MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.161Mar 06, 2023


Shang Ping's exercise plan at first listed the combat habits and fleet size of the Mars cosmos fleet in detail, and then made a plan based on his own experience in participating in the war, looking for all the entry points, and trying to break through them one by one. The second fleet, which is the defending side, occupies a planet and is supposed to be the fleet guarding the parent planet, while the first and third fleets are the attacking side. Shang Ping will not be arrogant and think that he has fully grasped all the details of the Mars fleet, but with the information provided by Goodwill as a supplement, Shang Ping is confident that this exercise will be closer to the Muse galaxy offensive and defensive battle.

The premise is that it must be carried out according to his vision. As for which side to attack or defend wins, Shang Ping doesn't care at all. He just wanted to use this exercise to further hone the entire fleet and at the same time improve the plan to attack the Muse galaxy.

However, all of this is now unknown.

The Second Fleet Commander, Major Bomi, disrupted Shang Ping's preset exercise plan. Although he still asked the staff officer to give the order to start the exercise, Shang Ping was no longer interested in the process of the exercise.

Of course, the fleet will definitely be further improved, but the comparison of the data he wants to get has become empty talk.

"If you really go to the battlefield and Major Bomi still acts like this, it will really be too much."

However, it is possible to look at the adaptability of these commanders and hope that he will not be disappointed. As for Major Bomi, if he still insists on going his own way and does not recognize his mistakes, then he is not suitable to remain in the Deco galaxy fleet. Shang Ping had reminded them once before that he didn't like to waste his words too much, just to make these people obedient.

Shang Ping shrugged and stubbornly refused to turn on the communication device, so that all three fleets lost contact with the commanding flagship. They would not think that there was a problem with the communication device, it could only be explained that Shang Ping actively interrupted all communication.

I can't figure out what the commander is thinking now, and Major Sid and Major Chad, who have noticed that Major Bomi is not at the designated coordinate position, turned ugly.

"It's no wonder that this guy's military exploits are always in direct proportion to each other."

Chad? Major Mace's blue face has been faintly blue, and it is displayed on the huge screen, revealing a strange feeling. Sid? Major Hall also frowned deeply. They had not worked with Major Bomi for a long time, and their mutual understanding was limited to written information and more than two months of daily life. Seriously speaking, Major Bomi's actions are already challenging the authority of the commander-in-chief in the highly ranked Golden Empire cosmos fleet. If it happened on a real battlefield, this kind of provocation would be enough to be sent to a military court.

"What now?" Chad? Major Mace's voice became cold, "The commander-in-chief's flagship lost contact after the command to start the exercise. The Second Fleet was not at the scheduled position at all. Unless we also change the plan, this actual combat exercise will become a joke. "

Sid? Major Hall, Bichard? Major Mace thought more, and he had already invested in Shang Ping's Sid. At this moment, he even wanted to turn this exercise into a real combat, using laser cannons to blast Bomi into pieces.

"Just keep going," Sid? Major Hall took a deep breath and looked at Chad on the screen? Major Mace said calmly: "What we can do now is to win this actual combat exercise. As for the fate of Bomi, we don't need to worry about it."

If you dare to do so, you must have the determination to accept the consequences. I haven't figured out the real purpose of Lord Lord, so I think I'm being clever. Bomi may think that this exercise is the Lord's test of the ability of the fleet commander, Sid? Major Hall did not think so. Opportunities are never suitable for soldiers, and out-of-time self-expression generally does not get the desired benefits.

"Chad, since the commander's flagship issued the order to start the exercise, the Second Fleet has become our enemy. What we can do is to find them, defeat them, and destroy them!"

Chad? Major Mace put away his serious expression and blinked, "Okay, let's teach that guy, try to show his ability, and see the timing!"

They knew that after the exercise, the fate of Major Bomi would definitely not be very good.

"Poor Pommiers."

Chad? Metz sighed insincerely, and then issued an order to the radar operator to immediately locate the current coordinate position of the Second Fleet. No matter how daring Major Bomi was, it was impossible to leave the exercise area. In this dead galaxy, if he wanted to Perfect hiding, without leaving a trace, is simply impossible! Especially in Chad, known for his ambush battles? In front of Major Mays, Major Bomi would be committing suicide if he tried to ambush the First and Third Fleet.

Obviously, Major Bomi did not intend to continue to hide. When the First Fleet and the Third Fleet passed through the middle area of ​​the two planets in a trapezoid, the Second Fleet finally revealed its tracks, and the Second Fleet cleverly hidden in the shadows of the planets. , launched the first round of attacks to the joint of the two fleets. The high-density laser beams and energy molecules collided with each other. Even though the energy output had been weakened, it still caused damage to the impacted warships. Strong punch? Under the shock, some warships voluntarily withdrew from the battle. The Imperial Fleet's actual combat exercise has its own set of rules for judging the damage, damage, or complete damage of the battleship. Shang Ping used it directly, and he didn't think it was inappropriate.

Sid? Major Hall with Chad? Major Mace's combined fleet seemed to be stunned by the sudden attack, and remained motionless until the end of the second round of attacks. Turning around, the entire combined fleet looked very chaotic.

Just when Major Bomi thought he had seized the opportunity and was complacent, Major Sid and Major Chad finally confirmed whether the entire Second Fleet was here, and they had to rule out the possibility that this round of attack might be a bait. It was not until it was completely determined that Major Bomi's "good luck" and "valor" were finally over.

