MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.178Mar 06, 2023


Goodwill and Edgar were not present at the banquet. Although there are not many people who know Goodwill, it is impossible for Goodwill to appear in front of all the royal families and nobles of the Golden Empire. Shang Ping married into the royal family and became the queen of the empire, which is completely different from the status of the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huo Xing governor of the goodwill. Even though he is the queen's father, there is absolutely no deviation when the laser gun fires.

The banquet ends with the last dance between the emperor and the empress dowager, which is an imperial tradition. But in today's banquet, the queen of the empire danced with the Grand Lady Mancia Edrich, which became a good talk for a while. In the history of the empire, there are many worthy and worthy queens who have been praised, but it is extremely rare to be recognized by members of the royal family who hold real power, such as Grand Duchess Manscha Edrich. Empress Dowager Yilan, the queen of the late emperor Haini III, with her superb political skills, only got a not so good evaluation from the female grand duke. Regardless of Shang Ping's ability, at least for now, he has the kindness and support of Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich.

"Your Majesty, I wish you and Her Majesty a wonderful evening. Of course, that's for sure. No member of the Edrich family has ever had a conflict with their partner because of a discordant night."

Grand Duchess Manxia Edrich handed Shang Ping's hand back to Solan Edrich's, joking innocuously. The last sentence could be regarded as an alternative blessing, but the next sentence made people wonder how to answer. Say thank you, am I honored? The character of Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich is indeed a bit of a headache, the young emperor thought so.

The straight-faced Empress Dowager Yilan couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth. She finally couldn't bear to hold the wrist of Grand Duchess Mansha Edrich, with an elegant, not rude, but firm enough attitude, The emperor and the queen said their goodbyes, and at the same time, they took away the grand duchess who wanted to continue talking.

Harlan Aidrich and other members of the royal family also left one by one.

During the whole banquet, Admiral Ida was having a headache how to explain to His Majesty the wedding episode that happened before, but Lieutenant General Metz didn't care at all, and devoted himself to the exquisite pastries and wine at the banquet.

Well, being able to eat and being ignorant is also a virtue. Admiral Date, while muttering, respectfully saluted the emperor and empress, and left with most of his colleagues at the banquet. As for the question of explanation, perhaps the emperor and empress will bask in the sweetness of their newlyweds and forget everything that happened before.

The noble lords and court ministers of the empire also left one after another. Not long ago, the banquet hall, which was full of beautiful music and full of beautiful clothes and shadows, gradually returned to the emptiness and silence of the past.

The attendant commanded the attendants and maids to do the finishing work. The last wall lamp went out and the two golden doors slowly closed.

After Solan Edrich and Shang Ping left the banquet hall, Shang Ping's attendant stepped forward to tell Shang Ping that there were guests visiting. After listening to the attendant's description of the visitor, Shang Ping nodded, showing no surprise at all. Soran Edrich was not invited by Shang Ping and went with him to see the visitor. It is very rare that the emperor is not dissatisfied with this.

Shang Ping is not surprised that Goodwill and Edgar will appear here, but he is quite curious about the fact that Goodwill is not wearing women's clothes, but seeing Edgar who is sitting on the sofa, he is still cold at Goodwill in a gorgeous dress, Shang Ping was relieved.

"Father, Uncle Edgar, I'm glad you can come to my wedding."

Shang Ping's cheeks were glowing pink. He only drank a few toasts at the banquet. He had to drink it. A hundred or even thousand years of fine wine, even if the degree was not high, was intoxicating enough. Fortunately, Shang Ping's face was a little hot.

He's in a good mood now, and he's much more enthusiastic about Goodwill and Edgar than he used to be.

Edgar just hugged Shang Ping with relief and patted him on the shoulder. Goodwill was quite surprised, and even leaned his cheeks and said, "Baby, are you moved? Just kiss Dad when you are moved."

Goodwill intended to be a joke, but Shang Ping kissed him directly on the face.

Goodwill touched his cheek in surprise, and the instant soft touch made him swallow the ridicule he was about to export back in his stomach. It is rare to see the embarrassment of Goodwill, Edgar laughed loudly and rubbed Shang Ping's head with big hands, just like every time in the past ten years.

"My child, I'm very happy to see you get married." Edgar said, taking out an old-looking velvet box from his pocket, opening it, and lying quietly on the white satin surface of the box. A drop-shaped blue pendant, "This is a wedding gift for you."

this? Shang Ping looked at the pendant that was obviously more suitable for women, and looked at Edgar in confusion. Even if he was "married" to the emperor, it didn't mean he had to wear women's jewelry...

Goodwill saw the pendant, and a mysterious smile hung on the corner of his mouth. Without waiting for Shang Ping to speak, he took the pendant, and then took out a platinum necklace from his pocket, and strung the pendant on it to match the original spindle shape on the necklace. The metal pendants collided.

Goodwill put the necklace on Shang Ping cautiously, blinked, and said, "Baby, this is the wedding gift that Edgar and I gave you, take good care of it."

Shang Ping looked down at the two pendants on his chest. Not to mention what Uncle Edgar gave him, the one his father gave him is engraved with password-like words and imprints on the metal casing. stone key.

"As you guessed." Goodwill said: "This is the key to the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huoxing main power energy cabin. No one knows its actual existence except me. The governor of every generation of Huoxing is a In this way power and trust are passed down. Now, I leave it to you, my child."

"Father, this gift is very precious."

