MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.188Mar 06, 2023


Shaham Josmeh is a young military officer in his thirties. As the commander of the regular army squadron of the Deco system in the Muse system, Shaham Chomez has a shrewd mind and an absolute heart for the Golden Empire. Graduated from the Imperial Military Academy, born in the Imperial Guard, and swore to dedicate his life and loyalty to the Lord of the Deco System, the Queen of the Empire, Shaham Chomez believes that he is obliged to punish certain conspirators in the Muse system. It must be punished—absolutely harsh and unforgiving. In a sense, this will be a warning to those who have not yet fully surrendered to the entire galaxy.

"Colonel Shaham Chomez, please allow me to remind you that in the initial agreement between the Republic of Seth and Your Majesty the Queen, the Republic of Seth will have independent political rights and laws. Although we accept the garrison of the Deco Galaxy Fleet , and do not have any unrealistic hostility and illusions about the territory that belongs to the empire, but this does not mean that you, the commander of the Deco galaxy fleet in Seth, can put the rebels without evidence. The crime is on the head of our country's marshal! Besides, Marshal Helu is currently recuperating in a private manor, and as a citizen of Seth, he will be protected by the law! This is completely in line with our agreement!"

"No evidence?"

Shaham Jomez looked at the black-haired president standing in front of him, with sweat on his forehead when he rushed over, and the silver frame flashed a glare in the sun. His eyes were tawny, a pastel color that was supposed to be, like the Queen of the Empire, the lord of the Deco system to whom they swore allegiance. But the eyes in front of him contain just the right amount of persistence and uncompromising, as well as the ambition that he thinks is well concealed, but can still be detected.

"In view of your status, I think it is necessary for me to give you the necessary reminder that the Republic of Seth, and even the entire Muse galaxy, is currently affiliated with the Deco galaxy of the Golden Empire! You are not qualified to speak the law and evidence in front of the imperial soldiers! Of course , maybe you are against this statement." Shaham Qiao Maeston paused and looked at the expressionless Liu Xi, he did not intend to insult this wise young president, he just had the inherent characteristics of an imperial soldier. Straightforward, "However, you, as well as the citizens of your so-called country, must recognize your own status. Do you think it is a humiliation to be the leader of the empire? Many galaxies have higher civilizations than the Muse galaxies, but They don't even have the chance to enjoy this kind of humiliation. The empire's territory is huge. If it wasn't for Her Majesty's insistence, it would be more in the interest of the empire for the Muse galaxy to completely disappear from the universe. Of course, we need your ore, but the opportunity is always there For those who know the times."

Liu Xi raised his hand and stopped Kent who was so angry that he wanted to rush forward. The confidential secretary, who has lived through the reigns of Lords Speaker Geoffrey and interim President Shesha, has rarely had such emotional moments.

Shaham Qomais saw Liu Xi's calmness, and he didn't intend to say too much.

"If you think my words are excessive, I can apologize, but what I said is the truth. My family leader is also affiliated with the Empire to conquer the galaxy, but what we believe in is that the strong is king. To be honest, I have so far I still can't understand what Her Majesty the Queen insisted at the beginning. Except for the ore, the Empire took almost nothing from the Muse system. You still enjoy the so-called 'freedom' and 'democracy', but, sorry, I can only see from these to more greed, selfishness and hubris."

"I respect your political inclinations and ideas, and I will not accuse you of your statement. Therefore, please also respect my country and my galaxy! I hope you have not forgotten that the queen of your country was born in this galaxy! "

Shaham Qomais indifferently wiped the black brim of the military hat, the black edge of the metal texture, the dagger as sharp as a blade, and the snow-white gloves, but did not leave a trace.

Liu Xi's words did hit the loophole in Shaham Qomas's words. No matter how much he despised this galaxy and the people in this galaxy, his loyalty and respect to the queen were unquestionable. He really hated the Republic of Seth, including the soldiers here. This country is a country of politicians. But Shaham didn't hate the young black-haired president. From Liu Xi, he saw the determination to forge ahead, as well as the inflated ambition.

Imperials, especially Imperial soldiers, love this kind of ambition.

But his country, his galaxy?

