MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.401Mar 06, 2023


If he didn't get in touch with Pei Changkong and joined Pei Changkong's camp, then now, facing the task of the Daxia Longque camp, he has only one choice, and that is to follow the Daxia Longque.

Without contacting Pei Changkong and gaining a certain amount of trust from Pei Changkong, Zhao Yeshou ran over to her inexplicably to discuss the matter of treason.

And now, the benefits of Erwuzai are revealed.

He can jump horizontally and repeatedly, using the identity of this camp to complete the tasks of another camp.

I can do what the law doesn't prohibit, and the game of destiny didn't stop me, so it should be tacit approval that I can do it?

Zhao Yesui thought so, and then said to Lin Yi with awe, "Of course! As a Daxia citizen... Am I a Daxia person... In short, as a Daxia dragon As a good friend of Que, it is my bounden duty to find out the worms in the country."

"Miss Lin Yi, just wait, I will get results soon, please believe in my ability."

Zhao Yesui agreed so readily, but Lin Yi became uneasy.

She originally just wanted to ridicule and test Zhao Yesao, but who knew that Zhao Yesang would actually agree.

Lin Yimen asked herself, her life and death are now in Zhao Yesang's hands, and Zhao Yesang obviously doesn't need to lie to her.

That is to say, he really intends to help Daxia Longque search for evidence of Pei Changkong's treason?

But how is this possible?

Could it be that he really didn't collude with Pei Changkong last night...

For a while, Lin Yi became dazed.

Of course, Zhao Yesui didn't have time to worry about what Lin Yi was thinking at this time.

He was manipulating the spider puppet to walk through the sewers, and soon came somewhere.

Zhao Yesui manipulated the spider puppet to climb out of the sewers. Outside is a warehouse near the port, which is used to temporarily store the delivered goods.

According to the information provided by Pei Changkong, the spider puppets entered the warehouse and soon came to a container.

The container door has a lead seal as proof that it was not opened without permission during transport.

"Tsk, it looks pretty decent..."

Since the guide lady had already confirmed it once, Zhao Yesui no longer hesitated, and let the spider puppet lift its forelimbs, cut off the lead seal, and opened the container door.

In the dark green vision of the spider puppet, he immediately saw the things in the dark container.

That's twenty sword boxes.

Produced by the military industry of Daxiaquan, it is made of special metal material, which can accommodate most of the sword puppets on the market and play a certain role in warming up.

Of course, this is a military item. In most cases, it will only contain Daxia's standard sword puppet.

For example, the batch that Zhao Yesui is about to arrive at now.

The Longquan Wu-type, the Daxia-style military sword puppet, is an old antique sixty years ago. At the moment when the Longquan 8-type has come out, it is generally only used as a training sword for recruits, but now, it is about to be used. After their longevity, there is only one way left to be scrapped.

It is about to reach the end of its service life, which is the standard of the army, which means that continuing to use this sword puppet after this may bring unnecessary danger and should be ruled out.

But for folks, these 20 Longquan Wu-types are still treasures that will be looted, and they have considerable value.

The military will not be short-sighted enough to sell such antiques for military expenses, so they choose to destroy them.

As for now, it is in Zhao Yeshou's hands.

Even so, Pei Changkong still insisted that he must "destroy" the twenty sword puppets, otherwise, all the agreements she had made with Zhao Yesui would be voided.

Zhao Yeshou shook his head and began to manipulate the spider puppets to carry these sword boxes.

Soon, each spider puppet had a pair of sword boxes on its back, and then Zhao Yesui turned his attention to a pair of bamboo slips located in the deepest part of the container.

That's what Pei Changkong called the "secret list"

Zhao Yesui asked the spider puppet to stretch out its forelimbs to pick up the bamboo slips. Seeing this antique appearance, he couldn't help but complain:

"What age is it, and traditional bamboo slips are still used..."

...................................................... .....................................................

P.S. What, I see some readers are asking, so I will simply answer this question that has actually been answered many, many times.

