bathtub, and the fat body trembled. Lin Yi, who knew how the corpse of the Giant View was formed, knew that it was filled with rotting corpse water and gas...

She wasn't very scared, just looking around, looking for a weapon that could be used.

Zhao Yesui didn't pay attention to Lin Yi's reaction, just closed his eyes and began to retrieve the information contained in the corpse in front of him.

Ordinary necromancers can't do anything about this situation. Although there are also undead like "headless knights", after losing their brains and souls, they can only resurrect a corpse without intelligence. Telling yourself something is nothing short of a fantasy.

However, Zhao Yesui is not just a necromancer.

He is also a flesh and blood sacrificer handed down by Tianmo Palace.

Theoretically speaking, it is still the heirloom of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

...................................................... ......................................

P.S. Book friends said that it is possible to fix the update time to facilitate the follow-up. I thought about it and it makes sense, so it will be fixed at 5:30 in the morning in the future. If there are no special circumstances, it will usually be updated at 5:30 in the morning, which is also convenient for everyone. Wait for an update.

Although I personally recommend waking up the next day to watch (X

Chapter 442 I am the person of the eldest princess

Negative energy systems, broadly defined, are energy systems that are contrary to the existence of living beings and cause harm to living beings.

The undead spell is the most well-known spell system among them. It is a veritable negative energy spell to call the dead back to the world and blaspheme the dead.

Another spell system mastered by Zhao Yesui, flesh and blood spells, although on the surface it is a spell for manipulating anger, it is still a spell for the purpose of destroying living beings, so it is also classified as a negative energy system.

After losing the brain, it is not easy to read clear information, but for the flesh sacrificer, this is the field they are good at.

Zhao Yesui stared at the headless corpse in front of him and began to dominate every inch of his body.

The body itself does not have the ability to remember, but with the ability of the flesh sacrificer, it can make them reflect the short-lived images before birth.

As for the principle...

Don't ask, ask is extraordinary.

Soon, Zhao Yesui read the information contained in the headless corpse in front of him.

For a flesh sacrificer, this is a no-brainer.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yejia knew after seeing the corpse that this time's own reasoning was impossible.

"Physical strength is not low, but not that strong..."

"Without a brain, there is no way to directly retrieve memories, so let's see what happened to him..."

Zhao Yesui awakened the flesh and blood and began to read the information.


The information that flesh and blood can remember is very low-level in the classification, there is no way to understand it with the brain, and it can only be contacted by empathy.

There was an icy feeling on the skin. This kind of feeling called "coldness" was something Zhao Yesui had not experienced for a long time.

Since he took the identity of Helios and possessed the Black Sun, things like cold have nothing to do with him at all.

But now, with the help of empathy, Zhao Yeshou experienced this feeling after a long time.

"If you can feel the cold, then there should be no armed sword puppet..."

Zhao Yesui made such a judgment.

As the level of empathy deepened, Zhao Yesui gradually acquired other senses.

The dark night sky, the icy cold wind, the current position of "I" is...

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows.

It was exactly where he was five minutes ago, by the window sill outside 5313.

If you only look at this point, the possibility that this corpse is Liu Wanyu will be greatly reduced.

Generally speaking, no one will be full and stretched out on their windowsill for hours.

Yes, this unknown person waited patiently outside the window sill for several hours, during which nothing special happened, Zhao Yesui had to fast-forward through the part where the information was scarce.

And as time goes by, Zhao Yesui can share more and more information.

Soon, he heard the click of the door lock unlocking.

"If this person came to monitor Liu Wanyu, then it should be Liu Wanyu himself who came back from the door at this moment..."

Zhao Ye's heart moved slightly, slowing down the speed of empathy.

The sound of footsteps gradually became clearer, and the person who came back did not seem to have a definite goal, but walked around the room.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped.

At the same time, the time when Zhao Yesang sensed his body surface seemed to have stagnated.

He was very familiar with this feeling, because Zhao Yesui was no stranger to manipulating time because he had the relevant skills.

But it was the first time to feel so helpless as now.

Because he is not Zhao Yesui now, but the unfortunate who died. He has no relevant skills in the time domain, and he has no armor, so he has almost no resistance to this extraordinary ability in the time domain.

When Zhao Ye's senses became clear again, he could already feel the tingling sensation from his neck.

The chill has gradually dissipated, replaced by the hot and dry feeling of charging XUE.

"He" seemed to be holding his neck and held it high, and his right hand frantically danced to touch something, but he couldn't do it.

After a long silence, Zhao Yesui felt that his body seemed to be soaked in warm water.