Shaham Qomais lowered his head, looked at the man who was slightly shorter than him, but did not lose any momentum, and smiled slowly.

"Well, I can temporarily not detain the 'Marshal' who is recuperating."

"Your Mightiness?"

Shaham's adjutant spoke out involuntarily, but was blocked by Shaham's snow-white gloved hand.

"However, your country must also give me a satisfactory answer! Don't try to cover up, your country's Marshal and Marshal Hod, who has been confirmed to be collaborating with the enemy, have conspired!"

Liu Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, he was sure that Shaham Qomais was fully capable of grasping sufficient evidence, but he disdained to waste time on it. His attitude towards the Muse galaxy should be the true attitude of the Golden Empire towards occupying the galaxy. Therefore, he can't give the other party any "excuse".

Liu Xi knew what the Mars soldiers had done to their colonized galaxy, just as he knew that once the protection and reliance of that agreement was lost, the attitude of these imperial soldiers towards him would never be so "gentle".

He let go of his clenched hand without a trace, leaving a trace of blood oozing in his palm.


Liu Xi looked directly at Shaham Qomais. He was still expressionless, with a slender body and a refined and handsome face, but it gave these soldiers a sense of danger.

"So, now, please, and your soldiers, get out of here!"

Marshal Helu stood in front of the window on the second floor of the villa. He took off his military uniform. At this moment, he was like a real old soldier, tired and sloppy. He couldn't tell how he felt right now. His political enemies, the young man who stripped power and the army from him and trapped him here, now stood firmly before him and protected him.

Even if this protection is more for the sake of interests and reputation, Marshal Helu is thinking, if it is replaced by himself, will there be such a move? He did not doubt his own courage, but he no longer trusted his own judgment.

Shaham Qomais simply left, and Liu Xi stood there until the other party's aircraft disappeared into the sky in the distance.

"Sir, shall we go back to the official residence?"

"No." Liu Xi shook his head. He turned around and looked up at the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor, which were half-covered by curtains. "Let's visit Marshal Helu."

Shaham Qomas returned to the station, immediately summarized the information and handed it over to the squadron staff officer. Obviously, their suspicions had been confirmed. However, Liu Xi's stubbornness was indeed unexpected.

"It's not surprising."

The image of Shang Ping appeared on the huge light screen in the command room, and the garrison personnel, including Shaham Qomais, immediately stood and saluted the queen. However, Shang Ping appeared a little suddenly, so there was a difference between paying tribute to the lord and paying tribute to the queen. But this does not prevent Shang Ping's intention to contact the garrison this time.

"I want to know, Colonel Joe Mess, have you interviewed Marshal Heru?"

Shang Ping's tone was very calm, but Shaham Qomais obviously misinterpreted the order he sent earlier. Therefore, the interview that Shang Ping requested turned into an armed **** not long ago. However, it was stopped by the President of the Republic of Seth.

All right.

Shang Ping had a headache. He should not have expected these rectal soldiers to understand the political twists and turns. After all, it is not a good thing for soldiers who are keen on politics. But he didn't want to cause a misunderstanding with Liu Xi. In the final analysis, for the results of the governor-general election in half a month, he believes that Liu Xi has the greatest possible chance of winning.

Therefore, there is a big difference between a qualified governor and a grudge governor...

"Let's do this for now." Shang Ping looked at Shaham Qomas and said, "I believe President Liu's answer will not disappoint me, but, Colonel, you should apologize to His Excellency the President. Soldiers, you shouldn't treat the president here with such an attitude."


Shaham Qomais agreed simply and neatly, so Shang Ping was troubled again.

He is obviously from the Imperial Guards like Colonel Lu Dan, so why does the squirrel in this empire have such a character?

"Shaham", in Imperial language, means the golden-red squirrel...

Shang Ping's imperial language courses have been praised by court etiquette officials many times, which has indeed made him face a lot of dilemmas. For example, this upright imperial squirrel always makes Shang Ping have to take a deep breath before addressing him. , always reminding himself not to associate the serious and upright soldier in front of him with some kind of chubby species that likes to hold nuts and grind its teeth.

The Imperial counter-insurgency fleet, led by Lord Greg Harminia of Norred, is ready to go. Shang Ping met the three commanders of the fleet in Solan Aidrich's office, the commander-in-chief Grega Armenia, the commanders of the two wings, Giovanni Naderley and Onigre.

