MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.183Mar 06, 2023


"The job of the commander-in-chief of the fleet is not to do everything by himself, but to know people and make good use of them.

Know where your abilities and limits lie, and always be careful not to cross this bottom line. Winning a battle doesn't mean everything. The victory of the entire battle is what the commander should consider. To sum up, the two most important tasks of the flagship commander in the entire campaign are to declare the war and the end of the battle. "

The court etiquette officer turned on the virtual light screen, and several medium-sized galaxies, nearly a thousand planets in size, were presented in front of the two of them in a three-dimensional and realistic manner. With a soft sound, the room fell into darkness, like the dark universe with the robes of the night **** hanging, only the simulated galaxy of this battle instance remained. Stars gleamed in the dark, and planets and moons orbited silently.

Millions of warships abruptly docked at the piece of the galaxy, crossing and shuttling, and different formations, such as sharp blades and long knives, faced each other.

The court etiquette officer began to import the battleship data of both sides, so a virtual real battlefield appeared in front of the business plane. The silent artillery fire was intertwined into a dazzling net of light. Once it was covered by the net of light, no matter which battleship it was, it would vanish in an instant.

On one side are the rebel galaxies that have formed an alliance, and on the other side are the Imperial fleets ordered to conquer. The battle continued to scorch, death was so easy, but no one backed away, they were like beasts biting together, endlessly dying.

Even knowing that this was just a series of data simulations, Shang Ping couldn't help holding his breath.

Different from the previous series of battles that Shang Ping came into contact with, the reason why this anti-insurgency battle that took place 600 years ago is called "classic Avalanci" is because at the beginning of this battle, regardless of the number of warships, Whether it was logistical supplies or the talents of the commanders on both sides, the Imperial fleet was at a disadvantage.

The lord of the Avalanxi galaxy that provoked the war this time was once an important marshal of the empire. Born in an old-fashioned aristocratic family, he possesses unrivaled talents and enormous wealth. The lord of Asada Avalansi, whose military ability and political talent were hard to rival in the empire at that time.

With the explanation of the court etiquette officer, the virtual image of Asada Avalanci appeared in a split screen alone. Shang Ping looked at the man in military uniform on the screen. For some reason, he always felt a strange feeling. of familiarity.

"It's not surprising." The court etiquette officer turned off the small screen and re-enlarged the virtual image of the Avalanci galaxy, "The Avalanci family belongs to the branch of the imperial royal family, the Edrich family, and the founder of the empire, Soran I. His mother came from this family. After Solan I, the Avalanci family has always been famous for its military exploits. It lasted for thousands of years. Until the appearance of Asada Avalanci, the glory and power of this family reached the peak, His prestige was almost comparable to that of Roman II at the time. There was a rumor that if Asada's surname was Edrich and not Avalanci, it would not be Roman II sitting on the throne."

"No wonder..."

Shang Ping muttered to himself, a little more realization in his expression.

"If such a family is really as you said, there is no other way to go except to meet the emperor."

"Your Majesty, why are you so sure?"

"Well, I've heard a few words like this before, and it's not a big deal, and it's also a powerful one. If this Asada Avalanci is really so good, it can only be his misfortune to be born in this family. If this rumor is true, surely no emperor likes such a subject."

"What if he has no such ambition at all?"

"How is that possible?" Shang Ping shrugged his shoulders and said: "Ambition, power, desire, no one can be exempted from the common. Besides, he has the ability and conditions, the only thing lacking is a surname. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. "

The court etiquette officer nodded, "Your Majesty, you really surprised me. Perhaps it is time to suggest to His Majesty the Emperor that you can attend the regular cabinet meeting."

"Respected Etiquette Officer, instead of thinking about this kind of thing, you might as well continue to demonstrate this battle to me."

Shang Ping's way of changing the subject was a bit blunt, but the court etiquette officer didn't care at all. But the suggestion he just made was really sincere. Her Majesty the Queen is no longer the young boy he was four years ago, and his changes are obvious to all. A keen political sense and growing military capabilities, including changes in the Deco system, are proof that the young queen is growing at a gratifying rate. As a queen with half the right to inherit the throne, his life should not only be based on Ivan's summer palace and the leading star. Over time, he will stand beside the emperor more confidently. This is also the luck of the empire.

The court etiquette officer considers the problem from a different angle than the emperor. Soran Edrich sees Shang Ping more as his wife and partner, while the court etiquette officer sees the queen of the empire in his eyes.

The simulated battle that lasted for several hours, even if only the most important classic battles were drawn, could not make the spectators feel relieved.

The court etiquette officer meticulously presented the changes that occurred in every corner of the battlefield at that time in front of the business plane, and at the same time fully explained the firepower configuration, logistical supplies and fighter aircraft of both sides. From an onlooker's point of view, the entire battle was fought by the Avalanci rebels pressing the Imperial Fleet, until the reinforcements of the Imperial Fleet joined in, causing the balance of victory to tilt in favor of the Imperial Fleet.

