MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.4Mar 06, 2023


When news of the disappearance of the Fourth Fleet came back to the Republic of Seth, President Franz was having lunch with the Speaker of the House of Lords, Geoffrey. While tasting the delicious wine, Franz extended an olive branch to Jeffrey, hoping that Jeffrey would continue to support him in the general election, and in the same way, he would make a corresponding return for the goodwill of the House of Lords.

"Sorry, Mr. President, I have to interrupt your lunch time, I have something important to report to you..."

The confidential secretary, Kent, reported the information from the Royce artificial celestial body to Franz in a panic.


Franz and Geoffrey were both dumbfounded and pale. Jeffrey took out a snow-white handkerchief and kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. The goblet in Franz's hand fell on the table, and the crimson liquor soaked the tablecloth, like the blood of a dying soldier.

"how can that be!"

After confirming the facts, President Franz realized the seriousness of the matter, and decisively decided to convene the chief officer of the military department, the minister of finance and the chief officials of the Interstellar Colony Bureau to explain the situation at the first time. After everyone listened to the explanation, the room fell into a suffocating and terrible silence.

Marshal Helu, the commander-in-chief of the Space Fleet of Seth, clenched his fists. This tall, burly, middle-aged man like a hill, and Colonel George, the commander of the Fourth Fleet, has been a close friend for 20 years. He heard this terrible news. After that, the brown eyes almost burst into flames. Beating the table like an angry lion and roaring: "Be sure to find out the truth!"

The Speaker of the House of Lords Geoffrey and the Speaker of the House of Commons Derry are sitting at the end of the long table. They don't care about the reason for the disappearance of the Fourth Fleet. Without the Fourth Fleet, there are still nine remaining fleets, right? Restructuring the Fourth Fleet in a short period of time is not a big problem, as long as the finances allow. After the initial shock, compared with the toughness of the military and the ambiguous attitude of government officials, the two born politicians began to consider that they could use this incident to make some articles and gain more capital and benefits for themselves. As the matter developed, the disappearance of the Fourth Fleet turned out to be the trigger for the strife among politicians. After the media reported it, the whole country was in an uproar. Many citizens, including the families of the victims, took to the streets to protest against the government's inaction and bullying? discussion. President Franz had to fight? He ended his term early in the discussion. After all, he personally signed the presidential decree to suppress the riots in the Alpha Galaxy.

On August 25, 1127, the Galactic Calendar, the Fourth Fleet disappeared for less than a week. Franz, the 1361st President of the Republic of Seth? Mill took the blame and resigned with only the second half of his presidency left. With the resignation of Franz, the vice president will act on behalf of the president temporarily. After half a year, the general election will elect the youngest president of the republic, Liu Xi, who is only 24 years old. The dark horse of politics defeated all opponents by a landslide and ascended to the pinnacle of the power of the Republic. At the same time, a new page in historical development was opened.

The news of the disappearance of the Fourth Fleet of the Republic of Seth also spread to the fourth planet Mars and the gamma planet. Strangely, the Mars government completely held a rare indifference to this incident. Instead, the γ-planet city federation expressed too eager attention.

However, at that time, the government officials of the Republic of Seth and the members of the upper and lower houses were quarreling endlessly over the formation of the cabinet for the successor of the interim president, and naturally ignored this somewhat strange phenomenon.

Only Marshal Helu's staff, Rhodes? Lieutenant Colonel Cherry submitted a report to the military department, but was pressed on the Marshal's desk, standing in the dust.

Madoff Military Academy October 18, 1127 Galactic Calendar

Shang Ping stood in front of the single-player fighter practice warehouse with a headache. If close combat and shooting classes were an inescapable nightmare for Shang Ping, the single-player fighter simulation practice class was a nightmare within a nightmare.

Shang Ping cursed these three courses, starting from when he stepped into the Madoff Military Academy and got the compulsory course schedule.

Of course, this does not mean that Shang Ping knows nothing about this course. On the contrary, Shang Ping's performance in this course is often among the best, and he rarely has the chance to be defeated by the students of the same period. Even in the face of senior students, he often has unexpected performance. This made the instructors who taught Shang Ping's shooting class very puzzling. Shang Ping's poor grades in the shooting class were obvious to all. How did he accurately shoot down the enemy aircraft? The answer is probably only Shang Ping himself and God know.

The simulation practice program of the training warehouse is completely designed according to the actual combat. Shang Ping has been unable to adapt to the short-term dizziness and tinnitus caused by the simulated subspace jump and weightless flight. The most serious one, after shooting down the last "enemy plane", Shang Ping almost crawled out of the practice room, with a pale face, and spit out all the undigested lunch. The student who was defeated by him rubbed his eyes in disbelief. It was hard to believe that he was sent to "heaven" by such a useless guy.


John walked behind Shang Ping and slapped his friend on the back.

"Those arrogant guys, you must show them some color today! Shang Ping, you can't wait too, right?"

John Jonathan still broods over his consecutive losses to Austin South. In terms of stand-alone combat capability, he believes that he will never be worse than that woman's face, but every time he is shot down, he is always himself!

"John, please, stay away from me, seeing you so excited makes me want to blast your head off with a laser gun."

After finishing this sentence in a hoarse voice, Shang Ping took a deep breath, and entered the practice room with the heart of death. Sitting in the driver's seat, the thermal sensor automatically scanned his whole body, the safety device was fixed, and the safety light was on. The door to the practice room closed. Looking at the various buttons and operating levers neatly arranged under the operation screen, Shang Ping kept telling himself that this is for precious credits, this is for safe graduation, and this is for not waving a laser shovel on a wild planet, This is for his great dream of the third fleet logistics supply reserve officer!

The smart computer in the training room signaled the start of the test. The elevation angle was thirty-five degrees, and a familiar sense of weightlessness spread throughout the body. He clenched the operating lever tightly and stared at the display screen. His slightly uncomfortable face was dyed white by the bright light of the display screen. , Shang Ping finally broke out a series of foul words: "Fuck him $&$&!"

After finishing the foul language, Shang Ping stared at the moving light spot on the screen, tilted the coordinates by 15 degrees, aimed at the enemy plane, and the simulated laser cannon attack program was in place, and beautifully shot down the first planned enemy plane.

Good, there are nine more...

Licking his lips, Shang Ping's eyes flashed with enthusiasm, just to end the torment in the practice warehouse as soon as possible.

The system operator and the course instructor in the main control room naturally received this strange sentence through the message transceiver. Several people looked at each other, no one could understand what Shang Ping's strangely pronounced words meant.

If one day in the future, they meet a professor who specializes in the study of human language and culture on Earth, it may solve their puzzles. However, now, they just wondered, and their attention returned to the performance evaluation of the practical class.

The students in this period are all excellent, and their job is to select the most sophisticated seeds among these outstanding students and send them to the national army.

As the evaluation gradually came to an end, the course instructor's report sheet clearly stated: the student was Ping, shot down six enemy planes, damaged four, returned safely, fighter damage level four, poor overall cooperation, grade A.

