MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.2Mar 06, 2023


August 1127 of the Galactic Calendar

The galactic civilization brought by the pioneers was gradually replaced by the emerging civilization, and the enthusiasm and achievements of the original founders also became the text and electronic virtual images recorded in the history books. The scientific and technological development of mankind has once again reached an astonishing height. The life and economic center of human beings in the Muse galaxy is gradually shifting from the gamma planet to the outer planets.

Currently occupying the dominant position of the Muse galaxy is the fourth planet Mars that implements military and political integration, followed by the seventh planet that implements a democratic republic, and the original economic and cultural center γ planet, in Roger? After the death of Krause and Greta South, with the rise of the fourth planet ruled by Madoff and the seventh planet ruled by Liu Rui, development gradually stagnated, and the prosperous economy and culture began to decline. It has gradually become a transit point for various transactions between the fourth planet and the seventh planet, and in the end it can only exist as a city federation planet that proves the history of the earth's remnants.

The decline of the gamma planet has also confirmed from a certain angle that the loose city federation does not meet the needs of human development, and its destruction and disappearance are only a matter of time.

Mars, the fourth planet of the Muse system

Madoff Military Academy is a national military academy founded by Madoff Whitewhite, located in Hercules, the capital of Mars. As an important part of Madoff White's political program, this military academy has cultivated batch after batch of loyal supporters and qualified soldiers for the Mars regime system that implements military and political integration. The Mars Constitution stipulates that all school-age children who have reached the age of ten on the planet can enroll for free after passing the medical examination. The government will bear all the expenses of the military academy cadets within six years of school. Those with excellent grades will pass the assessment after graduation. You can directly enter the Mars regular army to serve or work in government agencies. In contrast, students with grades below the average will board the border patrol ship "Iron Eagle" as the lowest-level engineer after taking the graduation exam, and will be sent to serve on the wild planet under development. The tax money wasted on them", until the expiration of three years, depending on their performance or transfer to the regular army, promotion opportunities, or dismissal. Of course, it is impossible for the expelled to enjoy the generous subsidies for veterans.

This flouting of human rights has been vehemently denounced by the Seventh Planetary Democracy on several occasions. Even so, the Mars regime and its subordinate subjects still go their own way. According to the Mars people: "This is our freedom! When the guys who are clamoring for democratic republics all day have the ability to develop more colonized planets, come back to attack our system!"

In the long-term historical development, the Mars people have formed self-contained values ​​and moral standards. They dare to face enemies several times their own, dare to set foot on a planet that has never been exploited, and dare to go to the darkest abyss of the universe. Challenge, as long as that brings them equivalent benefits or more. They adore strong governments, wise leaders and iron-blooded armies! As for what kind of democratic republic, it's all a trick of boring politicians, go to hell!

Historians of later generations have mixed opinions on the stubborn morality and values ​​formed by the planet Mars, but it is undeniable that this system has made the planet Mars firmly occupy the place of worship for a long period of time. The political and military center of the galaxy.

These stubborn Mars people also have a humorous side, just as they are used to calling the seventh planet's colonists long-tongued clowns full of delusions; the seventh planet's colonists return the Mars people as brainless stones with well-developed limbs.

Whenever the fourth planet and the seventh planet are no longer satisfied with verbal arguments and develop into an armed conflict, the commercial city-states of the gamma galaxy will come out to be mediators. As for the effect, the space battleships facing each other on the edge of the galaxy are torn apart by laser cannons. The optical network intertwined by the dark curtain of the universe, and the one-man fighter jets who provoked each other through the optical network can clearly show the attitude of both sides.

Disputes within the galaxy will not cause fatal damage to both parties in a short period of time. What can really threaten the survival of human beings in the Muse galaxy is the space life from hundreds of millions or billions of light-years away and the continuous outbreak of resistance activities on colonized planets. .

However, these have nothing to do with the students at the Madoff Military Academy for the time being.

It was another sleepy warm afternoon, and history professor Trinid's class on the history of gamma planetary development was still boring.

