MTL - Longevity - C.2 pagodaMar 06, 2023

MTL - Longevity

C.2 pagodaMar 06, 2023

In the previous life, he worked hard from an orphan to a famous university, and then from a salesman to founding his own company, during which there were many twists and turns, hardships and obstacles, and several times his life was on the verge of bankruptcy.

When finally financially free and planning to enjoy life, it was discovered that he was terminally ill, with only one month left.

In just a few days, he experienced unbelief, unwillingness, anger, struggle, despair, and ultimately endless regret.

Knowing such a short life, why not enjoy life well, why only focus on making money and be blinded by money.

At this time, a friend introduced an eminent monk.

He usually does not worship Buddha statues, and feels that the Buddha is too busy, and sometimes he takes care of himself, and people still have to rely on themselves.

But at this time, in the abyss of despair when the doctor had no choice, he could only temporarily hold the Buddha's thigh.

This eminent monk looked ugly, his robes were washed white, he entered his villa to take a look at him, shook his head and said only two words "difficulty" before turning away.

It was not a fluke that he succeeded, and his determination was far better than ordinary people. He first found two consulting companies to investigate the details of this master.

This Master Liaokong is indeed a wise monk, not packaged or hyped.

As his condition became more and more serious, the painkillers were no longer effective, and the pain was more than one day. He gritted his teeth and desperately donated all the assets under his name to the monastery where Master Kong was.

At this time, he was both disappointed and hated for money.

No amount of money could save his life, but because of it, he was so anxious that he finally caused this terminal illness.

Simply throw away all the anger, and try to take a chance, like a drowning person who will not let go of a straw.

Two days later, Master Liaokong appeared again.

He gave him a palm-sized Yakushi Liuli Tathagata Buddha statue and a copy of the Medicine Master Sutra.

Pass on his mudra and chanting method.

After he learned it, he couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Master, it would be difficult if I don't donate the incense money. If I donate the incense money, will I be saved?"

"What is the donor's greatest wish now?"

"Long! Live! No! Death!" He gnashed his teeth when he said these four words, fierce and desperate.

Before he was terminally ill, his greatest wish was to make money desperately, to stand out and live a proud life, so as to live up to his life.

It was only after he was terminally ill that he knew what was most precious and important.

The most terrifying thing in the world is not being able to stand out from the crowd, but death.

If I could do it all over again, I would not seek glory, riches and honors, delicacies of mountains and seas, high spirits, and high-ranking people, but only immortality.

The great wish in life is only immortality!

"The Tathagata Sea, the Great Wish Ship!"

Monk Liaokong bowed to him and said: "The donor donated all the money and goods, which is to give birth to the renunciation of this whirling world, and finally untie the boat cable."

"Before the benefactor had no heart to dissociate, even if he had a big wish, it was like a tether and a paddle."

"If the cable is not untied, and the boat cannot move even if you row hard, how can you cross it?"

"Now the benefactor takes the great vow as a boat, untie the rope and sail the boat, and surely you will be able to land on the other side, Nan! No! Ah! Mi! Tuo! Buddha!"

Say leave.

He was dubious, and found that reciting the "Pharmacist Sutra" silently in front of the Medicine Buddha can indeed relieve the pain.

Therefore, the more diligent the recitation and holding, the lighter and lighter the body becomes, and after three days, I will forget both things and I, and I will be completely absent, and my mind will wander in heaven and earth.

When Yunyou woke up, she had already come to this world, and was reincarnated in the body of monk Fakong.

Seven days ago, the old monk Yuanzhi died. When the 18-year-old original owner was too sad, he practiced martial arts and died.

He took advantage of the emptiness and took advantage of it.

From then on, oneself is Fakong, and Fakong is oneself.


Thinking of this, he smiled and whispered, feeling familiar yet unfamiliar, so he put down the tableware and slowly walked to the lake.

This body is already weak, and the martial arts have been abolished. It has to be cultivated slowly. Carrying two load of water is the limit.

The water of the lake is clear, and the bottom of the lake can be clearly seen.

The green water plants danced in the wind like graceful willow branches, and small silver fish came and went between the water plants, smart and leisurely.

Wash your hands and face with Qinren Lake water, and take a slow walk around the lake to digest your food.

