MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.137Mar 06, 2023


"Counterattack! Form a battle formation, don't panic!"

The Mars voyage fleet encountered the biggest trouble on the way. After most of the warships landed on the supply star, a fleet suddenly attacked them from behind. The battleships that had landed were too late to set sail, and were separated from the attacked fleet by the protective barrier suddenly activated by the supply star. Some captains were in a hurry and immediately opened the hatch to release the single-man fighter squadron, hoping that these single-man fighter jets could be protected by the planetary barrier. Before it was completely closed, he rushed out, but unexpectedly, four huge beams of light appeared on the ground around the parking lot, and a transparent net was formed between the beams. The extent of burning the energy capsule can never really rush out. It was as if they had slammed into an invisible wall, with an instant, powerful impact that nearly knocked the one-man fighter out of control.

"A group of poor stray lambs."

Lorde leisurely tasted the medium-rare steak, the blood-stained fresh meat was cut into a size suitable for the mouth, and the snow-white teeth chewed the meat wrapped in the delicious sauce, and the waiter on the side had already brought the crystal glass. wine.

Putting the last piece of meat into his mouth, Lord took up the snow-white napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth. The thick black beard on the upper lip was well groomed. Unlike most business group owners, Lord is not only keen on wealth, but also likes to shuttle in the fire The Mars Voyage Fleet was cornered in the middle.

"Tell Hagrid and Chicoli to do what they like. His Excellency the Governor will pay us quite well. Also, don't give orders to the fleet sent by the Governor, they have their own commanders."

Lord's words were not an order, but an incitement. These men, who are fully legitimate business groups, but never forget their cosmic pirate activities, have already smelled blood like piranhas, trying to devour the besieged Mars space fleet.

The Mars voyage fleet, which was suddenly attacked, did not immediately fall into despair and panic as Lord had expected. The Mars warriors who had undergone the blood and fire test have always dared to face any conspiracy and challenge. Even if they lose their lives, just like Hansen, Apollo and others who died in battle with the Golden Empire fleet, they are soldiers, swearing allegiance to the mother star, and defending the dignity of soldiers with their own bodies and blood!

After receiving Lord's order, Hagrid and Chicoli ordered to approach the voyage fleet that was separated and stranded outside the planet at full speed. Now, in terms of numbers, the expedition fleet is completely at a disadvantage! These greedy space pirates opened the gun doors of all the warships, aimed at the Mars expedition fleet in defensive formation, and fired salvos of naval guns.

The Mars Voyage Fleet immediately returned with color, high-density lasers and particle rays collided with each other at a terrifying speed, and exploded silently in the universe. The charging battleship and the defending battleship were hit almost at the same time, and fierce sparks burst from time to time. The shattered parts of the battleship and the soldiers who lost their lives began to dye the black universe red. Due to the lack of energy, the voyage fleet was at a disadvantage from the beginning. After several rounds of shelling, most of the peripheral warships were blown into two pieces and even became fragments floating in the universe. Several ships that could continue to fight were also more or less on the hull. with scars. However, the warships that attacked them launched a more violent artillery attack at this time. The warships that were intercepted on the planet also discovered the sudden increase of troops around them. Small airships and armed land vehicles surrounded the warships in the parking lot. . The huge warships that can't fly, and can't be used as a fixed fortress, can't do anything with these guys like an ant colony. Instead, they must always be alert to being bitten by them. However, these airships were just cruising outside the beam of light, as if looking for something.

"damn it!"

Major General Charles was so angry that he uttered foul language. The noble general, who always paid attention to etiquette, could not maintain a good manner at this moment. The current situation is extremely bad. They almost stepped into each other's traps with their eyes closed. Even if they took precautions in advance, they were still deeply mired in the quagmire. Major General Charles and several middle-level officers have repeatedly requested Major General Edgar to let them command some of the warships to carry out suicide attacks and tore a hole in the enemy's encirclement. This is the only way to rescue some people at this moment. But Major General Edgar was slow to agree.

