MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.181Mar 06, 2023


When the Imperial Marshal Novi Yuga, the Lord of the Holhold System, arrived at the Ivan Summer Palace to attend the annual Lords' Meeting, the galaxy Chisanna on the border of the Golden Empire underwent a terrible change. Overnight, a medium-sized A total of 1,678 galaxy lords, government officials and their families were all killed by the mob! And all the officers and soldiers of the galaxy fleet lost the news. The riots continue, and Kisanna has now cut off all contact with the outside world.

This terrible news shook the upper echelons of the empire. Although the huge territory is destined to breed some careerists, this kind of thing happening in Kisanna can almost be called a fantasy!

The lords of Kisanna are the Mani families that have been rooted in the system since before it was part of the Empire. This family is wise, and has the purest bloodline of the aborigines of the Kisanna galaxy. It has ruled this rich galaxy on the border of the empire for hundreds of generations, and it is undisputed that it has waited for the support of the territorial people.

Aiwa Mani, the lord who died in this turmoil, was even known as a modest gentleman. He loved poetry and music more than blood and conquest. Aiwa Mani never treated the people under his rule with harsh criminal law, and also strictly restrained the officials of the star. He was even called "Aiwa the good man". For other imperial frontier galaxy lords known for their armies and battleships, it is extremely ridiculous that such a man ruled the important defense satellite system of the frontier, Kisanna. If the Mani family had not been stationed in Kisanna for generations, and each generation of family members had led the Kisanna galaxy fleet to expand the empire and guard the border, Soran Edrich would never allow such an indecisive person to sit on the throne of the lord. Even Aiwa's fourteen-year-old brother was more suitable for this position than him.

However, even such a lord who was kinder than anyone else, even called cowardly, died in the riots of the people under the rule of Aiwa Mani, who was known for his gentle methods, and the riots of the people even happened. Not long ago, the Kisanna government just reduced the tax on the galaxy!

No matter who it is, this is an extremely incredible thing.

When Novi walked into the council hall, several lords had already arrived. They are Harlan Edrich, Lord of Sesha. Greg Armenia, Lord of Norred, Komi, Lord of Josan, Ida, Lord of Popon, Metz, Lord of Rewana, and Giovanna Dere, Lord of Namu.

Although most of the lords have not arrived yet, everyone here is enough to represent all the factions of the galaxy lords in the empire's territory.

Harlan Eddrich, who came from the royal family, and Ida and Metz, who had followed Soran Edrich since the time of the prince, were all important figures in the imperial fleet, while Giovanna Delle and Gregar Ha Although Minya has gradually moved away from the center of imperial power, it is still not to be underestimated. They represent the old-style aristocracy of the empire. Although these old-style aristocrats have been continuously compressed in power and wealth during the few years of Soran II's reign, the foundation of the Dere family, the Armenian family and several other families has never been shaken. Komi, the lord of Qiaosang, represented a considerable part of the forces in between. As for Novi himself, when he left Heine III and stood behind Soran Edrich, his position was already doomed.

Greg Harminia, the lord of Norred, is a gray-haired but spirited old man. He has a very deep friendship with Giovanna Dere, perhaps, this friendship is also based on interests, but the Arminian family and the Dere family have been intermarriage for generations, and the close relationship is an indisputable fact. Even though the two families are now far away from the political center of the empire, no one dares to look down on them.

Looking up at people with your chin up, you will one day be trampled on by others.

This proverb, which has been passed down since the time of Haine I, has been proven countless times.

The decoration of the conference room is not luxurious, but the sofa seats around the long round table are comfortable enough. On the wall facing one end of the long table, there are golden and black flags that symbolize the imperial family and fleet. The portrait of the emperor hanging under the flag adds a bright color to this chill and harshness. Even though this handsome emperor with silver hair and blue eyes is holding an imperial scepter and a sharp sword in his hands, what people immediately notice is his unparalleled beauty and elegance.

Novi first saluted Harlan Edrich and Ida, and then walked to Metz's side and sat down. Of course, out of politeness, he definitely couldn't ignore Greg and Giovanna who were sitting across from them. Polite greetings and just-right questions were what should be done on such occasions.

"Has anyone else arrived yet?"

Novi asked, this kind of social rhetoric is what almost every lord will ask after entering the chamber, polite, and with a moderate affinity.

"Most people are here, but it's still a while before the meeting, isn't it?"

Admiral Metz's character can sometimes feel difficult to grasp, and in fact, it's not in terms of intelligence and cunning. This general, who is like a tiger on the battlefield, always makes people who are not familiar with him feel a little at a loss when getting along with others. That doesn't include Novi, though. Compared to Metz, Admiral Ida and Admiral Harlan are better at getting along with people like Novi. They are all loyal to His Majesty, no matter what position they stood on before, or the principle of doing things, it doesn't matter.

"Do you already know what happened not long ago?"

To Novi's surprise, Gregar looked at him amiably. The lord of the Harminian family always disliked Novi's style, even though they maintained the appearance of peace. Gregar, who came from an old-fashioned aristocratic family but devoted most of his life to the Imperial Fleet, has the character of a soldier of integrity.