There was always a smile on his face.

This quiet and warm little valley is entirely his own, thanks to Yuanzhi's deep legacy.

Quiet and closed valley, fresh air, bright sunshine.

And a frail body.

However, although his body is weak, he is full of vitality, and he can clearly sense that his body is getting better little by little.

The fusion of two souls into one has all kinds of wonders, and it is one of the wonders that the five senses and even the six senses are more sensitive.

The world that his eyes see today is as high-definition and gorgeous as the photos taken by the most advanced cameras, the sky is pure blue, the grass is vivid green, and the flowers are dazzling red.

The sounds that his ears can hear now are the hissing of the breeze passing over the treetops, the rustling of the green grass, the fluttering of the monk's robes, the gentle swishing of the lake, the slap of the water on the shore, The fish flicks crisply.

The smells he smelled now, sixteen kinds of flowers, thirty-two kinds of medicine, fat smell, fresh water, green grass, even if the various smells were mixed together, he could distinguish each one one by one.

In the body he sensed now, his heart was beating thumping, and the blood was rushing in the blood vessels, providing strength to the muscles.

The fresh air is inhaled into the alveoli, fused with the blood, and then transformed into subtle qi that circulates in the meridians.

The food in the stomach is decomposing the subtle gas, which circulates along the internal organs.

The body is getting stronger little by little.

The world is so beautiful, what a joy to live!

He walked around the lake with joy, stepping on the thick and soft green grass, breathing the fresh air, and feeling at ease.

As he walked, his mind slowly converged, condensed within, and entered the boundless silence and void of his mind.

Clear blue and pure, like the sky at the beginning of the morning.

Silence, like being in outer space.

In the silent blue void, a bright and flawless moon-white lotus floated quietly.

The size of a futon, with a total of nine petals, is like a flower bud in the dew just blooming, delicate and bright.

Above the lotus is a crystal clear Medicine Buddha sitting in a cross position.

The size is the same as the real person, the appearance is the same as his, the eyes are slightly drooping, and the treasure is solemn.

In the left hand is a willow branch, as green as jade.

The right hand holds a small tower, the tower is a palm high, dark as ink, without a trace of luster.

Medicine Buddha was muttering and reciting the Medicine Master Sutra in a low voice, and vague Sanskrit sounds drifted endlessly in his mind, calming his mind.

When the last sentence of the "Pharmacist Sutra" was recited, a drop of dew fell from the void.

Like dewdrops on a lotus leaf, as bright as mercury, it falls lightly, quickly and precisely into the Baihui acupoint of the Medicine Buddha.

The Medicine Buddha lit up slightly and then dimmed, and then the light penetrated into a petal of the lotus flower below the seat.

Nine petals, only this one has light.

After reading the "Pharmacist Sutra" again, another drop of sweet rain fell, and another petal of the Medicine Buddha shone brightly.

The previous one was bright and soft, and this one was slightly light.

The previous petal has been filled and can no longer be absorbed, which means that it has reached ten years of life.

The lifespan of this thin body finally reached ten years and one day.

A drop of sweet rain is one day's longevity, and one drop of sweet rain can be obtained by chanting the scriptures once.

It takes half an hour for the Medicine Buddha to recite the sutra once.

To sum up, it is to increase the lifespan by 24 days a day.

It means that he will never die of old age again, as long as he does not die, he can live forever.

His big wish finally came true.

Although it is not the original world, life essence can be infinite.

But in such a world, if you want to live forever, you have to have enough longevity, and you have to have enough martial arts to become a top master, or even the best master in the world.

But the qualifications of this body are too poor.


Things don't always go as expected!

Thinking of this, he exited the void in his mind and came to a small flat training ground by the lake to practice boxing.

One punch, one kick, one eye.

He played the Thirty-Six Forms of Xiao Luohan Fist smoothly and shook his head.

Xiao Luohan Boxing is a foundation-building method of the King Kong Temple.

But this little Arhat is also a feat that requires a lot of qualifications.

He practiced once, and his body was only slightly hot, like walking around the lake ten times.

The other disciples of the Kongo Temple practiced once, and the heat was like a steamer, like running a hundred laps around the lake.

This is the qualification gap, dimensionality reduction strikes!

