MTL - Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library - C.7v12 Gold KillerMar 06, 2023


"Qiao Shan finally left the Special Operations Bureau. He shouldn't go grocery shopping at this time. It's probably the way to go home. Get ready and wait for my report."

In a building 100 meters away from the Special Operations Bureau station, a short shadow was observing the gate of the Special Operations Bureau station and reporting to his accomplices.

He was one of the members of the team that assassinated Qiao Shan. The two of them, the people in the two photos that Lu Feng and the others guessed, were all gold-level, but they only killed one at a time because they wanted to ensure success.

During the recent period of time, Qiao Shan has basically stayed at the special operations bureau station, with food and lodging in it. Because too many things have happened, he has been working and he is completely overwhelmed.

It's not easy to do things in the Special Operations Bureau. Tonight, when Qiao Shan leaves home, it's a rare opportunity.

Qiao Shan lives in the urban area with his wife. His son and daughter have other residences. He usually travels through the city center. There are only two routes.

Before, they had already investigated very clearly.

Tonight, too, Qiao Shan got into his car alone and drove home.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, so the killer judged that Qiao Shan would not go grocery shopping, but went straight back.

But the car just crossed a street and turned a corner. Qiao Shan suddenly changed direction and did not follow the original route, and then seemed to be taking the road with many people.

Although the road is far, it looks safer.

Because of the original route, there were several sections in sparsely populated places, which were too easy to be ambushed.

"Oh, it really is an old fox. He may realize that after the death of the Li family's head, these old antiques will also be a threat. He will pass through Dongcheng Pedestrian Street in this direction. There are many people there, so be prepared."

The killer informs the accomplice.

"Understood, if you enter the pedestrian street, you can do it on the pedestrian street. If you don't enter the pedestrian street, you can do it on the street next to the pedestrian street, and I will set up a dispersion barrier there."

A companion's voice came through the earphones.

"It's useless for him to be careful. It's impossible to use the cover of passersby. We have strange skills, and we can clear a large area of ​​people as long as we need it."

The killer put away his equipment and rushed to the pedestrian street.

The pedestrian street on this side of Dongcheng District is very prosperous. After midnight, there will be fewer people on the road, but with the skills of the killer's companion, he will unconsciously find a reason to leave that area.

People with high spirits may not be affected, but the problem is that they are all gold-level and generally have no special mental resistance. Even silver-level people with high mental attributes cannot escape being affected.

What's more, the passers-by on the street usually have no masters at all.

So the people over there will be emptied very quickly.

Near the pedestrian street in Dongcheng District, the two killers quickly took their place. They were all dressed in black, with their faces covered, one tall and the other short. They were standing on the top of the building at the same time, in different directions.

And this area is no longer populated. On the bustling streets, all the shops are closed, and there are no passers-by.

Qiao Shan's car finally arrived, but his car suddenly slowed down as soon as he entered the intersection, and then started to turn the steering wheel, intending to take a detour.

"He seems to have discovered the anomaly here." The short man turned around and said.

"That's for sure. After all, he is in this line of work, and his skills especially exclude him. If he doesn't respond, it would be strange." The tall man laughed, "But it's too late."

After speaking, the tall killer suddenly jumped down from the building.

With a bang, he stepped on the ground with his feet and stood more than thirty meters in front of Qiao Shan's car. He threw it out with one hand, and a cloud of yellow-green liquid condensed into the size of a basketball suddenly smashed towards Qiao Shan's car.

"Strong acid!" Qiao Shan has experienced hundreds of battles. He is someone who has experienced player wars. His reaction was extremely fast, and he slapped the door with his palm.

With a bang, the car door was slammed open, and he rolled out of the car.

The tall killer was calm, because after the strong acid ball fell, it would splash all around, and all the targets within 40 meters were attacking targets, and it was impossible to escape with Qiao Shan's speed.

They have investigated Qiao Shan, all kinds of abilities are very clear, quick reaction is useless, because there is no escape speed.

However, the next tall killer suddenly turned pale.

On the opposite viaduct, a flame column spewed over. The flame column was definitely more than two meters wide. With a bang, the flame column hit the strong acid ball, swallowed it directly, and burned it to nothing.

