MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha - C.844 What is a bond?Sep 13, 2023

MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

C.844 What is a bond?Sep 13, 2023

Chapter 844 What is a bond?

The sun rose as usual from the east of Konoha. The golden-red sunlight pierced the clouds and cast a bright and warm light on the city. Above the clouds, in the Hokage's office, Tsunade checked the information compiled in front of her. .

He hadn't slept all night, and his fatigue had not left any trace on his face. His eyes were solemn, but his expression was full of energy.

This year, Tsunade has collected a lot of information through various channels.

I have to deny that Meiji has always done things without leakage, but it is not without traces.

For example, this

Tsunade looked at the information in her hand.

"Personal Health Management and Monitoring Public Health Symbiotes"

In Konoha, the public will be vaccinated against this parasite to facilitate the health management of the medical system. In major hospitals, it is a medical insect recognized by doctors as beneficial.

There are no safety risks that threaten personal life.

For the sake of public mental health, no specific public description of this product will be made.

I have to admit, it's very useful.

Diseases focus on prevention. Many diseases can be easily solved in the early stages. Most people will not run to the hospital without feeling a little uncomfortable, even if the medical insurance with high benefits is reimbursed. This medical insect is This is a good solution to this problem, early detection and early treatment. According to the instructions for use, vaccinated individuals can intuitively understand the severity of their symptoms based on their body reactions, and then choose whether to seek medical treatment.

Especially in the monitoring of symptoms after medical treatment, it can also be of great use, so through the promotion of Konoha, it has spread to every corner of Konoha.

However, no one questions whether there are really no safety risks.

Tsunade flipped through another document in her hand.

Medical research data recorded by Mae Iwagakure.

The Second Ninja War was a horrific insect plague.

Looking at the horrific and miserable photos in her hand, Tsunade couldn't help but frown no matter how many times she looked at them.

Iwagakure is so miserable.

No wonder they were afraid of Mei Ji to the core.

If anyone were to experience it personally, the sight of Maggie would also trigger a traumatic stress response.

The biggest safety risk is Maggie herself.

Miki holds the lives of everyone in Konoha in her hands. With just one thought, people can die miserably while wailing.

This is absolute power that cannot be resisted.

Tsunade believed that Miki would not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but she felt uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart.

Where this irritability came from, Tsunade couldn't explain.

Taking a deep breath, Tsunade continued to organize the information at hand.

Since it is handwritten information on paper, it does not need to go through Mei Ji's database, and there is no need to attract Mei Ji's attention.

After a while, I looked up at the bright sunshine shining through the window.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Tsunade said.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?" Kushina asked.

"Sorry for having to rush you back from your vacation." Tsunade said, looking into Kushina's eyes.

Because of Six Paths, Tsunade took Kushina away from her.

"Nothing, teacher." Kushina said, "Do you have any work for me?"

"How are you adapting to the Rinnegan?" Tsunade asked.

"It's good." Kushina said: "The recording ability can basically be used, except that the time and space clone is still a little confused."

"It's time to show off." Tsunade said inexplicably.

Kushina tilted her head in confusion.

What brand?

Tsunade continued: "I found a lot of things, a lot of bad things, maybe you're right."

The Sage of Six Paths looked at Tsunade.

"If you want to take action, do you have any suggestions?" Tsunade said.

"In this ninja world, the only one who can fight against her is you." The Sage of Six Paths said: "You have this power and a large number of supporters. Her biggest failure is to push you to the front and hide her. Behind the scenes.”

Kushina listened to the sound in her body in shock, quickly calmed down and looked at Tsunade.

"I know, but there is no specific help." Crossing the fingers of both hands, Tsunade looked at Kushina and said: "Just let me rush to the front and watch the show from behind without providing anything. Is there something wrong? Little questions.”

Liu Dao has a little headache.

This granddaughter doesn't seem to be as easy to fool as her two stupid sons.

"Indeed, I can provide you with a little help." The Immortal of Six Paths said: "A little help in terms of strength. I only have the power of Six Paths. With your talent, you will quickly master this power and improve your chances of winning."

"Bring it to you," Tsunade said.

You're really welcome.

Although he was a little afraid that Tsunade would take the advantage and do nothing, Liu Dao had no choice but to make a desperate move.

As for Tsunade, Liudao has been observing in the dark for a long time.

Is a trustworthy person.

"Now that you have seen the unknown darkness."

Said the Immortal of Six Paths.

"I hope you can spread real light to the world and be an upright God."

The general trend is that Liudao has to compromise.