Greg Harminia is no stranger to Giovanna Rie Shangpin, and the future lord of Semtor, Onigre, arouses Shang Ping's interest.

This is obviously an underage boy! Thinking of Lisgrey, whom he had met at the Lords' Meeting, Shang Ping admitted that it was hard for him to imagine that they would be brothers, even though they were cousins. Of course, this is not to say that Risgray's looks are ugly. On the contrary, as a member of the Gray family who is related to the Queen Mother, Risgray is quite handsome. But his temperament and the obscurity that occasionally flashed in his eyes always made Shang Ping feel uncomfortable.

Reese Gray is now "sick", though.

Therefore, Shang Ping can only hope that O'Neill in front of him is really what he has shown, otherwise, he will feel a stomachache.

Soran Aidrich listened to the relevant charter plan for this counterinsurgency. Shang Ping made a timely excuse to leave the emperor's office. Although he should stay there, Shang Ping believes that it is better for him to leave at this moment.

The cosmic black hole that appeared in the Battle of Norred has attracted some people's attention, and it is impossible for the Imperial officers who experienced the battle of Cannon Fortress to turn a blind eye. Although they would not doubt their queen, it would indeed cause trouble for the Shang Ping and Muse galaxies.

Shang Ping didn't want any problems with the Muse Galaxy, which was already on the right track. Obviously, some people didn't want him to get his wish.

Back in the bedroom, Shang Ping unexpectedly received a message from Shaham Qomais. What made Shang Ping laugh or cry was that he sent all the words Liu Xi told him to Shang Ping without omission, including Liu Xi's taunting who hid between the lines. Shang Ping had to spend more time extracting useful information from the lengthy "report". He wondered if Shaham Qomais was indirectly expressing his dissatisfaction with letting him apologize to Liu Xi?

Later, Shang Ping received the news from Martin and Aijia Dridge respectively. After combining the three news and what Goodwill told him, Shang Ping came to a conclusion that did not surprise him too much.

Diana Soth was the direct promoter of the secret agreement between Marshal Heru and Marshal Hodd. In order to gain trust, Diana even revealed some of her plans, including "Avalanci". After getting what they wanted from the two marshals, Marshal Helu and Marshal Hod directly became the abandoned sons of the Mistress of the Soth family.

When the investigators focused their attention on the two marshals, even when Marshal Helu was strictly guarded in the villa in the name of "recuperation", this woman who should not be underestimated had already achieved her goal.

"No, I don't think I've been deceived."

This is what Marshal Helu said to Liu Xi, this soldier, trying to continue to anesthetize himself with the tragic and solemn death, he is still living in the glory of the past.

Perhaps the same goes for Marshal Hodder.

Liu Xi did not allow Shaham Qomez to arrest Marshal Heru, but he would not let Marshal Heru leave his villa again.

Shang Ping can already guess where Diana Soth is at the moment and what role she played in the Kisanna Rebellion. But what puzzled Shang Ping was how did Diana know about Avalanci? And how did the Kisanna rebels believe she was Avalanci? Or is there someone else in Avalanci?

Shang Ping turned over and lay on the bed, his chin resting on his arm, and his other hand moved the golden silk twigs hanging from the top of the bed. Could it be that Diana, or the Soth family, has something to do with Avalanci? ?

This doesn't make sense...

Solan Edrich walked into the room, and Shang Ping was frowning and muttering to himself.

"What's wrong?"

The emperor sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Shang Ping's forehead with one hand. His slender fingers ran through his black hair, as if he was rubbing a precious gem.

"Your Majesty, is the meeting over?"


Solan Edrich bent down and lifted Shang Ping's chin, "You haven't told me yet, what happened just now?"

Shang Ping was a little hesitant, he was not sure, he told the emperor what the news would be, but he instinctively thought that it could not be concealed. As Goodwill said, the emperor would not doubt him, others would not. Shang Ping didn't think he would be bored with the emperor's attitude, but he did have to recognize his own identity and position.

"Your Majesty." Shang Ping grabbed a strand of the emperor's silver hair, "I have something to tell you..."

