MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.174Mar 06, 2023


Muse Galaxy, Mars Chief Archon Martin was assassinated. The assassin was killed on the spot, but during the investigation, it was found that the assassin was inextricably linked with some high-ranking officials in the military. Martin did not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. When Martin, who was pale and seemed to endure the pain, appeared on the TV screen, Mars's military immediately fell into a very embarrassing situation. On the other hand, the ordinary people of Mars changed their resistance to Martin. In an instant, the resistance to Martin's reform of the political system seemed to be vulnerable to a single blow.

Both the Republic of Seth and the Federation of Free Cities strongly condemned the assassination. Liu Xi maintained his behavior as always, and Aijia Derich suddenly walked to the front of the stage, which must be thought-provoking.

Although the Muse galaxy had become the conquered galaxy of the Golden Empire at this time, since the Deco galaxy fleet was not stationed in Mars, some Mars people did not have a fundamental understanding of the change in their identity. It was not until the Deco Galaxy Fleet entered Mars' airspace from the station of the Republic of Seth that they were only temporarily stationed and put pressure on them to wake up.

"If you want to live, you must recognize your situation. It is ridiculous and stupid to be immersed in the glory of the past. The man's arm is not always a manifestation of courage, and it may become the source of jade and stone."

The words of Liu Xi, President of the Republic of Seth, well verified the situation of the Mars people at the moment. This assassination incident was just a fuse, and the internal turmoil that was likely to be caused was eliminated by the Deco Galaxy garrison. Chief Executive Martin seized the opportunity and, with a seemingly weak posture, completely struck the opponent. At this time, the army, which was scattered and its prestige was shattered, wanted to point fingers at him, it had become a joke.

Without David Soth, the Soth family would no longer have the power they once had. Even David's two sons, Alexander and Ferrier, were running around to no avail. On the contrary, Diana, David Soth's widow, was unusually quiet, and she never appeared in the public eye except for David Soth's funeral. And David South's youngest son, Austin, has not been heard from.

In the midst of all this confusion, Martin's reforms have been carried out step by step and have begun to bear fruit. The Madoff Military Academy founded by Madoff White has gradually transitioned from purely militarized management to semi-military management, and the position of the military department and military personnel in government decision-making has gradually been marginalized.

Shang Ping promised Martin that he would not control Mars in a way similar to the way Mars was in charge of colonizing galaxies. This seemingly lenient and benevolent condition is undoubtedly a sad irony.

As long as Martin follows the agreement reached with Shang Ping, in addition to military, civil and economic affairs, all of them will be in the hands of the Mars people. However, Martin knew that absolute autonomy was impossible. And Liu Xi and Aijia Derich were secretly planning something until the Republic of Seth and the Free Cities Federation jointly sent a note to Mars, discussing the establishment of the federal government of the galaxy and sending the oath document to the satellite galaxy to the Golden Empire, Martin. Smash the communicator to pieces.

Anger, complaining, all to no avail.

From the mouths of the soldiers who returned to Mars after being captured, Martin could easily know what happened to the galaxy that was conquered by the Golden Empire in the past, and the galaxy that was conquered and then rebelled. Compared to these destroyed galaxies, at least the Muse galaxy is still alive.

That being the case, then, strive to be the best within your authority.

That afternoon, Martin, the chief executive of Mars, shut himself in his office until the sun set, and in the darkness of the night, he finally made up his mind. All this is also for Mars, he persuaded himself. There are countless occupied galaxies in the huge empire, and the Muse galaxy is just one of them. You don't need to think too highly of yourself, and you don't need to belittle yourself. Switching from one role to another is exactly what politicians are good at.

If what he did in the past was forced by Shang Ping, then the next thing to do is for himself.

No one is not selfish, but there must be a bottom line.

So, the assassination happened. There will be another time if needed.

Liu Xi and Aijia Derich reacted differently to Martin's move. Liu Xi just smiled meaningfully, but Aijia Derich sent the news to Shang Ping immediately.

This woman from the Derich family is very smart and knows how to set her own position.

When Shang Ping received the news, everything had been settled. It was not intentional delay or communication problems, but Shang Ping had been staying in the capital of the empire for a while, and the news of Aijia Delich was sent back to the main star of the Deco galaxy through the Deco galaxy garrison. After all, with the current status of Aijia Derich and the position of the Muse Galaxy, it is impossible for every message to be sent directly to Shang Ping.

"Assassination?" Shang Ping playfully tapped a line of words on the screen, "Are you sure this is not a self-directed play?"

It's not that he deliberately thinks people darkly, but judging from the results of the incident, the ultimate beneficiary is Martin, and Mars's military department will soon exist in name only after Martin's reform.

However, this is also the result he wants. If Martin is as savvy as he appears to be, then he wouldn't mind adding another person to the list of future Muse Galaxies' contenders. Of course, this is only an assumption. If it is not necessary, Shang Ping does not want to let the Governor of this galaxy appear too early, which is not good for each other.

Goodwill looked at the news from Mars almost with a show-like attitude, and Shang Ping was noncommittal about it. As for what Goodwill thinks, as long as it's not a galaxy massacre, he'll let him go.

