MTL - Card - C.528 troubleMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.528 troubleMar 06, 2023

Trouble indeed. However, no one would find this troublesome.

Chen Mu did not expect that the breakthrough of perception would come so quickly that he was completely unprepared. The effect of the one-breath perception training method far exceeded his expectations. The distance between the sixth and seventh levels of perception was so far out of reach for countless people.

In fact, his perception growth has been quite fast, especially after Caesar helped him adjust, it can be said that he entered the country a thousand miles away. The one-breath perception exercise in the mysterious card once again made his perception increase sharply faster. Coupled with the fact that he was making cards continuously, all others saw was that he took out six hundred cards in five days, but they didn't know that he was so tired that he passed out every day. Although the card making machine no longer needs his control, it still needs constant input of perception.

The perception is entered mechanically and at a constant rate until the perception is exhausted. In order to be able to join the progress, he had to enter a state of deep tranquility. Unexpectedly, he used deep tranquility and one-breath perception exercise together, and the effect was surprisingly good. However, the combination of the two requires a premise that perception is exhausted.

It doesn't sound like it's too difficult.

But in fact, the pain is far more terrifying than people think. Generally speaking, when the perception is less than 40%, Kaxiu will feel weak. If it is lower than 20%, people have basically lost control of perception. If it is lower than 10%, it will trigger strong physiological reactions, such as whole body spasms, such as severe brain pain. When people usually say exhausted, they mean that only 20% of the perception is left.

However, what Chen Mu needed was exhausted, but nothing was left. From the standard value, it was less than 5%. The lower the value, the better the effect. The severe pain can be endured, but when the perception is lower than 20%, the perception has become uncontrollable, and it is extremely difficult to consume it again.

However, Chen Mu still found a way, and what inspired him was the previous extreme exercise method. In essence, the method he is using now is not much different from the extreme exercise method - using the extreme state to stimulate people's potential.

He slightly improved the card making machine, and used the continuous surname of perception to "draw" the remaining 20% ​​of perception.

This process is comparable to torture, during which the pain is almost crushing, and Chen Mu not only needs to endure the pain, but also needs to force himself into deep tranquility and use the one-breath perception exercise.

However, there is a reward for what he pays, and the speed at which his perception increases has become extremely alarming.

As a result, he reached the threshold of the sixth-level to seventh-level breakthrough.

Normally, this is too good a thing, but at this time, it is a trouble.

The trouble is that he's just fine. However, no one thought that there would be so much trouble!

In addition to Sang Hanshui and Xiao Bo, there were 36 members of the team showing signs of a breakthrough.

This time, everyone was nervous. For Muzi Camp, this is a top priority. If this breakthrough goes well, the strength of Muziying will undergo a real transformation, and if it fails, the loss will be huge.

The team stopped moving forward, and Suo surnamed stationed.

In the camp, there are dozens of snow pits, and several team members are guarding each snow pit, and their eyes are fixed on the snow pit for a moment. Kaxiu, who rushed to the level, chose to use the snow pit method without exception. The snow pit method invented by Chen Mu has become the most trusted perceptual training method for the team members, and it is precisely it that has created this situation today.

The barracks lost its usual liveliness, the training stopped, and everyone's faces were very nervous, except for Weah. Weah was expressionless, sitting there, looking at the sky. Xiaobumo rarely did any training today, and his little fists were clenched tightly.

The atmosphere in the barracks became unprecedentedly depressing and solemn. The team members were light-handed, lest the movement would be a little louder and startle the team members in the snow pit.

The first to succeed was Sang Hanshui. His talent is not outstanding, but after so many years of hard training, his perception is extremely profound. After the stimulation of the snow pit method, breaking through to the seventh level is a matter of course, and there is no obstacle.

Immediately after, other team members completed breakthroughs, but these Kaxiu were basically middle-aged Kaxiu around forty years old. Their previous perception had reached the peak of level six, and they were only one step away from level seven. The stimulation of the snow pit method, coupled with the uninterrupted hard training and actual combat during this period of time, they finally completed the transformation from level six to level seven.

How far is level six from level seven?

Every card repair will give the same answer, far, far! The transformation from level 6 to level 7 is not only the change in perceived quantity, but more importantly, the change in surname and quality. Of course, the most important thing is that Kaxiu will have a deeper understanding of perception.

On the surface, the understanding of perception is not directly reflected in the improvement of combat power, but if you want to go further, it is essential.

No matter what, the seventh-level card repair can be regarded as a master anywhere!

However, these breakthrough middle-aged Kaxiu, they want to go further, it is basically impossible. Their age limits how far they can go unless they can learn in a very short time the deeper rules of perception and energy structure. It's hard to say something about Wu's surname. But time can be counted, which is why young people are always more optimistic. Because they have more time, they have more possibilities for progress.

