MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.411Mar 06, 2023


The main quest has been updated due to the completion of the third ring quest.

But this means a terrible truth.

That is Zhao Yesui's guess just now is correct.

To Dark Sword Puppet's criterion for choosing a sword master is whether the opponent is the Green Hood or not.

Everyone restrained their eyes very well, preventing them from drifting towards Qianshang You, but Qianshang Yu felt like a man on his back.

"What kind of stupid sword puppet is this!"

He scolded directly: "How can there be such a sword puppet! What kind of stupid standard, can you choose a useful sword master? Ah?"

Zhao Yesui understood something because of the confirmation of this conclusion, nodded and said, "So that's why Mr. Asaka was matched..."

Yuu Asakami's strength is considered outstanding among the brave, but if you really want to compare it with the ceiling present, it's really incomparable.

Zhao Yesui had wondered how Asaka Yu got in, but he didn't expect that he brought money into the group.

However, this capital is not capital capital, but seniority capital.

Not a good one yet.

Asaka Yu pursed his lips, raised his head and looked around at the three people around him.

None of the three looked at him, and even Ivanov, the most straight man, stared at the tea in front of him, as if there was Beilian truth on it.

Yu Asakami felt that he was being bullied by the game of Destiny and his teammates.

But he has no proof.

...................................................... ......................................

P.S. I currently owe more updates (7/9), and I have to pay it off.

Let's settle the bounty together later.

Speaking of which, I wrote the character card of Yuu Asagami when I was writing the fourth volume. As a result, I discovered another Yuu Asagami in the world last month.

Chapter 468 Miss Ji Gong can't get out of bed 1w1

The silence speaks.

Zhao Yesui didn't know what to say to resolve the awkward atmosphere at the moment.

Asakami Yu's experience is indeed sympathetic, but at this time, anything is like slander.

So, for a while, the whole room calmed down.

At the same time, Zhao Yesui also knew why when he held the Dark Sword Puppet, the Dark Sword Puppet would repel him so much.

He was still thinking, since it was the sword puppet forged by Zhao Tu himself, and he is now using the identity of Zhao Tu, then why does the darkest sword puppet reject its caster?

Now Zhao Yesui understands.

Probably because he and the word "Green Hood" will never have anything to do with him, so the Darkest Sword Puppet rejects him so much.

One thing to say, it was obviously rejected by the equipment, but Zhao Yesui felt pretty good.

After a long time, Ji Gong Ling coughed lightly, trying to resolve the awkward atmosphere.

She changed the subject bluntly: "Cough, speaking, if you want to say something like this, it's not that it hasn't happened."

"I remember that one of the three-pillar gods of the Eternal Life Council, the former emperor of the north, has a very similar ability to this, but it seems that the greater the setback in his emotional life, the stronger he can get. The power is different from this.”

Huh, there is such a thing?

Zhao Yesui was slightly startled, this was the first time he had heard a secret about Vladimir.

This kind of thing should be considered a secret. After all, it is not a glorious thing. It is impossible for Vladimir to take the initiative to promote it, and there are not many people who can know about it. less.

As the person in charge of the Teruchi Taisha Shrine, it is normal for Himemiya Aya to know this kind of secret.

Moreover, the person present was either Vladimir's mortal enemy or a bad person, and no one would say it, so Jigiya Aya can safely use it to change the subject.

Hearing this, Ivanov sneered, finally raised his head, stopped looking at the water glass in front of him, and said, "That exploiter is nothing more than that, extremely sad, in order to gain strength, consolidate his position, let himself Being able to sit in that position all the time, being able to abandon everything that I hold dear... Ha, if it really gets to that point, what if I become the strongest?"

"So, in the end, he was abandoned by everything he abandoned."

Abandoned by all that was abandoned...

Zhao Yesui felt that this sentence sounded meaningful, and it seemed that there was a difference between actively wearing a cuckold and passively wearing a cuckold.

According to Ivanov, Vladimir is probably the former, and if his reasoning is similar to that of the Darkest Sword Puppet, that is to say, the object of his frustrated emotional life must be the one he loves deeply.. ....

So scary, so scary.

However, when Zhao Yesui's thoughts began to diverge, he suddenly realized one thing.

Vladimir's reasoning is very similar to the Darkest Sword Puppet?

Although this may be just a coincidence, if it is combined with the matter of the puppet master, it may not be a coincidence.

According to the information obtained so far, the New Roman Empire represented by the puppet master has an irreplaceable role in this mission.

