MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.193Mar 06, 2023


Austin stood in front of the window, his dark green eyes staring at the starry sky. He seemed to be looking for something in the distant black sky. The bright starlight fell into his eyes, like star diamonds embellished in dark emeralds. "Austin, Avalan West is not just a legend."

Diana's previous words kept echoing in his mind, like a spell full of bewitching spells.

"...Six hundred years ago, the last Avalanci escaped by chance and encountered a merchant ship from the Free City Federation, the third planet of the Muse galaxy..."

Tracing the reflection on the glass, Austin frowned. He had seen records about Avalanci in the library of the six hundred and seventy-eighth star, and after returning to Mars, he also mentioned it to his mother, but he did not expect that he would be associated with this surname.

"At that time, the ruler of the Free Cities Federation was still Soth. In any era, there was no shortage of ambitious people. They only lacked an opportunity." Diana's voice was sarcastic, "Avalanci holds more power than the Muse galaxy. For the advanced technology and powerful combat power, even when he was on the run, Avalanci's pride was still there. At that time, Soth, like a moth to a flame, fell into the desire and ambition compiled by Avalanci. network."

"Son, do you know why Soth became the ruler of Mars?"

Diana's dark green eyes, like Austin's, contained crazy colors. For a moment, Austin almost saw the color of blood from the dark green.

"The Federation of Free Cities cannot carry all of Avalanci's ambitions. Avalanci has integrated his own blood into Soth. Their wisdom and strength drive Soth's descendants to continue to move forward along the established track. How proud and crazy are Valancy, they abandoned everything they had glorified in the past, willingly hid in the darkness, stood behind Soth, seceded from the Free City Federation, and penetrated deep into the Mars established by Madoff White. regime. No one is their opponent, not even the descendants of Madoff White."

"Descendants of Madoff White?"

"Yeah." A faint smile appeared on Diana's lips. "The last White, is it Escher? Yes, that's the name. He is very good enough to be a threat to your father, so he must die. ."


Austin was stunned. He kept thinking about the name. It was not the first time he heard this name. During his captivity, Major General Edgar and his uncle William had mentioned this person.

More than ten years ago, the tragedy that happened at the Kanon military fortress was the root of all this!

In the final analysis, just to eliminate the enemies of the family?

David Sos killed Escher and swept away the potential threats on the road to power, while the innocent people who were affected, planted the seeds of resentment in blood and fire.

Is this the causal cycle?

Austin closed his eyes and leaned against the cold window. He didn't know what he was here for.

All resentment and revenge are rooted in the struggle for power and profit.

Austin hated Shang Ping. The black-haired boy who he had put in his heart and carried all his youthful emotions was an indelible bright color in his youthful memories. But his young lover led an alien fleet, captured the Muse galaxy and killed his father.

His father's death had already bought the bane more than ten years ago,

Who is right and who is wrong?

Austin couldn't investigate. Reason and emotion slammed into him at the same time, and if possible, he would rather drive a one-man fighter into the enemy ship and end it all in that blinding light.

"I'm useless... If it were you, what would you do..."

The youth's whisper disappeared in the wind of the night without anyone noticing.

Diana sat in the dimly lit room, the yellow halo of the wall lamp adding a touch of softness to her flamboyant profile. She sat there quietly, motionless.

In the night, all the strength and disguise were torn away. At this moment, Diana did not want to think about anything. Only in her dreams could she return to the old days. At that time, Davisos held her hand. , at her eighteenth birthday party, holding bright red roses to propose to her.

Surprise and panic hit her at the same time, because Mani's blood was flowing on her body.

How ironic, the woman who betrayed Avalanci and tried to bring Avalanci's blood to a dead end, but luckily escaped the fate of being lost in the vast universe, and came to Miao with the only remaining Avalanci. s galaxy.

She is a betrayal, but also a witness to Avalanci's past glory and heroism. So, Avalanci allowed her to survive. Her descendants, swearing allegiance to the bloodline of Avalanci for generations. They were given a new last name, Derich.

Yeah, Diana Derich.

Diana was alive as Derich until David Sos presented her with roses. Just like Aijia Dridge lurking in the Free City Federation, all Dridge lives with two faces, just like her brother William, hidden under the mask of the military staff, is still an uncompromising one. spy. When she became the wife of Davisos, everything about Derich was gone, Derich was unfortunate, saddled with the yoke of betrayal, driven by Avalanci's descendants, and Diana was lucky , because she met Davisos.

