MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.409Mar 06, 2023


After all, a simple paper description can't tell the whole story of a person's life after all.

Sometimes, a simple summary of information may have the most important information.

Therefore, when the information acquisition work was blocked, Zhao Yesui thought of Yu Asaka.

Only from Yu Asakami, a teammate, can they obtain the most complete first-hand information.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Asaka Yu's expression became helpless, and he said, "My experience... This is nothing that can't be said, it's just the life of an ordinary Yingzhou people. ."

Zhao Yeshi thought for a while and said gently, "It's alright, Mr. Asaka, don't force it, if you don't want to say it, it's fine, it's just a possibility."

"If you want to say it, here we have a gentle witch who often listens to people, and a political commissar of the Northern Federation who often does ideological work for others. You can choose any type you like."


The corners of Yuu Asakami's mouth twitched, and she glanced at the smiling Himiya Aya, and then at the unsmiling Ivanov, feeling that neither of these two was a good choice.

Himemiya Aya... Although she is indeed a shrine maiden in theory, Yuu Asagami doesn't think she is a normal shrine maiden.

Can the shrine maiden who is in charge of talking to and supervising Tianxie Naqi really accept the confidence of normal people?

As for Ivanov, let alone.

His beliefs are incompatible with Yu's three views, and if he is allowed to do Yu's ideological work, it will only be counterproductive.

As for the last remaining member of the three, Zhao Yesui...

Yu Asakami's evaluation of him is unspeakable.

Ji Gong Ling said with a subtle expression: "Well, Mr. Yama, I have to remind you that I am not the kind of nun who listens to the confession of believers in the confession room as you understand, my work is usually to send to the Zhaoqi Taisha Shrine. The enemy went to see Tenzan Nagi..."

—For example, a wanted criminal in the Shōki Taisha like Yu Asakami.

"Hmm... It's also considered a professional counterpart?" Zhao Ye said after thinking about it: "Isn't Mr. Asaka the enemy of Zhaoqi Taisha."

Asakami Yu decisively stopped the trend of this increasingly dangerous topic, and said, "It's okay, it's not too embarrassing, just say it directly, maybe different people of you will have different ideas."

"After all, even if I don't say it, Miss Ji Gong should know my general information, but it's just not that detailed."

Judging from the fact that Himenomiya Aya recognized Yuu Asagami when they first met, maybe that was the case.

"Also, the information on the wanted criminals should be exchanged..."

"Mr. Qianshang is going to just say that?" Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "It's not impossible, I went to take the junior psychological counselor certificate for work, but because I didn't have enough years of practice, I didn't. The method is then tested.”

for work?

What kind of job are you doing to get this certificate?

Ji Gongling couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Yesao in confusion, and Yuu Asakami couldn't understand.

After all, Zhao Yesui doesn't look like someone who would do such a thing.

Ivanov looked very calm, and it seemed that he would not be surprised that Zhao Yeshou knew anything.

However, Zhao Yesui really took the test for "work".

Why can't custom death be considered work? This is clearly something that only professionals with a high level of professionalism and rich experience in skills can do!

Of course, the most important thing is the black fog.

Asami Yu shook his head, and without wasting too much time, he talked about his past to the junior psychological counselor Zhao Yesui, the goddess Ji Gongling of Yingzhou, and Ivanov, the political commissar of the Northern Alliance.

Asakami Yu, male, 27 years old, from Yingzhou Iwai Prefecture.

Growing up in an ordinary family of four, he went to school without exception and grew up without exception.

If there is one thing that must be said about his life compared to others, it is that he has a childhood sweetheart who grew up with him.

The two have known each other since childhood, and their families have also known each other. If there is no accident, one day in the future, they will become husband and wife.

Asakami Yu can't say how satisfied he is with such a future, but he doesn't hate it either. After all, who would think that a beautiful girl's childhood sweetheart is superfluous?

And when Asakami Yu was twenty-one years old and in his third year of college, something happened to his family.

An organization called "Tianping Sect" broke into his life.

They originated in Iwai Prefecture, Yu Asakami's hometown, and grew rapidly. They established local churches and absorbed congregations. They soon became a behemoth involved in politics, economics and military affairs.

There are natural reasons behind such rapid development.

The world is the most important place. If there is no foundation, this kind of church will only be labeled as a cult, and then quickly suppressed.

However, there is a true God behind the Tianping religion.

