MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.398Mar 06, 2023


Just as Zhao Yesang shook his head, Ji Gongling, who was sitting opposite him, stretched out his hand and took the file in front of him. After reading it carefully, he smiled at Zhao Yesang and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, my lord husband, It seems that your office ability is really strong, and you can handle such a complex matter in such a short period of time."

"Do you really have no idea of ​​developing in this direction? As a goddess and witch in Yingzhou, I still have the power to recruit a foreign secretary."

"If you have something to do as a secretary, if you have nothing to do as a secretary, right?" Zhao Yesui rolled his eyes and said, "Forget it, I don't have the idea of ​​working overtime for others, it's better to be like now."

Just kidding, he can't take care of his own gods, and he still goes to work for others?

Even if he wanted to hug his thighs, Yingzhou, who had only one leader, was not in Zhao Yesui's consideration.

If I really want to find a name for a faction, why don't I choose the Fate Strategy Bureau?

Anyway, there are acquaintances in it, and it is not impossible to arrange a leisure position where you can fish every day.

To be a private secretary, I can give it a candle.

At that time, there is something to do, and there is nothing to do.

Like Miss Jigong, it is estimated that she will not let me idle, and will squeeze out my last remaining value.

Ji Gongling saw that Zhao Yesui's attitude was firm, and she didn't say anything. She just shook her head and said jokingly, "That's fine. After all, Zhaoqi Taisha may not be able to accommodate your great Buddha, Mr. Yama."

Zhao Yexuan thought about it and felt that it was quite reasonable, so he did not refute it.

This arrogant attitude seemed to be taken for granted in him.

Zhao Yesui really thinks so. Although he doesn't know what he is, the dream **** in the family is indeed a real high-ranking person. In this case, he can't be worse than him, right?

And Zhaoqi Taisha now only has one person in the top position, and it's not wrong to say that Zhao Ye's robe cannot be accommodated.

When Ji Gongling saw that Zhao Yeshou did not deny her statement, she couldn't help but chuckle, but she did not think that Zhao Yesang was too arrogant.

Arrogance, manifested in capable people is called self-confidence, manifested in incompetent people is called arrogance.

Undoubtedly, although Zhao Yesui still did not show his full strength, in Ji Gongling's eyes, Zhao Yesang already belonged to that kind of "capable person".

Afterwards, Ji Gongling took advantage of the situation and asked Zhao Yesui, "Then, Sir, can you tell me what you were worrying about just now? Maybe I can help you share one or two."

"Oh, that's all about the puppet master."

Zhao Yesui didn't sell anything, and said directly: "She is now... well, she is temporarily dormant, so the part of the task that belongs to her can only be put on hold. I think her task may be very important. So I want to try to find her."

"However, I don't know where to start."

"Does Miss Jigong have any special technique to do this?"

"Yes, yes, but to deal with an opponent of the level of Miss Puppet Master, I'm afraid it's not enough..."

After thinking about it, Jigong Ling shook her head and said, "After all, if I really divination her position, I am afraid I will get thousands of results, and maybe even divination to places outside the world, which is not only a burden It's very large, and you can't get accurate results."

According to Zhao Yesui's dictation, Ji Gongling also understood the abilities displayed by the puppet master, so it is clear that each puppet is theoretically the puppet master itself, and such divination will not be useful. result.

"Yes." Zhao Yesui shrugged, he didn't expect Ji Gongling to find the puppet master.

But at this moment, Ji Gongling suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhao Yesui: "However, I have some information related to Miss Puppet Master, which may be helpful to you."

Halfway through the words, Ji Gongling kept her mouth shut and just looked at Zhao Yesao with a smile.

"...Please speak." Zhao Yesui could only say helplessly, but Ji Gongling still looked like a riddleman, so he could only add one more sentence: "Ms. Yan."

This is the result of Ji Gongling's whims, thinking that if she follows her husband's surname, she should change her surname to Yan.

But Zhao Yesui thought that his surname was not Yan, but it was not a good thing to say his real name, so he could only recognize it by pinching his nose.

"Miss Jigong really likes to tease people in strange places..."

Zhao Yesui could only attribute this to the bad temper of the goddess witch of Yingzhou.