Chad? Major Mace's Third Fleet seemed to be in a panic, but in fact, they left the main battlefield in an orderly manner. They formed different formations with small units of warships, and gradually surrounded the exposed Second Fleet on three sides. The First Fleet blocked the second one. All the backs of the fleet, Sid? With an order from Major Hall, the artillery fire several times that of the Second Fleet was launched, like a spectacular and gorgeous dance of light and shadow, wrapping the Second Fleet in groups. The Third Fleet cooperated with the attack of the First Fleet, from three sides. Putting pressure on the Second Fleet, after a few rounds of bombardment, the hatches of some of the battleships opened, and the black combat armor rushed out of the battleship, the accelerators on the legs of the combat armor, spray? shoot? Two dazzling tails of light rushed towards the surrounded Second Fleet like bloodthirsty wolves...

The battle only lasted for less than an hour, and Shang Ping had already expected the result.

"There's no need to question who the winner is."

Shang Ping looked at the light group on the screen due to the collision of the laser beam, and his expression was inexplicable.

"Lord Commander, do you turn on the communication device?"

The voice of the flagship staff officer sounded again, Shang Ping almost helplessly looked at the young staff officer standing beside him, in fact, this guy was not from the Imperial Guard, but a transformed clone soldier, right? He has said the same thing three times, doesn't he know how to look at people's faces?

"Do you have to do this?"

"Your Excellency, you are the commander-in-chief."

"Are you mocking me?"

"No, the subordinates are stating the facts."

Well, Shang Ping waved his hand and showed his dissatisfaction with his actions, but the staff officer automatically understood that his opinion had been accepted. Is this another problem with communication between aliens?

Shang Ping raised his head and sighed, the aliens are too dangerous, let him go back to Earth. Even fire? The stars are also...

Soran Edrich got the details of the actual combat exercise for the first time. As the ruler of the empire, this galaxy fleet exercise was not his business, but the commander of this fleet was Shang Ping, and His Majesty the Emperor had to show due care no matter what. In this regard, the court etiquette officer is also very agreeable.

Do ceremonial officers also need to pay attention to military operations?

Shang Ping was momentarily confused, looked at the virtual image of Soran Edrich, and raised his own questions. Soran Edrich was silent for two seconds and explained to Shang Ping: "The court etiquette officer is my fighting and swordsman teacher. Before I was sixteen, he taught tactics classes."

Shang Ping was silent for five seconds, and suddenly realized, no wonder he was able to throw the airship out with his bare hands!

"Don't you think it was just an accident?" Soran Edrich rested his forehead with one hand, thinking of the high-ranking court etiquette officer, the emperor also had a headache, "Do you still think that is his interest?"

"No." Shang Ping replied solemnly; "I thought that was his alternative way of exercising."

"You are joking?"

"I'm serious." Shang Ping approached the virtual image of Soran Edrich, "Look at my sincere eyes!"


The emperor was also silent.

Shang Ping did not let the emperor remain silent for too long, and it was his unique experience to accurately grasp the switch between convulsion and normal mode.

Shang Ping put forward a request to transfer Major Bomi from the Deco galaxy fleet. He could have ordered it directly. As the galaxy lord and the commander-in-chief of the fleet, he has this right. However, Shang Ping still did not do so.

However, the emperor disapproved of Shang Ping's cautious attitude, "Baby, you don't need to do this. You are the lord of Deco, and you have the right to decide the life and death of all things in Lingxing." "Including what you leave for My Imperial Guard?"

"Of course, as I said, they already belong to you. As for the major you mentioned, you don't need to send him back to the capital, just send him directly to Sai Xia."

After listening to the emperor's words, Shang Ping felt that he was extremely kind. He just wanted to transfer Major Bomi away, but the emperor sent him directly to prison.

Touching his chin, Shang Ping said to himself, seemingly earnestly, "I still need to learn..."

Muse Galaxy, Federation of Free Cities

Love Jia? The news that Derich was trading ore with the Gold Empire still leaked out. Mars chief executive Martin directly to Ai Jia? Derich issued a note, hoping Aijia? Derich stopped this "collaboration" behavior. Love Jia? Derich made no response to this, as long as David South didn't speak, she still had room to maneuver. Martin also contacted the Republic of Seth, and President Liu Xi's attitude towards this matter was ambiguous. He even used the founding purpose of the Republic of Seth, "freedom and democracy" as an excuse, and believed that the Free City, which used trade as its survival model, was a federation. Golden Empire transactions do not constitute "collaboration".

"This is just a normal transaction, isn't it?" Liu Xi smiled and played Tai Chi with Martin, deliberately avoiding the topic of Martin's request for Seth and Mars to put pressure on the Free Cities Federation, "What's more, the Free Cities Federation is just a Doing business with the Golden Empire, in a sense, can be considered to ease the hostile relationship between the galaxy and the Golden Empire. I believe you have heard the saying in the ancient earth era, "there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests" Bar"

Liu Xi spoke calmly, but Martin suddenly frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing." Liu Xi shrugged his shoulders and continued: "I just want to remind you if there is a reasonable explanation for the disappearance of the Voyage Fleet before sanctioning the Free City Federation. After all, it's not just Mars himself. The things that happened, the Republic of Seth, also paid a great price."

"...Well, however, I must also remind you that the expedition fleet has just lost contact now, not that something has happened."

"I hope so."

Martin obviously had no interest in continuing the conversation. Liu Xi responded with a few words of goodwill and ended the call.

After turning off the communicator, Liu Xi leaned back on the office chair, turning the antique-style signature pen with his slender fingers, sneered, deceived himself, and only comforted himself.