In Zhao Yesui's eyes, Ye Di may be nothing, but in fact, no matter where in Xinghai, Ye Di is a veritable god, enough to suppress the existence of one party.

Therefore, with the support of gods behind it, the rapid development of Tianping Sect can only be said to be reasonable.

Hearing Yuu Asakami say this, Zhao Yesui turned to look at Ji Gongling.

"...That's true." Ji Gongling sighed softly and said, "That player was also born in Yingzhou, but because he is a new god, his foundation is still shallow, so he chose Join Zhaoqi Taisha and become a **** under the Zhaoqi Taisha system."

"Mr. Yama should have some understanding of Yingzhou's Shinto system. Zhaoqi Taisha does not have too many restrictions on the gods who are willing to join. As long as you are willing to become a member of the Zhaoqi Taisha family tree, you can choose to merge into Shintoism. You can also choose to open your own door.”

"And the newly promoted **** chose to set up his own portal and founded the Tianping Sect."

"It's a reasonable, rule-based request, and I have no reason to refuse."

A new god.

Zhao Yeshi raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Although the present world is known as the cradle of the gods, only the best players in each era have the opportunity to confer gods.

In this case, it is a matter of course to offer benefits to these god-appointed players to win over them, and there should be no forces that can't think about it.

Of course, after conferring gods, players must leave the world, and in this case, if they want to interfere in the world, they have to form their own forces in the world.

It is very difficult for an independent **** to do this. After all, he himself is no longer in this world, but if there is the acquiescence of the Zhaoqi Taisha, it is not difficult to do.

This is probably one of the reasons why that **** chose to join the Teruchi Taisha.

In short, with the acquiescence of Zhaoqi Taisha and the fact that there is really a **** behind this church, Tianping Church has developed rapidly.

As the birthplace of Iwai prefecture, it is the most far-reaching place.

Asakami Yu's parents and sisters all joined the Tianping Sect one after another.

However, this newly promoted **** is probably the first time to become a **** and the first time to organize a church. He has no corresponding consciousness at all. He just regards Tianping Sect as his hands and feet in this world. He has no concept of sustainable development, and even more There is no idea of ​​benefiting the believers.

In his vision, the recruited players belonged to the backbone of the church, while the other members of the church were just fuel for the Tianping Sect. They only needed to donate everything they had to serve as the fuel for the development of the church.

As a result, Yu Qiangami's family quickly fell into decline. His parents and sister did not produce or participate in work, and donated all their property to Tianping Jiao.

Because the family is addicted to church activities, Yu Asakami has argued with them many times, but it has no effect.

After all, this is not a swashbuckling church, but a church that can truly show "miracles."

Asakami Yu also tried to reveal the true face of Tianping Sect, but in the end, he was ruthlessly crushed by players. If his childhood sweetheart hadn't interceded for him, he might have died there in the first place.

"...Of course, maybe it would be better for me to just die there."

Asaka Yu said calmly: "In this way, Rena doesn't have to ask them for mercy for me, and she doesn't have to get involved with that Lao Shizi Tianping Sect."

Zhao Yesai looked at Ji Gongling speechlessly, Ji Gongling showed a complicated expression, and as for Ivanov, he clenched his fists unconsciously, looking like he was angry.

"Hmph, so-called gods are such things."

Ivanov sneered and said: "Considering all believers as their own 'lambs', their own property, and using them recklessly according to their own thoughts, there is absolutely no way to regard believers as an equal life, to be descended Judgment comes down, and to say you're guilty is guilty..."

"This kind of **** should have a good taste of the truth of Beilian."

It could be seen that Ivanov's words were sincere, which made Yuu Asakami a little surprised. He glanced at this rough-looking Slav who had been stern since he entered the scene, and suddenly said, "Thank you, Mr. Ivanov."

"you are welcome."

Ivanov waved his hand and said indifferently: "This is one of the reasons why Beilian truth exists."

"Let mortals have the opportunity to turn against the gods and take those **** who play with the world from the throne."

Asaka Yu was silent for a while, and then continued: "I think you can probably guess what happened next."

"However, the difference is that Lianna was finally bewitched by that bastard's apostle and became one of his 127 wives."

"It is worth mentioning that my sister is also one of his wives."

"So, in theory, he's still my brother-in-law."


Zhao Ye opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Yu Asakami said such a cruel fact in such an understatement, which made Zhao Yesui feel that it was not to comfort him, and it was not that he pretended not to hear anything.