After successfully making Zhao Yesui succumb, Ji Gongling said: "Mr. Yan Mo should still remember that after the sword puppet evil spirit made a big scene that day, the Ji Gong family took care of the aftermath at the scene of the accident, right?"

Zhao Yeshao nodded slightly. This was part of the transaction between him and Ji Gongling. In this way, allowing Ji Gongling to participate in the side quests he performed was generally a mutually beneficial and win-win matter.

"Then, during the aftermath, I discovered something was wrong."

Hime Miyaya recalled: "Miss Puppet Master's first host—let's call her that. The location is in the suburbs, and there are many religious people who are controlled by her. There are gatherings around."

"However, according to our post-mortem investigation, all the people gathered there belonged to a cult in Hezhou and were officially defined as a terrorist organization by Hezhou early on, because what they did was similar to the famous 'Blood Moon' There's no difference."

"And the location of Miss Puppet Master's second host is the apartment building. We later found out that the apartment building has long since become the residence of a swordsman with special sword skills. People, in fact, have long since died, and have become the puppet of that swordsman."

"As for the later, Miss Puppet Master should have killed the swordsman, then occupied the apartment and turned it into her residence."

Zhao Yejia faintly realized something, thought and said: "That is to say, I thought that the reason why the puppet master chose to stay in a place with many people was to use the civilians as a meat shield, and the idea of ​​making me throw the mouse against the mouse was wrong. of?"

Before that, Zhao Yeshi took it for granted that the reason why the puppet master did this was to make them jealous and not dare to do anything to her.

But now, after Ji Gongling told Zhao Yesao about this, and then looking back at the whole thing, it became different.

"In other words, she doesn't want to affect innocent people?"

But immediately, Zhao Yesui denied his guess: "No, if you don't want to affect innocent people, you don't need to use such a troublesome method..."

"Rather than to make me jealous, it's more like... testing me?"

Although this conclusion sounds ridiculous, the more Zhao Yejiao thinks about it, the more likely it is.

Looking back, every move of the puppet master became weird.

From the beginning, she seemed to deliberately anger Zhao Yesao and let Zhao Yeshou attack her.

After that, it took a lot of effort to set up the illusion that on the surface she was a villain who disregarded human life, so that Zhao Yesui could kill her without hesitation.

But what is she doing this for?

The protagonist of begging for death? Get stronger every time you get killed?

After thinking about it, Zhao Ye couldn't think of the meaning of what the puppet master did.

If I had to say it, maybe it was to test Zhao Yesui's character and see what kind of person he was.

Then try to test yourself and try to test yourself in?

"...Isn't it because I've been exposed?"

This exposure, of course, is not the exposure of his identity as Zhao Yesui, but the identity of the person who beat Vladimir.

Otherwise, Zhao Yejia couldn't figure out why the puppet master would make such an abnormal move, just to test him.

"The Council of Eternal Life, wouldn't it have been eyeing me..."

This guess is unreasonable, but Zhao Yejia feels that he has to guard against it.

So, he began to think about the aftermath.

"Sure enough, it's still a hundred of them treated with black mist, right?"

Zhao Yesui pondered: "Wait the moment when the scene is out, and launch a lore against her?"

"Forget it, let's take a look again, just using the black mist like this, I always feel a little uneasy in my conscience..."

Ji Gongling looked at Zhao Yeshou who was in deep thought, thinking that he was starting to reflect on his reckless actions, and nodded in relief.

If she had known that Zhao Yesui was thinking of killing people, she would probably roll her eyes.

Being stunned by the dog's night jacket.JPG

...................................................... .....................................................

P.S. Although there is no actual plot, when Xiao Zhao is intimate with other women, someone will always appear.

How should I put it... Although this is indeed part of the setting, it always feels a little miserable...

Chapter 458 The Evil God's Wife Ji Gong Ling

Although he learned the unknown secret of the puppet master from Ji Gongling, it was still of little help for Zhao Yesao to catch her.

For a while, Zhao Yesui had no clue, so he could only put this matter on hold for the time being.

The reason why he was thinking of looking for a puppet master was on the one hand for information and on the other hand because he had a vague sense of unease in his heart.

From the moment he saw the Dark Sword Puppet, Zhao Yesui felt something was wrong.

