MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.196Mar 06, 2023


March 1134, Galactic Calendar, Golden Empire, Ivan Summer Palace

The aftermath of the Qisanna Rebellion has ended. Due to the self-destruction of the main star of Qisanna, a large amount of cosmic dust and radioactive medium has been formed. In the next two hundred years, it will not be suitable for human habitation. Only clones and mecha devices can be used here. work on the galaxy.

"The name of the Kisanna system will be taken away."

Emperor Soran Edrich personally issued this order. Although the ministers did not understand why the emperor hated this galaxy so much, they would not pay much attention to the emperor's order.

As a result, the Qisanna galaxy, which has existed for thousands of years, and the Mani family have become the history of the empire. Together with Avalanci, who disappeared for 600 years and was short-lived, the secret will forever be buried in the exile. star field.

Of course, in the aftermath of the Qisanna Rebellion, the transaction between Jero Kame and the insurgents was revealed. Jero Kame, who thought he could get away with it, including his family members and those involved in the transaction, all Sent to the Sesha Prison, where they will face severe punishment and lengthy sentences under the Imperial Code.

The Tracy Galaxy was placed under the jurisdiction of the Nored Galaxy. As a small galaxy, Tracy's resources and taxes were enough to make up for the losses of the Nored Galaxy in the Qisanna Rebellion. In addition, the Namu galaxy and its lord Giovannina, who participated in the suppression of the rebellion, also received corresponding awards from the empire. Giovannina's award book was directly issued by the emperor, which also became a signal sent by the emperor. , as long as he is not a vegetarian, the emperor will not blindly suppress the old-fashioned aristocracy.

Because the Semtor galaxy fleet and Onigre himself performed in a mess in this battle, even Empress Dowager Yilan could not turn a blind eye to it. To this end, Risgrey still needs to continue to live until the Queen Mother Yilan chooses another qualified heir to the lord. However, Lisgrey, who was imprisoned in the mansion, could no longer touch the power core of the galaxy.

Shang Ping was not interested in what was right and wrong. He was not in a good mood during this time, and even the emperor was aware of it. But Shang Ping couldn't explain the reason to the emperor. No matter how lenient he was, Soran Edrich would not be happy to see his wife sad because of another man.

Shang Ping was lying on the office, closed his eyes, and sighed.

He is very clear that his feelings for Austin are not the same as his feelings for Solan Edrich. Austin is a dream in his youth, just like every teenager, it will be treasured in memory. Youthful movement. There is bitterness and sweetness, even if the years pass, the traces will never be erased. Perhaps when he grows old, he will still think of that handsome boy with blond hair and dark green eyes, holding a bouquet of bright red roses, standing there. in front of you.

This emotion is beautiful, but it is only suitable for cherishing in the heart.

When he first heard the news of Austin's death, Shang Ping was sad, but more of a melancholy, not the loss of his lover, but the loss of a friend, a feeling that can cherish his childhood.

Her cheeks were pressed against the table, feeling cold to the touch.

A slender white hand fell on the top of Shang Ping's hair, and his fingers stroked the jet-black hair. There is no need to open his eyes, Shang Ping also knows who is coming. In Ivan Summer Palace, or in this huge empire, there is only one person who can do this to him, the emperor, Soran Edrich.

"You've always been like this all this time."

Solan Edrich's fingers slid down Shang Ping's ears, held up Shang Ping's chin, lowered his head, and looked at Shang Ping's brown eyes, deep blue eyes, with a kind of gentle inquiry.

"You still don't want to tell me?"

Shang Ping covered the back of Solan Edrich's hand, turned his head sideways, and kissed the emperor's finger lightly. The more he got along, the more addicted he became. Sinking, but, fortunately, this man now belongs to him.

"Your Majesty, please don't ask, I don't want to lie to you, but I also don't want to tell the reason." Shang Ping paused and lowered his eyes, "Please forgive my willfulness, but please believe that I respect you and love you. , and also as a wife, in love with you."

Shang Ping rarely said such straightforward love words to the emperor. As the last word disappeared from his lips, the roots of Shang Ping's ears began to turn red.

The emperor looked at Shang Ping quietly for a while, then suddenly raised his lips, narrowed his eyes slightly, approached Shang Ping, and whispered in his ear: "Yes, I forgive you, but you must also pay the price, I the queen of..."


Before Shang Ping could react, he was pulled up by the emperor, over the desk, and pulled directly into his arms. The emperor's arms wrapped around him strongly, like holding a child, picked him up, and strode out of the office.

"Your Majesty, let me down!"

