MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.154Mar 06, 2023


Women are amazing creatures.

Goodwill looked at the communication screen, and tapped the table with slender fingers, no, maybe I should say, Aijia? Derich is an amazing creature.

"So what? Beautiful lady, you agreed to the request of His Excellency the President?"

"Yes, the handsome President Liu has fully expressed his friendliness and sincerity." Aijia? Derich smiled, his gray eyes like two sweet crescent moons, "At least, it is definitely not inferior to you, Your Excellency Governor. Moreover, this kind of friendship and sincerity is also very beneficial to you."

Goodwill put his chin on one hand and looked at Aijia? Derich, she seems to have completely come out of the shadow of the loss of a loved one. As expected of Derich. However, Goodwill still thinks she is very close to a single-celled organism. To sum up, it is indeed a puzzling thing that the excellent espionage ability and the stupidity exuded from time to time are so perfectly combined in one person.

"Friendliness and sincerity?" Goodwill whispered, "Isn't it because he's handsome?"

"You are also very handsome, Your Excellency the Governor." Aijia's little white hand was half covered? Derich's bright red lips, the full curvature of the lips between the fingers, unexpected sex? "I admire handsome men, but I only love beautiful women."

"You are honest."

"Thank you for your compliment."

"Well, as a cooperating party, although I am a little dissatisfied with your decision, I still can't refuse you. So please tell President Liu that I have received his sincerity, and he will also get what he wants."

"Okay, I'll tell him."

Love Jia? Derich blinked, as if complacent and complacent for his cleverness, unaware of what was implied in the words of goodwill.

Goodwill turned off the communicator, closed his eyes, and pondered quietly. It was really remarkable that Liu Xi was able to find out about the transaction. The young president of the Republic of Seth has everything a good politician needs. If conditions permit, he can completely become a predator standing at the top of the pyramid of power, just like Liu Rui who established the Republic of Seth. He flows with the blood of conquerors and powerhouses, which is an indelible human nature. However, various realities suppressed his ambitions.

The ambition that grows in a statesman is dangerous and deadly, for his friends and his enemies alike.

According to Goodwill's plan, the Republic of Seth is different from the martial Mars, who has been wearing the veneer of "freedom" and "democracy" all the year round. This is a planet where politicians are in power, and it is not unacceptable to surrender after whitewashing. That way, his darling won't have a headache for the scale of the war. Although Goodwill doesn't care how many people he kills, maybe he wants to destroy everything that brings him pain and madness, but Shang Ping doesn't like it. Liu Xi took the initiative to find Aijia? Derich, who wasn't in Goodwill's plans, was abrupt.

Goodwill leaned back on the chair, turned the office chair leisurely, and put his hands behind his head, just like Aijia? What Derich said, Liu Xi's cooperation was very beneficial to him, but, from the conditions proposed by Liu Xi, Goodwill detected Aijia? The subtext that Derich didn't find. Didn't she realize that once Liu Xi was allowed to join in, in the future, the governor of the Muse Galaxy after entering the empire's territory would definitely not be her, and more than 90% would be this young and handsome president.

He has the ability and ambition, and he is more in line with the necessary conditions for conquering the Galactic Governor that the Golden Empire needs.

But what's up with him? At the beginning, he was only for Aijia? Derich said it was possible, does this woman think it's a sure bet?

The sarcastic laughter gradually sounded, and Goodwill's mood finally improved, and even some troubles he encountered on the way back from the imperial capital would no longer affect his good mood.

Harlan then? Edrich's fleet suddenly appeared on the way back with Goodwill and Edgar, which indeed caused both of them to break out in a cold sweat.

Harlan? Edrich knew about Goodwill's transaction with the Empire, but he still attacked Goodwill's ships, and even sent a huge humanoid sapper mecha to directly kidnap two frigates, but did not send any damage to the main ship where Goodwill was located. One shot, which makes goodwill quite confusing. until Harlan? A video message came from Edrich's flagship, and the cold royal family solemnly expressed their dissatisfaction with Goodwill taking away Seth prisoners without authorization, and Goodwill suddenly realized.

"Sorry. But things have already happened, and I can't send him back to prison." Ignoring Edgar's instantly livid face, Goodwill continued: "He is the adoptive father of the new princess, if he is locked up in Serbia In Xia's prison, there will be damage to the dignity of the royal family, isn't it?"

Harlan? Edrich could not say that Edgar was taken away before Shang Ping became the princess. In any case, the fact that it was done could not be erased, which was why Soran Edrich did not allow Harlan to tamper with the banquet. one.

"Your excuse is perfect. But have you overlooked another fugitive?"

"There is another fugitive?" Goodwill's surprised expression was flawless, and no one could find a trace of contrived elements, "Lord Lord, this is really a worrying fact. After all, Sai Xia's prison has always been impregnable. And known for being tight defense, isn't it?"


Harlan? For the first time, Edrich found a man so suitable for the word. He was the biological father of the princess, but he was indeed extremely shameless!