"It's all coming to an end."

Diana turned her head to the side, looked at the gems decorated on the wall lamp, and laughed slowly, the laughter grew louder and louder, like a cuckoo crying blood, full of grief and madness that could not be vented.

At the same time, the Imperial Rebel Fleet was trapped in the middle of the Kisanna system. Due to the aggressiveness and ignorance of the Commander O'Neill Gray, a quarter of the battleships and cruisers of the Semtor galaxy fleet were destroyed. To make matters worse, the morale of the fleet began to decline. Commander-in-Chief Greg Armenia showed nothing to do about it, yes, performance. Regarding the current situation of the Semto Galaxy Fleet, although it is not impossible, it does not intend to make more beaks. O'Neill had previously ignored his orders, much to the chagrin of Greg Armenia.

"Just a gilded guy who came to the battlefield, stupidity and arrogance will kill him."

Greg Harminia said to Giovanna: "It's good, let this young man calm down, and the next battle will be much smoother."

"You are still as ruthless as ever."

Giovanna's voice was sarcastic, he didn't know O'Neill, but he knew Greg Armenia, and that was enough. Gregar will not allow the outcome of the battle to get out of his control, so O'Neill will be a good spectator for the rest of the time. As long as he is knowledgeable enough, he will eventually get what he wants.

According to the order of Grega Harminia, the Namu system fleet led by Giovanna changed the order of attack with the returning Semto system fleet, and the Namu system fleet became the vanguard.

"The rebels arranged the defense artillery very secretly. The star field in front of me was originally the station of the Qisanna fleet. It was abandoned in the time of Aiwamoni's grandfather and became the logistics supply base of the fleet and the construction and repair of ships. Factory. A large number of planetary defense weapons and radar jamming devices are arranged here, and the navigation ship cannot correctly judge the coordinate position."

Giovanna nodded. This situation is not uncommon. The best solution is to use laser cannons and particle cannons to gather high-voltage energy to completely detonate the interference device. As a result, the amount of energy consumption can be quite high.

Greg Harminia agreed with Giovanna's strategy, and an hour later the counter-insurgent fleet broke out of the interference zone and advanced again.

Capital of the Golden Empire, Ivan Palace

Shang Ping had the same dream for several days in a row, which made him look a little listless.

The court etiquette officer was very dissatisfied with this, but there was nothing he could do. Therefore, most of the court ministers who come to and from the Ivan Palace today choose to park their aircraft outside the palace. Most of them even choose to walk unless time and physical strength do not allow it. The court attendant specifically asked the imperial doctor, and the imperial doctor diagnosed that the queen was just out of energy, and it was enough to take a rest. However, the trainee doctor who followed behind the imperial physician mistakenly sent another medical certificate to the queen's desk, along with a copy to the emperor.

The emperor looked at the imperial doctor in surprise, "Dear Lord Luosang, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"Is Your Majesty doubting your minister's medical skills?"

"No, that's not what I meant." The emperor pinched his forehead with a headache. Well, he knew that this matter was a bit strange, no, it was really incredible. He even suspected that it was Lobsang who was taking revenge on the royal family for the pension.

"I will confirm with you again, will you be responsible for every word on this medical certificate?"

"Of course, Your Majesty!" the gray-haired imperial physician said firmly, "I have served the royal family for sixty years!"

"Okay." Soran Edrich motioned to the court attendant to send Lobsang away, and at the same time asked the attendant to invite several other imperial physicians.

"Your Majesty, should you visit Her Majesty the Queen?"

The court attendant said respectfully: "Perhaps, Her Majesty the Queen is eager to share this good news with you at this moment."

Soran Edrich clasped his hands and rested his chin, and he began to doubt the IQ of the court attendant.

At this moment, in another room, Shang Ping was facing a medical certificate on his desk. Burned to ashes. He's going to kill the guy who wrote this diagnosis!

The Queen's valet stood behind Shang Ping, trying to make himself the same as the background wall. But the murderous aura emanating from Her Majesty the Queen is truly astonishing.

On the snow-white medical certificate, a few big characters were written: "Congratulations, you are pregnant!"