This tall and thin man was standing with his back to the screen that took up the entire wall. The screen was playing the original Earth remnant, Stone? Chandler's pioneering notes. Due to the long history and compatibility issues of the playback system, the picture is a bit blurry. Only when the students under the podium open their eyes and try to identify these faces will they be interested, so as not to fall asleep in this boring history class and get a "fail" in the exam at the end of the semester.

It's just that Professor Trinide didn't seem to want to let these poor boys go so easily. After the broadcast, he opened the textbook, glanced around the very unmotivated classroom through the thick lenses, and began to use the flat-panel without undulations. The voice read out: "The manuscript left by historian Stone Chandler records that after the death of Roger Krause, the founder of the Three Cities of the West, Greta Soth, who was stuck on the gamma planet, was caught by lightning. It has annexed the three western cities, essentially controlling the political and economic dual voice of Planet γ. But it has also lost the trust of its allies...

Greta South used vile tactics to seize the wealth and lands of her allies, using economic advantages to force Madoff and Liu to admit her de facto control. For the next 30 years, the gamma planet, which is actually ruled by the Soth family, has formed a tripartite situation with the fourth planet, which is governed by military and political integration, and the seventh planet, which is a democratic republic..."

It's so boring! Why didn't the military court take this boring old man and lock it up? !

This is the voice of all the lads who have taken Trinidad's history class.

It has to be said that Professor Trinide was very successful in a sense, at least, he made all the students he taught remember him. With the exception of the school's founder, Madoff Whitewhite, and its successive presidents and military discipline inspectors, none of the professors at Madoff Military Academy can match Trinide's in this respect.

John Jonathan is a tall, brown-haired teenager. Although he is only fourteen years old, his height has reached 185cm. His physical fitness is quite good, and he has always been among the best in close-up tactics training and actual combat simulation classes. It's just that the academic grades have been unsatisfactory, especially the history class, the scores are even worse. In contrast to Shang Ping, who was enrolled at the same time, this 14-year-old boy with black hair and black eyes, a handsome face, and a surprisingly good temperament, can steadily occupy the top three positions in every exam in any academic-related course. , computer operation simulation combat is also the best among the students of the same period, but once it involves close combat and shooting classes, it will definitely be a mess. He once set a historical record of ten shots missed. Looking at the ballistic traces and speed recorded on the computer screen, the instructor of the shooting class could only pat Shang Ping on the shoulder helplessly and tell Shang Ping that the record he set was in the hands of Shang Ping. In his lifetime - no, perhaps it should not be broken until Mars is not invaded by other planets.

"Shang Ping, don't you think this old man's class is boring?"

"So what? I don't want end-of-semester tests open."

"I know, I know, you are an excellent student who is determined to enter the regular army of Mars."

"To be precise, my target is the logistics supply reserve officer of the Third Fleet of the Mars Regular Army."


"you can say it this way."

"I don't understand you! I want to enter the regular army, but I don't want to serve in the fleet. Instead, I want to be a logistics supply reserve officer? Are the brains of top students so abnormal?"

"Am I an honor student?" Shang Ping shook the fluke pen in disapproval and lit the computer screen, "Austin South is the first scholar of the school year."

"That arrogant guy with a woman's face..."

John complained, and tugged at the collar of his shirt a little irritably, the pure black military uniform, the golden eagle badge on the collar marked his identity as a student of the Madoff Military Academy. This is the pride of all Mars boys.

Well, he admits he's scheming about losing to the guy in the tactical simulation practice class.

On the podium, Professor Trinide's academic speech came to an end temporarily, leaving behind a dissertation title that required 5,000 words, and finally let the poor boys go with kindness.

After a lengthy history class, and walking out of the classroom, John stretched his waist and let out a long sigh.

"Hey, Shang Ping, where are you going?"

"Go to Professor Kerry's History of Earth Anthropology."

"My God!"

John Jonathan really doesn't understand the philosophy of his best friend, and spending the afternoon in boring historical research is a slow suicide.

"History is so good? Not to mention the history of human beings on Earth, that planet has long ceased to exist, and it has no value at all!"

"Credits for me, it's value. I don't want to be sent to some wild planet wielding a laser shovel in two years."


Scratching his head, John didn't intend to continue arguing with Shang Ping in this regard. He would rather go to the single-person fighter practice room to pass the time.

