MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.189Mar 06, 2023


As a good business lord of the galaxy, Jero Kame's cunning and shrewdness is no less than that of the ruler of a merchant family. Although he has a noble title, Jero Kamei is disdainful of the so-called noble glory. The only thing that makes him feel that the family and the title are still useful is the large number of in-law relationships of the Kamei family.

"It will make my business run a little bit more smoothly."

It's rare for Geral Camere to say something so succinct, and it's a true portrayal of his greed and cunning.

After the meeting of lords, Jero Kame did not return to Star Leader immediately. He brought a huge transport fleet. Before the goods in the fleet were sold out, Jero Kame had no plans to leave.

"Your Excellency Viscount Gerocame, this is the third time you have applied for an extension of time to return."

The young officer at the customs office in the capital of the empire looked at Jello Kame helplessly. Compared to His Excellency the Viscount who did a rogue thing, the young man looked extremely embarrassed.

Although it is considered that Jero Kame's repeated application for an extension to return to the Star Leader is a bit excessive, Jero Kame does have good reasons - as a qualified small galaxy lord and a shrewd businessman, Jero Kame has a strong sense of the imperial law. Research is in no way inferior to his extraordinary eloquence.

The only difference is that the former will make officials at all levels in the legal department of the empire and the young people in the customs office grit their teeth at him, while the latter will make the nobles and lords of the empire want to kill him.

"Young people, the law expressly stipulates that it can be extended, and there is no limit to the number of applications."

Look how easy it is.

Jello Kame took the documents that were reviewed and approved, and in a good mood let go of the ugly young officer.

After walking out of the customs office and boarding the aircraft, Jero Kame's communicator suddenly rang. Seeing the string of somewhat unfamiliar message addresses, Jero Kame's face changed suddenly, no longer as relaxed as before.

"I said, don't contact me before I return to the leader!" Jero Kame's voice was a little exasperated, "Don't you know how dangerous this is?!"

The virtual image in the communicator was a beautiful blonde woman, smiling gracefully, as if she didn't mind Jello Kame's rude words.

"Lord Gerokame, I did promise you, but the premise is that you will not stay in the capital of the Golden Empire forever. You know, you only fulfilled one third of our original order."

damn it!

Jero Kame viciously pressed the communicator off. If he had known that they were rebels, he would never have sold them even a single alloy plate!

That afternoon, Viscount Gerokame left the capital with his huge transport fleet. This made the customs officials very puzzled. The experience summed up in dealing with the Viscount His Excellency many times told him that something more important than his business must have happened.

But what does that have to do with him? From now on, the honorable Viscount Gerokame will not be seen until at least the next meeting of the lords. This good news makes all the customs officers who have dealt with Gerokame breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

Chisanna Galaxy

Kisanna's rebellion, from the very beginning, was a conspiracy.

The cause of the incident was not the so-called civil riot. On the contrary, when the lord's mansion where Aiwa Mani was located was attacked, most of the people chose to stand on the side of the lord, except for the loyal guards of the Mani family. . The so-called "Freedom Army" holding the banner of "Freedom" is a group of guys of unknown origin who sneak into the main star as businessmen and travelers.

However, the territorial people and a small number of guards armed with civilian laser guns could not resist the attackers with regular military equipment. All officials were executed. And Aiwamani's younger brother, who led a small and loyal entourage, was also captured and forced to "suicide" after escaping for twelve hours.

After the Qisanna Galaxy Fleet suddenly declared its obedience to the people who had invaded the lord's palace, all resistance was in vain.

All those in power were slaughtered, and the only hope and reliance came to nothing, confusion and helplessness devoured Qisanna's people like a demon. Those who dared to continue resisting were shot to death, those who surrendered were also under centralized supervision, countless mansions were looted, and the officers and soldiers of the Kisanna Fleet who tried to stop them were also mercilessly killed. In this horrific bloodshed, the conspirators who occupy Kisanna are the protagonists, while the Kisanna galaxy fleet is the accomplice.

In less than two days, the main star of Qisanna has become a **** on earth.

When the news came back to the capital, the truth of the rebellion had been completely distorted.

The territorial people who are locked together can learn some news from the guards from time to time. For example, the capital of the empire declared the Chisanna galaxy fleet as a rebel; the Chisanna galaxy fleet encountered the Nored galaxy fleet and defeated each other. ; The Kisana fleet captured a planet on the border of the Norred system and plundered it...

The guard proudly bragged to the detainees, like a villain.

"Peter, you disgraceful fellow! You are nothing but a rogue who makes a living by stealing!"

"Oh, dear Dr. Pan," Peter leaned against the wall, shaking his left leg constantly, as if a spring had been installed there, his current appearance is completely disgusting, "you can only do it now. Just talk, look, I was locked here yesterday, and today, the arrogant nobleman is enjoying the treatment I once received."

Dr. Pan blushed at Peter's taunting. He wasn't killed because of his status, but his refusal to cooperate with the rebels brought him closer to death.

Dr. Pan is not going to compromise, even if he is killed like his friend.

"Peter, come here!"

The rosacea-nosed villain Dothan greeted Peter loudly, and as the gate of the detention center opened, three men bound by lasers and a tall woman staggered in. Dothan's bloodshot eyes greedily nailed the woman's body, like tearing the woman's clothes with his eyes.

"Boss, who are these people?"

"Caught from Norred, just like him." Dothan pointed to Dr. Pan standing by the cell door.

"All doctors?"