Hedgehog cat is normal one is 2K, one day is 2K or 4K, every chapter of mine is 4K, which is two in one, and the extra is more.

In fact, I have repeated this question many times before, not to mention nine times, but also ten times (X

Chapter 460 The King of Crimson!

At Jigong's house, Zhao Yesui walked to his and Jigongling's wedding room, and all the way, maids bowed to him to show their respect, and respected him as the young master.

As for why they were all maids, it was naturally because this place belonged to Ji Gongling's private domain. Out of the idea of ​​taboo, before Zhao Yesui, there would be no male creatures here.

And after Ji Gongling and Zhao Yesui became husband and wife, Zhao Yesang lived here as a matter of course, becoming the first male creature to live here.

If it were someone else, if they were treated like this all of a sudden, the whole person would probably become airy, but for Zhao Yesui, in his short life, he had had many such experiences.

Maybe it has something to do with his personality and appearance.

The maids of Ji Gong's family have been specially trained and will not point fingers to Zhao Ye in person, but not necessarily in private.

With Zhao Yeshou's hearing, he could easily hear what the maids were saying about him, generally showing curiosity about this man who suddenly became the young master of the Ji Gong family.

This is also human nature. After all, Zhao Yesang's public identity is really mediocre. Under such circumstances, it is quite normal for people to be curious about him.

Zhao Yeshou didn't change his expression, and returned to the wedding room with the bronze scabbard on his back. After closing the door, he put the scabbard on the ground.

After thinking about it, he still didn't let Lin Yi come out.

Because he is now about to check the reward that he secretly colluded with Pei Changkong.


Twenty pairs of sword boxes were taken out by Zhao Yesao from the inventory and placed on the ground.

A small spider puppet was also released by Zhao Yesao, and he worked diligently to help him take out the sword puppet from the sword box and put it beside Zhao Yesao.

At the same time, Zhao Yesui unfolded the bamboo slip.

After the spider puppets got the "reward" and confirmed that there were no traps, Zhao Yesui took them back and returned to Ji Gong's house.

In theory, this is the safest place for him so far. Unless the Fourth World War breaks out, otherwise, the Ji Gong family should always be one of the safest places in Hezhou.

And if the Fourth World War does break out...

Then, this place will probably become the most dangerous place.

Once a full-scale war breaks out, it is common sense to strike the other side's military force as soon as possible.

As a Chinese ethnic group in Hezhou, the Jigong family has a large number of swordsmen enshrined, so if a full-scale war really breaks out, this place will definitely become a key target.

As for now, you shouldn't have to worry about that.

The Fourth World War or something is very far away. The last World War was only 30 years ago. How could a World War break out in such a short period of time?

The bamboo slip was slowly unfolded by Zhao Ye. There were only three names written on this bamboo slip, which seemed very wasteful.

"Mair X, Xu Haolong, Yoshino Ichiro..."

The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, with an inner edge, and there is absolutely no meaning of petty.

Although he had never seen Pei Changkong's handwriting, Zhao Yeshou intuitively felt that it should have been written by Pei Changkong himself.

These three people were complete strangers to Zhao Yesui.

But it doesn't matter, Zhao Ye has a magical conch... ahem, it's Miss Guide.

"Miss Guide, do you know these three people?"

Zhao Yeshou held the small sword and asked the guide lady, "Maier X, Sun Haolong, Yoshino Ichiro?"

"Well, although there are people with the same names, since they are the ones that Pei Changkong has appointed for you to kill, it should be those three people."

The guide lady responded lightly and said, "They all serve the New Roman Empire in different ways, and they are all in the imperial city now."

Serving the New Roman Empire?

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows, he really didn't expect this answer.

Logically speaking, this is a very easy to guess answer. As the governor of Xihe Continent, Pei Changkong entrusts a ruthless killer to clean up the hostile forces, which is reasonable.

But Pei Changkong said so much before, so that Zhao Yesui thought she was planning to take the side of Qing Jun, but it turned out that he really just asked him to kill the people of the New Roman Empire?