The original owner was in despair and went crazy, and he also felt this despair.

Although the fusion of the two souls makes the five senses sharp, the thinking is extremely fast, and the memory is not forgotten, they can also use one heart and one mind.

But it can't change the aptitude of this body.

Other people's meridians are broad and flat official roads, while he is a trail in the swamp of sheep intestines. His soul is like a horse pulling a cart.

Standing on the small martial arts field, he shook his head, his mind once again introverted into the void in his mind, and he looked at the dark iron tower on the left palm of the Medicine Buddha.

He knew inexplicably that this tower was called the Prajna Kalachakra Tower.

It is your own hope!

Three days later, in the evening, he strolled by the lake after eating.

The sunset has already set.

The twilight is like fog, covering the valley, as if the noise has been filtered out, and the valley is extraordinarily quiet.

His heart also became extraordinarily peaceful.

After ten laps, his mind returned.

In the blue and silent void, the Sanskrit sound drifted faintly.

The lotus is as delicate as the flowers in the morning, and there is a faint light looming next to the brightest one.

This is the result of the past three days.

Seventy-two days of longevity made this petal a little brighter, although it was far from the brightest petal, it was enough for him.

His mind moved slightly.

A ray of light curled out of the petals and flew down to the Kalachakra Tower.

The pitch-black Kalachakra began to brighten, brighter and brighter.

The next moment, he had come to an open and bright space.

This is a nine-story tower with an empty center.

You can't see where the light source is, but the inside of the tower is as bright as day, with an unobstructed view.

The size of a football field, the white jade is paved, and it is flexible but not smooth when stepped on.

There is a Buddha statue carved on the inner wall, which is very expressive. Countless Buddhas are watching him and blessing him.

He retracted his gaze and looked down at himself, rubbing his body.

The touch is real and there is no difference.

Not only the spirit entered, but the whole body entered the tower.

Immediately he noticed something different about him.

There is no turbulence in the heart lake, it seems that the emotions have been removed, and only reason is left, constantly analyzing himself.

Gently clenching a fist, every inch of skin, every pore, every muscle and the expansion and contraction of the capillaries in the muscle, the rotation of the joints, and the expansion and contraction of the tendons attached to the periosteum clearly flashed in my mind,

This kind of wisdom pearl is in his hand, and the feeling of controlling everything is exactly what he has been striving for, and he did not expect to do it in such a Kalachakra Pagoda!

So he couldn't help but hit Xiao Luohan Boxing.

When boxing, focus on counting.

He observed all the changes that happened to his body with his fists, and he could clearly see the autumn leaves, and the holes were faintly candles.

After one time, he thoroughly understood the purpose and mystery of Xiao Luohan Boxing. UU reading www.

Starting the second time, he tried making small changes, or punching a little higher, or squatting a little lower, or turning a degree or two less.

These minor adjustments did not affect the boxing frame, but made its effect several times higher.

What's even more amazing is that at this time, the wheel tower is filled with invisible power, so that he is not hungry or tired, and he can practice Xiao Luohan again and again.

Over and over again, he has no sense of time here, and is completely immersed in boxing techniques and strange changes in his body.

"Clap clap clap..."

The joints of the body made a crackling sound like firecrackers, and the joints all over the body rang.

The first level of Xiao Luohan Boxing is full of strength.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The punches sounded like arrows, the sound of breaking through the air was fierce, and every beat of the heart burst out with astonishing power.

The second layer of Xiao Luohan Boxing, the heart becomes stronger and the strength is doubled.

When he was entering a good state and was about to step into the third floor, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he had reappeared by the lake.

He slowly regained clarity from his trance.

I stayed in the tower for more than seventy days.

For more than 70 days, he did not sleep without resting for a moment without leaving Xiao Luohan Quan, as if he had a dream.

But with a light fist, the surging force reminded him that it was not a dream.

He looked down at an ant at his feet.

Three inches from the thumb of his left foot, the same as before he entered the pagoda.

There is a drop of water next to the ant, which is the lake water splashed by a small fish jumping and hitting, and the water stain is gradually spreading.

He could conclude that during the seventy days he entered the stupa, the time outside was still.

PS: The new book needs everyone's support to go further and write it with peace of mind. Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation.