"Yes. Both."

Dotson burst into a foul language. Obviously, he is very sorry for the identities of these people. If it hadn't been explained by the superior, he wouldn't have to drool at the beauty in front of him today.

"Shameless bastard!"

The four were imprisoned in the cell next to Dr. Pan, and their good upbringing prevented them from finding more vicious words to curse these guys. Dothan sent them here and left, and Peter followed behind Dothan, flatteringly wanting to get more updates from Dothan, which made him too busy to take care of Pan and the four new prisoners.


Dr. Pan took the initiative to greet the four newcomers. The four of them didn't seem to want to pay attention to him, but left one person standing by the cell door, in case the guard came back at any time. The other three walked to the inside of the cell, and all their communication equipment and identification devices were taken away, but the hair accessories on the head of the only lady, Lanna, "survived".

"Thanks to the 'gentlemen' of these robbers."

After confirming that there was no monitoring equipment in the room, Lan Na took off the marigold-shaped hair accessory, turned it over, and took off the delicate silver buckle. A circular button transmitter the size of a small fingernail was lying quietly in the recess. slot.

"They'll regret bringing us here, shameful rebels!"

Lanna cursed in a low voice. At this time, the person at the door issued a warning, and Lan Na immediately hid the sender.

Onigre, the commander of the Semto galaxy fleet, is a handsome young man who is only nineteen years old. He is well aware of the significance of this trip to him. Before Empress Dowager Ilan arrived in Semtor, he never imagined that one day he would replace his cousin Risgrey as the lord of the Semtor galaxy.

"It's unimaginable!"

Before O'Neill went to the imperial capital by the emperor's order, O'Neill's mother still couldn't believe that this good fortune would befall them. The untimely death of his father made O'Neill's life very different from Lisgrey's. He once thought that maybe he would spend his life like this, but the empress dowager gave him all the opportunities to change.

The god-like emperor said that if he could quell the Chisanna rebellion with Lord Gregarhamenia, then he would truly be Lord of Semtor!

Money, honor, status.

All this is at your fingertips.

O'Neill could hardly wait.

Giovannadella didn't have much enthusiasm for this battle, and if it weren't for "Avalanci", he almost planned to take this trip as an army tour.

"Giovanna, can't you change it?"

Greg Harminia was clearly dissatisfied with Giovanna's performance, and he even compared the enthusiastic Onigre to Giovanna.

"Grega, you and I both know that the so-called military exploits are nothing to us. We should give young people more opportunities to perform." Giovanna leaned back on the velvet command chair, even if he knew Lan Edrich didn't like the old-fashioned aristocracy, but these habits had become ingrained in Giovanna's life.

"Okay." Greg Armenia had nothing to do with Giovanna, and it seemed that he had indeed made up his mind to stay away from the center of imperial power, "Even so, you can't have such an attitude of staying out of the way, Your Majesty will not unseen."

"Of course I know. The performance of the Namu galaxy fleet will never disappoint you, my friend."

"But it won't be great either, will it?"

"It's not a bad thing to be well-behaved, my friend."

Greg Harminia snorted angrily. He didn't come to Giovanna's flagship for a fight. A few minutes ago, the fleet received a secret signal from Chisanna. If it wasn't a conspiracy by the rebels, The battle, then, will be much easier than expected.

Ivan Summer Palace

From the beginning of the Kisana Rebellion, Soran Edrich had not ordered the news to be blocked, but, except for the sudden appearance of Avalanci, the Kisana Rebellion did not cause much waves in the Empire. Especially after Greg Harminia led the counter-insurgency fleet to set off, the rest of the conversation could not arouse more interest.

"Aren't the people curious about Avalanci?"

Shang Ping was very puzzled by this point, didn't the cabinet ministers also brood about it at the beginning?

"Your Majesty, this is not surprising." The court etiquette officer concluded today's lesson and did not mind taking some time to explain to Her Majesty the Queen, "The reason why the Battle of Avalanci is so famous is due to the commander Asada, who initiated the rebellion. Avalanci.Asada Avalanci has extremely excellent military talent and command ability. It can be said that the Avalanci fleet was able to achieve a splendid record before the rebellion, and most of it is due to Asada Avalan West himself. The name of Avalanci in this battle is to emphasize his own genius. And when Asada Avalanci died, even Avalanci was only noticeable to a certain extent That's it."

"Especially today, six hundred years later, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Shang Ping looked at the court etiquette officer and supported his chin with one hand. Perhaps he could also understand that it is precisely because Solan Edrich is now on the throne, and the loyalty and enthusiasm of the people of the empire are all dedicated to their emperor. Therefore, Ah Valance, this once-prosperous family can only have a certain influence in a small area?

Well, in this case, should he say that the cabinet members are unfounded?

"There is one more thing," the court etiquette officer continued: "Muni, the lord of the Kisanna system, was once the in-law of Avalanci, and the Kisana galaxy also belonged to Avalanci. In other words, today The Chisanna Galaxy Fleet, formerly a branch of the Avalanci Galaxy Fleet."

Avalanci galaxy fleet?

Shang Ping raised his head, no wonder, he has always wondered why the galaxy fleet that lost its lord would turn to the rebels so easily instead of avenging them, even if the opponent was Avalanci.

"However, as you said just now, six hundred years have passed."

"Time can't erase everything. Sometimes, it just needs a little provocation and enough ambition."

The court etiquette officer bowed to the emperor who came in and ended the conversation.

