MTL - Go Legend - C.922 In front of the promise of people all over the worldMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.922 In front of the promise of people all over the worldMar 06, 2023

Chapter 922 In front of the promise of people all over the world

In the first round of the   Human-Machine War, when Ah Fa Gou won Xiao Li with a four-and-a-half advantage, um, although before the game, the voice that the machine could win was actually louder.

However, when this scene really became a reality, and everyone saw the machine beat a top professional Go player, it still caused a great shock at the whole social level.

It is no exaggeration to say that on this day, the Go AI "Afa Dog" is the biggest star on the planet.

For example, now, during the "two sessions" of our country, after Xiao Li lost chess, Afagou was mentioned.

On the Internet, all kinds of discussion voices are coming up one after another.

"...There is no doubt that after AI completely defeats the top human players, there may be no more various styles of chess in the Go world, and there will be no more romantic "hands of the gods"... "

"...At that time, the criterion for judging whether a game of chess is good or not will become "similarity with AI": the higher the similarity with AI, the better the game will be considered..."

"This is a cold mechanical seance, the Go AI brings the only correct solution, and the disenchantment of Go."

"So, today's victory for Afagou is like a milestone in the development of human technology, and like a tombstone in a sense..."

In his own home, when Li Xiangping read the above article like "God's Prediction", he lost interest and silently turned off the computer.

Indeed, after the birth of the dog, although the overall level of professional Go will be greatly improved, but the damage to the game will also be great.

At the very least, there must be fewer and fewer cases of "wrong in and out".

In Li Xiangping's view, as a competitive game, "wrong in and out" is not only very attractive in itself, but even the biggest source of charm for this game.

Most of the famous records created by human Go in the past, the most talked about chess anecdotes, are basically related to "wrong in and wrong".

Now that the dog is here, it eliminates the possibility of "wrong in and out" to the greatest extent, which actually kills the charm of this part of Go.

The Korean side's arrangement is still very tight. The first game is over, and the second game will be the next day.

In the second game, the generation of dogs once again showed an extremely excellent "big picture", and once again formed a complete suppression of Xiao Li.

With   197 hands, Li Shishi, who was playing white in this game, had no choice but to choose to throw and admit defeat.

At this time, the outside world finally saw the dog's strength more clearly, and finally connected the dog and Li Xiangping.

The reason is that in this game, Afa Gou took a step to radiate the overall "five-way sharp rush", and when explaining this move, Japan's McMonley 9 dan said to chess fans all over the world:

"In this move, I clearly saw the shadows of Wu Qingyuan and Li Xiangping, especially Li Xiangping, because in his games, similar moves are really common..."

Well, Mike's nine-dan is mainly aimed at European and American audiences. It's okay for him to say this alone, and the most important thing is Li Shishi himself.

It should be after losing two games in a row, Xiao Li, who had personal experience, really woke up and knew that he was probably not the opponent of the dog, so when the reporter relayed Mike's nine paragraphs to him, Xiao Li smiled bitterly at the time:

"Yes, sitting across from the machine is a very special feeling. The pressure is very high. When I saw the "five-way sharp punch", it was actually similar to the feeling of Mike's nine-dan. I had an illusion at the time. It's like Li Xiangping is sitting across from me..."

So, everyone connected the dog with Li Xiangping.

After    is connected, everyone will naturally compare and guess, so by this time, it seems that Li Shishi is no longer the protagonist.

"Are Fat Dogs as good as Li Xiangping?"

This is the first topic of discussion on the entire Internet.

What's even more interesting is that before the reporter could find Li Xiangping to speak out, a man who shot horizontal guns came out in the middle.

It was Ke Shaoxia who shot the horizontal cannon:

"Afagou can beat Xiao Li, but he certainly can't beat me, let alone Li Xiangping..."

After Ke Shaoxia posted such a Weibo, Lao Xie, reporter Zhang Da and others finally blocked Li Xiangping at home, and at this time, Li Xiangping also publicly revealed his attitude towards dogs to the outside world for the first time:

"Dogs are very strong, and I know that they will get stronger and stronger, but at least at this stage, I think I still have the strength to fight, yes, I will clearly say, if this time it is me and the dog Contest, I have more than 60% confidence to win the battle..."

"...Hehe, I'm actually very familiar with Fan Erdan. I know that he is still working for Google's Afagou team, and I know that this dog will continue to evolve. In addition, some friends told me that the current Go AI is still They have not completely gotten rid of human chess. Once they can completely get rid of human chess, they may become more powerful. I am looking forward to this day coming soon, and hope that when dogs really get rid of human chess, another man-machine battle will be arranged. …”

Well, in recent years, Li Xiangping has invested in a lot of artificial intelligence teams. Although no team has helped him make money, in the technology world, many people still regard him as "one of their own".

Therefore, Li Xiangping's remarks still received a warm response from the Afago team.

On the second day, the man-machine war in the first season continued. After the generation of dogs once again defeated Li Shishi, Dr. Huang of Google, on behalf of the Afadog team, finally responded to Li Xiangping.

Dr. Huang first said that Li Xiangping did not talk nonsense. Their next research direction is to let AI get rid of human chess and learn by itself.

and said that once it is successful, a brand new man-machine battle will be arranged, and the Go AI will come to challenge the living legend of the Go world, Li Xiangping, the first person in the history of Go.

This is a convention.

Because at this time, the man-machine war in the first season was extremely popular, and people all over the world witnessed this agreement.

It seems that there is God's will in the dark, and it is in the 4th game of the man-machine war.

In this round, the 6th hand of Li Shishi who held white was "point 33", which was destined to be different from the 4th round in real history.

But in this game, Xiao Li still used a method similar to "one of the gods digging".

And that method should have reached the boundary of the generation of dogs in terms of complexity, so the generation of dogs began to go crazy, became disordered, and then became unable to play chess, and finally lost the game.

Li Xiangping, who is staying at home, is very happy.

Yes, at that moment, Li Xiangping was sincerely happy for Li Shishi!

"Hehe, Ding'an brother, get ready, win this round, Ren Xiaoli's task has been completed, and then it's up to us."

Li Xiangping is very clear that it will not take long before the second-generation dog "Master" will be born. If he wants to challenge the third-generation dog who is completely out of the human chess manual, he must first pass the second-generation dog "Master" level.

(end of this chapter)