People kept jumping out of the snow pit, but Xiao Bo's pit remained silent, and Chen Mu was also there.

Chen Mu was the only one who was not in the snow pit.

Weah stayed outside Chen Mu's tent, without the slightest impatience or anxiety.

"Weia, aren't you worried?" Xiaobu Mo couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry." Weah replied calmly.

"Why aren't you worried? I'm very worried! What if something goes wrong with the wood?" Xiaobumo said, looking nervously at the tent's curtain.

Weah's expression did not change at all: "It's useless, don't do it."

Xiaobu meditated for a long time before he understood what Weah meant. Weah is saying that if worrying is useless, don't do it.

Time passed a little bit, but the two still didn't move at all.

"All light, go at full speed, target West Delhi!" A tender but sharp voice gave the order. In midair, Yan Yu looked down coldly.

"Yes!" Without asking why, a Kaxiu in a battle suit simply saluted.

The Kaxiu were solemn and silent, like a silent torrent, sliding forward silently. If the chief of the garrison department in West Delhi sees this scene, he will be surprised to find out how similar the march of this team is to that of the Muzi Battalion.

In the other marching team, Yu Jiaran was thin and pale, looking like a ghost. When he talked, he was also weak, like a sick child. He flew in the air like a ghost wafting.

"Yan Yu is very anxious."

"Yes, I heard that he made a bet with Lord Canglan to take down the wooden camp within fifteen days." His adjutant said with a slight smile.

"Fifteen days? Canglan is so anxious?"

"I don't know the details yet." His adjutant shook his head, "Lord Canglan invites Caesar to fight, isn't it a bit risky?"

Yu Jiaran still had a leisurely look: "What does this have to do with us? Cang Lan must have realized something recently, otherwise, he wouldn't dare to challenge Caesar. However, this courage alone is worth us. admire."

"That's right! There has never been anyone who dared to openly challenge the killing god." The adjutant also agreed, and he suddenly asked: "Master Yan Yu has already accelerated, how about us?"

"Just keep this speed. Yan Yu, he hates others to **** prey from him. We can't compete with this lunatic." Yu Jiaran's voice was weak.

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately reminded: "Sir, it's time to take medicine."

The sofa is made of fluffy blood tree velvet, one of the most valuable textile materials in the Federation. An extremely handsome man lay lazily on it, resting his cheek in one hand. On his forehead, he wears a pendant of broken gold stars.

This charming man who looks like a woman is Shi! [Black Line Star List] One of the top ten tyrants, he is also known for his unique style among these underworld tycoons.

A beautiful enchantress is pinching his legs.

"Report! Mr. Yan Yu suddenly left the team and went forward at full speed with light clothes!" Another beautiful woman wearing very thin reported.

"We don't need to pay attention to that lunatic. Hee hee, just let him try how powerful Muziying is." He covered his mouth and chuckled, like a woman.

"How powerful can it be? Can it be compared with our Jinzhai tribe?" The beauty who was pinching her legs said disapprovingly.

"Hee hee, be careful, don't look down on others, he is a figure highly admired by Rosie Judu." Shi giggled again.

"Luoxiju is not as powerful as adults!" Another scantily clad beauty posted from behind.


Meng Chen also received the same report. He was burly and bearded, and he looked like a bandit.

He snorted coldly and said to himself, "If you want to die, it's none of my business."

After he finished speaking, he got into the training room in the shuttle bus by himself. The shuttle he rides is huge and has a small training ground inside. Meng Chen is a training madman. No matter where he goes, he will take his training shuttle with him.

Except for Yan Yu who was racing all the way, the other three kept their speed very tacitly.

The next day was noon.

Bang, with a loud noise, the snow pit where Xiao Bo was standing suddenly exploded without warning!

The few team members who were guarding the snow pit responded very quickly, and the energy cover was propped up. They only felt a strong force transmission, and although they were protected by an energy shield, they seemed to be hit by a ball that was blown away and flew backwards.

The loud noise also frightened the entire camp.

No one has ever had a similar situation these days. Breaking through from the sixth level to the seventh level, what are the details? For these ordinary card repairs, it is really Successful? Or failed?

Countless eyes converged on the snow pit where Xiao Bo was.

All the snow in the snow pit was blown away, but there was no movement at the entrance of the cave. Everyone looked at each other, but no one stepped forward. Sang Hanshui's heart skipped a beat, did something happen? He was about to walk over.

Suddenly, a black hand appeared on the edge of the snow pit, the left hand.

Immediately afterwards, another equally jet-black hand appeared, the right hand.

A smoky head was exposed, and the long silver hair that was soft before was like a mop, and it was a mop that had just been dragged on the ground, black and black.

With a black breath coming out of his nose, Xiao Bo couldn't help cursing.

"Grandma, this will explode?"

People petrify.

(To be continued)

