MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha - C.826 Really enoughSep 13, 2023

MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

C.826 Really enoughSep 13, 2023

Chapter 826 It’s really enough

Opportunities always come unexpectedly.


Zhisui asked in surprise.

"Yes, nya." Riki said as he licked the dried fish in his mouth: "Everyone knows that people in the city will disappear without knowing it."

This everyone refers to the ninja cats of Konoha.

"How is it possible?" Shisui said: "According to the regulations on humanitarian aid for homeless people, homeless people can go to the rescue station to apply for social assistance."

"I don't understand what you're talking about, nya." Rikimaru said, "But that's what everyone said. It will disappear. It's best not to get close there."

"Are you kidding!" Shisui didn't believe it.

"Then have you seen beggars in the city?"

Who would pay attention to such a thing, Shisui tried hard to remember.

I remember seeing homeless people when I was a child, but when I grew up, I never saw them again.

"I'll investigate."

The direction was immediately changed, and Shisui began to stalk the rescue station that day.

It was not as lively as expected, with homeless people sleeping all over the hall. The rescue station seemed deserted. A few staff members wandered around doing nothing all day long, and even left work early during working hours.

On the surface, there is nothing unusual about this situation.

On a dark and windy night, Shisui took the risk and sneaked in. As a professional ninja, he easily and smoothly sneaked into the data room and checked the paper files over the years.

Although Konoha has a more convenient online data archive center, traditional paper records are still retained.

This is a big help.

Shisui checked the information. Due to the huge workload, he sneaked in at night for several weeks until leaving at dawn.

Unfortunately, no record anomalies were found.

Teachers and others are innocent.

Although I was relieved, I felt regretful for no reason.

To be on the safe side, Shisui visited several other aid stations and came to the same conclusion.

After sorting it out, report the progress to Tsunade.

"There is nothing wrong with the record on its face."

"So." Tsunade looked at Shisui who was kneeling on one knee in front of him.

"I don't have access to Konoha's database."

Tsunade has the highest authority, which is often used in daily work, and every detail is recorded completely.

"I understand." Tsunade waved her hand and said, "Keep working hard."


After Shisui left, Tsunade leaned back.

The Konoha database is also a large-scale biological equipment and institution built by Miji, and the data in it has always been without errors or omissions.

But that's under the premise of completely trusting Mei Ji.

I firmly believe that she will not lie to herself or hide herself.

Otherwise, what she sees is what she wants herself to see.

Where do homeless people go?

Data can be faked, but reality cannot lie.

Tsunade activated Konoha's database and browsed in depth.

This matter was not among Tsunade's previous concerns, and the subsequent progress was not very clear.

The establishment of the rescue station can be traced back to the Second Ninja War. During the Mito Agency period, it was originally responsible for the rescue management station and was an institution to deal with the problem of prisoners of war during World War II.

Before the Third Generation abdicated, there was no similar institution in Konoha.

Later, it gradually evolved into a rescue organization for people in need in society.

The rescue cases recorded one by one were displayed under Tsunade's browsing.

If everything is implemented, it is natural that the current rescue stations will become deserted.

So, where did the people disappear?

After taking a moment, Tsunade took the time to browse carefully.

Behind the cold data, Tsunade felt full of warmth.

Sure enough, this is the real Mei Ji, who always helps people in need without showing any signs of it.

Through these massive real events, we can actually see that people's lives are becoming better little by little.

But having presided over the work of Konoha for many years, Tsunade has seen too much about the warmth and indifference of people's hearts.

A true devil who doesn't mind lending a helping hand to a poor puppy on the side of the road.

He would give out ham on a whim, and he would also kick someone on a whim.

Humans are complex animals.

A few days later, after sorting out the files, Tsunade called Shisui.

"Go and confirm the above situation to see if it is true."

The thick information bag was placed in front of Shisui.

"Ha!" Shisui responded enthusiastically.

After leaving the Hokage's office, he immediately rushed to the front line of work.

First is number one.

Shisui knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" The middle-aged man who seemed not to be trifled with opened the door emotionally, looked at Shisui in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Of course I'm busy.

Without any nonsense, Zhisui took out the photo and asked, "Is this person you?"

The down-and-out young man in the photo is so poor that he has no shoes.

"No, who are you?"

Zhisui took out his ID and said: "If you have any questions, you can go to Renshouxing to confirm. Now, I have some questions to ask you."

"Okay, sir." The middle-aged man's face changed.

"Is this you?" Zhisui asked again.

"Ah, yes." The man nodded.

"Excuse me, why don't you wander anymore?" Zhisui asked.

What the **** is this question, are you polite?

"Who is this dog man? It's not over yet!" A woman's Hedong lion roar came from inside the house.

Not wanting to lose his place in front of outsiders, the man yelled: "It's none of your business, get out of here!"

Suppressing his anger, the man gritted his teeth and said, "I have a **** job, good food and drink, a wife and children, and I'm just a wanderer."

"That's it." Shisui nodded and recorded it in his notebook.

"You've betrayed me! Where did you just tell me to get lost!" The woman shouted even louder. She rushed out with disheveled hair and a stool. She saw Shisui at the entrance and stopped.

He's not a salesman, he's a serious ninja.

He quietly put down the stool, flipped his hair towards Shisui, and showed a gentle yet awkward polite smile.

The man looked impatient as he watched Shisui resist his impulse.

"Excuse me, do you feel happy?"

This is a question for Your Highness.

Ask on your behalf.

Shisui's scalp felt numb for a while.

The man looked at Shisui deeply.

Don’t you have eyes yourself?

Can't you tell whether you are happy or not?

"I'm so **** happy, so happy." The man gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up."

"I roughly understand the situation. It's basically true. Thank you for supporting my work."

Shisui decided it was time to retreat.

But men are more straightforward.

"Go slowly, don't send me away."

The door slammed shut.

Shisui checked the box hesitantly.

This guy should be very happy.

The so-called pain and happiness is probably the same thing.

Turn around and head to the next house without stopping.

"Excuse me, are you happy?"

"Yes, I am very happy." Grandma had a happy smile on her face, grabbed Shisui's hand, and started talking about the past.

"At that time, we were very poor and our child's father died early."

"I am alone with three children. I heard that Konoha provides food, so I took the risk of coming to Konoha to beg."

"Not only was I taken in by Konoha and given a place to live, but I was also given a capable job."

"Even if I am alone, I can raise my children and not simply die."

The old lady wiped away her tears.

"Now, I'm happy."

Shisui listened quietly to the old man's story.

The tragic events of the past years.

"This is all a gift from the Yondaime, and our family will be forever grateful to her."

"The Yondaime is the most kind and good man I have ever seen in my life."

"Yes." Zhisui nodded repeatedly, truly agreeing.

This quiet listening lasted for several hours.

Seeing that the sun was going down, Shisui, who was caught by his grandma, became anxious.

"Grandma! That's enough! That's enough! I still have things to do!"