In just a few minutes, another part of the battleships withdrew from the battle.


Major General Edgar frowned, watching the battle, and suddenly said loudly: "The other party has been compressing the fleet. They don't want to completely destroy us, but to capture us!"

The command room fell silent for a moment, and Major General Charles let out a laugh with a "ha" and refuted loudly: "What are you kidding, respected commander?! Haven't you seen the blown up battleships and the dead soldiers? ?! If you are still trying to save your life, then let me lead my warriors into those greedy wolves! We are the soldiers of Mars, and we won't let ourselves go and survive!"

"Major General Charles, please be careful!"

Colonel William put away his usual mildness. The situation was so bad that it was urgent that the two commanders could not quarrel again, otherwise they would all die. Colonel William would have no complaints if he died in a battle with a fleet of other planets, but he would never be reconciled to dying in a conspiracy! I believe that all Mars soldiers are unwilling to accept such a fate.

"It's not unfounded." Major General Edgar ignored Charles' provocation and continued: "Yes, they set up a conspiracy from the beginning, and they attacked us despicably and shamelessly, but from the beginning of the battle, they were targeting Battleship and cruiser attack, very little shelling on command ships, especially the prominent flagship! If they really intend to kill us all, then no commander with brains would make such a mistake! The flagship is The soul of the fleet. Throwing the flagship aside, or even deliberately avoiding it, and attacking the battleship and frigate instead, isn't it obvious what they want to do?"

"what do you mean…"

"Yes, they want to capture us. No, it should be said, they want to capture the flagship of the fleet!"

"Capture us? These shameful conspirators and pirates?!" Major General Charles angrily pulled off the collar button, "They don't even think about it!"

Major General Edgar turned his head and looked at Colonel William. Compared with Major General Charles, who was almost burned out by his anger at the moment, he believed that this Colonel who had followed Colonel Apollo and worked with Apollo as an aide could make rational decisions. judge.

William did not let him down.

"If this is the case..." Colonel William said with difficulty: "If this is the case, we have little hope of escaping."

"How is that possible?! Organization..."

"Organizing a suicide attack?!" Major General Edgar sternly blocked Major General Charles' words, "What about the fleet and personnel that were intercepted on the planet?! We escaped and left them to the enemy!?"

Major General Edgar's sudden anger silenced everyone in the command room. At this moment, the situation on the battlefield has begun to tilt. Even if the only one-man fighter that can launch an effective attack organizes one attack after another, and loses nearly half of its members, it is still unable to break through the opponent's firepower network.

Austin South's one-man fighter unit was the only one that still had a complete organization. After flying back to the battleship again and replenishing its energy, the young lads flew to the enemy ship again, and flew towards the nearest ship in a shuttle shape. An enemy warship was busy chasing a wounded warship, ignoring these fast, almost ghost-like single-man fighter jets, and the fighter jets continuously hit the energy compartment of the third section of the warship, and the violent explosion almost killed it. The attacking one-man fighter also got involved.

"Sixth ship!"

The enthusiastic cheers of the members of the fighter squad came into Austin's ears along the communication channel, but the young captain could only swallow his unspoken words bitterly. Even if they destroy more battleships, the outcome of this battle is already doomed. They have insufficient energy, and the shelling frequency of warships is significantly lower than that of each other, and there is a trend of getting weaker and weaker. No matter how heroic the soldiers are, what is the use of artillery accuracy higher than the opponent's? Ants can kill elephants too!

Perhaps Major General Edgar had already foreseen that he might encounter trouble in coming to the supply star this time, but there were too many factors that forced them to come even though they knew that there would be danger here. Now, the danger is really coming. Mars is on the other side of the distant universe. They are like a group of people who have been abandoned in the universe. No one can help them. The only one who can help them is themselves!

Austin's dark green eyes flashed with determination, and the words Shang Ping once said to him rang out in his ears again: "Live, Austin, live." Thinking of the parting kiss of the black-haired boy, the one who was once captured by the empire, still strong and alive Down boy, he can too! If he can't even do this, he doesn't deserve to stand by Shang Ping's side!

