MTL - Go Legend - C.12 Ding'an shotMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.12 Ding'an shotMar 06, 2023

Chapter 12 Ding'an's Shot

Lianzhong Beggar Gang and Lianzhong Axe Gang Competition 4th, Beggar Gang * Ben Yinfang Xiuqin VS Axe Gang * Ben Yinfang Xiudou, just played more than 40 moves in the game, Li Xiangping, who thinks he has gained a little advantage, is proud of himself. So proud, he thought of talking to Lao Shi:

"Brother Ding'an, how do you feel about this change?"

"Not bad, I really didn't expect Xiaoyou Xiangping's chess power to be so strong. So far, he has been making no bad moves. The rushing and demolition here are ingenious and orderly, especially this "break" step. The work of the gods can be called the finishing touch of the changes here, and with this move, Xiaoyou Xiangping has the upper hand."

Li Xiangping became more and more complacent in his heart, and said that of course, what I sacrificed today was "dog trick", "dog trick" appeared ahead of time, it is natural to have the upper hand, and it is natural to have your old praise. .

That's right, Li Xiangping did make a "dog move" just now.

Previous Life Since the birth of "Alpha Dog", various "dog moves", big and small, have become popular in the Go world. Some "dog moves" are too advanced, or too obscure to understand, even the top professional players can't understand all of them, so it is difficult for a game like this to become popular in the Go world.

While other "dog moves" are relatively easy to understand, when such moves are understood and mastered by humans, they will naturally lead chess players to follow suit.

And this trick that Li Xiangping just offered is probably the simplest of all the "dog tricks".

Because of this change, it first appeared in the second game of the second official "Human-Machine War", and that game of chess was recognized as the closest game between human players and machines. At that time, the first human master Ke Jie He played extremely well. According to the Go AI's own judgment, the game was within nearly 100 moves, and the situation was always evenly matched. Therefore, although Ke Jieke lost that game, it can be said that even though he was defeated, he was still honored.

In that game of chess, at the beginning of the game, both sides performed a new change, and later this change almost became a new set of Go, which was widely used by human players.                            

But when Li Xiangping was still complacent, he heard Lao Shi continue to say to himself:

"However, little friend Xiangping, although you play very well here, but I think your opponent is not an ordinary person, especially if he took the first shot at this time, and this move has won the samadhi of chess. Black has very little profit, and if you want to win this game, you have to continue to deal with it carefully."


After hearing Lao Shi's reminder, Li Xiangping stopped being complacent. He re-examined the chess game and found that the situation on the chessboard was really as Lao Shi said.

"I rely on this guy Yanqing, and I can handle all the "dog tricks" correctly. I really don't know what kind of **** he has had today."

After all, Li Xiangping is someone close to the professional level, and he has some understanding of this change, otherwise he would not have made this change in the first game after crossing.

He knows that the essence of this change lies in the "break" move that Lao Shi just said, and this move was made by the Go AI at that time, so that move is the real "dog move".

Li Xiangping knows that the reason why this "dog move" can be established is that its essence lies in the idea of ​​"abandoning stones to take advantage". If this change is completed completely, then the opponent's white chess can eat 4 of his own stones, together with The corner has a total of more than 20 points of solid ground, and his black chess can take the opportunity to build a relatively complete external situation.

You must know that there are only more than 40 moves in total, which is the layout stage of a game of chess.

Then according to the principle of "the sooner the external force is formed, the better" in Go, if one road goes to black and the opponent makes all the changes, it can be considered that in the end it will be his own black chess profit, which is also the "dog" in this step. The essence of tricks.

Therefore, in order to deal with this "dog move", the best way for White is to not take all the changes here, but consider throwing him first, and then consider how to shape this part according to the development of the situation later.

If this is the case, then this step of "dog trick" will not be much cheaper, and the local basic two points.  Twisted Χ smashed Mei, said that the pen was baked back, and I agreed. In addition, Gu Dali, who was watching the battle at the time, saw the mystery of this "dog move" for the first time, and proposed the same countermeasures. It is for this reason that this change can later become a new formula.

The current Li Xiangping certainly doesn't know that his current opponent is not Yan Qing, but Gu Dali, so he is puzzled and even a little resentful that he can play like this now.

Of course, Li Xiangping's indignation is only a little bit, and now he is only thinking about how to cut his "hard hand" under the horse.

In the Chinese Chess Academy, Gu Dali was engrossed in staring at the computer, without any intention of making a move.

Since he didn't want to give up his seat, of course Yan Qing didn't dare to chase him, so he had to stand by and watch him play chess. Not only Yan Qing, but Gu Dali was playing chess after all, so after a while, there was a circle of little players around Gu Dali watching him play chess.

No, not only in the Chinese Chess Academy, but also in the dedicated server of the competition. Li Xiangping said that the 4th station where more and more people watched the game also crowded in, and the number of spectators obviously exceeded the other games, but for all this, Li Xiangping doesn't know anything yet.

Time continued to pass, and the chess game continued step by step. When the bell rang at 9 o'clock in the evening, the game finally reached its 70th move. At this moment, Gu Dali, who was located in the Chinese Chess Academy, finally lost his concentration and his expression was not so serious. After taking the next move, he shook his head, and then turned to Yan Qing who was standing beside him with a smile: "Okay Yanqing, come on now, I'm dry from sweat now, I really want to take a bath."

