MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.11Mar 06, 2023


December 10, 1127, Galactic Calendar

It was on this day that the political conflict later known as the "Parliament Riot of the Republic of Seth" occurred. In the hall on the third floor of the Heart of Water City, a total of 327 members of the House of Commons, including the Speaker of the House of Lords Jeffrey and the Speaker of the House of Commons Derry, were surrounded by a large number of space fleet marines who suddenly broke in. Soldiers with live ammunition occupied the six exits of the hall. It was not until an hour later that the interim president Shesha appeared in high spirits and issued his first presidential decree since he took office, "Removing the Speaker of the House of Lords Jeffrey and the Speaker of the House of Commons." Dre's office, while dissolving parliament indefinitely until the next president is formally elected."

Including Geoffrey and Derry who were dismissed from office, these habitually quarrelsome politicians and congressmen were immediately stunned, and immediately began to curse Shesha. This presidential decree violated the founding purpose of the freedom and democracy of the Republic of Seth, and was unconstitutional! They will not take this order! Absolutely not!

Xie Sha, who has the support of Marshal Helu, will naturally ignore the clamor of these people. In the eyes of Xie Sha, who is a soldier, these members, including the two high-ranking speakers, are useless and cunning, only quarreling and wrangling. politician! The meaning of their existence is as a fig leaf and a stepping stone issued by government orders. If one day they forget their responsibilities, then there is no need for them to exist.

Liu Xi stood quietly behind Xie Sha. This handsome and calm young man carefully concealed his lion-like ambitions, and watched Xie Sha make an extremely stupid move. Perhaps Xie Sha's original intention was good, at least he really hoped that the government agencies would operate diligently, or perhaps this order could indeed play a certain role in the short term, but dissolve the parliament? This is undoubtedly a face-to-face conflict with the regime of the Republic of Seth for nearly a thousand years.

Liu Xi curled his lips invisibly, and his fingertips rubbed the original presidential decree in his hand. Five minutes later, this presidential decree will be broadcast on TV stations across the country. I don't know what the citizens of the Republic of Seth will do. reaction?

Shesha may be a good soldier and commander, but he will never be a good politician and official. He is too impatient, and his behavior is too rough. These shortcomings of his are very easy to distort his original intention. The result is fatal. In Liu Xi's eyes, Xie Sha had become a fool who was blinded by anger and could not see the way of the Qing Dynasty.

Marshal Helu is a smart man. He has been able to sit in the position of the commander of the space fleet for nearly 20 years. He will not fail to see how stupid Xiesha's behavior is. However, he kept silent. The power to help Shesha. Liu Xi could not see his intentions for the time being, and could only understand at a superficial level that the dissatisfaction of this iron-blooded soldier with the government had reached a height that could not be ignored.

Does he want to be Madoff Whitewhite of the Republic of Seth?

Liu Xi lowered his head slightly, hiding the cold light that flickered behind the lens. Even if the seeds are to germinate, they need suitable soil. Marshal Helu should know this, right?

However, those have nothing to do with him for the time being.

Seeing Xie Sha returning to the office in a happy mood to handle the official documents, Liu Xi took off his glasses and blew off a few particles of dust. He should prepare for the next thing, at least, before the interim president is expelled from office. , some work must be done in advance.

As expected by Liu Xi, once this presidential decree was announced, it immediately caused an uproar among the people. The disbanded councillors gathered around the heart of the water capital, protesting loudly against Shesha's tyranny.

"This is a trampling of freedom! This is a destruction of democracy! Our great republic is being manipulated by this extreme militarism! As a citizen with a conscience, as a fighter who will never abandon the creed of freedom and democracy, we absolutely This cannot be allowed to happen!"

"Shesha must explain his unconstitutional order! We do not recognize this as a legitimate presidential decree! This presidential decree should not be enforced!"

"I am a member of parliament elected by the people! Our parliament represents the will of all the people! Shesha's dissolution of the parliament proves that he is completely on the opposite side of the people! This is the germ of dreadful militarism! This is a precursor to despotism !"

"Shesha must step down! He can't use the rights given to him by the people to do such an unreasonable and terrible act!"

Geoffrey and Derry, who were dismissed from their posts, stood at a high place and gave impassioned speeches. Their habitually combed hair was now messy on their foreheads. The buttons of their suit jackets had disappeared, their faces were flushed, and their eyes were bright There are gods, raising their fists high in the air, more than 300 members of parliament gathered around them, more and more citizens are also attracted by their speeches, and many media have followed and reported this event, including from Mars and γ Planet Several media of the Free City Federation, they mixed among the media of the Republic of Seth, recorded this scene and sent it back to their own country at the speed of light. In less than a day, almost the entire Muse system was made aware of this event in the Republic of Seth.