Although he is not the reincarnation of his own child, he is still his descendant who rules the world.

This child has great love in his heart.

"Cut the nonsense."

Tsunade stared at Kushina.

A stream of chakra emerged from Kushina's eyes, gathering to form the figure of the Sage of Six Paths.

Kushina's eyes widened and her face suddenly turned red.

This old guy.

who is it! ?

Did he peek at me doing business with Minato? ?

Kushina felt sick from the bottom of her heart.

Damn, pervert!

He secretly lived in the body of a girl without her consent!


Tsunade's eyes flashed, showing no emotion.

Although it was the first time they met, they were able to confirm that the other party was the Sage of Six Paths.

"Take it, my power." The Sage of Six Paths said: "This is a chakra seed that can allow you to complete a qualitative transformation."

Floating to the desk, when he was eye level with Tsunade, he extended his hand to Tsunade.

It's finally out.

Tsunade stretched out her hand and touched it lightly with her fingertips.

"I did receive it."

For the first time, chakra surged and a seal formed, blocking this power in the body and preventing it from spreading and integrating.

At the same time, the spell spread, shot out from Tsunade's fingertips, locked in the hands of the Sage of Six Paths, and spread throughout the body.

Looking into Tsunade's eyes, Liu Dao was confused and said: "What do you mean, Your Highness Princess Tsunade."

"One by one, they are called princesses."

Tsunade slowly stood up and looked down at Six Paths.

"Do you really think I'm an innocent little girl who doesn't understand anything?"

"Six Paths Old Man"

One after another, ninjas smashed through the windows and landed in the field. When they squatted down, they half-drawn their ninja swords.

Following the movement of the seal, the red barrier rose one after another, sealing off the entire space.

Hard to fly with wings.

"This ninja world does not need the existence of immortals like you."

"Hiding behind the scenes of the ninja world, secretly controlling the situation and future direction of the ninja world."

"You!" The Sage of Six Paths opened his eyes wide, looked at Tsunade, and said, "You have been lying to me!?"

"How could it be?" Tsunade said, "I just never believe your nonsense about the reincarnation of the goddess Kaguya."

"Mei Ji is Mei Ji."

"Other than that."

"It's not your turn to talk too much and sow discord between us."

"Shut up."

"The dutiful old man who killed his mother."

Chakra burst out suddenly, the Jinchuuriki sealing technique unfolded, and the shaking chakra chains rattled, binding the six paths all over.

Liu Dao still didn't react.

Am I wrong?


In the blink of an eye, he was already in the sealed space, staring at the nine-tails in front of him.

Kyuubi opened his mouth wide.

Why are you here, dad?

What is a bond?

Meiji, who was watching, retreated tactically.

Tsunade, this guy, has grown up not just a little bit over the years.

A random person would come and say a few nonsense words, and he would easily believe them and overthrow everything we had established between us.

That's really ridiculous.

"What are you doing?"

Tsunade made a fist.

"Just give me some benefits and make me work hard."

"What a beautiful thought."

"I want it all."

In the eyes, the scarlet Sharingan is revealed, rapidly rotating from the first to the second and third to the kaleidoscope, the eternal kaleidoscope, turning rapidly, the blood color recedes like the tide, the eternal kaleidoscope disappears, lavender emerges, vaguely Circles appeared vaguely in the eyes, and the unstable collapse disappeared in an instant, turning into normal eyes.

The most orthodox power of the Six Paths, all kinds of things, unfolded at this moment.


Tsunade sat back and waved.

The barrier was lifted, and the guarding ninjas retreated to their original positions.

Kushina looked at Tsunade with admiration.

Although I didn't know what happened, I was shocked.

A teacher is a teacher, and with a little bit of planning, he can strategize and deal with the hidden enemies.

That's right, the enemy.

In Tsunade's eyes, this guy who suddenly appeared was an enemy who was sowing discord.

Only the mentally retarded can't see such a simple thing.

What's more, he's a matricide idiot.

What a shameless statement.

People don’t understand it, yet they still want to be the savior.

"it's so funny."

With a sneer, Tsunade looked at the information at hand again and handled her work as usual.

In this ninja world where ninjas kill people like crazy, Tsunade's views are very upright.

In the final analysis, it was Mei Ji's influence and instillation.

Mei Ji knew this very well.

This can be seen from the total ban on casinos.

Tsunade, who holds great power, will not reopen a casino in any situation by exploiting loopholes in the rules for her own selfish desires.

Even if she likes it very much.

