MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha - C.819 repeat the same mistakesSep 13, 2023

MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

C.819 repeat the same mistakesSep 13, 2023

Chapter 819 Repeating the Mistakes of the Past

Are you dreaming?

Tsunade looked around and saw a slightly shabby village with people wearing ancient-style clothes, giving it a feeling of a long, long time ago.



Tsunade stared at the scene in front of her and immediately noticed the clue.

Even when you are tired and resting, the other half of your brain is always awake and working intensively.

Unless you intentionally rest all your brains at the same time during sleep adjustment, you will not dream.

This is illusion.


I still remember that it was normal work before.

Suddenly he was dragged into the world of illusion.

Tsunade calmly watched the development of the illusion. This seemed to be a very long story, and the pictures in front of her continued to progress and change.

This is also a story about man and God.

A long time ago, disputes and wars raged on the continent. Until one day, a **** named the goddess Mao descended from the sky and ended the troubled times. Under the rule of the goddess, the world entered a long-lasting peace.

There is no dispute, no fighting, no fighting, no hatred.

People live peacefully, live and work in peace and contentment under God, and all living beings are equal.

A perfect theocratic eternal kingdom.


People sang praises to the goddess.

I sincerely worship and be grateful for the peaceful life bestowed by the goddess.

"This picture."

It's exactly the same as the future scene described by Mei Ji.

rather say.

This is what I have been working towards.

"God will take care of it."

"God allows it."

“God comes to bear the world.”

"You will become a god, Tsunade."

"The perfect, benevolent, wise, loved and worshiped **** by all."

That's right.

Gather all the love, and then distribute it equally to everyone.

God of love.


During the warm memorial ceremony, among the crowd, Tsunade looked at the goddess high up in the castle.

Accepting the sincere love and blessings from everyone, there was no love in her eyes, only coldness that penetrated her heart.

This look in his eyes, this look in his eyes seemed familiar, he had seen it somewhere before.

Then, with the blessing of everyone, the Son of God was born.

Two boys.

The inexplicable perspective shifted to the elder brother, and as the elder brother grew up, the scene in front of him changed scene by scene.

Until, the dark side of God was cruelly revealed in front of our eyes, exposed by someone who was interested.

Next to the tree roots in the dark cave, the young man held the girl's body and cried loudly. Beside him, one silent corpse after another watched everything in front of him.

It was her mother who killed her, the supreme being named Kaguya, the goddess of Uma.

Tsunade watched this scene silently.

This scene is hell.

"Why! Mother!"

"Why kill her!"

Hysterically questioned in person.


Seemingly surprised, the goddess said indifferently.

"Do I need your permission to do anything in my garden?"


"Discourteous!" The huge majesty that erupted came overwhelmingly. The man fell to his knees heavily in the cracks on the ground.

"Pay attention to your identity. You are just an ordinary human woman. There are as many such people as you want."

"This time, I will forgive you."

"My stupid boy."

The goddess who was aloof even in front of her own child turned around and left indifferently.

But the child didn't want it to end simply like that.

Challenge God's authority again and again.

"Mother! What on earth do you want to do!?"

The goddess stopped, looked at the child in front of her, seemed to be thinking about it, and for a moment, looked at the sky above her head, at the brilliant stars under the night sky.

"Just doing some experiments."

"It's okay for you to know."

"Don't have too many emotions with humans. There's no point in talking and laughing with these inferior creatures."

"We will eventually leave here and go to the starry sky."

Tsunade opened her mouth

Fly into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

I finally understood where the familiarity came from.

Although the faces are different, there is a word called spiritual similarity.

The goddess left, and the man knelt in the dust, clutching the scattered dust in his hands.

"I won't allow it!"

"It will never be allowed!"


For the sake of a beloved ordinary woman and many living beings, a man is determined to challenge God.

With the help of Toad, the decisive battle came as scheduled.

The sky is shattered and the earth is shattered, and all life is in ruins.

Until the difficult victory, God was sealed.

On the devastated land, creatures began to rebuild civilization.

Tsunade looked at this scene, watching the man who ended the dictatorship of God wandering the earth like an atonement, establishing a ninja sect from scratch, preaching love and peace, and honest connection between hearts.

Married and had children, Senju and Uchiha were born.

Following this, the continuous war in the ninja world began.

Watching the **** battle between Senju and Uchiha for generations.

Unable to help herself, Tsunade asked.

"Is it all worth it, Sage of Six Paths?"

After what seemed like a long time, someone answered her question.

"I think it's worth it."

Tsunade looked at the unusual man in front of her.

Like humans, but not human.

In terms of appearance, it is somewhat similar to Bug Girl.

"You who have ended peace with your own hands, you who have killed many living beings, and you who have started a chaotic world, do you really think it was worth it?"

Tsunade said in a deep voice.

"Absolute power breeds absolute evil." The Immortal of Six Paths said: "My child, you must have deep feelings as you hold the power of life and death in this world."

"I'm not Kaguya." Tsunade said, "I won't kill wantonly."

"That's right." Six Paths Immortal said, "Although you are not my child Asura, you are very similar to him."

"One person can't do anything well, but with everyone's help and his own efforts, he can do it and gain real power."


"Boring!" Tsunade said: "Put aside the actual talk of love and faith, it's all nonsense."

"You understand in your heart." Liudao shook his head and said, "I don't want to argue with you."

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" Tsunade said solemnly.

"There's nothing special I want to talk about." Six Paths Immortal said, "I'm just telling you a long-standing story."

“About me, about people on earth, and about God who is high in heaven and looks down on all living beings.”

"Everything that seems good can be false, fragile, and something that can be manipulated by God."


"I was broken, despaired, and angry, until I rebelled against the superior God."

"my mother."

"It is an extremely cruel existence."

"Everyone on earth is nothing but insects in her eyes."

"You won't love anyone."

"You can kill anyone brutally."

"It is wrong to allow such a **** to rule the world forever."

"I made a choice."

"Let people rule over the generations, instead of becoming a new **** to replace the mother's position and rule the world forever. In this way, the people on earth will have a future."

"Otherwise, it's just repeating the same mistakes."

"No!" Tsunade said in a deep voice, "I love everyone!"

"Yes." The Immortal of Six Paths smiled and said: "There are only a few people. The lives of other people can be put on the scale to measure their value and determine life and death."

Tsunade's breath hitched and her pupils narrowed slightly.

"I know, mother loves me." Immortal Six Paths smiled: "Because I am her child."

