MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.396Mar 06, 2023


At the same time, as Himimiya Aya said, it was also a decisive factor that directly changed the world pattern after the Third World War.

It is not impossible to change the world pattern because of one person's reasons, and it is even common in the extraordinary world.

"Then Governor Pei is really..."

Zhao Yesui thought for a while and said, "The limbs are well developed."

"Are you trying to say the first half of the sentence?" Ji Gongling glanced at him, then curled her lips and said, "Mr. Yama looks like a very cautious person, even if he encounters a formidable opponent, he will find a way to divide them. , weaken them, so it may not feel that way."

"However, there are times when there is no other option than resorting to violence to break through."

"At that time, Governor Pei's actions were not approved by Daxia, or no one dared to sign such an action report, but it turned out that Governor Pei won the bet. Now the battlefield between the two sides may not be Hezhou."

"It's a coincidence that it's the same in this world..."

When he said this, Ji Gong Ling suddenly stopped talking.

"Are you trying to be a riddleman?" Zhao Yesui smiled slightly, stared at Ji Gongling, and leaned forward, almost touching Ji Gongling's face.

Facing Zhao Yeshou's dead fish eyes, Ji Gongling chuckled helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, I won't be rude, I'll just tell you."

"The Yan Kingdom also faced a similar situation at the beginning, and the friction with the Eternal Life Council became more and more intense. At that time, the Three Pillars of the Eternal Life Council were at least quite harmonious on the surface, so the two sides were considered evenly matched."

"I was not born at that time, but it is said that there were two factions in Yan Dynasty, one was headed by Director Ye Chusheng, and the other was headed by Ji Shangxian, but those who supported the latter far outnumbered the former."

"After all, Director Ye has always been called a 'human-shaped seal', and he doesn't care much about matters. Ji Shangxian manages the affairs of the Life and Strategy Bureau, and Ji Shangxian's decision-making was more reasonable at that time."

"In the end, Director Ye gave up getting the approval of others at the meeting, went to battle alone, and won. Since then, there has been a short-term peace between the Eternal Life Council and the Ming Policy Bureau, until today."

"This Director Ye has quite developed limbs..." Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "So, there is no king in Hezhou now?"

"There shouldn't be." Ji Gongling replied, "After Governor Pei killed that swordsman, he also destroyed Hezhou's sword, and for the next 30 years, Hezhou was Under the supervision of Daxia and New Rome, there should be no chance to forge a brand new sword of repression."

"So, this time the appearance of the Darkest Sword Puppet will be particularly noticeable. After all, if Hezhou has another swordsman of the country, it will cause the current equilibrium situation to be broken, and the world will fall into a turbulent situation again. among."

If a king wanders around unreasonably and waits for an opportunity to destroy, it is difficult to be caught, and even an opponent of the same level is difficult to completely defeat him.

Therefore, if there is another king in Hezhou, the situation may be improved.

However, it is still not enough to change the current situation in Hezhou.

After all, thirty years ago, Pei Changkong was able to kill a swordsman of the country alone. Thirty years later, Daxia and New Rome can still send a number of swordsmen to suppress the country at will to suppress Hezhou. A national swordsman might be able to give Hezhou a little respite, but the repression he faces may be more severe.

In this case, maybe lying flat is the best option.

Nothing will happen if you lie flat. If you don't lie down, you will get punched when you sit up. In this case, lying down is done.

"The Darkest Sword Puppet..."

Zhao Yesui fell into contemplation.

According to the information he has obtained so far, the Darkest Sword Puppet was cast by Zhao Tu.

Although I don't know how Zhao Tu did it, things have come to this point, and the only question now is why these Dark Sword Puppets fell into the hands of the Imperial City Guard.

"I remember, didn't Zhao Tu fall into the hands of the New Roman Empire? In this case, even if the Dark Sword Puppet was cast, it was made for the New Roman Empire. How could he come to Hezhou..."

Zhao Yesui pondered, feeling that he seemed to have captured some key information.

At this moment, the prompt of the game of destiny sounded:

[A player has been detected unconscious for a full day]

[The main task of the second stage will be settled in advance]

[The third phase of the main mission is about to start]

After the public intelligence report, it is their respective reminders:

[The task objective is being settled...]

[Player Ye Lin's current identity is: Hezhou Jigong's young master]

[Task completion: 387%]

[Evaluation of the second stage task: scumbag]

[The third stage of the main task has been opened]

[Main quest: Obtain information about the Darkest Sword Puppet with the help of their personal connections in the Imperial City Guard. The focus of this stage is the operation and casting methods of the Darkest Sword Puppet]

[Players are requested to cooperate actively, work together, and be careful to guard against unstable elements in the team. If necessary, you can join hands to eliminate them, and the game of destiny will not count this as a violation]

"The main quest has been updated?"