"Of course, do you think I'll just give someone a jewel pendant?" Goodwill taunted Edgar. Of course, they all knew that this was not malicious, just a habitual intimacy, "Since you Became the queen of the richest, most powerful, most beautiful emperor in the universe, then, 'dowry' can't be too shabby, can it? Oh, yes, dowry, I'm not using the word wrong, right? Know yours My mother was obsessed with ancient galactic culture, and she told me that more than once."

Well, Shang Ping helplessly looked at the crystal chandelier hanging from the dome at a forty-five-degree angle. He really wanted to complain, it's terrible to have no culture...

"However," Shangyu changed the conversation, pressed Shang Ping's shoulder, and said seriously: "This is for you, baby, do you understand?"

"Yes." Shang Ping nodded with a smile, "I know, this is mine, I know what my own thing is, father."

"very good."

Goodwill was satisfied. Edgar was not interested in this roundabout way of speaking. He just felt that after reuniting with Goodwill, Shang Ping had changed a lot, but this was not a bad thing. Edgar is a pure soldier, but not a fool who gets carried away by his blood. Although he is not interested in politics, he understands that for Shang Ping, what is right and what is wrong will not be a one-size-fits-all criterion. Today, even more so.

Edgar knows the children he has raised very well. Shang Ping has a set of standards and bottom lines in his heart. He will not cross this bottom line. If so, what should he worry about?

Edgar and Goodwill could not stay in the Ivan Summer Palace for too long. Before sending the two to the parking lot of the palace complex on the west side of the palace, Shang Ping saw Novi waiting there, dressed in a silver dress, left. His Excellency the Imperial Marshal, who wore lily-shaped earrings, looked at Goodwill, and his eyes could almost see the burning anger. Until Goodwill and Edgar boarded Novi's aircraft, and Novi said goodbye to Shang Ping upholding the noble's cultivation and etiquette, Shang Ping still touched his nose with some doubts, then shook his head, forget it, this is the same as him It doesn't matter much. Novi will definitely not blast Goodwill's head with a laser gun, well, at least not now.

Shang Ping was walking in the seemingly endless corridor of Ivan Summer Palace. The silver moonlight passed through the circular columns and sprinkled on the marble floor. The pendant in front of him, a strange thought came to his mind, the magic star that his father gave him is definitely not pre-marital property, so it is the joint property of the husband and wife after marriage? The emperor said that he has half the right to inherit the throne... Forget it, let it be the private money he saved.

Shang Ping saved his first private money after marriage without any pressure—a Huo Xing that has been fighting against the Empire since its existence, or to be precise, a powerful artificial celestial body.

For the queen of the empire, this is indeed a private money that cannot be explained by common sense.

The attendant did not send Shang Ping back to his bedroom, but sent him to the door of Solan Edrich's bedroom.

Shang Ping paused for two seconds in front of the door, his face changed a bit strangely, well, indeed, he is married and can't sleep in separate rooms with the emperor... However, is the emperor and the queen going to sleep in the same room, or is it special today?

If it were every day... Shang Ping's face darkened.

Shang Ping's attendant and the emperor's attendant who had been waiting earlier exchanged glances that knew each other well, which was extremely incompatible with their rigorous and elegant appearance.

The attendant tapped three times on the door, waited for a few seconds, then opened the door, bent down, and said to Shang Ping, "Your Majesty, please come in."

The corner of Shang Ping's mouth twitched, why did he feel that the attendant was saying to him: There is a fire pit ahead, please jump.

Stepping into the room, as the door closed behind him, Shang Ping was instantly pulled into a fragrant embrace. The hot kiss fell, Shang Ping instinctively let out an exclamation, and was immediately picked up by the waist. The bright lights in the room made everything invisible, including the emperor's blue eyes and Shang Ping's hot cheeks. .

Shang Ping moved uncomfortably. He once told Soran Edrich that he didn't want the emperor to hug him like a girl. As a result, the emperor now uses one arm to support his legs, and he Sitting on the emperor's arm like a child, why is the slender and thin emperor so strong?

Shang Ping didn't have time to think about this "esoteric" question, so he was carried to the bed by Solan Aidrich, and he was thrown onto the bed in a whirl. Soft, refreshing satin wrapped around his body, and the silver dress that had not been taken off fell on the bed, like moonlight wrapped in white snow.

The black hair was scattered on the snow white, and the ink dyed into the emperor's blue eyes.

Solan Aidrich knelt on one knee beside the bed, with one hand resting beside Shang Ping's head and the other hand on Shang Ping's collar button. Unbuttoning them one by one, the white shirts were also slowly separated. The emperor's hand slid in along the neckline of Shang Ping's unbuttoned shirt, brushed the slightly raised Adam's apple, delicate collarbone, and continued down, but was suddenly caught Living.

Solan Aidrich raised one eyebrow and looked at Shang Ping. The black-haired boy lying under him showed a strange but charming smile. While the emperor was in a trance, he grabbed the emperor's arms. The shoulders and calves are pinned to the emperor's legs, and the upper and lower positions have been reversed.

Shang Ping sat on the emperor's waist, grabbed the collar of the emperor's coat with both hands, lowered his head, approached Solan Aidrich's lips, and bit the emperor's pale pink lower lip lightly, "Your Majesty, on the wedding night, Always have to be special, right?"

Solan Aidrich's eyebrows were raised higher, and his blue eyes exuded a smile that could not be concealed. He held Shang Ping's waist with both hands, and with a force, Shang Ping himself fell on the emperor's body, hot. The kiss, slid across the still pink cheeks and stopped by the rosy lips, for a long time...

"Honey, I'll make you remember tonight's special forever."

