MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.1Mar 06, 2023


The history of the earth has entered the 31st century, the development of human society is changing with each passing day, and it has entered a golden age of high prosperity.

G country physicist Mark? Winston applied cosmic quantum transformation to improve spacecraft, making it possible to connect particles in different spaces and subspaces to make space jumps. Humans are no longer confined to the earth and the surrounding satellites, and their footsteps have begun to spread throughout the Milky Way, and even begin to extend into outer space.

"I am proud to live in an era of high prosperity like never before in human history." -Economist Adam? Lawrence.

However, high prosperity and rapid development bring more than wealth and prosperity. Like every stage of human history, money and power begin to corrode from the top of the pyramid. Enterprising, fall into extravagant enjoyment and false compliments.

Corruption and degeneration began to breed, great nationalism spread, grievances from small countries grew, and friction between countries intensified.

In July 3021 AD, the last world war broke out.

It was initially provoked by country J, and as the dispute continued to expand, countries M, N, C, R and other major countries entered the war one after another.

Wars have occurred one after another, and all human beings have been involved in this protracted slaughter. Different races, different genders, different religions, reason and order have disappeared, mercy and forgiveness have been abandoned, only blood and murder are ultimate redemption. There is no longer a boundary between the army and the civilians. The moment the weapon is raised, the only purpose is to shred the enemy in front of him.

Man becomes a beast.

"Since you can't survive, then let's destroy everything."

A philosopher, when the invading army broke into his home, left such a sentence and committed suicide.

This adage sets the tone for the tragedy of the entire planet.

Despair and fear spread, greed, cruelty and tyranny broke free. Country M was the first to tear up the treaty banning nuclear weapons. At the moment when the first nuclear bomb exploded, Pandora's box was opened, and the shattered movement began to play...

March 3033 AD

Earth, the blue planet that existed in the universe for hundreds of millions of years, has finally gone to destruction.

The last survivors witnessed the moment of the destruction of the beautiful parent star on the spacecraft. The blue and beautiful planet that once nurtured life for hundreds of millions of years was broken into particles of dust in the Milky Way in the sound of the explosion.

Looking at the homeland that was destroyed by themselves, tears of remorse could not wash away the sins on their bodies, it was they who killed the mother who gave birth to them...

With billions of lives, after a long war, there are less than 300 million people left. From the moment the earth was destroyed, these survivors spontaneously formed a whole. They dubbed themselves "Remains of the Earth".

This is the joy of suffering, and perhaps the beginning of hope.

Through voting, the group of remnants of the earth set their destination on the third planet of the Muse galaxy, which is a billion light-years away from the Milky Way. Some pioneers of the universe have once arrived there, and the research data they brought back show that the living environment and air quality there are currently the most suitable for human survival.

Although the materials and fuel on the spacecraft are enough to support the journey of billions of light-years, by the time they reached the outer periphery of the Muse galaxy, there were already less than 260 million survivors who had initially escaped from the earth.

The long-term war, watching the destruction of the earth, traveling for a long time in the seemingly endless space, completely defeated some people, and mental breakdown became the direct cause of most of the unnatural deaths.

When the spaceship was docked on the gamma galaxy, countless people poured out of the spaceship, stepped on the unfamiliar land, looked around in confusion, their eyes were blurred with tears, they fell on the ground, and gave them a second life with a pious kiss on their lips. planet.

In order to commemorate this moment and to cherish the memory of their parent star, these "earth remnants" designated the first year of arriving at the gamma planet as the first year of the Milky Way.

From that moment on, everyone has devoted all their efforts to the development of the planet, the desire to survive has broken down the barriers between people, the common goal, the raging passion and hard work like magma, even in later generations Even the most caustic historians cannot deny that in the first hundred to one hundred and fifty years of Planet Gamma, happiness and hope were the most reasonable pronouns for all actions.

Finally, after the efforts of several generations, the resources of γ-planet have been rationally utilized and developed, crops have been harvested, business has flourished, and the economy has recovered. , the concept of the state was put forward, the ruling class representing the superstructure sprouted again, and interest disputes emerged. People automatically and spontaneously elected the leaders and leaders who could lead them to achieve more benefits, and the friction between cities began to increase. .

The development of things gradually began to derail.

Initially, the six northern cities under the jurisdiction of Madoff Whitewhite declared their founding, followed by Roger? Krause's three western cities, then Greta South's central business city, Liu Rui's southern four-city alliance...

The rise of one small country after another marked a cessation for this historical stage known as the "Pioneering Era" by later generations.

Of course, this is a historical inevitability and an inevitable existence in the development of human society.

Fortunately, the ruling class at that time was still based on the keynote of forging ahead. While developing itself, they no longer limited their attention to the gamma planet. After all, the land and resources on a planet were limited, and they set their sights further. of cosmic space. This can be said to be fortunate or unfortunate.

After being able to build spaceships, the pace of mankind towards the universe has accelerated again. With the gamma planet as the center, the scope of human activities began to radiate the surrounding planets in a fan shape, and the eight planets of the Muse Galaxy were all divided up. Among them, the first and The fourth planet belongs to the six northern cities governed by Madoff Whitewhite, and the second planet belongs to Roger? Krause's three western cities, the fifth and sixth planets belong to the central commercial city led by Greta Soth, and the most remote seventh and eighth planets are occupied by Liu Rui's southern four-city alliance. The gamma planet, under the default consensus, is not occupied by any party.

Not all planets in the Muse galaxy are suitable for survival. Among them, except for the gamma planet, only the fourth, fifth and seventh planets can provide the oxygen and water that human beings need to survive. Unlike Greta and Roger? Krause paid more attention to commercial interests. Madoff Whitewhite, who was born in a military family, and Liu Rui, who had the blood of a statesman, chose to relocate most of the territorial people on the γ planet to the fourth and seventh planets with their natural intuition. , leaving only some personnel on the γ planet for necessary transactions and daily government affairs communication, which occupies a more favorable position than Roger and Greta, who are more dependent on the resources of the γ planet.

For example, governance and reform.

Madoff Whitewhite is a typical militarist, while Liu Rui is a staunch supporter of democracy. They have carried out a series of reforms on their respective leaders, established political centers, promulgated constitutions, established government agencies, schools, etc. , Hospital, Madoff White White has transformed into a life-long consul, named after the **** of war Mars in Greek mythology as the fourth planet, and the government executive agencies established under it are more or less with some military characteristics and specialties The shadow of governance. Liu Rui implemented a democratic parliamentary system on the seventh planet, and more powers were delegated to the parliamentarians elected by the people. Compared with Madoff Whitewhite's policy, it was much more moderate.

These policies can also reflect the common choices of human beings at that time. Since the emergence of the state is inevitable in history, we must find a way to avoid the tragedy on the earth from happening again.

Centralization or democracy, which is better? It's not something that can be concluded overnight.

Compared to Madoff Whitewhite and Liu Rui's slashing, Roger? Both Krause and Greta South have chosen to wait and see, perhaps they are content with the status quo, or have other plans, no matter what they are thinking, it will not have the slightest impact on the development of Madoff Whitewhite and Liu Rui.

Two polities, two loose city federations, coexisted harmoniously in the Muse galaxy.

At that time, it was already the 326th year of the Milky Way Calendar, and 326 years had passed since the first "Earth Remnant" set foot on the land of Planet Gamma.

