MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.118Mar 06, 2023


In war, in the face of absolute strength confrontation, there has never been any luck.

It was less than a day before the Imperial Fleet launched the general attack on the six hundred and seventy-eight stars, and the huge number of casualties of the two deaths had already accumulated in front of the commander. Compared with the six hundred and seventieth who were in a defensive role, they would perish if they could not defeat them. Ba Huo Xing, the huge casualties of the imperial fleet made many powerful figures in the capital of the empire unable to sit still.

The Prime Minister of the Empire, Count Reichart, is a loyal supporter of imperial power. He has great objections to the existence of the six hundred and seventy-eighth star. The conquest launched by Soran Edrich has also been approved by the Prime Minister. Support, however, this does not mean that Count Reichardt, who was born in an old-fashioned noble, will endure the continued expansion of casualties without seeing the results of the battle. The emperor's military exploits are necessary, but the losses of the fleet and the imperial soldiers are not just simple numbers! The emperor's insistence, if he can't see satisfactory results, is very dangerous. The emperor of the empire can be a tyrant, but he must not be a fanatical believer who doesn't care about anything other than war! Except for the direct fleet led by young soldiers who were absolutely loyal to Soran Edrich, the Imperial Army was not monolithic. Starting from Solan I, the military system that has survived to this day is huge and bloated, like the roots of a giant tree, which are intertwined with the interests of all parties.

certainly. Earl Reichardt is not just superficially obsessed with the large number of casualties. The Military Intelligence Department has obtained information from some sources about the instability of the empire's frontier planets. Not long ago, Soran II just dispatched Lieutenant General Metz. There has been a crackdown and one hundred and ninety-seven real power figures on the frontier have been executed, including three governors! However, under the **** repression, there are still many ambitious people. These despicable people, who are eager for power and money like leeches, never forget to carve a share from the vast territory of the empire.

For the purpose of deterrence, Count Reichart would so firmly support Soran Edrich in launching this war. However, the result of the war may not be satisfactory, perhaps even barely satisfactory.

"Lord Prime Minister, a telegram from Her Majesty the Empress Dowager."

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother?"

Empress Dowager Yilan may be disgusting in some respects, but it cannot be denied that what she has done is completely in line with the empress demeanor cultivated by a noble family. Similarly, she has also cultivated a qualified heir for the empire. No one would think that Hainy III would play a big role in the growth of Soran Edrich. This mediocre emperor who was diligent in the first half of his life but completely indulged in wine in the second half of his life, the only great achievement in his life, It is to pull the previous emperor off the throne and sit on it himself.

Seeing the news from the Empress Dowager Yilan, Earl Reichardt immediately tightened his eyebrows. Are these border governors crazy? Do you really think that by uniting you can force the emperor to submit? Are the lessons of the previous three governors not enough?

In any case, it was impossible for Reichardt to intercept the telegram. Soran Edrich received the news at the first time, and also expressed helplessness and doubts about it.

Yes, the young emperor is a little helpless. Why do these rioters always gather together to plan first, but delay in taking action? If someone rises up, he can justifiably send them all to the arms of Solan I. As for doubts, it was the attitude of Count Reichart at this time.

What the **** is this political tumbler thinking? Among these governors, there are also collateral relatives of the Reichart family, right?

Soran Edrich narrowed his eyes slightly, and in the depths of his ice blue eyes, a blizzard-like cold condensed.

"Your Majesty, there is already a shortage of energy."

"What about the energy ship?"

"Have already done a supply once, Your Majesty."

"Do another supply."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The continuous use of the main guns of warships, the energy consumption is completely different from that of ordinary warship artillery. Rao, the artillerymen who have experienced hundreds of battles, are also a little shocked by the emperor's generosity. Similarly, for the 670th The respect of the Eight Magic Stars also arises spontaneously.

How could a small star be able to withstand such a fierce attack by the imperial fleet? That's enough to be startling.

Soran Edrich pondered for a while, and if he fought like this, the result would not be very good. It was not because he had no confidence in the Imperial Fleet. If he was still the Commander of the Imperial Fleet, Soran Edrich would order the fleet to keep attacking until Destroy that puzzle star, even if the entire puzzle star is smashed into powder! Soran Edrich, the Emperor of the Empire, cannot do this at all! What he is burdened is no longer just a fleet of millions, but the entire huge empire.


Gently raising the corners of his lips, Soran Edrich stood up and walked to the podium. These people must also pay the price!

Soran Edrich's order was immediately communicated to the entire Imperial fleet.


All of Huoxing's 20 anti-aircraft guns have been put into battle, but only eight of them can function normally. Goodwill was forcibly dragged out of the turret by the secretary and guards. Within a few minutes, the turret was annihilated by a huge beam of light, and the rising mushroom cloud announced the destruction of another anti-war artillery.