Austin clearly knows that the entire fleet is short of energy at the moment, which is also an important reason why the voyage fleet is at a disadvantage in the bombardment battle with the opposing fleet. In this case, they must look for other opportunities in addition to the frontal confrontation!

Austin positioned the fighter's radar to the right of the center of the enemy fleet. There was a huge warship, which never launched an attack or moved its position. It seemed to tell others that it was the master of this fleet. It's there, but no one can threaten it!

Can't threaten him?

Austin narrowed his eyes slightly and ordered all members of the fighter team to immediately descend two combat altitudes. At the same time, he sent a message to the nearest cruise ship to cover the fighter team. The commander of this cruise ship was a lieutenant colonel. With a serious face, the young captain agreed without hesitation. The cruiser's turrets were half destroyed to cover the one-man fighters, only to be smashed to pieces by enemy fire, but knowing what Austin and his one-man fighter team wanted to do, None of the crew on the cruise ship made a sound of dissent. The two nearby warships also approached, and the three ships formed the simplest zigzag formation. The huge hull hid the entire fighter team in the shadows behind them, and used the huge hull to resist the fierce artillery fire. , rushed towards the enemy fleet like a martyr, and even pulled two enemy warships to death when the hull exploded.

Finally, Austin's fighter team was getting closer and closer to the command ship, and almost no one on both sides of the red eye noticed the whereabouts of this team of single-man fighters on the battlefield. Just as Austin was about to approach the command ship and launch an attack, the mutation suddenly occurred! The battleships that were besieged on the planet suddenly found that the airships and land vehicles around them were starting to evacuate, and the protective cover above their heads seemed to be opened. They didn't care to think about whether it was another conspiracy, and instinctively controlled the battleship to take off at the maximum speed, rushing towards A fleet of our own that is in a tough fight! Seeing this scene, Major General Edgar rushed to the podium with a roar: "Tell them to stop, stop immediately!"

Everything is too late...

Three huge beams of light followed behind these battleships, and the dazzling white light wrapped all the battleships, and a huge explosion sent waves of terrifying shock waves in the universe. In the violent shock, the shell and armor of the flagship originally surrounded by the center of the fleet cracked. The people in the flagship fell to the ground in the terrible shock and shaking, and dazzling sparks broke out on the command platform. Major General Edgar , Major General Charles was scratched by shattered glass and metal fragments, Colonel William was crushed to the ground by the staff adjutant, and the person protecting him had stopped breathing, and a piece of shattered metal was directly inserted into his heart.

The fleet of Lord Merchant Corps also stopped attacking. Obviously, it was the fleet sent by the 678th Governor of the Star that launched this sudden attack. Only they have such terrifying anti-aircraft guns. After confirming that the besieged fleet did not have the command ship they were looking for, these people immediately took these fleets as targets for guiding coordinates. They knew that once these warships escaped, they would immediately return to the command ship and start fighting. Let them play the last bit of residual heat.

Seeing this scene, Lord once again realized the terrifyingness of the Governor, who is indeed a man who dared to fight against the entire empire. Until the shock wave stopped, the entire battlefield had become dead silent.

"Hopefully the person the Governor is looking for is still alive."

Lorde felt a bit of a toothache. In any case, this was done by the person sent by the governor himself. If the person he was looking for died, he shouldn't be in trouble for himself, right?

Lord ordered part of the fleet to stay behind to clean the surrounding battlefield to clear the remaining enemies, and the other part to go to the command ship. He did not intend to send anyone into the command ship. After confirming that all the turrets had been damaged, he simply used the tow rope to pull the ship. The command ship was firmly tied, and fifteen large transport ships were used to pull it out of the wreckage of the other battleships.

Taking advantage of the slack of these pirates, Austin decisively gave up the attack. Leading his one-man fighter squad, turned around and flew to the transport ship stranded behind the Lord's fleet. They don't participate in combat, they are only responsible for energy delivery, and they also contain pirates who drive escape pods. At the moment, there is a mess around these transport ships. Some pirates have escape pods that look very similar to one-man fighter jets, and Austin intends to mingle with one of the transport ships.

