MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha - C.824 This guy is a great guySep 13, 2023

MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

C.824 This guy is a great guySep 13, 2023

Chapter 824 This guy is a good guy

The uneventful daily life passed by as usual day by day.

Spring passes and winter comes, and it’s a new year.

Konoha fifty-seven years.

After the threat of war was completely eliminated, the entire ninja world was prosperous and lively under the rule of Konoha.

Standing on the top balcony of the Hokage Building, Tsunade leaned on the railing, overlooking the distant scenery in a daze.

Under the clouds and mist, the face of the city is looming under the clouds, like a fairy tale wonderland. The figures walking around are as small as ants, and the flow is endless.

He stretched out his hand in a daze, as if he wanted to grab something.

Obviously we often played together when we were young, keeping our hearts together and working hard towards the same goal. But now, when we grow up, one of them lives in the abyss underground and cannot see the face in the darkness clearly, while the other He lives high above the clouds in the sky, his appearance is hidden behind the clouds, and the distance between them is so far away that they seem out of reach.

Even if they meet occasionally, when they meet face to face, they find that they no longer understand what the other person is thinking.

So, lonely.

I wonder what she is thinking.

It doesn't matter anything else, it's such a simple reason.

Women's reasons.

"Is it really just such a simple reason?"

Deep inside, there seemed to be a voice questioning.


"So, what do you suspect?"

"What bad intentions could she have?"

"Don't you know best how gentle she is?"

"Be honest, be honest with each other."

“Sincerity is a surefire skill.”

"Since you chose to hide it, isn't it normal for her to hide something?"

“Lies only get lies.”

"You understand."

Yes, I understand.

With a slight exertion on his hand, the railing in his hand exploded and deformed.

Tsunade turned back and looked at the young ninja who fell behind her.

The entire Konoha is under security surveillance, and there is no safe place. But as the Hokage, if he wants to create a safe space on his own, do he need to ask for anyone's permission?

The barrier enveloped the entire Hokage building, cutting off contact with the outer armor.

In the past, Tsunade had nothing to hide from Miki.

"Your Highness." Although it was the first time for the young ninja to come to such a place, he was not nervous.

At first glance, he looks like a ruthless person who does big things.

"Do you know why I chose you?" Tsunade said softly: "Uchiha Shisui."

"Why?" Asked if he didn't understand, Zhisui said.

"Your grandfather is a man of perseverance." Tsunade said: "From a personal standpoint, he not only deeply loves his clan, but also loves other clans, everyone."

Zhisui knelt on one knee, lowered his head and listened, not really understanding.

"What about you? Have you inherited his will?"

What will?

Grandpa never said anything at all.

Shisui's eyes were confused.

Oops, how should I cooperate with the Yondaime so that I don't look embarrassed?

I can't answer the call!

To say inheritance is a lie.

It would be embarrassing to say that I didn't inherit it.

There was a long wordless silence.

Tsunade noticed this.

The Aburame clan is run by Mei Ji in a very tight manner. The entire clan is Mi Ji's yes-men and they would never dare to do anything without Mei Ji's knowledge.

Within the Senju clan, Tsunade didn't know how many people were die-hard fans of Miki and worked for Miki.

We can only find the next best thing to Uchiha.

This guy is rebellious.

No, this guy has great love and is a kind and good person.

Especially since this kid is still Zhili's disciple.

Just fine.

The identity is flawless.

This wave is instigating rebellion.

"Change the question, do you like Konoha?" Tsunade asked.

Question of course.

No need to think about it.

Zhisui said in a deep voice: "Of course, I love this place deeply."

"So, are you willing to die for Konoha?"

Tsunade continued to ask.

Hearing this, a flash of excitement flashed in Shisui's eyes.

Finally, after practicing for many years, it was my turn to show up. I thought that all my skills would no longer be of use and I would spend the rest of my life in peace.

It's a confidential mission!

Who is the enemy!


I will crush him!

Bet on Uchiha's honor!

"Ha!" Shisui's voice rose an octave and he said in a deep voice, "Be ready at any time!"

You said it yourself, kid.

Tsunade turned around and said, "I want you to secretly investigate everything about Uchiha Jiri."

As Miki's most important hand, Uchiha Jiri must have something to do with Miki. Many important matters will be handled secretly by Jiri.

"Huh?" Raising his head suddenly, Shisui looked at Tsunade's back and said anxiously: "Did you make a mistake? Your Highness! How could she betray Konoha, teacher!"

I do not believe!

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

"Are you questioning me?" Tsunade said coldly: "Jounin of Konoha, Shisui Uchiha."

Do you question me as Hokage?

"I'm the Hokage."

Big drops of sweat hit the floor, and Zhisui said, "I don't dare."

"So." Tsunade said, "Reject the mission?"

After a long silence, after a fierce mental struggle, Zhisui said in a hoarse voice: "I accept your orders, Your Highness."

I don't believe teachers would do anything terrible.

But I can investigate and clear the teacher's name.

Shisui clenched his fists hard.

Put my life on the line.

"Very good." Tsunade turned back and said, "What will you do if the investigation reveals anything."

How to do it?

of course.

Help the teacher hide the truth?


"Proceed according to Konoha's laws, not according to my ideas." Under heavy psychological pressure, Shisui said in a deep voice.

"Sure enough." Tsunade said: "Sure enough, I saw you right."

This kid is full of rebellion, no, he is full of righteousness.

As expected of his surname Uchiha, he is a ruthless person who dares to take action.

This step was a dangerous move, and Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief.

After suppressing it for two years, the previous events have been revealed. Mei Ji should think that I have given up and it is time to take action.

Tsunade stepped forward slowly, stretched out her hand, and held Shisui's head.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a small surgery to remove some hidden dangers."

Tsunade said, pink fleshy mucus gushed out from her hands and penetrated into Shisui's body.

Shisui opened his mouth uncomfortably.

What is this? It's so disgusting to drill into my body.

"It's not disgusting," Tsunade said as if unintentionally: "It's just a cute slug. Now it has been connected to your nervous system. When you contact me, mentally recite my name and repeat it three times. I will respond to you after you hear it."

Zhishui felt awe-inspiring and didn't dare to think too much.

"Don't worry, I won't peek, unlike someone who is addicted to peeping."

Who are you talking about?

"Is it Jiraiya-sama?" Shisui asked trying to relax, not wanting the atmosphere to be so tense.

"That idiot is really famous." Tsunade smiled, as if she thought of something funny.

Although famous for a bad reputation.

It’s really a disgrace to our contemporaries, and we can’t even understand the bad things we did.

The magnanimity of Sepi.

If she was as capable as Mei Ji, she wouldn't be unable to find a wife.

"But I'm not talking about him."

Tsunade smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shisui felt a headache and lost consciousness.

