MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.6Mar 06, 2023


November 3, 1127, Galactic Calendar

Halfway through the short ten-day vacation, Shang Ping stuffed the sorted garbage into the recycling bin in front of the house, and glanced helplessly at the man lying on the grass in the yard. The man's tall body stretched to his heart's content, an obscure book on quantum mechanics of the universe was buckled on his handsome face, and a domestic medium-sized dog lay beside the man, and when he saw Shang Ping, he wagged his tail listlessly.

Shang Ping looked up at the sky with a bit of helplessness. His precious vacation was completely wasted on massive housework. He couldn't understand how this man on the grass who became a captain at the age of twenty-two, was promoted to a major at the age of thirty-one, and became a colonel at the age of thirty-nine, how could his living ability be so low? Mountains of unsorted rubbish, dirty clothes and trousers stuffed under the bed, smelly sinks, and bathrooms that are almost inaccessible!

It's really hard to associate this sloppy man with the tough guy in the army. Shang Ping often wondered if the purpose of this uncle with long legs for adopting him was just to find a free labor force to help him with housework? If so, isn't marriage the quicker route?

The 41-year-old handsome colonel earns an annual salary of 300,000 Malus coins. As long as his sloppy personality is not exposed in advance, there should be beautiful ladies or elegant men who are willing to marry him?

"Baby, your eyes are burning me."

Colonel Edgar, the long-legged uncle who adopted Shang Ping, lifted the book over his face, his handsome face full of banter.

"Uncle Edgar, this joke is not funny."

The sorting and recycling bin made a ding, indicating that the garbage had been disposed of. Shang Ping took off the power supply box. There are still three months before his next vacation. He hoped that the house would not be annihilated by garbage again in three months.

"Baby, you're so cold, oh, you broke my heart."

The tall and handsome man jumped up from the grass, like treating a disobedient child, his strong arms caught the black-haired boy's neck, then he wrapped his arms around the boy's waist, and threw the boy into the air. Shang Ping was caught off guard. exclaimed, the man laughed out loud.

John Jonathan walked to the door of Shangping's house and saw such a picture. Staring at the two people in front of him, he couldn't believe that the boy with a big smile was the one who could put a laser gun on his head with a blank face.

That's too bad, isn't it?


The two people in the yard also noticed John. Shang Ping was a little annoyed that John saw him like this, but Edgar didn't care. He had some friendship with John's father, who had fought against the riots of the colonized galaxy together, the brown-haired bearded man who was bold and informal, but loved his family deeply. John Jonathan was his proud son, old John used to say.

"Hello, Uncle Edgar! Father asked me to invite you to dinner at my house."

It was only five days ago that John found out that Shang Ping's guardian was actually his father's friend Colonel Edgar. If he hadn't insisted on sending Shang Ping home, John would never have been able to impress Shang Ping's sloppy, rude, joke-loving adopter for the rest of his life. Colonel Edgar in .

"Okay, go back and tell your father, I'll bring the best wine."

"So, Shang Ping will come too?"


Putting his big hand on the top of Shang Ping's head, he forced Shang Ping's unspoken rejection back into his throat. Edgar rubbed Shang Ping's jet-black hair and said with a smile, "He's very happy."

John returned home contentedly, and Shang Ping complained that Edgar should not have agreed on his behalf lightly, and there were still a lot of things waiting for him to do.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a dinner."

Yeah, just a dinner.

Shang Ping complained in his heart, if it wasn't for the garbage maker who piled up the mountain, it might be more convincing.

No matter how dissatisfied Shang Ping was for the time being, after the clock struck, he walked out of the house with Edgar, who was wearing a straight out-of-the-way suit. Edgar was carrying two bottles of wine from his collection, one of which was his from the sixth. The deputy commander of the fleet wanted to come. The officers and soldiers of the Sixth Fleet chose to ignore Edgar's robbery behavior at the same time. There is no reason to say that a man who acts like this space pirate.

Shang Ping took advantage of the afternoon to bake an apple pie, put it in a beautiful box, and at the same time ordered a bouquet of flowers as a gift for the visit.



"Is this bouquet for John?"

"How is that possible! This is for Mrs. Jonathan!"

"Oh," Edgar nodded, with some regret in his tone, "I thought you were going to take the opportunity to go after the brown-haired guy. He's not bad, you can think about it. You're fourteen years old, it's time for a man Friends or girlfriends, although that makes me a little lonely..."


Ask him to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, why doesn't this guy find someone to marry first to share that horrible housework? !