Shang Ping was anxious, looking at the attendants who followed behind him, and the maids standing on both sides of the corridor, bending over to salute, Shang Ping had no choice but to hide his face in the emperor's arms.

Well, he's just not used to doing such an intimate act in front of everyone, even though he and the emperor have been married for almost five years.

The breeze sent the fragrance of the flowers into the room along the half-opened window. On the snow-white silk, the black hair was intertwined with the long silver hair. Shang Ping raised his head, his eyes danced with the swaying halo, and his hands hooked hard. Lived on the emperor's neck, and kissed the emperor's lips in the shock of pain and joy...

In the arms of this man, everything will be far away from him. The dreams, hopes, green emotions, guilt and silence in the occasional recollection will be washed away by the years and turned into indulgence. The round dance in the light and shadow settles quietly.

Shang Ping closed his eyes, and a smile slowly bloomed on his lips. Solan Edrich lowered his head, kissed Shang Ping's forehead, and hugged his queen tightly.

"you are mine."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am yours."

"Then, don't do it for other people. This time, I will indulge you, but not for the next time."

"Your Majesty..." Shang Ping suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the emperor. It turned out that he knew everything, "I know, thank you, Your Majesty."

Holding the emperor's silver hair with a smile, Shang Ping gave a pious kiss on the silver light.

"I swear."

The emperor smiled with satisfaction, took Shang Ping's hand, kissed it on the palm of his hand, and then held up Shang Ping and sealed it with a kiss.

In June 1134 of the Milky Way calendar, Liu Xi, the governor of the Muse galaxy, submitted a document to the Golden Empire, swearing that the Muse galaxy officially became the star of the empire.

In August of the same year, the chairman of the Free Cities Federation of the Muse Galaxy, Ajadridge, disappeared and was succeeded by his brother Bendridge.

In March 1135 of the Milky Way calendar, Marshal Helu, the former commander-in-chief of the Space Fleet of the Republic of Seth in the Muse Galaxy, died of illness. In the same month, the former Mars military commander, Admiral Hod, was assassinated, and his twin stars Feng Qiang and Feng were assassinated. Jian died while protecting Admiral Hodder.

same year. The second son of Davidsus, Ferrisos, became the ruler of Mars. Ferry's secretary is a handsome young man with long blond hair and dark green eyes.

In June 1136 of the Galaxy Calendar, Shang Ping officially took over all the powers of the 678th Huoxing from Goodwill. After that, Goodwill began a ten-year tour of the empire. It is reported that Goodwill The cosmic merchant ship they were in had visited the Empress Dowager of the Empire and the leading star of Grand Duchess Mancia Edrich, and had a good conversation with the two women of high power in the Empire.

Major General Edgar still lives in Shangdu, and occasionally has a cup of tea and chats with Shang Ping, who is visiting Shang Ping. The imperial queen, who is already quite powerful, will still worry about Edgar's informal life. Rolling up his sleeves in frightened eyes, he was arranging the housework while muttering, "Uncle Edgar, when are you getting married?"

His Majesty the Emperor turned a blind eye to the Queen's "dishonorable" behavior, and the frowning court etiquette officer could only turn a blind eye.

Charles and William, the deputy commanders of the Mars Voyage Fleet, who were originally imprisoned in the Saisha prison, were released in 1135 and returned to Mars on a long-distance transport ship. To everyone's surprise, Austin's uncle William chose to stay in Sai Xia, and appeared in front of Shang Ping a year later as the wife of Sai Xia Lord Harlan Edrich.

"how can that be?!"

Shang Ping was unprepared for this unexpected couple. How did they get together?

William blinked mysteriously when he was alone with Her Majesty the Queen, and said, "Your Majesty, you should know that my original surname is Derich."

"So?" Shang Ping paused and had a very bad premonition.

"So, I'm a spy."

The silver spoon in Shang Ping's hand fell on the table, making a crisp sound.

"Ah, but don't worry, I do love my husband."

Well, should he believe what a spy says?

Shang Ping was noncommittal.

However, at least the smile of the man in front of him is happy and sincere, which is enough.

January 1137, Ivan Summer Palace

Meteors streak across the sky, and the Ivan Summer Palace is still brightly lit tonight.

The history of the empire does not stop because of any personnel. At the New Year's celebration ball, the emperor and the queen danced together again to the exciting tunes of military music. , staring eyes, after the music ended, the bent waist and the falling kiss left the most beautiful chapter in the fireworks blooming in the sky.

The distant bell of the Empire Bell rang, turning a new page in the history of the Empire. Young emperors and queens will continue to write the most beautiful and cruel fairy tales in the universe.

——————End of the full text