Even if Goodwill wanted to rush back, he couldn’t do it. However, from the bombardment of the Imperial Fleet that seemed to ignore energy loss, Goodwill seemed to sense something, and insisted on staying on the ground regardless of the danger to calculate the interval between shelling, and his expression changed after he came to the conclusion. When he got pale, he immediately ran back to the underground command room and connected to the Huo Xing Fleet, which was fighting the main fleet of the Empire.

"Break out, break out now!"

This order was also sent to the Huo Xing Mecha team. As for how many people can receive it, it is not guaranteed by goodwill.

After receiving the intercepted telegram from Juxing, Soran Edrich couldn't help but start to admire his enemy.

"This governor must be removed."

At the same time, the Imperial Fleet was ordered to immediately annihilate the remaining Huoxing Fleet. The flagship commanders had already guessed the emperor's plan and did not intend to continue attacking Huoxing's homeland. Maybe you can get away with it this time, but what about next time?

Battleships can be produced, can be bought, what about soldiers and commanders?

During the reign of Haini III, one of the most criticized incidents was that he did not attack the 678th Huoxing. Although the emperors of the past dynasties could not completely occupy this Huoxing, they really consumed Huoxing's strength. Haini III allowed Huo Xing to rest and recuperate for a hundred years!

Soran Edrich doesn't completely blame others for his failures, but it doesn't prevent others from thinking. However, considering the instability of the border, Soran Edrich ordered to encircle all the Star Fleet as soon as possible, and then return to the capital.

For a moment, Huo Xing is really nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands of planets on the border.

Even if only a few people participated in this conspiracy, Soran Edrich would not be naive to think that the governors of the other ruling parties would have no idea.

At least, there are not a few people who fish in troubled waters.

The young emperor quickly and calmly issued a series of orders, the back team of the fleet that attacked the homeland of Huoxing became the front team, while the front fleet bombed Huoxing to attract attention, and cooperated with the main fleet to encircle and suppress the Huoxing fleet.

"Attack!" Harlan? Edrich waved his arm.


Lieutenant General Metz, Admiral Date and the flagship commanders of the Imperial Fleet worked together to sound the death knell for the Star Fleet.

In the face of the tenacious Star Fleet, the Imperial Fleet changed its strategy and began to concentrate firepower to attack a little, and then devoured and besieged the divided battleships with an absolute numerical advantage. It was similar to the previous strategy of the Star Fleet. It is for self-protection and breakthrough, while the imperial fleet is for encirclement and massacre.

After receiving the telegram from Goodwill, the commander of the Star Fleet guessed that it was not good. He just ordered to break through the fleet from the side with the weaker defense of the opponent, that is, the fleet of Major General Delga whose flagship was destroyed by Shang Ping, but found that there was also a fleet behind him. Besieged!

The monitoring personnel in front of the console started reporting the position and quality of the fleet in panic, but the commander shook his head.

"No need, this is the fleet that attacked the mainland of Huoxing before."

The people in the command room suddenly fell silent.

"What's the matter? Don't make such a depressed look! This means that this group of imperial **** has once again been defeated in front of the Shang Capital. Shouldn't everyone be happy? They will never be able to conquer that free land! Forever!"

The commander's words were sonorous and powerful, and everyone's expressions faded from panic and became determined.

"These greedy **** will not be reconciled! For thousands of years, our ancestors have defended our planet like this. Although we are businessmen, we are greedy and will do anything for wealth, but when our planet is threatened, we The bravest warrior!"

"I won't say too many impassioned, righteous words, I won't say how meaningful it is that we died in battle, I will only tell you that thousands of years ago, these imperial **** couldn't conquer our ancestors, today, they can't If we defeat us, after tens of thousands of years, Shangdu will still be free in the universe!"

"So, warriors, fight to the death."

The commander of this Huo Xing fleet did not even leave a name in history, but every Huo Xing warrior in the future will memorize this speech, which represents Huo Xing's unyielding soul!

Shang Ping drove the combat armor to avoid the shelling of the black mecha again, turned around, and the elbow laser cannon hit the command cabin of the black combat armor behind him. The surface of the blue fighter armor is already scarred, but fortunately, the energy cabin is not damaged. Although the command module has been hit once, it has no effect on the central operating system of the mecha.

Shang Ping also heard the speech of the Commander of the Fleet of Huo Star Fleet from the communication system. The blood dripping from his forehead stained his sight, dripping into the corner of his mouth, salty, I don't know if it was red blood or transparent tears.

Soran Edrich watched silently as the Imperial Fleet entered the predetermined position. The commanders of the flagships stepped off the podium in unison, stood in front of the huge screen, and looked at the blue fleet surrounded by the black fleet. Hearing the commander's words, if the universe is not silent, then everyone, including the soldiers of the star and the empire, will believe that this sentence will echo throughout the universe, with a sonorous sound.

"Respectable soldier."

Soran Edrich looked at the flagship escorted by the blue battleship in the center, and gave a solemn salute.

At 3:00 a.m. on April 19, 1129 in the Galaxy Calendar, the Golden Empire Fleet launched a general attack on the **** fleet of Huoxing. The Huoxing fleet, including the flagship of the commander, all perished, and no one survived.