The attack and the interception ended in a dead end, Harlan? It is impossible for Edrich to actually kill the father and adoptive father of the new princess. Once the emperor officially announced Shang Ping's royal status, the safety and life of his relatives, except for treason, would be guaranteed by the imperial code.

Paradoxically, Shang Ping has become a member of the imperial family of the empire, and the 678th Governor of Huo Xing has a hostile relationship with the empire. How to deal with this?

The idea appeared in Harlan? During Edrich's return journey, he did not intend to turn around and launch another attack, so the lord of Sai Xia could only speed up and return to the Ivan Summer Palace, leaving this trouble to His Majesty the Emperor.

However, Lord Saixia obviously underestimated the emperor. After staying in the emperor's office for half an hour, Lord Saixia moved forward the return date by a full two weeks. For the first time in my life, I have doubts about my brain and the way I think about problems.

On July 6, 1129 in the Milky Way calendar, a small sailing formation consisting of 1,738 warships set off from the capital of the Empire, and its destination was the Deke Galaxy, the leader of the new imperial concubine Shang Ping. This sailing formation carried 13,678 officers assigned to Shang Ping. These Imperial officers would join the Deco system fleet, and they would incorporate the flexibility of the battlefield into almost all clone troopers. In the formed fleet, once the conditions are ripe, Shang Ping will lead the fleet to embark on the journey.

This is also the limit that Shang Ping can accept. If all of its squadrons are commanded by officers of the Golden Empire, it cannot be said to be invincible, but it is definitely not difficult to defeat all the fleets in the Muse system. But that also lost the meaning of Shang Ping's original formation of this fleet. He did not want this fleet to become a vassal of the empire. He had to maintain his independence and minimize the influence of the imperial soldiers in the fleet. Walking the tightrope within the scope allowed by the emperor has become a problem that Shang Ping cannot avoid. Fortunately, the tightrope is thick enough and there is no danger of breaking.

"500,000 battleships, 360,000 cruise ships, 150,000 supply ships, but only 13,678 officers..."

Sure enough, things don't have the best of both worlds.

Shang Ping reluctantly put his forehead on the cold metal table and let out a sigh, "There is still a long way to go..."

The fleet had just left the capital of the empire and entered the route to the Deco galaxy, when Shang Ping was hit by the ensuing problems and almost lost his interest in eating. The establishment of the fleet, the arrangement of personnel, the supply of energy stones, the security of the Deco galaxy, the daily training of fleet personnel... Countless and complicated problems have left Shang Ping absolutely free. Being hands-on is a good quality, but Shang Ping cannot ignore the fatigue that this good quality will bring.

Shang Ping raised his head and touched his cheeks with both hands, trying to wake himself up from his slightly depressed mood. He left Soran Edrich and had no contact with Goodwill. He had to face all problems independently. , This is something he must experience in the process of growing up. Shang Ping, who has lived for two lifetimes, doesn't think that using the word "growth" on himself will make him blush. After all, live to learn.

As soon as I think of Soran Edrich, there still seems to be a touch of silver hair brushing on my skin, and the warm breath touches the pink lips. He is obviously an emperor like ice and snow, why is there a thing that seems to be able to incinerate everything? enthusiasm…

Shang Ping was fascinated, his fingers involuntarily stroked his lower lip, and the sound of a message from the light screen suddenly sounded, interrupting Shang Ping's thoughts, and the sudden sobriety made Shang Ping realize what he was thinking just now, and his whole body was stiff. in place.


Ivan Palace, the capital of the Golden Empire

On the corridor leading to the offices of the cabinet members, the Prime Minister of the Empire, Count Reichardt, is talking with the Minister of Finance, Triusini. The border galaxy rebellion that happened not long ago did not affect the fiscal revenue this quarter. Soran II There appears to be no intention to put more tax revenue into the military, much to the relief of the chancellor. In addition, Soran Edrich doesn't seem to have much interest in investing more money in the development of remote galaxies, and the young emperor is always unpredictable.

When serious topics are over, even the Imperial Cabinet members like to talk about lighter topics.

"I heard that the new imperial concubine left the capital shortly after the banquet, is this news true?"

"Yes, His Majesty sent a small galaxy to the new emperor. This is the tradition of the empire. The new emperor should be eager to see it."

"But the wedding will be held in half a year, and the new emperor should not leave the capital during this time." The old-fashioned Marquis Gree was obviously a little dissatisfied with the behavior of the new emperor, but that was all.

Earl Reichardt was not very interested in this topic. He just walked silently while listening to the conversation of his colleagues. The behavior of this new princess, like his background, also had a strong civilian atmosphere. The old-fashioned aristocracy of the Empire seemed a little out of place. He went to the Deco galaxy, and the formation of the fleet was not the regulation of the royal family, but the formation of the imperial school-level officers.

The establishment of imperial school-level officers?

Count Reichate suddenly stopped and shook his head immediately. Although he was from the army, Shang Ping's military rank was only conferred by the emperor and did not involve military merit. Do you really want the imperial concubine of the empire to lead the fleet to expand the territory for the empire? He must have thought too much.