Freedom and democracy are about to be replaced by despotism and militarism?

The people of the Free Cities Federation have no interest in it, and no matter what form of government they continue to do business with them, there is no problem. The Mars people celebrated with their foreheads and watched the development of the coup d’etat in the Republic of Seth with a joking attitude. They are even more skeptical about the boring banners that tyranny and militarism are about to overwhelm the Republic of Sais by those rallied and marched.

Will those monkeys who can only twitter really give up the so-called democratic freedom? Impossible to think about! Sometimes an enemy will know you better than a friend, it's a timeless truth.

At the Madoff Military Academy, the news also spread quickly. After almost every student completed a day of schoolwork, the first thing to do is to rush back to the dormitory, turn on their brains, and inquire about the further development of the coup d’etat in the Republic of Seth. Some of the senior students even spontaneously formed a research group and began to conduct in-depth analysis of the incident in the Republic of Seth. They proposed various conspiracy theories and countermeasures, which were divided into several factions. After arguing with blushing and thick necks, these young men found that quarreling was really not suitable for them, and consciously came to the fighter practice warehouse to catch and fight. Sweaty beat up guys who disagreed with them. After controlling the laser cannon to shoot down another enemy plane, they suddenly realized that, sure enough, quarrels are all clouds, only fists and laser cannons are the truth!

"Shang Ping, what do you think of this incident?"

It's rare for John not to go to the arena or the fighter training bay after class. It's not that he doesn't want to go, but these two places are now occupied by senior students. Perhaps he was stimulated by the news of the Republic of Seth. Fang Gang, the young man who is about to enter the army has been gearing up all day, and it seems that he will be able to board a battleship to occupy a planet in the next moment.

"What's your opinion?" Shang Ping kept typing on the keyboard, he was preparing the paper for the history class, "I don't have any opinion."

"Isn't it?" John sat up suddenly, looking at Shang Ping in disbelief, "You have taken so many history classes, don't you give your opinion on this incident? Or are you just for the credits?"

"how to say?"

Seeing John's enthusiasm, Shang Ping put aside his perfunctory attitude, turned around, and tapped his fingers, "If you really want to ask me what I think, I will only tell you one thing, this incident, the last The result is likely to be 'the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman wins'. Got it?"

"What snipe, what a fisherman, don't say anything I don't understand."

Shang Ping looked up at the sky speechlessly, but only saw the high ceiling, "John, I know you don't like history classes, but it's too unreasonable to skip language and literature? Are you going to board a battleship in the future, or Do you have to bring an interpreter with you when you meet an allied army?"


John fell back on the bed, grabbed the pillow and covered his face, "Okay, I'm an idiot!"


Shang Ping's unfinished words were interrupted by the doorbell, and the screen at the door clearly showed the figure standing outside the door.

"Austin South?"

Hearing this name, John threw away the pillow and jumped up from the bed, "What is that woman's face doing?!"

Shang Ping patted John on the shoulder helplessly. Everyone is at the door, so he can't pretend he's not there, right?

Austin South patiently rang the doorbell again, and after three rings, the door opened. Shang Ping stood at the door, obviously not planning to invite him in.

"Is something wrong?"

Austin nodded, and then sent a bunch of burgundy roses to the business plane, "Can I have the honor to have dinner with you?"

Shang Ping looked at Rose and Austin, completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, Austen's mother, Mrs. Diana, is rejoicing that her youngest son can consult her opinion on love affairs in adolescence. She does not know that her accidental behavior will bring earth-shaking changes to her son's life path in the future, or , she knew it would not change her original intention.

The author has something to say: I have seen many adults say that the characters cannot be remembered. Here is a brief introduction. In fact, most of them are passers-by for the plot. There are only a few main characters: the protagonist: Shang Ping, the supporting role: Solan, Liu Xi, Austin Secondary supporting roles: John Jonathan, Zhou Ting, Joseph

Shang Ping Adoptee: Colonel Edgar

The main government of the Muse system

Fourth Planet Mars Military Government

Highest Power: Chief Executive 1st Term: Madoff Whitewhite

Commander-in-Chief of the Space Fleet: David South (Austin's father)

Seventh Planet Seth Republic

The first president of the highest power: Liu Rui

Former: Franz (resigned due to the disappearance of the Fourth Fleet)

interim president shesa

Successor: Liu Xi

Space Fleet Commander: Marshal Heru

Third Planet | Planetary Free Cities Federation

The first chairman of the highest authority: Greta South

Current: Zena Joe

golden empire


First Prince: Soran Edrich

Marshal: Novi

Fourth Fleet of the Republic of Seth

Commander: Colonel George (got the lunch box)

Captain: Elfy