If his speculation is correct, then the identity of the puppet master plays a crucial role in the execution of this mission.

A Game of Destiny shouldn't allow this kind of thing to happen unless there's an off-site factor.

For example, Himimiya Aya was able to hold special props because she was the current goddess of Yingzhou Teruchi Taisha in the present world. After entering the scene, she acted as the second person of the Himeiya family and took the lead.

According to her, the members of the Life Strategy Bureau also have similar privileges according to their position, and they can get preferential treatment when they enter the world with the Yan Kingdom as the background.

But preferential treatment is preferential treatment, and it will not be preferential enough to affect the direction of the task.

Not every game has players like Zhao Yesao who can develop three, four, five, six or seven hidden tasks. Now Zhao Yesao is confident to perform tasks without losing the puppet master, precisely because of these The confidence brought to him by the hidden mission.

Intelligence and information are the necessary resources for every wise man to make judgments.

When people look back at some events in history, they always feel that those heroes are too stupid to make such mistakes, but this is actually because people stand in the perspective of God and have all the information that they can obtain Out of the "correct" judgment.

And the perspective of God is a manifestation of the information link with the map fully open.

What would happen without a clue...

You can refer to the experience of Zhao Yesui in the world of earthly ranch.

That is to say, if there is no player like Zhao Yesui and the puppet master is lost, there is a high possibility that this mission will not be carried out.

This is a bit unfair to other players.

"What's the reason...Even when Fufu used props that were worth more than that world and deleted my personal quest back in the earthly ranch, it didn't make the quest impossible to execute... ..."

At most, there was no way to reveal the complete world view at that time. Players should carry out their tasks as usual, but their understanding of the world would only stay on the point of "demon raising humans" at most, and they would not find the demons after this. palace.

This is exactly the result that the Ministry of Justice wants.

The current situation is that the task is likely to be directly stuck here.

Although Asakami Yu and the others have not compiled the information they have obtained, Zhao Yesao has an intuition, and the final result is like this.

That is to say, if there is no off-site assistance that Zhao Yesui brought from Pei Changkong and other places, there is a high probability that the main quest will be stuck here.

It's like you need a certain item in a key level of a game, but this item was sold to a merchant before that, so the quest can't go on now.

In general, a sane game designer wouldn't let this happen, they would make the item unsellable, unusable, or unbreakable.

But the puppet master is not a prop that cannot move, how could it not be hurt?

"Thinking about it this way, it seems reasonable for me to be warned by the game of destiny, because I destroyed the entire flow of the game..."

Zhao Yejia faintly realized this, but he would not admit it.

Obviously there is a problem with your game design, and you have to blame me for selling quest items cheaply?

"If that's the case, then we can only find another way."

Zhao Yeshao sighed lightly, stood up, and said to Ji Gongling, "Miss Ji Gong, I'll go out."

"Well? Where to go?"

Himemiya Aya asked.

So, my relationship with Miss Jigong is really bad. If it was Daya, I would have already started wishing me a smooth journey at this time...

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "Of course I'm going out on a mission. I have to get in touch with the people in Daxia before I can get information from them."

No problem, Pei Changkong is also from Daxia.

"it is good."

Ji Gongling just responded, and then suddenly remembered something, also stood up and said to Zhao Yesui: "Mr. Yan Mo, can you do anything to hurt me?"


Zhao Yesui didn't understand what Ji Gongling meant for a while, so he could only ask back.

"That is, for example, push me down, rip off my clothes, grab my neck or something." Ji Gongling thought about it and said, "It's probably like this, an aggressive move."

"Knocks you down, then rips off your clothes, grabs you by the neck when you don't follow, tries to break down your will to resist... It always sounds like something bad.... ..”

Zhao Yesui looked around subconsciously: "Miss Ji Gong, have you installed a camera around, as long as I make a move, it will be recorded and used as evidence for you to threaten me in the future?"

"...What kind of image do I have in your heart?"

Ji Gongling said helplessly: "How is it possible, how could I use this kind of thing to blackmail you?"

"Does this kind of thing have the weight of a threat? If I really want to threaten Mr. Yama, I have to do something more important, right?"

"I'm super, are you really planning to threaten me?" Zhao Yesui immediately turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Ji Gongling.

