MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha - C.843 It's a living personSep 13, 2023

MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

C.843 It's a living personSep 13, 2023

Chapter 843 is a living person

"I surrender!"

He raised his hands knowingly, looked at the dark ninjas in the cave hall, and said with a bare face.

"I am the Senju Rope Tree!"

"The fourth generation Princess Tsunade's biological brother!"

Keep shouting loudly to avoid suffering the next physical pain.

The fairy lines on his face faded quickly, and he lowered his arms to show that he was not hostile.

Kakashi, Obito, and Lin were lying on the ground, their whole bodies aching, looking at this shameless man.

"Lord Naoki, right?"

The leader of the team said.

"Please come with us."

"I have the right to remain silent!" Rope Tree shouted.

"Of course." the leader said.

The underground invasion riot ended, and a group of people returned to the headquarters to conduct interrogations.

No one was stupid enough to torture them, they just asked questions as usual.

"Tell me why you invaded our department, who ordered you to do so, and what is the purpose?"

Instinctively, the rope tree wanted to remain silent, but looking at this posture, it was not necessary.

"Hey, I'm just playing, can't you be curious?"

The interrogating teammate's face darkened, he banged the table and shouted, "I'm asking you very seriously! You'd better know your identity!"

There was no lethality at all, with his legs crossed, Shengshu raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you scaring me?"

"My sister is Hokage!"

"You think I'm afraid!?"

He behaves like a carefree playboy.

The interrogator looked at his superior outside the interrogation room with a pained face.

What to do?

Serve cold.

Just wait for someone from the Hokage to come and pick you up.

Otherwise, can it still be kept?

The big boss above didn't say anything.

Soon, someone came from the Hokage's office.

Tsunade's shadow guards successfully retrieved the rope tree.

When she saw the rope tree, Tsunade just raised her eyes and had no intention of speaking.

I originally thought there would be a little trouble, but I didn't expect that Mei Ji would let him go so simply.

"Sister, the mission failed." Shengshu hesitated and said, "Next."

Next, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult.

"I know." Tsunade didn't seem to care and said, "Go back."

After being stunned for a moment, Shengshu nodded and said, "Ha."

"Did you fail?" Looking at Nao Shu's leaving figure, Tsunade smiled and lowered her head to deal with the matters at hand.

Rope Tree is still a bit green when it comes to infiltration.

"Jiraiya, what happens next is up to you."

Deep underground, a little toad followed the underground water source. After an unknown period of time, it jumped out of the water and landed. As the frog's mouth opened, an arm with mucus came out.

In the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, Jiraiya was holding a slug in his hand, recording all this in the darkness.

"How about it."

"We're close." Immortal Slug's gentle voice sounded, "It's right there."

"let's go."

Time passed quietly in the darkness until the eyes suddenly became clear.

Standing high in the cave, Jiraiya looked at the insect hole in the cave.

Swallowing in shock.

Worms, endless worms, are all over the hole. In the flickering blue chakra light, they are moving in an orderly manner, just like machinery or a factory, flowing efficiently.

"Is it really okay?"

Jiraiya asked, a little nervous.

"No problem." Slug Immortal said: "Little Tsunade has made arrangements for the insect swarm of Lady Chong. In the pheromone recognition system of the insect swarm, we now have an identification code and are one of them. As long as we are one of them, Don't do anything special, just look, it won't trigger other alarm and recognition systems."

Jiraiya nodded and said, "This seems to be a planting farm."

They grow mushrooms.

Or fungus.

The white velvet flower hyphae blooming everywhere are growing prosperously under the control of the insect swarm.

Nothing special.

Except for the mind-numbing bugs crawling everywhere.

"Let's continue deeper inside, little Jiraiya." Slug Immortal said.

"Okay." Jiraiya said.

As he went deeper, Jiraiya's eyes widened. The busy and huge insect swarm was really shocking.

Breeding room, storage room, baby room, all kinds of facilities are dazzling.

Even the Slug Immortal had to sigh.

"In terms of size, I had no idea how big she was."

Jiraiya nodded.

There is a feeling of roaming in the body of some super giant creature, so huge that it is suffocating.

To the senses, there is only pure shock.

The deeper you go, the more shocking it becomes.

Continuous to the limit, there were swarms of densely moving insects, various huge pipes that seemed to be breathing, inserted into the rock mass like blood vessels, and various facilities whose functions Jiraiya couldn't understand.

Simple facilities such as farms are easier to identify.

But some of them are really confusing just by looking at them.

For example, the one in front of me looks like a giant tree growing underground and reaching into the underground abyss.

The blue light link of the streamer circulates rapidly on the tree like pulses, and is transmitted to the unknown darkness at the other end.

"This isn't chakra."

Jiraiya said.

You can intuitively feel that this is another kind of energy, a natural energy.

"Want to go down and take a look, little Jiraiya." Slug Immortal suggested.

"Of course." Jiraiya nodded.

The mission this time is to investigate, and any suspicious things must be carefully examined.

The two of them advanced along the roots of the giant tree. As they advanced, the temperature on the road gradually increased until it was unbearably hot, and a world full of fire appeared in front of them.

The flowing magma flows like a river. On it, huge roots are inserted into the magma. As the roots pulse up and down like breathing, the surging huge energy is transformed and extracted along the roots, turning into shining blue rings and pulses. Rush straight up.

"Is she eating lava?"

"It seems, yes." Slug said: "A way of utilizing natural energy."

Jiraiya couldn't understand, but he was shocked and his scalp was numb.

Then Tsunade's voice sounded through the slug.

"Don't look at it, it's a method of converting geothermal heat into chakra. The former Snow Country has a similar project to melt the year-round snow."

Now, the people of the former Snow Country can move to a habitable area, but they won't be of use for a while.

Tsunade presided over and handled this matter.

"Konoha has a powerful chakra production system, which is used in all aspects of social operation."

"To put it simply, this is just an ordinary geothermal power station."

Is this ordinary?

Jiraiya really didn't understand, he just knew that a few of him together couldn't withstand this huge natural energy.

"Time is running out, hurry up."

"I don't know when Mei Ji will notice you."


Jiraiya continued his infiltration and exploration operations.

Until this moment, looking at the scene in front of me, I stood holding my breath as if I had stopped breathing, and my scalp was numb.

Jiraiya didn't know how to describe the scene at this time, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of coldness deep in his heart.

It is still a big tree growing underground.

The underground forest spreads continuously.

No flowers, but fruit.

In the transparent round fruit shell, there are brains lying quietly in the liquid one after another, squirming slightly. The connected fine velvet threads are like blood vessels densely distributed on the epidermis, like thick hair.

All around, an endless stream of insects were flying around to maintain normal operation, cleaning the fruits on the branches and treetops.

It's impossible to admit your mistake.

Even Jiraiya is not very proficient in medical ninjutsu.

But brains are not uncommon.

"what is this?"

Jiraiya opened his eyes wide, his hands and feet were cold.

"Are you a human?"



There is no doubt about it.

"Still alive."

Tsunade's voice sounded.

"It's a living person."

"A living person with only a brain."

It's really awesome.

It's eye-opening.

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade tightened her grip on the pen in her hand, and with a soft sound, the pen broke.

"Jiraiya, I want to see more, the truth."

