MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha - C.846 It's time to have a good talkSep 13, 2023

MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

C.846 It's time to have a good talkSep 13, 2023

Chapter 846 It’s time to have a good talk


What day is the flight?

This is the consensus of most people and ninjas on aerospace.

In this regard, Konoha, or Meiji, did not carry out too much publicity, and ordinary people were not interested in this. However, with the broadcast of the news and the introduction of various science popularizations, everyone realized the significance of exploring the stars. .

The relaxed demeanor caused by the long period of peace has changed. There are no battles to fight, and many ninjas who are preparing to change careers have also picked up training.

Looking forward to the journey to explore the stars.

Miki was busy with the task of bringing Konoha to heaven.

Space exploration is a long journey that requires a lot of manpower and resources in all aspects, but fortunately some things are readily available.

For example, a lunar base.

The Otsutsuki clan in the sky was panicked.

Due to the dangerous situation on the ground, the clan did not fall into brutal internal fighting, which led to the decline of the population.

But under the urging of the giant reincarnation eye, the population is not much better.

Compared with the population of the Hyuga clan on the ground, which is prosperous, the population in the sky is a bit miserable.

It can be said that no one can afford to die, but it is still like a broken hourglass, unable to stop passing by like sand.

People on the ground are going to heaven.

Against the background of the cosmic starry sky, under the gaze of the giant reincarnated eye, huge flying insects have been stopping in the low-Earth orbit of the planet, flying synchronously with the rotation of the planet.

"They're coming!"

Fear swept through everyone in the hall like a tide.

Some people were so frightened that they sat paralyzed like mud.

Some people are angry, but their bodies are still trembling instinctively.

"Damn Sunagakure waste! It's a waste of our support!"

Some people were hysterical and yelling crazily.

One after another, chaotic and crazy sounds filled the entire venue.

Just like a cat that has stepped on its tail, a real fatal shadow completely shrouded everyone's heads.

But the good thing is.

The originally young clan leader was already weak. Under his eyes that were so pale that he was almost blind, his skin was so pale that there was no blood. The little boy next to him looked at this scene and pinched the corners of his father's clothes in fear.

"Don't be afraid, Sheren."

Sensing the little boy's mood, the man patted the child's head and said, "Our Otsutsuki clan is the strongest."

The little boy nodded ignorantly and looked at the tribesmen who had different expressions but were equally scared.

"Clan leader! We can't delay it any longer!"

"Fight to the death of the last clan members! We must also use the full power of the Tsangikan!"

"Otherwise, our clan will really be doomed!"

Is it really over?

not necessarily.

Opposition arose.

"We can surrender! Surrender to Konoha! Get the treatment we deserve! Hinata is our relative, they will accept us, and the clan system has collapsed, so we don't have to worry about being labeled as a caged bird."

"What did you say, traitor!"

The eternal dispute started again.

Looking at this situation, the man who is the patriarch said in a deep voice: "Everyone."

Everyone looked at this failed man who was in charge of the overall situation, maintaining each other's last dignity.

"We're not at the point of total failure yet."

"We still have time."

But, not much more.

We are almost at the doorstep.

"Have you noticed that it's just flying around the ninja world."

The image seen by the reincarnated eye is enlarged.

It was a huge carapace flying insect, without wings, with a silver smooth and streamlined body structure, like some kind of metal, and as slender as a long silver dragon. Rather than being an ugly insect in the general impression, it was more like an insect-like appearance. beautiful artwork.

Arrow-shaped flying dragon

"It's been like this for several days."

"Maybe it's not that it doesn't want to break away from the ninja world, but it's just that it hasn't been able to break away from the gravitational pull of the ninja world yet."

Everyone looked at the picture and thought carefully.

first cosmic velocity

Taking cannonballs as an example, it refers to the speed at which the cannonball no longer falls back to the ground when the speed reaches 7.9 kilometers per second.

It is also the necessary speed for an artificial satellite to make uniform circular motion around the surface of the planet.

Roughly twenty-three times the speed of sound.

There are very few individuals in the ninja world who can reach this speed.

But not nothing.

There is no technical difficulty in reaching the escape speed of the first cosmic speed or even the second cosmic speed, not to mention that it can also perform anti-gravity operations to a certain extent.

The real problem lies in the fragility of the organism itself.

What Meiji fired was not Tiehanhan. Compared with the small size of the special tiny spores, the greater its mass, the easier it was to die.

Speed ​​is not a limiting factor either.

The harsh space environment itself is.

The ubiquitous bursts of cosmic ray particles are the real headache for Maggie.

Thus, the first phase of the heavenly foundation was laid, and the second phase of survival and evolution adaptation in the near-Earth space officially began.

However, it is more than enough to deploy troops as a transport ship.

The moon is within the gravitational range of the Ninja Realm. Therefore, launching from the ground to the moon does not need to reach the second cosmic speed.

However, Mei Ji is not in a hurry.

These guys can't run away, and can't win in a head-on fight.

What are you playing with yourself?

Just hang like this, feeling the horror at close range. There are wolves in front of you and tigers in the back. Sooner or later, you will be eaten up by the reincarnation eye.

Moreover, the reincarnated eyes in their hands are not completely incapable of resistance.

At the moment, what Meiji has to do is to build the ship desperately and update it, making it bigger and better.

Feilong is still a bit small.

Pretend that hundreds of people can stand up to the sky.

What Mei Ji wants to do is to install an urban spaceship that can house a closed ecological circle to achieve the most basic self-sufficiency of self-circulation in space.

Meiji put down the project report in her hand and looked at the ninja opposite.

Tsunade's trusted subordinate.

"Tell her I'll be there."

"Ha!" The ninja took the order and retreated.

Tsunade wanted to take a walk and went downstairs to take a look at the current situation, so she invited Miki to accompany her.

Of course, Mei Ji is not indispensable.

Grab those beautiful invitations that are handy.

It's easy to see through Tsunade's little thoughts.

It can be considered as a date between two people, traveling at public expense. Along the way, Mei Ji is only responsible for eating and drinking, and other things are not her business.

It can also be considered

Tune the tiger away from the mountain in an honest and fair manner.

But for the sake of Tsunade's good performance, it's not like she can't agree if she can't be fooled by outsiders.

"What a stick."

Coincidentally, Miki also wanted to see Tsunade and check her health.

Directly sealing the Six Paths Immortal within the body is also a big heart.

What Mei Ji meant was that it would be better to just give it to Yang and it would be over.

Whether it is the Sage of Six Paths or Princess Kaguya, as potential safety hazards, they must be thoroughly eliminated.

Mei Ji got into work, the paper door opened, and Hitomi walked in with refreshments.

There are no servants at home, and Hitomi likes to do these things.

There are enough tool people trained under me, and each of them is responsible for his or her own role. There is no need to go to the site to guide the work, and you can work at home leisurely and easily.

It's really comfortable.

That guy Tsunade was just looking for trouble, so he didn't worry about it, so he held on tightly.

An invisible desire for possession.

It can also be called responsible.

In other words, the pressure from everyone's expectations forced Tsunade to work seriously.

If it's too tight, you need to relax and rest properly.

"It's time to have a good talk."

"What are you talking about?" Hitomi asked.

"Let's talk about life." Meiji said.

Hitomi didn't pay attention and said, "I also have something to tell you."

