MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.187Mar 06, 2023


"So, Avalanci's bloodline has not been cut off?"

After Goodwill found the confidential document, he verified his guess. Assada Avalanci was by no means an arrogant or reckless person. Before launching the rebellion, he had foreseen the worst and found a way out. According to Asada Avalanci's plan, even if he died in battle, his family would have an 80% chance of retreating. But the only thing this war genius missed was the human heart. Greed and fear of the rulers of the empire led Avalansi's in-laws, the Mani family, to betray him. Betrayal and betrayal were already revealed when Asada Avalanci was on the unfavorable end of the war scale.

"Although Shangdu finally fulfilled the secret agreement with Avalansi and transported the main family members to the situation, the bad thing is that on the transport ship, there is a member of the Mani family, she is the marriage between the Mani family and the Avalanci family. Therefore, it is impossible for Assada Avalansi to leave her. It is his honesty that gives the Mani family an opportunity."

Shang Ping can already guess what happened next. The entire Mani family, and the Avalanxi family, who are doomed to fail and can only flee, believe that the woman has made a decision from the very beginning.

"...The number of imperial border patrol fleets is huge, but the transport ships of Shangdu have always been able to grasp the behavior of these border wolves. What's more, the empire's territory is huge, even if the number of imperial fleets is huge, the border patrol fleets may be out of reach. But that time, the empire's border The patrol fleet is like a shark smelling blood. It has set a trap early on, waiting for the transport fleet of Shangdu to throw itself into the net. The encounter between the two sides has been unequal from the beginning, but..."


"Fortunately or unfortunately, six hundred years ago, on the border of the empire, a rare magnetic storm occurred, and all lasers and particle weapons lost their effectiveness, but staying in the storm area, the fleet's energy will also be extremely fast. A lot of consumption. The Imperial fleet had to temporarily avoid it, waiting for the magnetic storm to pass. This gave the transport fleet a lifeline, almost without thinking, they entered the nearest cosmic jumping particle, and then lost all contact."

Lost all contact?

Shang Ping frowned, of course he would not think that the situation described by goodwill was only temporary. Sudden magnetic storms, unplanned universe jumping particles, if the coordinates are not positioned in advance, and the route is not planned, then the greatest possibility of these transport ships is to get lost in the vast universe, drifting in the endless darkness, until the end of life.

"Have you not been in touch since then?"

"No." Goodwill knocked on the document on the table and said: "This document has the most detailed records. According to the agreement between Shangdu and Asada Avalansi, this was a failure. But Asada Avalanci died before the convoy left, so no one will be held accountable."

Goodwill shrugged his shoulders, while Shang Ping rubbed his nose helplessly. They were discussing serious issues, right?

"Because this was an unfinished commission, and all the participating merchants disappeared along with the transport fleet, the then governor of the merchants and the people who were directly related were very secretive about this matter, but kept a copy of the original agreement. This document is the most detailed record of the disappearance of the transport fleet."

Shang Ping nodded, but he didn't think the commission failed. Perhaps the governor of the Shangdu and the empire at that time thought that the members of the Avalansi family on the transport ship had no chance of survival. After all, entering the unknown space route is extremely dangerous, and few people can survive it. But the members of Avalanci survived, maybe not all, but at least some survived. Otherwise, how should the Qisanna rebel army that appeared today be explained?

No one would be fooled enough to attract more hatred for the rebel army, simply for wanting to impersonate a family that was wiped from Imperial history six hundred years ago. This is purely because he thought he didn't die fast enough!

"It's a really tough family."

Shang Ping commented on this, but what puzzled him was that, if Avalanci survived for six hundred years, how could it have been unknown for six hundred years, but suddenly appeared in the Qisanna Rebellion? Is it for revenge? No matter from which point of view, it is undoubtedly a very unwise act to dare to challenge a huge empire with only a rebellious galaxy fleet. Failure is doomed from the beginning, just like the battle that happened in Norred, even if they occupied a planet in Nored, they were finally driven away by Greg Armenia, this is just the power of a frontier galaxy! Is that for Mani? Mani, who betrayed Avalansi back then, was already dead, and Aiwa Mani, his younger brother, and family members were also killed in the riots of the people. If it was just to avenge the in-laws who betrayed them, it would definitely be the case. Makes no sense.

No matter how you look at it, this sudden appearance of the Avalansi and Qisanna rebels turned out to be only one. Moreover, the cosmic black hole that appeared in the battle of Norred, and the news of the Muse galaxy, made Shang Ping sure that there must be someone in Mars who was connected to the Qisanna rebels, and this person had a high weight, at least he knew that Canon was back then. Secrets of military fortress weapons. Will it be Admiral Hodder? He just disappeared not long ago... As for whether the Soth family was involved in this matter, Shang Ping was not entirely sure. Diana's disappearance was too suspicious, and Ferrisos' candidacy for the governor of the Muse galaxy was more like diverting everyone's attention. Just a glance, it was clear that compared with the other three, he had no chance of winning. Shang Ping remembered that Uncle Edgar once said that the wife of the commander-in-chief of the Mars Space Fleet, if she hadn't left the military after marriage, her achievements would probably not be under Davisos. Although she is only a woman. But Shang Ping felt that it was very far-fetched to connect Diana Soth with this matter alone.

"Father, I still don't understand."

Shang Ping didn't like this kind of intertwined mysteries. He always seemed to catch something at one moment, but was completely denied by himself the next moment.

"If you don't understand, don't think about it for the time being."

Goodwill was silent for a while, and suddenly said this, Shang Ping looked at Goodwill in confusion, even if it was a virtual image formed by light waves, he could still see the seriousness on Goodwill's face.