Lu Feng was standing on the viaduct.

"There are helpers, it really is the intelligence chief's style." The tall killer gave up on Qiao Shan and turned to attack Lu Feng. Countless arrows glowing yellow-green and strong acid and cold light were formed in the air, whizzing, all flying towards Lu Feng.

That number has already covered all the air ahead.

Probably just covered the air without any dead ends. Arrow skills, whether it is a bow weapon or not, can't compare with thermal weapons in terms of quantity and penetration.

Because of the coverage area of ​​this move, there are not many arrows on a single point.

So, as soon as Lu Feng stepped on the ground, he jumped forward violently, completely ignoring those strong acid arrows, and rushed towards the tall killer at an extremely fast speed.

"Did you make a mistake? This defensive power has been completely blocked."

The tall killer was surprised for a while. He saw that Lu Feng used flame swordsmanship just now, and he still had two swords in his hand, so he thought he was someone with ordinary defense.

"It's also a gold level? Qiao Shan actually found a gold level bodyguard."

"However, you made a big mistake in rushing towards me." The tall killer folded his hands and moved ten meters in front of him, releasing a burst of strong acid rain, covering an area of ​​tens of meters.

After Lu Feng's interference just now, Qiao Shan had already evacuated to a distance of 100 meters, but Lu Feng was rushing towards him, but there was no way to dodge.

"No one should be able to withstand the continuous coverage of strong acid rain." The tall assassin secretly said: "Even if it is an assassination of the silver level, there may be other opponents. Fortunately, the two of us started it together."

The Tall Killer only attracted Lu Feng. After the first acid ball failed, it was more difficult to get Qiao Shan with acid arrows alone. Because bows and arrows were not penetrating enough, Qiao Shan would find cover to hide.

Acid arrows are also not flame arrows and do not explode.

The strong acid rain has a wide attack range, but there is a problem with the attack distance. If the figure of Qiao Shan cannot be found, it is difficult to deal with the tall killer if he does not move.

Of course, there was also Lu Feng, the tall killer had to consider Lu Feng's interference, so their tactics changed, he only contained Lu Feng.


On Qiao Shan's side, he had just entered another street and basically walked against the wall, because it could reduce the sight of being caught up by the tall killer, but a short shadow suddenly appeared in the darkness, and a dagger stabbed him in the back. back.

The short killer came down from the air. He is a thief route player, so his assassination ability is stronger than that of the tall killer.

However, in the air ahead, a light swept across.

With a puff, blood spattered, and the arm holding the dagger flew into the air. The short killer's body suddenly lost his balance, staggered under his feet, and almost fell to the ground.

The lightweight version of the Sword of Oath of Victory was extremely powerful. After cutting off the arm of the short killer, it hit the wall and continued to cut a huge incision half a meter wide, but the wall did not break. There was no explosion either.

This sword did not affect Qiao Shan, who was still nearby.

Artoria appeared in the mid-air in front of her and continued to rush towards this side.

The two killers never imagined that Lu Feng and the others were acting as players. When Lu Feng entered this area, they received the system information of passing the mental check.

Therefore, some kind of spiritual barrier has been placed here. They have known it for a long time. From the beginning, they knew that the killer would ambush from here.

Except for the action of escaping from the car, all of Qiao Shan's actions included the car entering the street and walking slowly, then turning slowly, escaping from the car and fleeing to this street, and walking against the wall.

All of this is him acting.

The two killers were setting up a net of heaven and earth, while Lu Feng and the others were also setting up a net of heaven and earth.

"Mad, the operation has failed, withdraw." The short killer pressed the blood gushing wound, and directly used the head-mounted communicator to notify his companions. "Two gold levels."

"Two gold levels?"

The tall killer was surprised for a while. He didn't see the battlefield on the short killer's side because it was blocked by the building.

The direction of Qiao Shan's escape was to cut off the vision of the two killers, so that they would fight independently.

Two gold-level, they may not be able to beat, but the short killer said the action has failed, so the tall killer decided to withdraw.

