MTL - Longevity - C.3 multiplyMar 06, 2023

MTL - Longevity

C.3 multiplyMar 06, 2023

He looked up at the twilight sky.

If this is the case, it means that if you accumulate a hundred years of lifespan and burn this hundred years of lifespan, you can become a top master in an instant.

Of course, with the aptitude of this body, even if you cultivate in the special state of the Kalachakra Pagoda, you may not be able to become a top master in a hundred years, and you need more life essence.

You have to find the magic power of changing your physique, cutting hair and washing marrow, and improving your qualifications.

Also, the accumulation of life essence is too slow, adding twenty-four days a day and twenty-four years a year.

More than four years, still too slow.

He can't wait to become a top master immediately, no matter how safe King Kong Temple is, he is not safe with top martial arts.

He returned to the wooden house and sat on the couch all night, thinking hard.

One thought after another came up, and one after another was annihilated.

He hadn't slept all night, and at the moment when Dongfang Qixing was shining, he had a flash of inspiration, and he sensed a path.

That night he learned another wonderful use of this stupa—storage.

You can move things into the tower at will, and send it out of the tower, without burning the life essence, the time in the tower is still.

He didn't care too much, Shouyuan was the key.

The next day after he had breakfast, he left Medicine Valley and came to the Prajna Court of Kongo Temple.

Prajna-in is a specialized study and practice of Buddhist Dharma in Kongoji Temple, where the elders of the temple are gathered.

Most of these elders are over 100 years old. When they reach the stage where they don’t think that their muscles and bones are their power, they ignore the common things and focus on the Dharma.

According to Fakong’s understanding, it is actually a nursing home.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the Prajna Courtyard, he heard a full-blown roar: "Go away!"

Immediately afterwards, a handsome and thin young monk ran out of the main hall without touching the ground, and when he passed by Fa Kong, he glanced sideways at him.

"Senior Brother Fakong."

The young monk smiled and folded his hands in a salute, but kept his feet, and disappeared at the door after saying this.

"Junior Brother Fawu."

Fa Kong saluted the empty doorway.

Because he was admitted to the Kongo Temple by Yuanzhi since he was a child, he has a great seniority in the Dharma generation.

Unless he is much older than him, most of the Fazi generation will call him senior brother.

This Fawu Junior Brother is the first person to cultivate in the Fa character generation, with an amazing understanding and a high level of ability.


With a cold snort, a short and thin old monk walked out of the hall, standing on the steps in front of the hall with his hands behind his back, staring coldly at Fa Kong.

The gray monk's robe was extra large on him, like a child wearing an adult's clothes, making him thinner.

His snow-white eyebrows drooped to the corners of his eyes, making his face even more rosy than a baby.

The eyes shot out two cold lightnings that made people dare not look directly.

"Master." Fa Kong He Shi.

Venerable Huinan, Yuanzhi's master, and of course his direct ancestor, was one of the closest people at Kongoji Temple.

Hui Nan was extremely dissatisfied with Yuan Zhi, the teacher-disciple relationship was tense, and the original owner had only seen the monk Hui Nan once. This was the second time.

"What are you doing!" Hui Nan said coldly.

Fa Kong said: "Master, I want to practice Buddhism."

"Don't practice martial arts?"

"Master, I heard that there are two ways to achieve the Vajra, and I want to try another way."

"Hey!" Hui Nan sneered.

Pharaoh looked at him calmly.

Hui Nan hummed, "You, it's good to plant medicine honestly."

"Master, does the path of cultivating Buddha also require sufficient qualifications?"

"What do you say?"

"Am I not at all hopeful?"

Hui Nan pouted and waved, "Follow."

He went down the steps with his big sleeves fluttering and his hands behind his back, and walked through the Moon Gate to a small courtyard.

There are bamboo forests under the three walls, and the green bamboos sway gently.

The courtyard is quiet and peaceful.

A handsome little novice was sweeping the yard when Hui Nan pushed him back.

Hui Nan came to the small pavilion in front of the bamboo forest, sat at the stone table, and pointed to the stone bench opposite him.

Fakong gave a tithe, sat on the stone bench opposite him, and looked at him respectfully.

"It seems that your master didn't tell you anything." Hui Nan shook his head: "This Yuanzhi..."

"Master told me not to think about cultivation, but to concentrate on researching medicinal materials."

"Well, that's not wrong. With your aptitude, it is better to study the medicinal materials honestly than anything else."


"Who told you that we have two paths at Kongo Temple?"

"If you focus on the Diamond Sutra, can't you achieve the Diamond?"


"Master, please teach me." Fa Kong gave a solemn salute.

"You know it's the end of the law, right?"

"Yes." Fa Kong nodded slowly.

He once heard Master Yuanzhi say that everyone is obsessed with martial arts and does not believe in Buddhism. This is the end of the Dharma period.

"When the patriarch founded the temple, it was indeed divided into Prajnayana and Vajrayana."

"The Prajna vehicle can use wisdom to comprehend the Buddhadharma, and realize the realm through meditation. One step at a time, it is like climbing up the steps, reaching the diamond state and realizing the indestructible golden body."

"There are six indestructible golden bodies in our temple, and four of them are certified by Prajnayana."

"In the period of the end of the Dharma, the accumulation of karma from generation to generation, the human heart is completely ignorant, such as being bound by a thick cocoon, and wisdom can no longer break through the barrier, the Vajrayana is a convenient method."

