MTL - Ci Jinzhi - C.139 Master He's rewardAug 11, 2023

MTL - Ci Jinzhi

C.139 Master He's rewardAug 11, 2023

Chapter 139 Mr. He's Remuneration

Liu Zhou was clever and sweet, and quickly asked where the Changle Hou Mansion was, and looked for it. He happened to meet Aunt Gui going out with a large bamboo basket.

Seeing Liu Zhou, Aunt Gui's first reaction was to avoid it quickly, so that the bookstore guy could not find out that she was from the Changle Hou Mansion.

However, Liu Zhou's eyes were sharper: "Hey, aren't you the aunt who went to the bookstore that day?"

Aunt Gui turned around stiffly, bit the bullet and denied: "You admitted your mistake—"

"Impossible!" Liu Zhou's tone was firm, "Didn't you buy a travel journal that day, and then you sent some dim sum to our owner, and the name of the dim sum is quite nice, it's called Su—yes, Su Huang Du!"

Speaking of this, the little guy was very happy: "The bookstore has a lot of customers every day, so I don't necessarily remember it. But the crispy yellow dumplings made by the aunt must be delicious. Our boss had two yuan left that day, and it happened to be a distinguished customer." Let's go, the guest still wants to taste it when I put away the plate."

Aunt Gui only felt a thunderbolt hit her head, and she asked with a trace of fantasy: "Who is that honored guest—"

Liu Zhou glanced at the door plaque of Changle Hou Mansion, thinking that this aunt and Mr. He are a family, so there is no need to hide it for Mr. He: "It is Mr. He."

Aunt Gui:!

"Auntie, what's wrong with you, Auntie?"

Aunt Gui covered her heart and showed a difficult smile: "Auntie is fine..."

I'm going to die, she has cooked countless delicacies for Lord Hou, and she has never realized that this child is such a greedy person!

As long as Aunt Gui thinks about the scene where He Qingxiao asks Miss Kou for a snack, she feels unable to breathe.

"Auntie, I don't think you seem to be okay, is it really all right? You are from the Changle Hou Mansion, right? I'll take you back. I happen to have something to ask Mr. He—"

Aunt Gui heard that the little guy was looking for He Qingxiao, and she immediately breathed steadily: "Are you looking for Master Hou?"

"Our boss has something to do with Mr. He, please go to the bookstore, I wonder if Mr. He is at home?" Liu Zhou felt that he was lucky, and meeting this aunt saved him from dealing with the people of the Hou family.

The gatekeeper of such a wealthy family might look down on others.

"He's at home." Aunt Gui said immediately.

Don't you have to spend money when you go out?

Liu Zhou smiled immediately: "Then please pass it on, auntie. Our boss is waiting at the bookstore, and we are in a hurry. Come, I will help auntie carry the basket."

"no, I'm fine."

"Let me come, I'm strong—" Liu Zhou eagerly lifted the bamboo basket in Aunt Gui's hand, and the basket almost fell when he started to sink it.

Aunt Gui carried it steadily: "I just said no."

She, who has been on the stove all year round, is not as strong as the handsome boy in front of her.

Liu Zhou was extremely embarrassed.

This aunt is well-dressed and fair-skinned, why is she so strong?

Thinking that she came from the Marquis Mansion of Changle, it's no surprise. After all, Master He doesn't really look like a Marquis.

Aunt Gui led Liu Zhou into the mansion, arranged for him to wait in the foyer, put down the bamboo basket and went to He Qingxiao's place.

He Qingxiao is reading the letter in the study.

This is a secret report, from the south.

There was a light knock on the door: "Master Hou—"

He Qingxiao put away the secret report, walked over and opened the door: "Aunt Gui is looking for me?"

This study is where he handles official business at home, and there are usually people guarding it outside, and only Aunt Gui can come in directly.

"The clerk from Qingsong Bookstore came and said that Ms. Kou has something to do with you."

He Qingxiao asked as he walked, "Where is the person?"

"Waiting in the hall."

Seeing He Qingxiao striding out, Aunt Gui followed quickly: "Master Hou—"

"What's the matter, Aunt Gui?"

Looking at the steady and gentle young man, Aunt Gui held back a thousand words in her heart: "It's nothing, Lord Hou, go quickly."

I can't imagine Hou Ye like that in front of Miss Kou!

Liu Zhou sat in the foyer and waited obediently. He didn't take a sip of the tea in front of him. When he saw He Qingxiao coming in, he immediately stood up: "Master He."

"Let's go." He Qingxiao spoke concisely, without any wordy words.

The two left the hall one after the other. Aunt Gui ignored the curious eyes of the doorman and carried the basket to the back.

The basket is covered with a layer of cloth, and inside is a small jar of brewed grape rice wine.

She went out today because she wanted to take the newly brewed wine to Qingsong Bookstore for Miss Kou to taste, but now she had to give up, and prayed in her heart that Master Hou would not do anything outrageous again.

"Boss, Mr. He is here."

Xin You walked out of the reception room and looked at the young man who walked in.

Because it was a holiday, He Qingxiao, who was usually dressed in red, wore a green robe today, and the plain color made the eyebrows more beautiful.

Pearl shines.

Xin You feels that she is not a person who values ​​appearance, but when she sees He Qingxiao, she often feels this way. So she understood that maybe it wasn't that she didn't pay attention to her appearance, but that the people she met before were not as good-looking as Mr. He.

"Miss Kou." He Qingxiao greeted her calmly, but her heart was not so calm.

Xin You responded with a smile and invited the person into the reception room.

He Qingxiao glanced around, and found that the furnishings hadn't changed, and the food on the table was more abundant.

At this moment, he had an illusion: Ms. Kou specially prepared the food in the reception room for him, right?

Suppressing this outrageous guess, He Qingxiao asked in a warm voice: "What do Miss Kou want from me?"

Xin You naturally pushed the food box over: "I want to ask Mr. He for a favor. I wonder if Mr. He is free tomorrow?"

"Recently, there are some ordinary affairs in the yamen, so I can spare time. What can Ms. Kou do for you?"

"A big deal has been negotiated, but I am a little worried about attracting people's attention. I want to ask Mr. He to help me clean up the place. When things are done, I will give Mr. He 10% as a reward."

Ten percent of 600,000 taels is 60,000 taels, which is indeed a lot, but Xin You thinks it should be given.

Since she met Mr. He, she has received his help many times. Although the money belonged to Kou Qingqing and she was the one who got the help, she actually helped Kou Qingqing by doing things smoothly.

And—Xin You took a deep look at the young man sitting opposite.

Master He received a generous reward, and she returned the favor, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

He Qingxiao shook his head slightly after listening to Xin You's words: "It's okay to help Kou girl to take down the place, and the reward is unnecessary."

"If Master He is like this, how can I have the nerve to ask you for help in the future?"

He Qingxiao saw the determination from the girl's expression, so he had to say: "Since this is the case, then I will not be disrespectful, but there are too many elevens, so one hundred is fine."

Miss Kou said it was a big deal, so it would probably cost tens of thousands of taels of silver, and ten thousand taels would be the equivalent of a thousand taels. Bai Yi's words are around a hundred taels, since accepting it can make Miss Kou feel at ease, so let's accept it.

"Bai Yi—" Xin You hesitated.

"No matter how much, Ms. Kou just doesn't consider me a friend anymore."

Xin You reluctantly nodded: "Okay."

(end of this chapter)