Faintly aware of what was going to happen next, Zhao Ye sighed, but still did not choose to quit.

Sure enough, after a short sound of a long sword breaking through the air, Zhao Yesui felt a strange feeling coming from his neck, and warm liquid spurted out from the fracture.

he died.

The death energy is gradually permeating, but Zhao Yesui has not withdrawn from the state of empathy, but just feels it quietly.

The corpse he empathized with was dead, but it was still recording information at the last moment.

Only when he was dying did Zhao Yesui gain the clearest senses.

It was a familiar demonic nature. The murderer made no secret of his evil intentions, probably because he felt that there was nothing to hide about a corpse.

After a while, Zhao Yesui opened his eyes again and removed his hands from the corpse, and the corpse fell into the bathtub like a marionette that had lost its support.

Fortunately, due to the fact that a lot of corpse water had been splashed out before, there was no such great momentum at this moment.

Seeing Zhao Yesui reopen his eyes, Lin Yi, who was looking at him with bated breath, said tentatively, "Zhao Tu? How is it?"

She could probably guess that Zhao Yesui was using some unknown means to obtain information. Although it was very scary to see a corpse with a giant appearance standing up, but as a member of the Great Summer Dragon Sparrow , Lin Yi didn't feel anything about this kind of nonsense.

The dead Susheng? Can you be stronger than the swordsman of the town country? Can you survive heavy bombardment?


Can't what am I afraid of?

In a world with extraordinary existence, the resurrection of the dead is not a frightening thing.

"Well, maybe I know something."

Zhao Ye turned around, looked at Lin Yi, shrugged and said, "For example, the corpse in the bathtub should be Lieutenant Colonel Liu Wanyu."

"Well?" Lin Yi did not directly question, but asked, "How did you come to this conclusion?"

"Use some . . . earthwork."

Zhao Yesui felt that it was too troublesome to explain the flesh-and-blood spell to Lin Yi, so after making a fool of himself, he faced Lin Yi's gaze and said, "Remember the nonsense I told you before? Lying in the bathtub at the moment The one in the middle is either Lieutenant Colonel Liu Wanyu or his enemy."

"And just now, I confirmed that the person who killed this unknown person should not be Lieutenant Colonel Liu Wanyu, so it is very likely that the deceased is Liu Wanyu."


Lin Yi wanted to ask Zhao Yesao what kind of earthwork he used to come up with such a jumping information, but Zhao Yesui would not answer, so she could only say: "Then what? Is there any other information? ?"

"Yes." Zhao Yesui said calmly: "For example, the person who killed Lieutenant Colonel Liu Wanyu should be one of the eight most dark swordsmen."

"That kind of unique miracle, as well as the evil nature, should be simulated by no other sword puppet except the darkest sword puppet."

When he was just captured, Zhao Yesui already had some guesses.

Miracles in time are rare, and even less so if they are specific to this world.

If this could possibly be a coincidence, then the demonic nature that Zhao Yesui sensed when he was dying would be a stronger proof.

If the two are separated, then there are others, but when the two are together, there is no second possibility except the Darkest Sword Puppet.

Therefore, Zhao Yesui temporarily overturned his initial conjecture and assumed that the deceased was Liu Wanyu.

This can also explain why Liu Wanyu is so vulnerable.

He didn't wear armor at first, because there would be an inexplicable sense of qi between swordsmen, and he might not have been discovered, but if he was armed with a sword puppet, he would be discovered for reasons similar to crisis induction.

Unexpectedly, the other party is holding such a tricky miracle, even if it is only for a short moment, it is enough for the swordsman to catch Liu Wanyu.

What's more, according to what Zhao Yesui just saw, this miracle seems to be able to be used indefinitely.

Even if the two sides made it clear that they were fighting, Liu Wanyu would definitely lose.

"If he is indeed Liu Wanyu, then the reason why he hid outside the house to observe should be because he found that he was already being watched, so he planned to use this method to lure the enemy out. I think about it, give a false information Fake a shot, let the enemy think he left, and then come back?"

Zhao Yesui pondered: "But, how does he know that the other party will come directly to the door? Logically speaking, isn't it all in a way that is not easy to be detected?"

Even Zhao Yesui, a talented and daring person, touched it from the outer wall of the building, and used a puppet to confirm the situation in the room before entering directly. If someone with the same purpose as him directly pushed the door and If you go in, it's really covered.

"Also, at the beginning, I seemed to hear the sound of the lock being unlocked... But it doesn't seem to be any strong evidence. After all, if it's the Darkest Swordsman, it's someone from the Imperial City Guard. The key to getting here is not difficult..."