As for everything that happened in the Muse Galaxy during this period, everything was going according to his expectations, and he was quite satisfied. Another batch of energy stone transport ships has arrived in the Deco galaxy. After handing over this batch of energy stones to the Imperial Frontier Fleet, it is impossible for Shang Ping to have time to pay attention to these. Without him, the court etiquette officer has upheld a 120,000-point professional attitude and began to teach the future queen of the empire a full range of three-dimensional assault Mansha Edrich.

In addition to the required courses such as etiquette and dress, due to Shang Ping's poor performance at the previous banquet, court social dance became the top priority of this surprise teaching.

"It would be the biggest joke in the history of the Empire if the Emperor and Empress of the Empire opened their wedding dinner with military music! No, it's not a joke, it's a shame!"

Shang Ping sat on the sofa in a regular manner, with his knees together, his hands on his knees obediently, his brown eyes blinking, if possible, he really wanted to remind His Excellency the court etiquette officer that his pointer should stab Manxia Ai. Derich got on his nose, but he didn't dare.

This court etiquette officer who once taught Soran Edrich is definitely not someone that Shang Ping can easily provoke. He already has a very deep understanding.

So, putting aside all the government affairs of the Deco galaxy and the chores of the Muse galaxy, Shang Ping was locked in the classroom by the court etiquette officer for most of the day.

"Your Excellency, this is the course you are going to study today, please take a look. The wedding is just two months away. I hope you can study hard."

Shang Ping burst into tears when he looked at the slowly-arranged course plan...

Soran Edrich could only offer spiritual comfort to his future queen. As for the rest, the emperor said there was nothing he could do. His Excellency, the court etiquette officer who has been teaching the emperor until the age of sixteen, is indeed mighty!

"Your Excellency, it is a great honor that Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich will personally teach you court ballroom dancing."

"Ah?" Shang Ping looked at the court etiquette officer in confusion. He danced with the emperor and wanted the Grand Duke to teach him?

Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich didn't let Shang Ping be puzzled for too long. She appeared in front of Shang Ping in an imperial military dress, Cheng Liang's military boots, and a high ponytail, looking valiantly. Standing in front of the Grand Duchess, Shang Ping found it very sad that even if the Grand Duke only wore imperial military boots, she was still taller than himself... Even if she was only two centimeters taller, that was still tall...

Did these aliens grow up on hormones?

"Your Excellency, you don't have to be nervous." Compared with the devil-style cramming teaching of the court etiquette officer, Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich was regarded as very gentle, but she was too concerned about "fairness". Once Shang Ping stepped on her inadvertently, she would definitely step back. As a result, Shang Ping, who had always kept aloof from court social dances, began to learn at the rate of laser cannon firing. When Soran Edrich had time to check Shang Ping's study progress, he had to pay high respect to Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich.

Court etiquette officials still seem to be dissatisfied with the speed of Shang Ping's learning, but there is no other way at the moment. When Shang Ping's court social dance was finally qualified, the court etiquette officer and court attendant began to bombard Shang Ping with all the details of the royal wedding.

After a few days, Shang Ping began to count the frequency of his steps even when he walked, and when he had dinner with Soran Edrich, the steak on the plate could be measured with a ruler.

Seeing Shang Ping like this, Soran Edrich suddenly and forcefully ordered the court etiquette officer to stop all classes, ignoring the dark face of the court etiquette officer, and hung the cabinet ministers in the office again. He and Shang Ping stayed in the garden of the palace on the east side of Ivan Summer Palace.

The capital of the empire is like spring all year round. Even in the early winter, the gardens are still colorful, with birds singing and butterflies dancing. The golden wagtail spread its dazzling wings and danced over the long pavilion in the corner of the garden, with a crisp chirping sound like the music played by Fan Graceling.

Shang Ping's back is leaning against the column edge of the corner of the pavilion. The surface of white marble is carved with ancient myths in gold. The fragrance of flowers was sent in the breeze, and he couldn't help but close his eyes, and the familiar cold fragrance surrounded him again.

Raising his head and looking deeply into those blue eyes, the emperor rested his arms on the column, and Shang Ping seemed to be wrapped in his arms.

"I can only do so much for you. Because, you will be the queen of the empire, my wife."

The emperor whispered in Shang Ping's ear, and Shang Ping raised the corner of his mouth and wrapped his arms around the emperor's neck.

"It's all right. Still, I'm glad to hear you say that."

If you get it, you have to give it. Wherever it is, it should behave. Shang Ping knew this better than anyone else. So, he was willing.

The wind blew the colorful petals, swirls gently, danced into the air, picked up a strand of silver hair, and fell, rendering the silver of Hua Zhang, covering the emperor's favor. The silver-haired emperor protected the black-haired boy in his arms and dropped a pity kiss. Everything, only the wind knows...

The court etiquette officer stood quietly for a while in the distance, then chuckled. The attendant next to him widened his eyes in horror. How long has it been since he saw this Your Excellency's smile?

Ignoring the inexplicable horror of the attendant, the court etiquette officer suddenly turned around and left the garden in a better mood. Soon after, there was a loud noise from the parking lot in front of the palace complex on the west side, and a small airship was thrown into the air, and then fell vertically, falling to pieces.

Of course, don't get me wrong, the court etiquette officer is definitely not angry, this is a way of expressing his good mood, but no one knows about it so far.

