MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.9Mar 06, 2023


p.s. The normal update will resume tomorrow, and finally the mess is solved.

I thought about whether to write the data, but everyone should not want to read it, so I used a compromise method.

Chapter 17 Dating and loving family.jpg

[Ten years, one sword]

[Title effect: Charge once to provide ATK (attack power) correction for the next attack. The correction factor depends on the charging time, but if the charging exceeds the limit of the body, it will cause damage to the body]

[Remarks: After ten years of sharpening a sword, the frost blade has never been tried; today I will show the king, who is wrong? ]

"Title? What kind of weird setting is this?"

Zhao Yesui tried to ask the system, this time the system did not prevaricate him because of insufficient authority, but gave a detailed answer.

[The player's performance in each scene mission will be recorded, and the corresponding title will be generated after certain conditions are met]

[Titles have unique effects that will give players different abilities, but only one title can be worn at a time]

[For more information about the title, please explore by yourself]

[The final interpretation right belongs to the system]

"Good guy, you directly take the final interpretation right on yourself. In general rationality, this unilateral clause is obviously untenable, but can the laws of this world govern this kind of supernatural existence... ."

Zhao Ye snorted and put on the title, and after he confirmed the content of the title, the next message appeared in front of him.

[Player Ye Lin has completed the reward number C-14432]

[Will you receive a bounty? ]

At this time, Zhao Yesui remembered that before he was pulled into the trial scene, there seemed to be a prompt telling him that he had completed a reward, but he couldn't claim it due to insufficient permissions. And now, after he has qualified as an official player, this delayed bounty has reappeared.

Zhao Yesao chose Yes, and a fish-skin-shaped scroll was unfolded in front of him, with dark ink-colored tadpole-shaped characters appearing on it.

[C-14432 Bounty]

[Bounty: Mengwu Sea Mermaid King]

[Reward request: No matter who is on the ground, flying in the sky or swimming in the sea, as long as the little **** who smashed my palace and ransacked my treasure house can get a tidal orb! ]

[Bounty type: This bounty is repeatable until all rewards (one hundred tidal orbs) are distributed.]

[Note: When this reward was issued, the Mermaid King Niukulu IV was sitting on the ruins of his palace, patting his thigh excitedly: "I could have given you more."]

little bitch?

Eat deflated?

Are you referring to the Miss Lu Shixi who was looking for him to work?

Zhao Yesang will carefully investigate the background of the entrusted person before "working". Although the black fog can indeed filter out those who want to die, Zhao Yesang still has to investigate it himself to be at ease.

Therefore, he naturally knows the name, home address, family background, height, weight, measurements, etc. of the last entrusted object, but the player's identity is obviously not what he can expect.

In fact, after knowing that the other party has supernatural power, Zhao Yejia already felt that his previous behavior was too reckless. Although his actions are careful enough to leave the relationship clean, but if the other party has the ability to unreasonably causal law, then wouldn't his "murderer" be exposed? Maybe even the old accounts from the past will be turned over.

"The only thing that is fortunate is that Miss Lu Shixi is already dead. Although I don't know why she asked to die as a player, I think she has her own hidden secrets."

Zhao Yeshao sighed lightly and chose to receive the reward, and an azure orb appeared in the inventory.

After becoming an official player, the originally blocked permissions are also unlocked one by one, and the inventory is also one of them. At this moment, the [Blood-stained Taoist Robe], [Mingdefang Huayou IV Steam Assist Wheelchair] and ["Liuguang" Steam Upper Limb Exoskeleton Device] are in Zhao Yesui's inventory after completing the task. There is more [Tide Orb].

[Tidal Orb]

[Category: Accessories/Materials]

[Grade: Metamorphosis]

[Unique Active: Release a tidal spell, causing water element damage to the enemy and adding a slow effect]

[Unique passive: When the holder deals damage to the enemy or damages himself, the tidal orb will be charged until it reaches the upper limit, and each layer of charging will provide the holder with MS (movement speed) compensation, when When the charge reaches the upper limit, you can choose to convert it into a water element spell and release it at one time]

[Note: The tide echoes here]

"Good guy, did the mermaid king offer a hundred bounty at one time for this kind of equipment? This is after he went bankrupt. No wonder Miss Lu went to loot his treasure house."