Governor's Palace

Soran Edrich's tour of Sesha was very different from Namu and Holhold. Arrived at Sai Xia for two days, he was very busy every day. Harlan? Edrich reported the situation of Sai Xia and several mines to the emperor in great detail. As the emperor's cousin and a member of the royal family of Edrich, he was more able to grasp the scale and scale of this than others.

"Your Majesty, it is said that you have found the source of a new power stone?"


Soran Edrich nodded. He hadn't planned to hide this from Harlan from the very beginning. However, Soran Edrich didn't intend to let him know about the transaction with Goodwill. At least not yet.

"I made a deal with the governor of the six hundred and seventy-eighth star."

"With whom?"

Harlan? Edrich couldn't believe his ears, did he hear right? Is His Majesty the Emperor making a deal with the six hundred and seventy-eighth Governor General?

"Dear cousin, you heard right."

"Your Majesty, does Earl Reichart know about this?" His Excellency the Prime Minister spared no effort in supporting His Majesty the Emperor in attacking the 678th Huxing. Now His Majesty the Emperor wants to make a deal with this Huoxing's rebellious Governor?

"It's not necessary." Soran Edrich looked at Harlan with a half-smile. Edrich didn't look back until the other party began to feel very uncomfortable, "I am the emperor of the empire."

Harlan? Edrich saw again the willfulness of the great dictator.

"What's more, as long as it is beneficial to the empire, Earl Reichate won't mind, and neither will others."

Well, don't mind. Harlan? Edrich was very skeptical that replacing the word "won't" with "don't dare" should be more appropriate.

Compared to the power stone, Harlan? Edrich was also very interested in another thing.

"Your Majesty, I would like to take the liberty to ask, what do you think about that black-haired boy? It seems that he is not yet an adult..."

"...Harlan? Edrich!"

"Your Majesty, this minister is just curious. What's more, you have always acted 'bright and aboveboard', so Empress Dowager Yilan must have already received the news."

Soran Edrich looking at Harlan? Edrich, the other even winked at him. Soran Edrich seriously considered whether to shorten Harlan's time at the star and allow him to return to the army as soon as possible. The young emperor thought he was giving too little work to his cousin, making him interested in learning about gossip about boring court nobles.

Solan Edrich's busyness in Sai Xia made Shang Ping no longer need to work up his energy to deal with the emperor all day long. Although Soran Edrich didn't say anything to Shang Ping, Shang Ping still felt inappropriate from the attitude of the attendant and his arrangement during this time. Shang Ping began to feel dangerous, and this feeling became more and more clear. He tentatively asked Soran Edrich if he could let him contact Goodwill. His Majesty the Emperor happily agreed and sent him a communicator.

Shang Ping stared at the small device inlaid with gems, only half the size of his palm, did Soran Edrich have a brain twitch? Shang Ping suddenly had a very strange feeling, the emperor seemed to condone him?

Did he think too much?

In any case, the communicator was a pleasant surprise, but after contacting the goodwill, Shang Ping had the act of smashing this thing!

Looking at the virtual images of Goodwill showing him gifts one by one, Shang Ping once again had the idea of ​​killing his father in a dark way.

"Baby, do you know where I am now?"

Under Shang Ping's puzzled gaze, Goodwill walked to the window, pushed open the window, and showed Shang Ping the scene outside the window.

"Speaking of which, baby, you've always lived in Mars, haven't you been to the Free City Federation? There are a lot of good things here. Do you like the gift that Dad prepared for you? Would you like to kiss Dad?"

With a snap, the communicator was rudely turned off and thrown into the corner.

Free Cities Federation? What is his cheap dad doing there?

For some reason, Shang Ping always felt that his father, who hated Mars to the bottom of his heart, suddenly ran to the Free City Federation, and it would definitely not do anything good.

