MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.186Mar 06, 2023


"Shameful guy!"

General Greg Harminia's black military boots stepped on the land of the star, facing the occupied city as if it had been looted by space pirates, his resolute face could not hide his anger.

In less than two days, the Qisanna rebels who occupied the border planets of the Norred Galaxy actually committed evil acts like space pirates!

This planet that was occupied for a short period of time originally existed as a supply star. The Qisanna rebels should have known this earlier, and they would boldly occupy this planet when the Norred Galaxy fleet was in trouble.

The energy stone warehouses stored on the frontier planets were emptied, and the material warehouses and weapon warehouses were also looted. Almost all battleships and cruise ships that were too late to take off at the parking lot were snatched away. ! Although most of the territorial residents were not injured, the garrison and civilian personnel were detained in the basement of the parking lot tower, and some people have died due to lack of oxygen. All the medical personnel in the army were taken away, and the fate of those who tried to resist was only death.

Greg Armenia has rarely been so furious. Although he is a fierce general and always has the reputation of the imperial war lion, he abides by the duty and pride of a soldier. It is his duty to defend the empire and lead the star! Now, in his leader, his people and subordinates have been treated like this, how can he not let him be angry. The only thing he can think about now is to tear apart the Chisanna rebel fleet that did such an act!

"They shouldn't be allowed to escape by chance!" Greg Armenia's pale eyes were full of **** killing intent, "Cosmic dust is their best destination!"

Capital of the Golden Empire, Ivan Palace

After Soran Edrich read the letter from Grega Armenia, he was very sure that the lion of Norred was thoroughly provoked. Otherwise, Greg Armenia, the lord of Norred, who has always been rigorous and self-disciplined, would not have sent such a menacing and murderous letter at this time. This is not so much a letter of apology, but a letter of invitation. It seems that if Greg Armenia can't wipe out the Chisanna rebel fleet from the universe, he's definitely not going to let it go.

The emperor didn't think this was a bad thing. Lord Greg Harminia was born in an old-fashioned aristocracy. After Soran Edrich ascended the throne, he did not show any dissatisfaction, but he had reservations about the emperor's series of decrees. Now, it would not be a bad thing if Greg Armenia could completely fall to Soran II through this incident.

"Your Majesty, what are you looking at?"

Shang Ping took a shower and walked to the bed to sit down while wiping his hair. He himself did not like long hair, but the emperor always stopped him when he wanted to cut it short. Today, the black hair has grown over the shoulders, smooth and shiny, like the finest silk.


Soran Edrich threw the communicator aside, seemingly forgetting what he was thinking about the moment before. Pulling Shang Ping into his arms, he ran his fingers along the still damp black hair and kissed the top of the jet-black hair.

"I like the taste."

Shang Ping moved, and the emperor's hand had already reached in along the hem of his shirt, feeling slightly cool. The skin that has been ironed by hot water seems to be absorbed by the palms and fingertips that have slipped through, and the delicate and flexible touch makes people love it.

Solan Aidrich raised Shang Ping's chin, and the kiss gradually slipped down his forehead. The tip of his tongue brushed the bridge of his nose lightly and landed on his upper lip. He put the moist lips into his mouth and sucked like a fine product.

A faint numbness spread from the touched place. Shang Ping had no time to guess what the emperor was watching just now, and this was just a casual question. Major Solan Edrich rarely brought official business back to the bedroom. If the emperor did not want to mention it. And, then he didn't plan to ask any more.

Shang Ping grabbed the emperor's neck, raised his head slightly, revealing a beautifully curved neck, and let the cold incense that engulfed him all wrap him up. It overflowed, and was immediately swallowed up. The skin was rubbed, and it was unclear whether it was pure love or bone-eroding enthusiasm. I tried my best to see the emperor's face during the shaking, but I had no choice but to whisper in the white light. speak out.

Time and time again, the emperor kept pulling his wagtail into the whirlpool of lust, Shang Ping couldn't struggle, couldn't break free, even if he showed weakness involuntarily when he was extremely tired, all he got was the emperor's fiery passion...

When everything subsided, Shang Ping was so tired that it was hard to move his fingers. He could only let the emperor take him to take a shower, lie down on the bed, and don't even want to move.

Solan Aidrich lay on his side beside Shang Ping, rubbed his fingers along the smooth back, and slowly dropped a kiss on Shang Ping's shoulder, and then rubbed his teeth gently, causing a little pain.

Shang Ping's voice was already hoarse, he turned his head and looked at Solan Edrich almost angrily, "Your Majesty!"

A simple title, but you can hear the anger in his voice.

Although this is really incompatible with resentment, Shang Ping always has to find an outlet for his emotions. He was not against the emperor himself, but protested against the emperor's unreasonable demands. The emperor's enthusiasm almost made him fear "sacrifice" on the bed. This kind of enthusiasm is really incommensurate with his perfect appearance like a star. If he hadn't lived with Solan Edrich for four years, Shang Ping would never have believed that this beauty with silver hair and blue eyes, like a beauty made of ice and snow, would There is such a terrifying "action force".