"Edgar doesn't know about this yet, and I don't plan to tell him for the time being. In any case, once it is confirmed that Mars is involved in this matter, it will definitely be troublesome. After all, the Muse Galaxy is your star leader now. "

Shang Ping nodded, he didn't think the emperor would suspect him or something because of this, but no one wanted to cause trouble for no reason. If the emperor was determined to intervene in the Muse galaxy because of this incident, Shang Ping would definitely have more headaches.

"Father, I agree with you. Don't tell Uncle Edgar about it. You too, leave it behind. After all, this is a galaxy rebellion on the borders of the Empire."

I believe that the goodwill will be as expected by Shang Ping, even if he is interested, he will stop there. After all, Shangdu did indeed help the Avalanci family, the rebels of the empire, six hundred years ago. The emperor may not be held accountable, but there is no guarantee that those high-ranking ministers will not do something about it. Moreover, the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huo Xing is still nominally "independent" from the empire's rule.

Shang Ping never thought to hide the news from Goodwill, but he did not intend to take the initiative to bring it up. It's one thing for him to know, it's another thing to let the emperor know, and another thing if the emperor tells the ministers.

Although the wording is not too different, Shang Ping knows the key.

The emperor may be open to the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huoxingwang because of him, but others are not. Unless Shang Ping now declares that the 678th Huoxing belongs to him, then this will destroy the original agreement with Goodwill, and it will also put Goodwill in an embarrassing and dangerous situation.

Without him, Shang Ping is the queen of the empire, and the 678th Huoxing and the empire have always been "hostile" and "opposed".

When the attendant reported to the emperor that Her Majesty the Queen had locked himself in the room for an afternoon, Soran Edrich just nodded. When the attendant thought the emperor did not care about it and planned to leave the room, the emperor put the documents in his hand and As soon as the light pen was lost, he got up and strode out of the office.

The attendant maintained a bent posture, blinked, blinked again, and after confirming that it was not his hallucination just now, he straightened up, straightened the pearl-studded white collar button, and left the emperor's office as if nothing had happened, not forgetting to close the door. .

As for the poor civil servant who was forgotten at the emperor's desk, waiting for the approval of documents, sorry, no one will notice his existence at this time.

Time entered the end of December 1133 of the galactic calendar. When news came that the Qisanna rebels attacked the star of Norred again, the imperial power center issued an order to the lord of Norred, Grega Harminia. The decree made Greg Harminia lead the Norred galaxy fleet to be the commander and main fleet of the Chisanna rebellion. In addition, the Namu galaxy fleet led by Giovanni Nadere and the Sem led by Lisgray The Troop galaxy fleet will work together and participate in countering the rebellion.

It is worth noting that on the day the order was issued, Lord Lisgrey became ill, and the imperial empress dowager Yilan wrote to the emperor, requesting that Lisgrey be removed from the position of lord and that Lisgrey's cousin, Onigre, be the new lord of Semto.

Empress Dowager Yilan contacted Solan Edrich directly before the appointment. Shang Ping was sitting next to the emperor at that time. The empress dowager looked at the communicator and did not shy away from Shang Ping. She told everything that could not be expressed in official documents. the emperor. The star-leading fleet, including Empress Dowager Yilan, had secretly infiltrated Semto not long ago, and forcibly landed on Semto's main star, surrounding the Semto Lord's Palace. Lisgrey was just sick in bed, and the Queen Mother was already showing mercy.

"...So, Your Majesty, Risgrey is no longer qualified to live as the lord of Semtor, and he must pay the price for his ignorance and stupidity. However, I also hope that you can give the Grey family a chance, and O'Neill will Lead the Semtor galaxy fleet and destroy all rebels who dare to challenge the emperor's authority!"

"Mother, I will appoint Onigre as the commander of the Semtor galaxy fleet this time, but I will not appoint him as the lord. He will only get a chance if he proves himself."

Empress Dowager Yilan seemed to expect that things would not go as smoothly as she imagined, but it was a fortune that the emperor would not raise the butcher knife of the Gray family.

"Your Majesty, thank you very much!"

After finishing the communication with the Empress Dowager, Solan Edrich leaned back on the chair, took Shang Ping's hand, and squeezed Shang Ping's fingertips lightly, although he didn't say anything, and didn't show too obvious Emotions, but Shang Ping could still feel that the emperor was in a bad mood at the moment.

Out of instinct, Shang Ping stood up and took the emperor into his arms. His soft silver hair was as smooth as top silk, and his fingertips ran through the hair. When the emperor raised his head in surprise, a kiss fell on him. the emperor's lips.

"Your Majesty, I am with you."

Just a simple sentence, but Shang Ping blushed involuntarily.

Well, he didn't even know what he was blushing about. But when he saw the smile lines on the emperor's lips, he couldn't control the heat in his ears.

Solan Edrich hugged Shang Ping's waist, lowered the back of his neck, raised his head, and covered Shang Ping's lips.

Between the entanglement of lips and teeth, a feeling different from the lower body rubbing together transpired and spread between the emperor and Shang Ping. Maybe they didn't notice, but this kiss was unusually gentle and lingering.

Shang Ping was in a trance, his sight has changed, and he was pressed by Solan Aidrich on the desk.

The light on the desktop can be seen, and the light screen that is still scrolling occasionally emits a beep of a new file, which makes Shang Ping wake up suddenly, and then he loses his mind again by the emperor's kiss...

Unfortunately, the sound of knocking on the door interrupted the beautiful atmosphere of the moment, and the attendant outside the door swore that if he knew what the emperor and the queen were doing at the moment, he would never knock for this poor treasury clerk. The door to the emperor's office! He would throw the clerk and the documents in his hand out of Ivan's Summer Palace!

Can time be reversed?


So, the attendant and the ignorant Mr. Clerk have a tragedy together...