"During the prosperous Dharma period, the Vajrayana was the long way, but in the end of the Dharma period, the Vajrayana is the only way."

"For more than 2,000 years, only two patriarchs have obtained the indestructible golden body with the Vajrayana certificate. No one has been able to achieve it for nearly a thousand years. The long road is still a long road, but it is a bright road after all." Hui Nan said lightly.

Pharaoh still didn't give up.

If you have Medicine Buddha, you have always been in a state of peace of mind, and you still have the Prajna Kalachakra Pagoda, so it is not impossible.

" should give up your mind. The Prajna multiplication pulse has been broken, and you can't cultivate if you want to."

Fa Kong frowned: "The Dharma vein has been broken?"

"The Prajna vehicle does not have words, but only relies on a Diamond Sutra. The layers of realms are subtle and indescribable. Only the empowerment can be given. Now it has been cut off."

Pharaoh fell silent.

If there is no way to inherit the pulse, I am afraid it is better to practice martial arts.

"Master, can people in this world really become Buddhas?" Fakong asked.

The masters of Daxueshan are like clouds, and they have only heard of which eminent monk is majestic, but one hundred and eight temples have never heard of any one who has become a Buddha.

Hui Nan shook his head: "During the end of the Dharma, one cannot become a Buddha in our world. Cultivation in this world is only for accumulating resources. This life cannot be used for the next life. It accumulates from one lifetime to another.

"Why didn't the patriarchs who cultivated indestructible golden bodies remain in the world forever?" Fakong asked again.

King Kong Temple focuses on the achievement of the body. According to the realm, the King Kong can live in the world forever and not be destroyed for many kalpas.

"It's not that these patriarchs can't live forever, they just don't want to live forever." Hui Nan hummed: "When you reach the Vajra realm, you will find that there is nothing left to cherish in the world, a filthy mud pond, how can the Western Paradise be so good?" The freedom to come and go, to come and go as you want, is also the magical effect of the Vajra Realm."

Fa Kong was thoughtful.

"When the eight masters of the vajra are practiced to the last without the upper part, they leave the field of martial arts, step into the realm of the Buddhadharma, and continue to practice to achieve the indestructible vajra."

"...Master, I want to try to study Buddhist scriptures." Fa Kong said slowly.

"Hey, I said it for nothing!"

"Master, I want to try."

"...Then the easiest one." Hui Nan got up and entered the room, came out quickly, and handed Fa Kong a copy of the Diamond Sutra: "Let's see if you can comprehend it."

Fakong took it with both hands.

The hand feeling of this Buddhist scripture is very strange, like the leaves just plucked from the tree, full of vitality and green air, and even cool.

"This is the Sutra of Sika Bay, which was recorded by the founder of our King Kong Temple when he heard the Buddha's teaching."

Fakong didn't doubt it, but felt strange: "How long has it been?"

After so long, it looks like fresh leaves, this world is really amazing.

Hui Nan glared at him, "Don't believe me?"

"Such a Buddha treasure, the master showed it to me..." Fa Kong showed a moved look.

Hui Nan hummed, "This sutra cannot be destroyed or destroyed, so it's okay to show it to you."

"Master, can I bring back the medicine valley and taste it slowly?"

"What do you think?!" Hui Nan said angrily, "This scripture cannot be taken out of the Prajna Academy!"

"...Then I'll read it here." Fa Kong nodded.


How could such a secret treasure be brought out of the Prajna Academy casually.

"Reading, attending, don't hit the south wall, don't look back, just like your master!"

Hui Nan sneered and entered the room, leaving only Fa Kong in the small pavilion.

Fakong closed his eyes.

In the blue and silent void, UU reading Sanskrit stopped, and the Medicine Buddha, who had been closing his eyes, slowly opened his eyes, without sorrow or joy, calm and serene.

He looked up diagonally.

In the void, large golden characters, the size of a fist, and brilliance, appeared slowly.

It is the King Kong scripture on the Bayeux, the handwriting is exactly the same.

After all the words of the Diamond Sutra were presented, Medicine Buddha slowly closed his eyes and muttered.

The Sanskrit sound floated again.

Fa Kong listened attentively and recited the Diamond Sutra.

When the Diamond Sutra was recited to the last word, one of the golden characters suspended in the sky turned into a golden flower, the size of a fist.

After reciting the Diamond Sutra for the second time, another golden character turned into a flower and bone flower that was not in bud.

When the last golden character turned into a flower bone, all the flower bones suddenly merged together and bloomed into a huge golden lotus.

The golden light shines brightly in the void.

This golden lotus floated slowly towards the Medicine Buddha and stuck under the lotus seat of Medicine Buddha.

Immediately, the lotus seat rose, from one layer to two layers, the first layer was eighteen petals, and the second layer was nine petals.

The image of the Medicine Buddha became more and more solemn, and he recited the Medicine Master Sutra again. After reciting it once, two drops of nectar fell from the void at the same time.

He retreated, a smile on his face.

From then on, one day can get forty-eight days of longevity!

A good Diamond Sutra, it is really wonderful!

If a Buddhist scripture adds a layer of lotus flowers and a drop of sweet rain, and reads several Buddhist scriptures, wouldn't it be possible to increase the lotus seat by countless layers, and increase the life expectancy by more than a hundred years in one day?

The ultimate master can be achieved in no time!

Thinking of this, he smiled even more.

PS: If there is no accident, it will be updated at 12:00 and 19:00 every day.