Yan Qing was embarrassed to sit up immediately, he pretended to excuse himself: "Gu Gu has finished this game of chess, so that we can learn your brilliant tricks."

"Need not."

Gu Dali still has his signature very sunny smile:

"At first, I was really startled, I thought I would meet an expert. The change in the front is quite interesting, but in the dozen or so moves in the back, the opponent's fox tail is exposed. Look at this move, the opponent's fox tail is exposed. Leaving the main battlefield, this move, slow! And this move, I didn't see what it meant, I just didn't understand it at all"

It's a pity that Li Xiangping couldn't hear these words, otherwise he would definitely vomit blood when he heard it.

Gu Dali casually pointed out Li Xiangping’s mistakes in a few moves, and then continued to say to Yan Qing:

"Look after I made this move, you wait, as long as the opponent moves like this, you do it like this, and the opponent plays that way, you respond like this, anyway, no matter how you play, I want to follow your level, It's no problem to win this game of chess, come on, I'm really going to take a bath now."

Speaking of which, Gu Dali got up and left his seat, ready to let Yan Qing continue the game of chess.

At the same time as Gu Dali was about to give up his seat, at the other end of the computer, Li Xiangping stared blankly at the computer, and he no longer had the pride he had before.

In any case, it is close to the professional level. Although he doesn't know which move he failed to play, at this moment, he feels that he is "difficult to play" and there is no problem.

In fact, the root of the problem lies in the "dog trick" that Li Xiangping made himself.

And the most crucial point, although Li Xiangping has mastered the change itself, he doesn't know much about the follow-up of this change.

The biggest feature of this change is that it is difficult for both sides to control the subsequent play, commonly known as "because of this change, the entire chessboard becomes larger".

Go back and look at that part again. In that place, if White moves first, White can capture 4 of Black's stones. If it is Black to move first, then in turn, it can capture 4 of White's stones. . With such a move in and out, the value of a move there is also above 20.

You must know that in Go, a move worth 20 goals is already quite large. In most cases, if you can play such a move, it will not be a big problem.

But today, a move of such great value cannot be played randomly. If the timing is not right, whoever plays first may lose out. For example, now that the chess game has progressed to more than 70 moves, both sides still can't care to play that move worth more than 20 goals.

It is easy to imagine that such a chess game is difficult to control.

When is the right time to play this move? Is hand 70 appropriate nowadays? Is it suitable for 80 lots and 100 lots? Or is the 50th or 60th hand the best time? No one can know this question, and Li Xiangping even thinks that even the Go AI of later generations, even the chess god, may not be able to give the most accurate answer.

Li Xiangping believes that if it is a game of two people, if you encounter such a problem in the game, then the one with a relatively high level may be more likely to seize the opportunity and control the situation more easily.

All of this is just like when this change was made for the first time, because the level of Go AI is higher than that of humans, so although Ke Jie played correctly in the front, he still died ugly in the end. It looks even uglier than the first "completely defeated" game.

There is no doubt that the current Li Xiangping compared to Rengu Dali is like Ke Jie compared to Go AI, so it is normal for him to be at a loss at this time.

There is another problem. Until now, Li Xiangping thought that Yan Qing was sitting opposite.

"I wonder why every time I meet this kid, this chess is always so awkward"

Yes, this is Li Xiangping's real feeling at the moment. Since he thinks that Yan Qing is sitting opposite, he just feels that this chess game is a bit awkward. He has no idea that Gu Dali has already sentenced him to death, and he has even lost it. interested in him.

Li Xiangping held the mouse in his hand, and when he found a spot and was ready to make a move, the old Shi in his body spoke:

"Xiangping little friend, you can't make a move here. If you play black here, it's dangerous."

"Huh? Where do you think Brother Ding'an should go?"

"At this time, your situation is already very bad. If you want to save the chess game, you can only try to disrupt the chess game. Well, I have a method. Now you move "nine, three", which is the "nine three" on the right side of the chessboard. It’s the only feasible way to salvage the situation right now.”

"Is my situation so bad?"

Li Xiangping was taken aback by Lao Shi's words, but he didn't think much about it at this time. To be precise, Li Xiangping didn't have time to think much now. He almost acted according to Lao Shi's instructions.

After he made the move, he asked:

"Brother Ding'an, why did you come here, and why did you just say that my situation is so bad?"

"This is because"

When Shi Daqi was explaining to Li Xiangping, Gu Dali just got up at the Chinese Chess Academy. He was about to take a bath, but he turned his head inadvertently, but happened to see the chess move that Li Xiangping had dropped.

Shi Xiangxia pointed out the move that Li Xiangping dropped.

Gu Dali was unable to walk again. He stared at the computer screen, not taking his eyes off of him for several minutes.

"Hey, it's interesting, it's interesting, you can still download it here"

At the very beginning, Gu Dali still had a smile on his face, but just looking at it like that, Gu Dali's smile slowly disappeared, and his expression became serious.

Looking at this, it seems that he can't take a bath again.

(end of this chapter)

