MTL - Go Legend - C.940 Xiao Li's flying knife reappears in the arenaMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.940 Xiao Li's flying knife reappears in the arenaMar 06, 2023

After 6 pm, when Li Xiangping rushed home, he didn't even care about eating, he turned on the computer as soon as possible, and used the domestic "excellent arts" to study and review today's game.

After the replay, Li Xiangping fell into a state of inability to let go again.

Because for today's game of chess, the change curve of the winning rate displayed by "Jingyi" is very simple. Before 138 moves, "Jingyi" believed that he was leading the way, while the winning rate of Google "Afayuan" was from about 48% all the way. down to 30 percent.

And because of that move, his winning percentage jumped directly, from more than 60% to about 45%, and then continued to slide steadily until it was less than 5% in the final game.

The winning rate curve behind the    changes steadily, which proves that his officials have also played a high level. As for the winning rate continuing to decline, there is no way—

is also a half-eye difference, but when you are 100 hands in the global game, you are half a game behind and when you are 200 in the global game, the dog will definitely show different winning rates. The former may still be around 50%, while the latter will basically drop below 20%.

After finishing this work, Li Xiangping continued to use AI to dismantle the chess game. He assumed that if he did not make the fatal "block" move, but as Lao Shi said in the game, if he "posted" a move first, What will be the final result.

"Jingyi" thought that "posting" at that time was the correct solution!

As long as White made this inconspicuous exchange at that time, then Black would not have the official means of taking chestnuts from the fire.

And only by preventing the dog from coming out in actual combat, "Jingyi" thinks that he can still maintain the advantage of about one eye and a half.

After figuring out all these things, Li Xiangping was even more speechless. Such an advantageous situation actually caused the dog to reverse in this way, which made Li Xiangping really hurt.

Yaya gently walked into the study, and pressed Li Xiangping's temple with both hands:

"Xiangping, let's go to dinner, you only had a little cake at noon, I'll make it for you at night..."

Li Xiangping turned back and forced a smile to his girlfriend: "I don't have an appetite, so you can eat it yourself, and let me stay in the study for a while."

After Yaya went out, Li Xiangping continued to be in a daze, but now he is in such a state that even Lao Shi can't stand it anymore. After a few minutes, Lao Shi suddenly said:

"Xiangping little friend, I don't think you need to do this. Although this game is a pity to lose, but as you said this afternoon, this game has given you and me confidence. Before this, we have always imagined dogs too much. Horrible, even though we have been using various ways to cheer ourselves up, you and I both know that this is an act of indecision. I don't know what you think in your heart, but I am a lot more at ease, at least at the technical level, as long as you and I join hands, I am not afraid of this dog at all, do you say yes or no?"


Faced with such a long speech, Li Xiangping seemed to have not heard it, and he continued to stare at the chessboard in front of him in a daze.

Lao Shi didn't know how to persuade him, so he had no choice but to say:

"Alas~ today's game is really a pity, both of you and I have ignored such a simple pass, but unfortunately it was already counting down the seconds, it would have been better if it took a little longer..."

"Brother Ding'an,"

At this time, Li Xiangping suddenly said:

"By the way, I forgot to tell you before. In fact, when I was negotiating the conditions of the game with the Google team, Dr. Huang from Google once gave me a suggestion. He sent me an email and told me that if this dog plays a game of chess, it must be It won't take three hours, so he made a suggestion at the time, it is also three hours, the dog uses one hour, give us two hours, and use this method to play this five-game chess."


Li Xiangping continued: "Do you know why I didn't tell you, because I rejected Dr. Huang's kindness at the time."

Old Shi Zan said: "Xiangping Xiaoyou has done an excellent job. As a competition, the most important thing in Go is fairness, and it is also one of the sources of charm of all competitions. If it were me, I would not agree with this. Unequal conditions."

"Yeah, for fairness, but also to defeat the dog once and for all under completely equal conditions. Sigh~~"

Li Xiangping sighed and continued: "Maybe dogs never make mistakes, this is an incomparable advantage. Take today's game as an example, Brother Ding'an, you have to admit that even if we make a mistake, This basically represents our highest level, because from the perspective of probability, or from the perspective of philosophy, human mistakes are absolute, and no mistakes are only relative. We only make one mistake today. From the perspective of probability, this is already a There is a small probability event, but we still lose to the dog in the small probability event, so I was thinking just now, this will not work, if we want to truly defeat the dog, not only can we not be worse than it technically, we may also think Do something else."

Hearing this, Lao Shi was relieved: "Hehe, little friend Xiangping, it turns out that you were thinking about this issue just now, but it made me worry in vain. Then tell me, have you come up with any ideas?"

Li Xiangping said bluntly: "The best way, of course, is to find a way to make the dog make mistakes."