It can be said that the first half of this battle is the perfect use of the fleet commander's wisdom and the tactics of the battleship, and the second half is completely to shake the opponent with absolute strength.

Rao is so, seeing the final statistics of the battle damage ratio, Shang Ping still can't help but take a breath. There is basically no difference between the battleships and the firepower configuration used by the Avalanci Fleet and the Imperial Fleet. In the case that the ratio of the battleships of the two sides is close to three to one, they can still persist to this level. Asada Avalanci, called it Not an exaggeration to be a genius.

"After the battle, Marshal Asada Avalanci committed suicide, the blood of the Avalanci family died, and the family died. Roman II took back the leader of the Avalanci family and handed it over to Ava. Lanxi's in-law, the Camel family. However, the leader of the Avalanci family, who has experienced war, has never recovered. Until now, most of the planets are still desolate and barren. There is only one small galaxy by the Camel family for generations. In charge of..."


Shang Ping raised one eyebrow, "Jero Kame?"

"Yes." The expression of the court etiquette officer was instantly stiff, and Shang Ping rarely saw the court etiquette officer make such an expression. It seemed that he didn't even want to hear the name.

"The Kame family is not prominent, but they have many in-laws. For example, the Avalanci family, the Mani family, and the Gray family. In the empire, there are many noble families like the Kame family. They are not powerful enough, but You can rely on the power of in-laws to ensure that the family is safe. Just like the Camel family not only did not get involved in the Avalansi rebellion, but also got the leader of Avalansi after the rebellion ended."

In this regard, Shang Ping expressed his understanding, marriage is the only way to form a gang.

At the end of the day's class, Shang Ping returned to the bedroom, and Soran Edrich was sitting on the head of the bed, looking at a document.

Soran Aidrich was wearing a simple shirt and trousers, a snow-white silk shirt, with a diamond-encrusted collar button on the neckline, and the silver thread dark embroidery pattern on the collar and mouth was painted with a gorgeous luster by the lights. Even in the bedroom, the button of the emperor's shirt is still meticulously buttoned, but it does not give people a stereotyped feeling. On the contrary, there is a refined rigor and elegance.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the emperor raised his head, his silver hair slid over his shoulders as he raised his head, and the curvature of his jaw was still impeccably exquisite.

Shang Ping felt that he was hopeless, but he was amazed by the simple sitting of the emperor.

"come over."

Solan Aidrich stretched out his hand, pulled Shang Ping who had walked to the bedside into his arms, and gently ran down Shang Ping's back. Even though he was an adult, the emperor could still wrap Shang Ping in his arms. Although this feeling is good, it is undeniable that Shang Ping's height has always been a pain he can't forget.

Even if he has grown to one hundred and eighty centimeters... He cursed these aliens who grew up on hormones!

Glancing at the documents casually placed on the bed, Shang Ping pushed the emperor's arm, "This is very important? You rarely bring your work back." "Well." He came down, put his head on one hand, picked up the document, handed it to Shang Ping, and said, "It's still about Qisanna, there is news that the Qisanna fleet has appeared, but the flagship of the fleet does not belong to Qisang. Na, the family crest on the hull belongs to a surname that has disappeared for hundreds of years."

"What is it?"

"Avalanci." Soran Edrich lowered his eyes and clicked on a diamond pattern on the document, "This family crest has not appeared in six hundred years. If it is Avalanci, Chisanna's Things can’t be taken lightly.”


Shang Ping raised his head in amazement, what a coincidence?

"Asada Avalanci that Avalanci?"

"Yes, it's that Avalanci." Soran Aidrich pinched Shang Ping's chin, "It seems that you listened carefully to the court etiquette officer's class."

"Are you sure? Could it be wrong?"

"No." Soran Aidrich brushed Shang Ping's lower lip with his thumb, and said, "The news was sent by Admiral Grega Arminia, the lord of the Arminian family, you will never misunderstand this. Family crest."

Shang Ping didn't know what to say, he heard the name for the first time today. Even if it is really Avalanci, it is not the same as Avalanci who disappeared 600 years ago, right? Doesn't it mean that the direct bloodline is dead?

"Well, in theory." Solan Edrich sat up and unbuttoned his collar and mouth, "Whether it's the real Avalanci or just in the name of Avalanci, this matter , must be resolved as soon as possible.”

Shang Ping rolled his eyes, put one hand on the emperor's shoulder, and said, "Your Majesty, can I discuss something with you?"


"It's the same as before..."

"No talk."

"There's no room for negotiation? What if I just go out with the fleet?"

"As the queen of the empire, do you think this is possible?"

Shang Ping was speechless, he could only fall on the bed angrily, pounding on the pillow, "Dictator! Tyrant!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