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows.

The main task of the second stage is to let them gain status in a force related to the Imperial City Guard, the higher the better.

Because Zhao Yesui had no relevant identity at the beginning, he took a chance and became the young master of the Jigong family, and won the highest evaluation of this stage of the task.

However, the next stage of the task made Zhao Yejiao unable to understand.

"Operation method and casting method... I can understand the casting method. What is the operation method? How does the Darkest Sword Puppet work?"

Zhao Yesui pondered: "Why does the sword puppet move? Isn't it a matter of course, just like birds are born to fly, Miss Lu is born to be arrogant, and the author of the hedgehog cat is born to coo, it's just and right."

After contacting what he saw last night, Zhao Yesui suddenly realized something.

"The meaning of this mission... is it that we need to find out the reason why the Darkest Sword Puppet can use miracles without limit?"

Last night, Zhao Yesui saw the ability of the Darkest Sword Puppet.

It is by no means a power, nor a miracle, but it can be used without restrictions. Zhao Yesao faintly realized that something was wrong at that time, so he warned Yu Qiangami to use it as little as possible.

Now it seems that this dark sword puppet is really weird.

This is also in line with the idea that Zhao Yesui just had in mind.

"It is known that Zhao Tu was captured by people from the New Roman Empire, and Hezhou is definitely not capable of robbing people from the New Roman Empire, so it can be considered that this batch of Dark Sword Puppets fell into the hands of the Imperial City Guard. The meaning of the new Roman Empire..."

Zhao Yesui faintly realized something: "That is to say, this may be a transaction?"

If the Darkest Sword Puppet is really weird, then being the Darkest Swordsman may not be an honor, but a complete disaster.

That being the case, the New Roman Empire will not surrender until the last drop of Hezhou's blood has been shed.

If it is difficult, of course, let your little brother go to the thunder, do you still go to the mine yourself?

In other words, the Imperial City Guard and the Swordsmen of the Darkest Darkness are probably just guinea pigs.

This guess made the already complicated situation even more troublesome.

If the Darkest Sword Puppet was secretly created by the New Roman Empire and Hezhou, why would the New Roman Empire pretend to know nothing about the Darkest Sword Puppet?

...... Just thinking about it, Zhao Yesui smelled the breath of conspiracy.

"No, it's too early to draw conclusions, the task flow hasn't been pushed to that point..."

Zhao Yeshou shook his head and stopped thinking.

The reason for this guess is that after Zhao Yesui received and performed four hidden missions, his knowledge of the world far exceeded that of the other three teammates, and he obtained information beyond the current stage.

If nothing else, the fact that the Darkest Sword Puppet was actually forged by Zhao Tu was already very precious.

The only question now is whether to selectively reveal some of the information he knows to his teammates.

Zhao Yesui raised his head and looked at Ji Gongling, who was also looking at the void in front of her thoughtfully, probably looking at the task panel.

To explain how he came up with this guess, he had to explain about Zhao Tu, about Miss Guide, and even more about the Sword Puppet Demon.

However, now there are only three teammates left, Yu Asagami, Ji Gongling and Ivanov. After a short contact, Zhao Yesui felt that they were all teammates worthy of trust.

Therefore, it is not a problem to see through the bottom a little.

Just when Zhao Yekai was about to speak, Ji Gongling nodded and said, "'If necessary, we can work together to exclude it, and the game of destiny will not count it as a violation'... uh , Who is this talking about? Could it be the sword puppet evil ghost who is now famous?"

"Hey, it's scary. Is he our teammate? You have to be careful about the next task, or what if you are suddenly stabbed by him? Do you think so, Mr. Yama?"


Zhao Yesang quietly looked at Ji Gongling, who was pretending to be surprised, and did not speak.

Forget it, I won't talk about it, you can find clues by yourself.

"That's right, Miss Ji Gong, you have to be more careful." Zhao Ye said meaningfully: "I heard that he likes to attack young girls like you, Miss Ji Gong, and uses sweet words to coax them into being fooled, and often ends up in the end. It's terrifying to be deceived and defrauded of money."

"However, Miss Ji Gong, you can rest assured that I absolutely can't bear to see such a thing happen. If he plans to attack you, I will definitely close my eyes."

However, the sword puppet evil ghost returns to the sword puppet evil ghost. It is the so-called separation of human skin. This identity has nothing to do with me, so Zhao Yesui can confidently declare that he and the sword puppet evil ghost are nothing at all. Not like.

"Sir husband, you are not a gentleman at all. At this time, you should say, 'I will protect you no matter what, Princess Princess'." Ji Gongling snorted: "But, it doesn't matter, I am absolutely~ impossible to be You can rest assured that an evil guy like the Sword Puppet Demon has succeeded."