"You mean about Kisanna?" Novi immediately grasped the point of Grega's words, "Yes, I already know, it's really unfortunate."

"Although Aiwa Mani is cowardly and cannot be called a qualified border lord of the Empire, he is a good person."

Komi, the lord of Josan, sighed. This lord with long blue hair and amber eyes is very incommensurate with his handsome and slender appearance. It is his iron-blooded wrist and his ruthlessness towards the enemy.

"Indeed, Aiwa is a good person."

Admiral Ida nodded. He and Kemi had worked in the military, and although they were not friends, they could be called acquaintances. Their evaluations of Aiwa Mani were very similar, or it should be said that all imperial soldiers despised Aiwa Mani's character. After all, "good man" is not really a compliment for an empire's frontier lord. If Aiwa Mani was an ordinary galaxy lord, his character and way of governing would be greatly appreciated. But he is the lord who guards the borders of the empire, and iron blood and military style are a must. However, even though they didn't like Aiwa's character, it didn't mean they weren't angry about what happened in Kisanna.

"What does Your Majesty say?"

"It is estimated that troops will be sent to conquer it."

This is to be expected. However, the cowardice of the lord does not mean that the galaxy fleet will also be a soft-footed shrimp. The Chisanna galaxy fleet that can defend the border of the empire for a long time is not an exaggeration to call it a strong army. And there is no news from the Qisanna galaxy fleet so far, which is a bit strange.

"So, has the cause of the riot been found out?"

"There is no accurate information at this time, but if something like this happens, the Mani family will definitely bear some of the responsibility."

"Indeed. Aiwa Mani has died, and his younger brother has committed suicide. The Mani family has already withered away. Your Majesty may send a new lord to Kisanna..."

Hearing Harlan Edrich's words, everyone present could not help but fall silent. No matter who, a galaxy like Kisanna was a great temptation.

Kisanna was wealthy and at an important position on the frontier of the Empire. No lord would reject such a system.

Not only the lords in the council room were discussing Chisanna, but Shang Ping, who had just returned to Ivan's summer palace, was also frowning at the information in his hand.

"What's wrong?"

Soran Edrich walked to the bed, hugged and lay on the bed, with black hair still damp. Shang Ping had just taken a bath, and his body still smelled fresh after bathing.

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do with this matter?"

Shang Ping turned over with Soran Edrich's strength, leaned on the emperor's shoulder, and rubbed the white silk shirt comfortably. The cool and smooth touch made the still hot skin very comfortable.

He didn't intend to lie in bed, but unfortunately the emperor had a deep discussion with him about the "runaway from home" incident not long ago. Shang Ping was also a little overwhelmed.

"Do it as usual." Soran Edrich rubbed the top of Shang Ping's hair, sliding his white fingers on Shang Ping's neck, "If you do something wrong, you must be punished."

Shang Ping grabbed the hand that had penetrated into the front of his shirt, his tone was a little stiff, "Your Majesty, wait for a lord meeting!"

"You can make them wait."

"Do you want to be a stunner?"

"Is this your hope?"

Soran Edrich hugged Shang Ping with one hand and kissed Shang Ping's earlobe.

"Seriously, Your Majesty, don't you think this is a little strange?"


"Yeah." Shang Ping grabbed the hand that was in the front of his shirt again, and hugged it tightly, so that he could have a chance to speak properly, "This incident happened so suddenly, it can take the lord and officials of a galaxy out of the way. All slaughter, there is no warning in advance, can it be done only by the rioting people? And where is Qisanna's fleet? It's a joke that the rioting territorial people are wiped out. There have been riots in the leader star, or populace riots, but none like Kisanna, which is too strange."

Soran Edrich listened quietly to Shang Ping's analysis and nodded. It's not that he didn't notice these doubts, but his strength made him completely ignore them. Any conspiracy will vanish in the face of absolute strength.

"No matter what, there is only one result of betrayal."

"Even if it's full of doubts?"

"Sometimes, you only need to think about getting the results as soon as possible, rather than exploring why things happen."

Soran Edrich put his arms around Shang Ping, raised Shang Ping's chin with one hand, lowered his head, and covered Shang Ping's lips, "When the rebellion subsides, I will give you this galaxy, okay?"

Shang Ping squinted his eyes, took the emperor's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Then, let me command the counter-rebel fleet."

"...don't think about it."

"Your Majesty, you will promise me, promise me, eh?"

Shang Ping smiled and pushed Soran Edrich onto the bed, sliding one knee over the emperor's thin waist, the smile in his brown eyes deepened, and his rosy lips fell on the tip of the emperor's nose...

The lords in the council chamber arrived one after another, until an hour after the last lord was seated, the emperor still disappeared. When the lords were talking, the court attendant waited expressionlessly outside the door of the emperor's bedroom, glanced at his pocket watch for the 126th time, and weighed the difference between "let the lords continue to wait" and "disturb the emperor and queen". After the result was serious, he casually put down his hand that was going to knock on the door.