The former Zhao Yesui had never had a similar experience, and when he said it, it would only seem like he was talking sarcastically, while the latter seemed too ruthless, and didn't even say a word.

However, Asaka Yu quickly said to himself: "It's all old and old, there's nothing to avoid, it's all over anyway."

When Asakami Yu said these words, his expression did not seem to be fake.

Zhao Yesui judged with the theoretical knowledge of his junior psychological counselor. With Yu's character, it is impossible for him to let go of his hatred, and it is even more impossible for him to pretend like nothing happened.

Therefore, with Yu Asakami's character, now he can appear so relieved, I am afraid it is...

Zhao Ye snorted and said, "So, that's why you're wanted?"

"Well, that's it."

Yu Asakami said with a relaxed expression: "After that, I became a player by chance. Of course, it's too far to compete with the Tianping Sect, even if you don't count as that bastard."

"However, I just came across an opportunity."

Speaking of this, Yu Asagami looked at Jigong Ling and said, "Miss Jigong should know what the opportunity is."

"En." Ji Gongling sighed lightly and said, "Masamune, that is, the surname of that god, in order to expand the power of Tianping Sect in the world, and also to make his apostle grow up as soon as possible, give him the gift of Got a divine eye."

"On the day of the ceremony, all Tianping cult members gathered at the General Assembly to celebrate this miracle together, and at the same time to publicize this matter to the outside world."

"Of course, the security work has not fallen."

When he said this, Ji Gong Ling's tone became helpless: "As a result, Mr. Asakami did not know what method he used, and buried a huge amount of high explosives under the altar of the general meeting in advance, and the apostle boarded the sacrifice. The station, chanting loudly, and when the atmosphere reached its climax, explosives were detonated."

"After that, Mr. Asakami rushed out, ended the life of the apostle, and dug out his divine eye. Then he decisively left Yingzhou, traveled across the ocean, and went to Yan Kingdom incognito."

"Probably so."

Ji Gongling's words were very concise, but they were very graphic, and Zhao Yesui could imagine the exciting scene.

In this way, although the revenge has not yet been fully avenged, it can be regarded as a part of the revenge, so it is no wonder that Asaka Yu is not very concerned now.

"Then, Mr. Asakami is wanted?"

Zhao Yeshi thought for a while and said, "That one, er, Masamune's request?"

"Of course." Ji Gongling showed a rare dissatisfaction and said: "He was furious when he knew that his apostle was killed and his divine eye was robbed, and he personally found me and asked me to arrest Mr. Asaka. , arrest him in front of him, and he will personally deal with Mr. Asaka, so that the world will know the fate of going against him."

Speaking of the back, Ji Gong Ling imitated the god's tone, looking very strange.

"So, you agreed?" Zhao Yesui said.

This is an obvious thing, after all, it is an established fact that Asaka Yu is now a wanted criminal of the Teruchi Taisha.

"I drove him away." Ji Gongling wrinkled her delicate nose and said, "He is not qualified to order me, nor has the right to yell in front of me."

"Furthermore, I don't want to help him when the bad things that Tianping Sect did have been exposed. However, for the sake of taking care of other allies, I have issued a wanted order, which is considered to be the best of both worlds."

Zhao Yeshou shook his head and said, "Then you are not a qualified ruler."

"A **** and a cute new player, it is clear at a glance which is more important, and what the Tianping Church does can only be said to be the normal operation of the Church?"

If it's bad, Tianping is really not the worst one.

Ask believers to raise donations, ask female believers to dedicate themselves, and ask believers to serve God wholeheartedly...

It seems to be the basic practice of many churches.

"I don't like it, so I won't allow it, can't I?" Ji Gongling glared at Zhao Ye and said, "If I knew in advance what the Tianping Sect was doing, I would also take back their missionary power. Yama Don't underestimate me, sir."

"Together with the same stream, with the light and the same dust... If this is really the way to make this country sustainable, then let Tenza Naqi be released, and everyone will be finished together."

Himemiya-san's reaction is very intense, is it because she senses my yin and yang strangeness...

Zhao Yesui immediately surrendered: "Okay, okay, Miss Ji Gong is well-ordered, just like me, this is a well-known thing."

Ji Gongling snorted lightly and didn't look at Zhao Yeshou.

Seeing this, Zhao Yesui could only look at You Asaka again, and said, "So, Mr. Asaka, have you wandered all the way to now?"