Then, the golden light of the Ouroboros brand hidden in the arm of the tall killer flashed, and a rune formation appeared under his feet.

"Go to the game lobby!" Specifically, to the exclusive space.

Lu Feng suddenly remembered Mercury, where he forced himself to form a habit that the enemy would escape into the game lobby.

After returning, he stopped reminding himself every morning, but the habit of thinking still seems to be there.

So, he thought of this for the first time.

When the player enters the game lobby, the teleportation process is almost instantaneous, but before teleportation, there are still two steps. The first step is to sense their own Ouroboros brand, that is, the Ouroboros brand will glow.

The second step is to prepare for teleportation, that is, a faint teleportation rune appears under the body. During this process, the body will remain unchanged for a moment.

Your state is running, and in the process of running according to inertia, you are standing or standing, unable to make any other actions.

It fell from the air, and it also fell from the original inertia.

No one can change this action, no matter how high the attribute, no matter how agile people can do it.

But after entering the exclusive space, the state is the same, standing there, if injured, it may fall down, but it is still standing initially.

Leaving from the exclusive space, there are only three states of standing, lying or sitting, which is why most people are lying on the bed, a few people stand in the middle of the room, and very few people sit on chairs to enter the exclusive space.

Of course, the location will not change.

If it is an exclusive space that people enter in the air, when they return, they appear at the origin of the air, no matter what state they were in when they entered, people are standing.

Then it will fall directly, and people who can't fly will definitely still fall to their death.

It is impossible to avoid falling to death by entering the exclusive space.

Usually these two steps are difficult to notice by yourself, because you have to look at them specially. If it is the most common lying in bed, you cannot see the second step at all.

These two steps are also fast, but still take around two or three seconds.

For an epic level, two or three seconds or so is deadly.

Lu Feng swung a sword out of hand, swiftly bursting, and was teleporting. There was no way the tall killer could dodge it. The sword sliced ​​through his heart, burst open with a bang, and blood spattered.

The tall killer's body blurred, and then the man disappeared.

This was the personal space that was teleported into the Infinite World game hall. The strong acid rain did not disappear, and it sparsely fell on Lu Feng, but it was completely blocked by the absolute defense.

Lu Feng continued to move forward and quickly left the attack range of the strong acid rain.

Although this strong acid rain was dense and lasted for a long time, its attack power was much weaker than that of strong acid balls, and it couldn't consume Lu Feng's absolute defense in one go.

So it's of no use to him.

"The killer has disappeared." Arturia's voice sounded from the team channel at this time, "It's really bad, it's just a few hundred secrets, if they are the gold-level players in the two photos, they are active players, he guesses he is hiding in the game hall."

"Me too." Lu Feng replied.

This can't be blamed on Arturia. People's thinking inertia and action inertia are very serious. Most people don't have the habit of escaping into the game hall at all, and their first reaction will not be to escape into the game hall.

Terra is not a place like Mercury.

Of course, in Mercury, it is generally out of sight of the pursuer and then hides in.

But these two killers were specially negotiated which was one of their assassination tactics.

Because these assassinations are very important, if they fail to escape to the game lobby, they will be abandoned. Unless the plan of the Titans is successful, they will not come out from it, and will stay in it in the future.

This is also the reason for the use of active players.

Lu Feng and the others didn't think of this before, Lu Feng was just a habit he developed in Mercury, and suddenly remembered, because of his previous occupation, muscle memory and memory of behavior patterns were very serious.

Once formed, certain habits will suddenly enter his memory in an emergency.

That's why he just swung that deadly sword.

At this time, a corpse suddenly appeared where the tall killer was standing in front of him. Lying there, it was the tall killer. His whole body was covered in blood. It was obvious that the black clothes were soaked with blood.

Because of Lu Feng's fatal blow just now, the tall killer couldn't hold back in the exclusive space.

Heart burst open, no matter how high the stamina attribute is, there is no doubt that he will die.

This is not returning from the dungeon, there is no automatic treatment, the injury is so heavy, and there is no ability to take recovery items from the inventory.

So, dying quickly and getting a fatal attack before entering the exclusive space is almost a predictable ending.

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