Shang Ping couldn't understand Edgar's thinking mode, just like the people on Earth couldn't understand the Martians.

In pursuit of John Jonathan? The guy with only fighter jets and laser guns in his head? Shang Ping would rather go back to the house full of rubbish.

The Seventh Planet of the Muse System - Kanon Fortress

A Mars national supply ship "Carolai" was loaded with goods and entered the Kanon military fortress. There were a total of 130 personnel on the transport ship, 89 of whom were ordinary crew members, and the remaining 41 were graduating students from the Madoff Military Academy. This time, they took advantage of the vacation to go to the military fortress of Canon, as a practical class for the graduation exam. prepare.

The spaceship was docked at the dedicated site for the supply ship. Captain Rod Carter made a simple handover with the dispatcher. Immediately, there were vehicles on the road to pick up the tired crew and students. After the continuous warp jumping and boring sailing, they needed to relax and rest. , add food and water. Although it is also possible to rest in the dormant compartment on the spacecraft, people still prefer to use natural sleep to replenish physical strength during non-combat time.

After a short rest, the crew began to have some fun in the living area of ​​the Kanon military fortress. The students went to the fortress clerk to get the necessary passes. Their purpose was to prepare for the graduation practice. If there is no special pass, Certain areas within the fortress cannot be accessed at all.

Just as the forty-one students were waiting with anticipation for the approval and distribution of the temporary pass, the radar devices of the Canon Fortress distributed 60 light-years away sent an astonishing picture back to the fortress.

The monitor stared blankly at the screen. There were tens of thousands of light spots densely distributed on the screen. The number and density were so large that it was unbelievable.


The terrifying guess made the monitor's mouth dry, and immediately sent the news to the fortress command center. When this picture appeared in front of the fortress commander and other personnel, they were also thrilled by this terrible unknown.

They looked at each other, and no one was sure what the dots of light represented.

"What the **** is this?! Meteorite swarms?"

Five minutes later, the radar sent back a similar picture again, but this time the number of light spots on the picture was larger, and there was a tendency to gradually approach the fortress.

"If it weren't for the meteorite swarm, it would probably be the unknown Star Fleet!"

Colonel Crete, the staff of the fortress commander, came to the following conclusion. Although others wanted to say that his words were joking, the stiff expressions and actions had already faithfully reflected their hearts. Involuntarily, some people thought of the Republic of Seth The disappearance of the Fourth Fleet, at that time, the coordinates of the sailing position of the Fourth Fleet seemed to be close to where the group of light spots appeared.

A moment of silence shrouded, and the commander was completely silent. Even the students at the Madoff Military Academy who were waiting outside could feel the unease that was secretly flowing.

Commander Terry made a decisive decision and issued a first-level alert command to the fortress. A harsh alarm sounded throughout the fortress. The officers and soldiers immediately rushed out of the lounge and rushed to their posts to stand by. The turrets in the fortress were designated to attack The coordinates of the location, the officers and soldiers of the Eighth Fleet stationed in the fortress are in their respective positions and are on standby at any time.

Even without knowing the reason for the alarm, the obedient nature of the military keeps it all in order.

"Commander, there is new news from the monitoring room!"

"Come over immediately!"

Commander Terry, Crete and the others gathered in front of the huge screen, their eyes fixed on the screen. When the picture was clearly displayed in front of everyone, gasps and exclamations suddenly sounded!

The picture captured by the radar is no longer a group of dense light spots, but an unimaginable number of cosmic fleets! A huge black hull with a fire-red flag that has never been seen before. This terrifying fleet is like a **** of death floating in the dark space of the universe, waving a sickle and slowly approaching everyone in the Kanon military fortress. .


Facing such a terrifying fleet, all that can be thought of is death and destruction!

If the target of this fleet is the Kanon military fortress, or the entire Muse galaxy, Terry can't imagine what kind of fate awaits them!

"Send the message to Fort Royce immediately!"

Commander Terry clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "We are the great soldiers of Mars! We are not Seth's poor group of soft-footed shrimp! We will not be intimidated by any danger! Put away your weakness, then It will only make you die faster!"

The thick voice broke the silence, and everyone in the fortress realized their responsibilities again. They were soldiers, the great Mars soldiers!

Just then, the situation suddenly changed.

The unknown fleet, which was gradually approaching, suddenly changed direction, deviated from the channel position of Canon Fortress, and headed in the other direction.

Everyone in the command room first stared at the picture sent back by the radar in disbelief, until the fleet turned into a light spot again and gradually disappeared, followed by stunned and puzzled feelings. What is going on?