Zhao Yesui shook his head and had no idea of ​​summoning the [Tidal Orb] and other equipment to take a look. After all, he didn't know the current situation, and his attitude towards players was unclear. Maybe there were instruments to detect abnormal fluctuations. , in this case you can't be too careful.

But the prompt from the system is not over yet.

[Player Ye Lin has obtained the official player qualification]

[Coming soon to join the gamer exchange group]

[Detecting current era background contact vectors...]

[Check completed]

[Gamer exchange group loaded]

[Player Ye Lin can choose to be anonymous or use the player's nickname to speak in the communication group. The communication process and content will not be monitored by any means, please rest assured]

"So can you release all the notifications at one time? Hey, the ability to squeeze toothpaste is comparable to that of a well-known manufacturer..."

The corners of Zhao Yesang's mouth twitched, and it seemed that he had been pulled into a group similar to "love each other's family", but this communication group should be full of players.

So what about the group?

Zhao Yesui flipped through the notification that popped up, and soon saw the words "Contact carrier of the current era background", and then looked at the mobile phone on the table thoughtfully.

Picking up the phone and unlocking it neatly, Zhao Yesui quickly saw an extra APP on the desktop.

It was a pure black pupil without light, and with just a few strokes, the icy and ruthless charm of this pupil was outlined, but the words under the icon that spoiled the atmosphere a little bit:

"Gamer Communication Group".

It just looks like some Trojan software.

With the mentality of trying it out, Zhao Yesao clicked on the app.

p.s. In the transitional chapter, it seems that a bit of water is inevitable. After all, what settings have to be introduced, and once the settings are introduced, it will inevitably be a bit boring.

Chapter 18 "Instructions for Beginners of the Game of Destiny V3.7 Revised Gold Enhanced Edition"

The entry is a simple interface with black as the main color, and the font language is the simplified square characters that Zhao Yesao is familiar with.

When Zhao Yesui clicked on the contact list, the column belonging to [Contacts] was empty, and the column [Community] was divided into several sub-categories.

[Asia][North America][Europe][South America][Africa][Oceania][Antarctica]

"Although it is true that the earth has seven continents, but there are players in Antarctica..."

While complaining, Zhao Yesao clicked on the category of Asia, and then came the countries that Zhao Yesang was familiar with, such as [Yan Guo] [Yingzhou], which made Zhao Yesao feel like he was visiting a certain SEX website. Vision.

He tried to click on the category of [Yan Guo], and as a result, he directly entered the chat interface, and the dense group announcements rushed toward him.

[Announcement 1: For new players to join the group, please read "Instructions for Beginners of the Game of Destiny V3.7 Revised Gold Enhanced Edition" in the group file first]

[Announcement 2: Anonymity is not prohibited in the group, but if there are anonymous users with obvious malicious intent, the administrator will take corresponding measures]

[Announcement 3: The communication in the communication group is completely safe, but the external communication methods are at risk of being monitored. Beware of phishing scams and protect your own information security is a compulsory course for every player - please do not send a location out of curiosity. , which could put you in danger]

[Announcement 4: The Chongming Island dungeon strategy has come to an end for the time being, and there is no plan to open the second copy of the National Fortune in a short period of time]

[Announcement Five:...]

Zhao Yesui read the announcement carefully one by one, and extracted a lot of key points from it.

"There is indeed an organization in China that controls players, but it doesn't seem to be mandatory, which is similar to what I guessed before."

After Zhao Yejia clicked all the announcements, the chat interface was revealed in front of his eyes, but it was different from the solemn atmosphere he imagined. These supermen in various senses seemed to be... .... small talk?

"Yue Yin Empty Name: Copy 1=3 in the bottle, if you are interested, please send the character card to the group owner. Don't miss this opportunity, you won't come back if you lose it, the world-class battle tank will take you through the book.

Shu Nan: Ming, you’re lying again. Listen to my brother’s advice, don’t worry about this dungeon. Four players have already been planted in it. If it wasn’t for the investigation, it really doesn’t matter to you, you would have been arrested long ago. Woke up. I haven't seen it for a long time, and this dungeon will have to be classified as a high-risk dungeon by the planning bureau.

Anonymous: Hello, I am a netizen from the north of the mainland. I am very interested in this copy of yours. May I ask if Mr. Song is free to chat privately? Some questions I want to ask you.