Of course, Shang Ping also has a kind of resentment for himself who is led by the nose every time he is seduced by beauty.

Sure enough, are men all visual animals?

Solan Edrich looked at Shang Ping whose expression was changing with great interest. He couldn't help but lowered his head and wiped Shang Ping's lips, biting the side of his neck, his voice full of contented laziness with a smile. , "What's the matter, my queen? Or, not satisfied?"

Not satisfied with you 6




Shang Ping prides himself on being a civilized person and doesn't have the same knowledge as aliens, but he still couldn't help but burst out a series of classic scoldings in his heart.

The emperor finally couldn't help laughing and fell on the bed, hugged Shang Ping, and kissed his face fiercely, "Sometimes, I really want to eat you, my queen."

Shang Ping couldn't help but feel a chill, he didn't taste good, really!

The next day, the emperor appeared in the office refreshed, and the queen unexpectedly did not walk out of the bedroom all morning.

Court attendants have become accustomed to this, and every month, there are always a few days. Although the frequency these days is really high.

Shang Ping was resting, so he must have missed breakfast, and it was impossible for the attendant to disturb the queen to rest.

For this reason, the lunch can't help but be richer.

Pan-fried lamb chops have always been a favorite of Shang Ping, and the royal chefs in the palace knew this very well.

Shang Ping had a great appetite and almost made up for his breakfast from lunch. Seeing the queen who finished eating a whole fruit salad and pan-fried lamb chops, and neatly finished off two pieces of blueberry cake, the court attendant remained motionless.

Solan Aidrich has been busy all the time, while Shang Ping has an upright reason to be lazy. These days, the topic of cabinet ministers has always been the Qisanna rebellion, and the previous battle at the Norred border also worried Shang Ping. He faintly felt that this rebellion was much more complicated than he imagined. The Emperor might not care, he was just a little obsessed with the surname Avalanci at first, but now he treats the Qisanna Rebellion the same as the previous Frontier Galaxy Rebellion. Shang Ping believed that even if all the frontier galaxies attacked Solan Aidrich, the young emperor would at most just raise his eyebrows, and then use the fleet to send them back to the arms of the gods one by one.

Thinking of the previous doubts, Shang Ping excused himself to continue resting, and dismissed the servants. Then he picked up the communicator and contacted Goodwill, but Goodwill's response made Shang Ping somewhat unexpected, compared to what happened in the Norred Galaxy. The battle on the frontier, like the imperial ministers, seemed more interested in Avalanci.

"Avalancy?" Goodwill frowned, "This surname is familiar."

"Asada Avalanci, who was able to compete with the Emperor of the Empire six hundred years ago, has long since passed away."

"No, it's not because of that." Goodwill shook his head. He always felt that where he had seen records of this surname was definitely not the relationship that Shang Ping said originated from the Imperial Rebellion Galaxy.

The doubts about goodwill did not attract much attention from Shang Ping. He was concerned about another matter. Although the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huoxing has been handed over to him, the name and essence are still controlled by the goodwill. Naturally, the Huoxing named Shangdu has much more sources than Shang Ping. Whenever he thinks of this, Shang Ping can't help but feel a little embarrassed. Sure enough, things under the table sometimes have a greater advantage. Who would have thought that businessmen who only value money, and cosmic pirates who have been spurned by the whole universe, would have sources faster than regular government departments?

"What happened to the Muse galaxy?"

Shang Ping regularly receives news from the Muse Galaxy, including Liu Xi, Martin, and Aijia Dridge, as well as the Deco Galaxy garrison. But Shang Ping understands a truth, that is, the so-called dark under the lights, if there is really something wrong with the Muse Galaxy, or if something is mixed up, then he is definitely the last one to know.

"Speaking of which, I did get a piece of news that Marshal Heru of the Republic of Seth in the Muse galaxy and Admiral Hod, the second most powerful figure in Mars' former military department, seem to have reached some kind of secret agreement. Of course, it's not a name. After the incident was discovered, Marshal Hoder 'defected' not long ago. This is internal information, which Mars has not made public. According to Mars, Marshal Hoder is currently recuperating in his private villa. , but the insider revealed that the villa has long been empty. Now is the critical moment for the election of the governor of the galaxy, and Martin and Liu Xi are absolutely unwilling to break out such a scandal. "

"What about the Soth family?"

"Soth?" Goodwill knocked on the table, "Except that Felisos is still running around for the election of the Governor of the Galaxy, Alexander has withdrawn from the army, and Diana, the widow of Davidsos, is in the funeral of Davidsos shortly after. He left the capital Hercules, and his whereabouts are currently unknown. As for Austin South, he should be with his mother."

Shang Ping nodded, he always felt as if he had caught something, but if he really wanted to connect these things together, it was a mess.

After finishing the call, Goodwill pondered for a while, and inadvertently saw the newly sent list of people applying for outbound transportation, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He remembered, Avalanci, when he first took over as the governor of Huo Xing, he had roughly read the historical documents preserved over the years. The surname of Avalanci appeared independently in a confidential document. A record of secret shipments leaving the country with detailed records! That's why he was able to have such a deep impression.

He's going to make sure, right now!