Zhao Yesang has complained before, what is the difference between setting the quest items to be sold. If a quest lacks a specific player, it cannot be done, or if the difficulty increases exponentially, then the level planning should be long overdue Pulled out and chopped.

But now it seems that this may not be a coincidence, or that the game of fate is not a fan?

At the first meeting, Ivanov recognized the identity of the puppet master and knew that she was Vladimir's subordinate, and Vladimir's principles were similar to the characteristics shown by the dark sword puppet now. very strong connection...

Once is a coincidence, twice is questionable.

In particular, Zhao Yesui did not forget the vague familiarity when he first saw the Darkest Sword Puppet.

In a sense, he may be one of the few people in the world who has seen Vladimir's real body and played against him.

Even Ji Gongling may not have seen Vladimir himself. After all, Vladimir cannot stay in this world. There are not many opportunities for Ji Gongling to see him. Even if he does, it is impossible A chance to fight Vladimir.

But Zhao Yesui had really played against Vladimir.

Although it was more like he suddenly jumped out and stunned Vladimir, he had seen Vladimir's reasoning.

"Vladimir...Eternal Council...New Roman Empire...Puppet Master..."

Zhao Yesui pondered and said, "Is it possible, I mean, it's just possible that the Darkest Sword Puppet is really related to the Three Pillars God?"


Zhao Yeshou's statement directly caught the attention of the other three, and they all looked at Zhao Yeshou, a little unbelievable.

"Mr. Yama means that the Darkest Sword Puppet in this world is related to the Three Pillars God?"

Ji Gong Ling thought about it and said, "However, if it's just a world of this level, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to let a player fall in person..."

The upper limit of this world is actually not high. Due to the particularity of the sword puppet system, even a swordsman of the country is not a complete king. Only when he works with the sword of the country can he be regarded as a real king. .

And even if it is a complete king, in a world where the upper limit is only a king, and there is no night club, what qualifications are there to let a seat cast a glimpse of this countless world?

"It's just a vague feeling."

Zhao Yesui didn't have any strong evidence for a while. After all, he had played against Vladimir or something. Obviously, this kind of thing can't be said casually.

Maybe Vladimir has returned to the Council of Eternal Life, and is now looking for the person who gave him a sap. Now he admits that he is not asking for a beating?

Moreover, if you admit it, someone must believe it.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui said: "In short, it's just a reminder to everyone. I only have this feeling faintly, so be careful."

After Ji Gongling and Zhao Yesui interrupted, the awkward atmosphere finally passed.

"In any case, we still have to thank Mr. Asaka, otherwise, the main task of this time may not be so simple to complete."

Jigong Ling tried his best to use euphemism: "As for now, I think everyone should focus on the main quest of the next link first."

[The fourth link of the main quest: hunt to the dark swordsman (0/1) and obtain the dark sword puppet (0/1)]

"As a result, in the end, I really have to face the Darkest Swordsman..."

Zhao Yeshou raised his eyebrows and said, "However, it seems that the Darkest Swordsman should not be the key target of this mission. It can only be regarded as an elite monster? A gatekeeper before the end of the boss?"

"So it seems that the enemy is really the enemy related to the Darkest Sword Puppet?"

Asakami Yu also recovered from the desolation of being bullied by his life, and said with energy: "After all, if you want to go up against the Dark Sword Puppet, you should cut its wings, and then do it with the BOSS? "

"I think... Then will the final boss be the creator of the Darkest Sword Puppet, and the devil casts the ghost Zhao Tu? After all, the map is still limited to the imperial city, so it shouldn't involve any new developments after this. Roman Empire."

Out of the idea of ​​sharing information, Zhao Yesui of course told Yu Asakami and Ivanov that the caster of the upcoming Dark Sword Puppet is Zhao Tu, the devil cast ghost.

Of course, the fact that he is Zhao Tu has not been said.

After all, saying this kind of thing will only add trouble and increase suspicion.

Therefore, now that Yu Asakami has come up with a well-founded guess based on the mechanism and consistent style of the game of destiny, Zhao Yesui has no way to refute, but can only say: "Mmmmm, yes yes yes, it makes sense and makes sense. ."

Ji Gongling glanced at Zhao Yesao with a half-smile, and said, "Indeed, I can see at a glance that this Zhao Tu is not a good person, and he must be a villain who bullies men and women, and goes against women's wishes. And punish him."