Li Xiangping continued to say to himself: "Brother Ding'an, in fact, we have discussed before that the machine has its own boundary when it faces the complexity of the problem, and once it exceeds its boundary, it will inevitably appear program disorder. We don't have to doubt this, because this computer science originated in the West. The founder of this science is named Turing, who is known as the father of artificial intelligence. He invented a Turing machine and laid the foundation for this science. The theoretical basis of the AI ​​​​is actually the source of all AI today. This Western expert said back then that the "mechanical complexity" of a general Turing machine has a critical limit when calculating, beyond this limit, it is necessary to It is solved by increasing the length and storage of the program. The idea he put forward actually opened the precedent for the computational complexity theory in computer science.”

Li Xiang paused and continued to post:

"I won't go into more details, because if I continue to expand, I can't explain it clearly, and secondly, Brother Ding'an, you must not understand it. In short, you just need to remember one thing. In fact, until now, this science is still It has not broken through the theoretical framework established by this person, and since it is still within this framework, the dog must still have the flaw I just mentioned, which is the flaw of the critical point of complexity."

Lao Shi suddenly said: "But in those 400 dog fights, why didn't we find this problem?"

Li Xiangping smiled slightly:

"That's a very good question. In fact, it's because I've been looking at those 400 chess manuals in the past few months, but it makes me ignore the fact that the dog still has this flaw. The reason why I didn't have this problem in the 400 games is very simple. Didn't people say that to solve the problem of the critical point of complexity, it has been solved by increasing the length and storage of the program in the past, and one generation to three generations of dogs are all developed by the same team, so that when they test , they must all use the same hardware configuration. Since the hardware configuration is the same, the critical points of those machines must be basically the same, and their contests are mostly within the same critical point range, so naturally we can’t see it. question.

"That, that..."

Speaking of such a topic, as an ancient old Shi, he must be inferior to Li Xiangping, so he changed the subject and said:

"Has little friend Xiangping already figured out how to force out the dog's flaws?"

Li Xiangping smiled bitterly:

"How can I think about this, because such a critical point only exists in theory, and I can't see it or touch it, or that sentence, thanks to Li Shishi from South Korea, after all, he gave us in the last man-machine war. Provides a vivid example, so in the second game tomorrow, of course, we can't completely imitate Xiao Li, but if possible, our game ideas can still rely on that direction, huh, okay, let's not say, if If I continue to talk, I may have to go to the horns again, in short, everything is adaptable, I have gone to dinner, and now the most important thing is to recharge."

After doing some psychological construction, Li Xiangping actually slept well that night, and then on the next day, he continued to set off with high fighting spirit, preparing to start the second game with the dog.

In the second game, it was Li Xiangping's turn to play black. In order to save a little more time in the layout, he still started with the "two consecutive stars" that he used the most in his career.

Dogs also deal with "two consecutive stars", so that the "four-star war" that is very common in the AI ​​era is formed on the chessboard.

On the 5th move, Li Xiangping simply thought for a minute, and he "pointed three three" directly in the upper left corner occupied by white.

It is worth mentioning that although this move was "first created" by Li Xiangping, and because of his own record, this move is more popular in the profession.

But the popularity of this move is only supported by Li Xiangping's record, and not everyone agrees with this move.

Especially old chess players such as Lao Nie still publicly expressed their dislike of this move, believing that this move violates the chess principle of "the earlier a strong position is formed, the better it is".

It was only after the emergence of AI that everyone found that the dog seemed to agree with this move, which made everyone speechless. Of course, Lao Nie also came to the scene today.

Not only did he come to the scene, but before the opening game was less than 10 minutes and there were less than 10 moves on the board, he had already shouted in the viewing room:

"Ha! Xiao Li Fei Dao, everyone, look, this dog actually used the Xiao Li Fei Dao created by Xiang Ping to deal with Li Xiang Ping, there is a good show to watch today, since the dog can get down here, it seems that it is also very good. I agree with this trick, but this flying knife is an original piece of Xiang Ping, so is it a fake Li Gui trying to turn the real Li Kui, or is the real Li Kui teaching the fake Li Gui? Today, I will take a good look."

Well, the "Little Li Flying Knife" that Old Nie said was actually the Mi's Flying Knife in real history.

Obviously, since this formula appeared 16 years in advance, it is naturally impossible to have the surname Li, and now it is the surname Li.

And because this trick was first introduced, it was still in the distant 2000. In the semi-finals of the "Samsung Cup" that year, Li Xiangping used this flying knife to defeat the then Korean king Liu Changhe in one fell swoop. .

Li Xiangping used this set as a flying knife at that time.

In addition, the change of this formula is indeed very complicated, and it does have the attributes of many "flying knives" in Go.

As a result, it has been a long time, until now, this set seems to have a more appealing name: Xiao Li Fei Dao.

In the game room, when Li Xiangping saw this move, he slightly slowed down his move.

Because point 33 was ordered by him, but to make this change, the right to choose is actually on the dog's side. So he really didn't think about it before. In a game like today, this "Little Li Flying Knife" actually reproduced the rivers and lakes in such a way.