Zhao Yesui thought for a while, but without coming to a conclusion, he asked Miss Guide, "So, what kind of people are they?"

"'s hard to read."

The guide lady quickly sent the information to Zhao Yesui.

After Zhao Yesui finished reading, he had to feel the diversity of human species again.

Obviously they are all human, but there are really people who can do such things that are inferior to beasts.

"Okay, I know."

Zhao Yesui agreed, and then he lifted up a sword puppet beside him and looked at it carefully.

This is a silver-gray long sword. Although it has been carefully cleaned, it still has traces left by the years. It looks like it has been battle-hardened.

This is a standard sword puppet. Unlike the real sword puppet, it does not possess spirituality and cannot resonate with swordsmen.

However, as a war machine, the effectiveness is still readily available. Although it is not as good as a real swordsman, when a group of swordsmen dressed in standard sword puppets launches an attack, it is still an irresistible torrent of steel.

Zhao Yesui took out [Dazzling Heavenly Demon] and cut off the Longquan Wu-type in his hand.

A scarred sword puppet phantom appeared, but it did not resist, and was just silently sucked by [Tianmo Dazzling].

[Tianmo Dazzling completes a meal]

[The completion degree of Dazzling Demons increased by 0.12%]

[Current completion: 11.407%]

Seeing this pitiful progress, Zhao Yesui tapped his forehead, and simply didn't wait any longer, and directly fed the remaining nineteen sword puppets to [Tianmo Dazzling].

[Tianmo Lianran eats a meal]

[Tianmo Lianran eats a meal]

[Tianmo Lianran eats a meal]


[Current completion: 13.287%]

"Sure enough, the standard sword puppet can't satisfy you, a glutton..."

The remnants of the twenty standard sword puppets are piled up like a hill, but for [Dazzling Demons], this is just an appetizer.

With some headache, Zhao Yesui took the sword **** beside him back to the inventory, ready to take it back to Pei Changkong later.

At the same time, he looked at the [Tianmo Dazzling] in his hand, feeling a little helpless.

Twenty standard sword puppets are actually not a small amount. In this world where swords are respected, twenty standard sword puppets and twenty swordsmen are enough to dominate a certain town.

Zhao Yesui was only able to obtain 20 standard sword puppets at one time only by taking advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with Pei Changkong.

This is a veritable strategic material, and it is difficult to obtain it by legitimate means.

But now it seems that if you want to use standard sword puppets to fill the progress bar of [Dazzling Demons], you must at least have thousands of standard sword puppets. This is not to mention that with the improvement of completion, low-level equipment can The resulting attenuation of completion.

Even Pei Changkong couldn't just hand over thousands of standard sword puppets to Zhao Yesui.

It is impossible for the scrapped sword puppets to have this number. If Pei Changkong is to hand over all the active sword puppets to Zhao Yesao, even if Zhao Yesang is her concubine, it is impossible.

Not to mention.

Moreover, if the attenuation is to be counted, it is optimistic to estimate that even if thousands of standard sword puppets are actually obtained, it would be very good to have a 50% completion rate in the end.

"Sure enough, I guessed right, the reason why [Tianmo Dazzling] showed a special love when he met the sword puppets in this world, and the completion rate also improved very quickly, because the sword puppets in this world are originally Forged with the soul of the extraordinary."

Before that, Zhao Yesui was faintly aware of this.

[Tianmo Dazzling] is an evil sword, it has been like this from beginning to end.

Although it seems that the sword master is Zhao Yesui and he has received Su Yanxi's education and transformation, it seems that he has changed his mind, but some of the root causes will not change.

It is the evil sword that feeds on blood and soul, which is its nature.

For it, although sword equipment can be eaten, it is like a staple food without taste. In contrast, snacks with high calorie, high fat and high sugar content can arouse its interest.

The sword puppet in this world is a combination of a very special sword equipment + the soul of an extraordinary person. The combination of the two has a special effect, making Zhao Yesui produce "I can complete the dazzling magic in this world. casting" illusion.