Miss Ji Gong pointed at Sang and scolded Huai in front of her, and Zhao Yesui could only accept it calmly.

Ivanov said straight to the point: "Then, to be on the safe side, let's make an appointment together."

"Mr. Asakami will provide relevant information, the movement of a darkest swordsman, and then we will take action when he is alone and deal with him."

Sure enough, it is Mr. Ivanov's character, and there are not many BB's directly.

"Order? I'm afraid there is no such opportunity."

Yu Asakami said helplessly: "I should have said it before, the swordsmen of the darkest are mercenaries in a sense and will not be truly trusted."

"For example, now, when I'm out of their custody, I won't be allowed to carry it to the Dark Sword Puppet."

Zhao Yesao believed that what Yusaka said was probably true, because every time they met before, Yusaka couldn't carry the Dark Sword Puppet, and the reason why Liu Wanyu was easily killed by Zhao Yesui was because he didn't carry it. To the dark sword puppet.

Otherwise, according to the information about the Dark Sword Puppet, it is still unknown whether Zhao Yesui can solve him so easily.

"Then it can only be killed by force."

Zhao Yesui pondered and said: "Because the goal of the mission is not only to kill the Dark Swordsman, but also to get a Dark Sword Puppet. If you want to save trouble, choose to assassinate someone who did not write the Dark Sword Puppet. The Darkest Swordsman, it will be more troublesome after that, it is better to directly find a Darkest Swordsman who carries the Darkest Swordsman."

"Mr. Asaka, I still have to ask you for this."

Zhao Yesui looked at Yu Asakami and said, "I hope you can figure out the movements of your 'colleagues', it doesn't matter if someone follows, as long as we meet a single Darkest Swordsman in the end. Can."

Although with the fantastic strength of this team, even against all the darkest swordsmen, they may not lose, but Zhao Yesui still wants to be safe, after all, no one knows who the real boss is now.

No, it's really me...?

"Okay." Yuzu Asakami agreed: "There are a lot of things in the Imperial City Guard now, and there are not enough manpower, and the Darkest Swordsman will often be sent out as a battle force in the town, so if you want to have such an opportunity, you should Not difficult."

"Just wait for my news, but I shouldn't be able to shoot at that time."

This is also a matter of course. Asakusa Yu said that he is also a member of the Imperial City Guards on the bright side. If he is really involved in the strangulation of his colleagues, then he does not need to be in the Imperial City Guards.

Although for Yuu Asakami, this should be his dream. After all, he can come to Jigong's house to hug Zhao Yesao's thigh confidently, but for now, he should stay in the Imperial City Guard. His own people are still very important, so he can only "grieve" him to continue to be the leader of the Imperial City Guard.

"That's it. When there is a chance, we will do it together. The rest of the time, you can control it yourself. It's best not to do things that you can't get out of for a while."

Zhao Yeshou nodded slightly, setting the tone for the next action.

Not much to say, there is no need to pay attention to those messy things among players, even Zhao Yesui, if he really points fingers at other people's every move, it will only cause others to be unhappy.

However, of course Zhao Yesui would not do such a stupid thing.

"Then I'll go first."

Asakami Yu took the lead to retire: "The Imperial City Guard has been very busy recently, to be precise, since a few days ago, the mysterious figure named Sword Puppet Demon has been very busy since he appeared... Then the level of busyness increased again. It reached a peak last night."

"I am now the leader of the Sword Puppet Demon Task Force, so there are a lot of corresponding things, and now I can only come here by sneaking around."

When he said this, Qianshang glanced at Zhao Yesao without a trace.

Zhao Yesang knew why he became busy. Naturally, it was because Zhao Yesang killed three people in one go last night, and they were all people with heads and faces in front of everyone's eyes.

If the legend of the sword puppet evil ghost was only circulated in a small area before, then I am afraid that the entire privileged class in Hezhou now knows the existence of the sword puppet evil ghost.

After all, the more powerful people are, the more they care about their own lives. In this case, urban legends like sword puppet evil ghosts, which are completely incommunicable, are closely related to their lives. An urban legend doesn't care.

The two tacitly exchanged glances, and Yu Asakami left first.

Since Asakami Yu has left, Ivanov is no exception.

However, before leaving, he specially said to Zhao Yesui: "Yam, you did a good job."

After seeing Yuu Asakami and Ivanov away, Zhao Ye looked at the back of their departure thoughtfully, and pondered, "Why do I have the feeling that the whole world knows my identity... ..."