"As for now... Let's go and discuss the mission with our two remaining teammates. After all, what we have to do next is the real main mission."

"Then I'll contact them." Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "Mr. Asaka can say, we already have a covenant with him, so we just need to contact him through the covenant."

"But Mr. Ivanov is in trouble. He can't use any means of communication other than those approved by Beilian Truth, but I exchanged mobile numbers in this world when I was drinking with him before, and I should be able to contact him. —As long as he's not doing research in the factory."

"Then I'll leave it to you, my husband." Ji Gongling picked up the file in her hand again, and said as if she suddenly remembered something: "By the way, if it's convenient, before they come, you can help me deal with it. something?"

"That's not necessary..." Zhao Yesui subconsciously refused.

Ji Gongling smiled and said to Zhao Yesui: "It's the three major events that have happened in succession recently, Lin Youde, the ambassador of New Rome, Liu Wanyu, three people who have important positions in different forces have been assassinated one after another, the emperor has been assassinated one after another. Facing the situation of internal and external troubles, we increased the weight layer by layer and put the pressure on us.”

"The key point now is whether to determine that these three incidents were committed by one person, and whether to publicize the bad deeds of the three people to prove that the sword puppet incident was caused by an enthusiastic swordsman, not Hezhou. Man's revenge..."

"Because I sent you as the representative of the Jigong family before, I was thinking whether it would be better to let you go this time, but now it seems that I can only find someone else... "

"As the young master of the Ji Gong family, it is of course my duty to deal with this kind of thing and share the family's worries!"

Zhao Ye's face did not change his face and changed his words at the speed of light: "Furthermore, this is also to share your worries for Ling, and it is what I should do as a qualified husband."

Ji Gongling glanced at him with a half-smile, but said nothing. She lowered her head and said lightly, "Is that so? Actually, I don't expect your husband to treat me so well, as long as you don't cheat in marriage. Things will be fine."

"For example, Governor Pei, a certain lady in the scabbard behind you, or a girl I don't know..."

"That's absolutely impossible." Zhao Yesui denied: "Even if I die and jump out of here, I won't be able to do anything to hurt you, Ling!"

"Otherwise, I will use myself to sacrifice the sword to apologize!"

...................................................... ...................................................... .

P.S. Note, the Daxia in this volume belongs to the feudal dynasty, so everyone should not imitate it and have some strange moral requirements for it (X

Yesterday, I was pulled to invalid social networking, and when I came back, the author's backstage collapsed again, so there was no more.

Chapter Four hundred and fifty-six The third day of the wedding is just like this, will you still have it?

Half an hour later, when Ivanov and Asakami Yu came to Jigong's house, and were led by the maids to Jigiya's office, what they saw was Jigongling and Zhao Yeshou sitting opposite each other, sharing A scene of a married couple dealing with affairs in harmony.


Although I already knew about the marriage of Zhao Yesui and Ji Gongling, but seeing that Ji Gongling would actually sit with Zhao Yessao, chatting a few words from time to time, like an old husband and wife, Asaka Yu still felt Somewhat unbelievable.

Different identities have different understandings of Himimiya Aya.

If she was a member of the Teruchi Taisha, she would probably feel that the current goddess and priestess are very gentle, amiable, and trustworthy.

But for Yu Asagami, a wanted criminal wanted by the Teruchi Taisha Shrine, the image of Himimiya Aya is like a demon with a green face and fangs.

So much so that in his eyes now, this scene is like a man-eating evil ghost sitting quietly and playing with female red, and even the image of Zhao Yeshou has become taller in Qian Shangyou's eyes.

But soon, Asaka Yu realized that something was wrong with his mind.

If Ji Gong Ling is an evil spirit, isn't Mr. Yerin a more vicious and evil spirit than her?

In this way, they are a good match?

Just when Asaka Yu was thinking about running the train, Ji Gong Ling suddenly raised her head and gave him a half-smiling look.

Asakami Yu shuddered immediately, realizing that he had forgotten something.

The person in front of her is the real apostle of the high-ranking person, the successor of Zhaoqi Taisha in various senses, and the techniques and combat skills of various schools of Yingzhou are completely open to her, which, of course, also includes reading minds. spells.

And in this room, the only person who can read the heart of Hime Miyako is probably... me?


Asakami Yu took a deep breath and immediately turned to look out the window, pretending to be looking at the scenery.

Ivanov glanced at him strangely, but didn't say anything, just walked up, patted Zhao Yeshou's shoulder, and said, "What's the matter, what's the matter, call me in such a hurry. "

Only then did Zhao Yesui stop his work, looked at Ivanov, and said, "It's not a big deal. I'm just asking you to discuss how to carry out the next main task."

"Sit first, Mr. Ivanov, and Mr. Asakami."