[Announcement: Anonymous users have been banned by the administrator for 7 days]

[Announcement: A message has been retracted]

Midnight: No matter if it is a fisherman or a fish, it should be treated as if it were fishing. If you are not convinced, go to the director. I am a stinky part-timer.

Midnight: In addition, Mr. Yueyin Kongming, please don’t spread this kind of team information in the national group. The dungeon in the bottle is already on the list of the next batch of high-risk dungeons. It is really not suitable for entering again. I hope you can. understand. "

Zhao Yesui watched the messages appear with interest, continued to peek at the screen for a while, and then clicked on "Instructions for Beginners of the Game of Destiny V3.7 Revised Golden Enhanced Edition" that was placed first in the group file.

"The origin of the game of Destiny can no longer be studied - in fact, it is still important that it cannot be written on this kind of public information. Well, in short, congratulations on becoming a player and stepping into this unpredictable and mysterious palace, but please keep in mind, Being a player brings not only rights but also obligations that come with it.”

"We are not only the precursors of civilization, but also the last barrier of civilization."

"—Fate Policy Bureau, know the order."

Zhao Ye's sleeve swiped down twice, after confirming that this was the end of this overly long article, he sighed lightly and put his phone on the screen.

This "Instructions for Beginners of the Game of Destiny V3.7 Revised Gold Enhanced Edition" has a total of 217 pages. Except for the pictures used for explanation, the pure text has about 150,000 words. Matters are introduced in detail again, it can be said to be benevolent and righteous.

Destiny Game, this is the official unified name for this game.

Although some secrets-related parts are vague, the mechanics of the game of destiny, dungeon settings, equipment value, and some slang terms are explained in detail, which is enough for Zhao Yesao to have a clear understanding of the game of destiny. awareness.

The game of destiny does not know where it started or who set it up. In a long time, people have gradually summed up some of its laws after long-term exploration.

It will randomly select some "lucky people" from the earth creatures to issue player qualifications, allowing players to enter each copy to complete the task, and these copies are no different from the real world, although the development process of civilization and the leader may be different, but It is undoubtedly a living civilization.

Countless philosophers with lofty ideals tried to talk to the game of destiny, trying to figure out what kind of existence they entered, and more want to explore the purpose of the game through the actions of the game of destiny.

Do you want to achieve the evolution of the human race, or to cultivate a group of outstanding warriors?

But in the end, these attempts were in vain.

As a result, an unknown sage left a desperate last word after exhausting his life of exploration to no avail.

"Fate knows, fate doesn't care."

This sentence is like a prophecy and a curse, and since then the research on the game of destiny has stagnated and no progress has been made.

The origin and existence of the game of destiny is not important to Zhao Yesao. For him, only the present is the most important.

In short, since it is an established fact that you have become a player, instead of worrying about what bad intentions it has, it is better to think about how your life will change.

Just as Zhao Yesui was thinking, there was a clear and constant knock on the door.

"Ah, it's already twenty-four o'clock. I was so busy looking at these things that I forgot the time."

Zhao Yesui glanced at the clock on the table, shrugged, walked to the door and opened it.

Behind the door was a dull and delicate face. The girl with a livid face looked at Zhao Yeshou with her lifeless eyes, and silently raised the sign in her hand.

"time to sleep"

"I know, I know, don't rush me."

Zhao Yesui smiled and stretched out his hand, patted the girl's little head, and pinched her temperatureless and even stiff face by the way. The mood suddenly improved.

"Ha, in this way, the appearance of this fate game is not a bad thing."

"At least, I have a chance to complete the contract with you."

p.s. If there is no accident, I will update 1w words tomorrow so that the number of words in this book reaches 5w words.

If there is an accident, when I didn't say it (x

Chapter 19 Neighborhood is very important

The girl and Zhao Yesui looked at each other silently, not moving, as if they didn't understand what Zhao Yesang said.

Zhao Yesui didn't intend to get her answer at first, but just gestured to the girl, and the girl obediently turned to the side and made way for him.

However, the fluffy wings on her back still blocked most of the road, so Zhao Yesui had to turn sideways to walk over.

"Your wings really take up a lot of space..."

Zhao Yeshou shrugged, walked over sideways, suddenly noticed something, walked back, bent down and stared at the wings behind the girl, pinched one of them, and said doubtfully:

