MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.164Mar 06, 2023


Shang Ping stood in front of the huge screen in the flagship command room. Below the screen were three rows of consoles. The radar operator and the controller were busy in an orderly manner. The staff officer stepped onto the teleportation bridge, and he needed to go to the next-level command ship. In the newly formed Deco galaxy fleet, all officers with commanding skills will be "made the best of everything" to the greatest extent. What a strange thing.

Book? The galactic route described by Derich is sufficiently stealthy and safe, with the only downside being that it is too narrow and has only a few space-hopping particles. The entire route, like a long and narrow corridor, through which nearly one million warships, cruisers and supply ships pass, takes at least two days. Major Lu Dan questioned again that maybe this was a conspiracy, and the long and narrow interstellar route was too suitable for ambushes. Chad? Major Mace sided with Major Ludan. Sid? Major Hall didn't say a word, but frowned.

"It won't happen unexpectedly, it just takes some time."

Book? Derich swears.

In the end, the Deco galaxy fleet entered this long and narrow corridor.

Shang Ping's order is unquestionable, although the three commanders do not trust Ben? Derich, but could not go against the commander-in-chief of the fleet.

At the moment, by Sid? The First Fleet led by Major Hall had reached the middle of the route, and the command ship sent a telegram to the flagship to confirm the coordinates of the landing planet again. Mars military regime is located on the fourth planet of the Muse system. Before departure, was Shang Ping the same? Derich has confirmed the coordinates of the route, but not only the fourth planet, but also the seventh planet Seth Republic, and the third planet's Free Cities Federation.

Book? Derich was noncommittal and didn't quite understand Shang Ping's intentions. However, when Shang Ping's fleet entered the route, his mission had been completed.

"Notify the First Fleet, the coordinates have changed..."

Standing in front of the podium, Shang Ping issued an order that was enough to change the fate of the entire galaxy in a calm voice. Brown eyes stared at the cosmic scene presented on the huge screen in front of him, but his eyes seemed to pass through the cosmic space, looking at places that others could not see.


A new coordinate position was transmitted to the First Fleet, Second Fleet and Third Fleet, and the target was not Mars, but the seventh planet of the Muse system, the Republic of Seth!

Book? Derich was also in Shang Ping's command room. Seeing this scene, his eyes widened in amazement. Looking at Shang Ping in disbelief, this is completely different from what he imagined!


Shang Ping turned his head sideways, put one hand on the side of his face, his eyes were deep, but there was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"No... it's just that I don't understand..."

"Don't understand what?"

"The Republic of Seth has expressed its sincerity to you, why are you doing this?" Ben? Derich did not doubt that Shang Ping's change of the coordinates of the landing planet was a temporary intention, which was clearly planned from the beginning!

"Don't worry." Shang Ping simply leaned on his forearm, resting his elbow on the edge of the table, his smile deepened, "Of course I know Seth's sincerity, including the Free Cities Federation. But I like to be in control of everything by myself. After all, it was Liu Xi and Aijia Derich who expressed their sincerity to me, not Seth and the entire planet of the Free Cities Federation."

"What are you going to do?"

"Just made a small adjustment to the original attack plan. After all, in order to attack Mars, you must go through Seth first. It's impossible for me to be completely at ease with just one document." See Ben? With Derich's ugly look, Shang Ping laughed and said with a good temper: "I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately, but the order of the fleet's landing has been changed. I believe you will understand, right?"

Book? Derich twitched the corners of his mouth with difficulty. Now, what can he say? No wonder Shang Ping insisted that he accompany the fleet and stay on the flagship.

After all, the commander in front of him at the same age doesn't believe them at all! Therefore, he intends to tear this doubt to shreds himself.

Book? Derich lowered his head, and the bitter taste spread in his mouth. Now he can only hope that Shang Ping can keep his promise, at least he said that he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

On September 3, 1129 of the Milky Way calendar, the Deco galaxy fleet led by Shang Ping passed through the cosmic route known as the "New Corridor" by later generations, and suddenly appeared on the seventh planet of the Muse galaxy, the Republic of Seth. before!

The satellites surrounding the planet were attacked at the same time, and an explosion occurred immediately, and the dazzling light from the explosion instantly enveloped the entire planet. Debris from a satellite explosion travels through the atmosphere like meteors.

At this moment, Seth was around eleven in the morning. People who didn't understand what happened were attracted by the strong light and satellite debris, and looked up at the sky. Immediately, the anxiety of fear began to burn their reason and nerves! Countless huge battleships arranged neatly appeared in the sky of Seth! The golden coat of arms on the black warships shows their identities, this is the fleet of the Golden Empire!

"God! What is that?!"

The appearance of this fleet was so sudden, as if it appeared out of thin air!

Despite knowing that there was little hope, the 17 aviation towers of the ground air station still issued solemn representations and warnings to the fleet through clear-code radio waves. Later, it was discovered that Seth had been cut off from all communication with the outside world and that all of their satellites had been shattered in the previous explosion.

"Enable clear text communication."

The huge body of the flagship stood above Seth's sky, and the telecast broke into all Seth's communication channels. A young major in imperial uniform appeared on the huge screen in front of the Air Tower of the Republic of Seth and the heart of the water capital. The black-haired boy had a gentle smile on his face. Against the background of the golden and silver military uniform, he looked even more rich. The faces of oriental charm are picturesque. The Seth people did not know him. This handsome face brought them only endless fear and deterrence at this moment.

In an instant, the square that was filled with various voices suddenly fell silent, and the boy's voice began to resound throughout the planet. This voice is very pleasant, but the content of the words is like a sharp blade scraping the ear drums of everyone.

"I hereby declare that the Deco galaxy fleet of the Golden Empire has since taken over the seventh planet of the Muse galaxy. Any resistance and fierce remarks will be regarded as hostile acts and will be punished the most severely. Of course, I do not hope The bloodshed happened, and I believe that the same is true for all of you."

This short speech ended abruptly like the beginning. When Shang Ping's image disappeared from the screen, people no longer had time to care about other things. Countless people rushed to the heart of the water capital, and loud laments and roars filled the whole place. square.

"Fleet, where is our fleet?!"

"what should we do?!"

Liu Xi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office on the third floor in the heart of the water capital, and he saw all these, including Shang Ping's speech, and the huge warships that were entrenched in the sky of Seth like a swarm of sharks.

The confidential secretary Ken stood behind him, on the desk, the communicator was turned on, and the virtual image of Shang Ping was smiling, looking at him for a moment.

Finally, Liu Xi turned around, looked at Shang Ping, took off the silver-rimmed glasses, and threw them on the ground. The floor was covered with a wine-colored carpet, and the lenses were not broken.

"you win."

The magnetic voice was full of exhaustion. He had imagined countless possibilities, but only this one was missed.

From the beginning, Shang Ping didn't plan to play tricks with him, and he didn't plan to give his back to a so-called "friend" he didn't know. This delicate black-haired boy used his strength to force him to give in completely and betray him completely. From the moment he lowered his head, the scale of victory had already been tilted, and Liu Xi's complacent confidence began to shake. In the face of absolute strength, all deceit was in vain.

Shang Ping smiled and looked at Liu Xi with the same black hair and oriental face as him with seemingly nostalgia. He would not let any hidden worries that could threaten him exist. Liu Xi was very smart, but after all, he was just a politician. He would be a good president, maybe the advice in my father's letter could be considered.

"Don't be so depressed, Your Excellency." Shang Ping clasped his fingers and leaned forward, his brown eyes flashed with a touching brilliance, "You are a politician with a conscience. Although it sounds like irony, please take it as It's a compliment."

Liu Xi smiled bitterly, raised his head, and removed the cover of the lens, his sharp eyes no longer had any scruples.

"Thank you for your compliment, Your Excellency Commander."

"No thanks." Shang Ping was in a good mood, "I will keep my promise, but you know what you should do, right?"

"Of course, I hope you can actually do it."

"I will." Shang Ping thought about it with his head sideways, put away the smile on his face, looked at Liu Xi seriously, and said, "Your Excellency President, your intelligence should not be limited to just one planet. It's not for blood and bloodshed. After this war, the Empire needs a governor who can keep the galaxy prosperous without stirring up war and hatred, what do you think?"

Liu Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and then smiled, which was different from the gentleness of the past, with a hint of imperceptible recklessness in his smile.

"I understand." Liu Xi bent over and picked up his eyes, gently blowing off the dust from the lenses, the frame was re-mounted on the straight bridge of the nose, and the lenses blocked the sparks of ambition in his eyes, "You and Your father keeps his promises as well."

Shang Ping nodded with a smile, the virtual image dissipated in the air.

Liu Xi chuckled a few times, as if the gaffe just now was a planned drama.

The confidential secretary Ken took a few steps forward, opened his mouth, and said in a dry voice, "Your Excellency..."

"I know what you want to say, Ken." Liu Xi turned around and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, "I have my own considerations. Maybe this is not a bad thing, at least, all I did before the document was disclosed. , all 'forced'. The people will understand me as if they thought Marshal Heru was trying to stage a military coup."

"But, Your Excellency, is this really right?"

"No." Liu Xi put his hands on the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the cold touch of the glass spread from his palms to his heart, "But I have to do this, and some things always have to be done by someone. As for who this galaxy belongs to, it doesn't matter, From the beginning to the end, this place does not belong to the human beings of the galaxy."

The next moment, the floor-to-ceiling windows were pushed open, and the dazzling sunlight shot down directly.

"The Golden Empire Fleet occupied Seth! The current President of Seth issued an announcement and sent a note to Mars and the Free Cities Federation. The Republic of Seth accepts the garrison and protection of the Imperial Fleet, and the Imperial Fleet promises to preserve Seth's cultural and political independence..."

Mars got the news that day, but couldn't do anything about it.

On October 3, 1129 of the Milky Way calendar, the war for the Deco galaxy fleet to occupy the Muse galaxy finally kicked off.

