MTL - Go Legend - C.942 The flying stone that hit the dog's gateMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.942 The flying stone that hit the dog's gateMar 06, 2023

"Hey, what the **** is Xiang Ping thinking about... Oh, come here, look at what chess he played for so long..."

Unlike the slow-paced Japanese Go, in the modern international arena, a long test of nearly an hour is very rare.

And as far as Li Xiangping is concerned, throughout his career, it is very rare to spend such a long time thinking about a chess game.

So in today's much-anticipated game, when the new chess sheet was just passed to the viewing room, it naturally attracted crowds in the viewing room.

"Ah! Get down here, hang your hands in this place..."

Obviously, Li Xiangping's choice was something that almost everyone in the spectator room never thought of. After Lao Nie, who was sitting in the very center of the research room, put the chess piece on the chessboard in front of him, he tilted his head to look at it, and then made the first comment:

"Well, if you hang it here, first, it will indirectly strengthen this piece of chess, and on the other hand, it will expand the fast appearance on the right side of black chess, but it also has the value of a move, but what about the fat corner on the left? Not going to live?"

Well, although Old Nie’s words were very euphemistic, everyone could tell that he didn’t agree with this move based on his first sense without thorough calculations.

This is of course human nature.

Now there are more than 70 hands in the overall situation, but now, whether it is Li Xiangping or the third-generation dog Afayuan, it seems that they have forgotten the existence of the fat corner, and the two sides only focus on fighting in the mid-bellied generation.

But the two players seem to have forgotten, but everyone in the spectator room has never forgotten. After all, a fat horn worth 30 or more is considered a big chess in any situation. Before the two sides fought like a bull in the mid-bellied generation, it would be fine. In chess, neither side is free.

But what about Li Xiangping's move just now? This is obviously no longer a top-notch move, but rather like suddenly leaving the main battlefield and running to another place on the chessboard to grab a good point.

That's right, what Li Xiangping just grabbed is indeed a good point, a super "big field" good point.

However, there is a saying in Go that "the big field is worse than the urgent one".

Obviously, in the eyes of most people in the spectator room, the fat horns worth more than 30 meshes are considered "urgent places".

As for the move that Li Xiangping just played, although it is also very attractive, it can only be regarded as a "big game" at most. The value of this move is definitely not 30 points.

And the above, this is the reason why Lao Nie questioned this move based on his first feeling.

But then again, in today's world chess world, the only person who can question Li Xiangping without thinking is Lao Nie.

As for other people, even if they have the same doubts as Lao Nie in their hearts, but considering that this is a chess game played by Li Xiangping.

is a chess game played by Li Xiangping, who only played one in five hundred years.

And it was also a chess game played by Li Xiangping for nearly an hour.

Then even if you have doubts in your heart, you will only think that you haven’t understood it yet, and you still don’t know the true meaning of this move. Obviously, Gu Dali, who is the No. 2 "Fantastic Art Fan" in China, belongs to the vast majority of people except Lao Nie.

Of course he didn't understand it at first glance.

But he didn't make a sound, and believed that since this was the crystallization of Li Xiangping's long exam for nearly an hour, it must not be that simple, there must be his own intentions, and there must be deeper connotations. …

Therefore, the top priority at the moment is not to comment immediately, but to thoroughly understand Li Xiangping's intentions.

The so-called "attitude determines everything", today's big brother seems to have explained this point better. When he examines and studies the moves with this "correct" attitude, after a few minutes, he is really impressed by him. See something.

At least I mentioned the "Elephant Step Flying" used to capture the 4 pieces of black chess. At this time, Gu Dali saw it.

"Mr. Nie, Xiangping's move is not considered to be out of the main battlefield. I calculated it just now. At this time, White seems to be afraid to take the corner immediately. If the dog dares to play like this at this time, it is estimated that it will immediately stand up…"

Well, since he was facing his master, Dali’s words were of course more euphemistic. After saying this, he immediately showed his new discovery to Old Nie:

"Teacher Nie, look, black chess actually hides such a powerful killer move here, that is, this hand is flying like an elephant. Once the dog dares to run to grab the corner, white chess will put the piece here... Look, there is With the cooperation of the hand hanging just now, Xiang Ping has already set up a net of heaven and earth, and black chess, the 4-piece chess elite, can't escape the heavens..."

"Hahaha, really,"

In fact, many things in Go are like this. When you don’t count things, you can’t count them. But when someone shows you something you didn’t count on, you can suddenly be enlightened and understand the changes that follow. on the chest.

For example, the current old Nie is like this. When he saw the elephant that Gu Dali placed on the chessboard, he immediately said:

"It's true, Li Xiangping turned out to be a means of being overcast. Since there is such a wonderful move, then White is the last to dare to capture the chess, otherwise the chess elite of these 4 stones will be captured, then White will really lose blood. Now, the black chess has become extremely thick, not to mention, the more important thing is that this string of white chess is not alive, as long as this string is not alive, the fat corner will become a gas at the end, Yin! Li Xiangping True Yin, it's just that he used this method to bully an old comrade like me, but today's is AI, so AI shouldn't fall for his trap."

The speed of the dog's move was really fast. Before Lao Nie's words were finished, the computer screen on the side already showed the dog's response.

The dog should have also counted the "elephant step flying" at that step, so at this time it did not go to catch chess, but steadily placed a "small tip" in the mid-abdomen.

That kind of solid "small tip", that kind of elastic "small tip",

Dog uses such a method to ensure the safety of his 4-Mokuchi.

"Hehe, I'll just say, dogs really aren't that easy to be fooled..."

Old Nie certainly didn't know. When he said this in the observation room, Li Xiangping, who was in the match room, had an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Hehe Ding'an brother, it seems that dogs really have boundaries. Once this chess move is played, it is estimated that this game will not be able to run, right?"

"Hehe, little friend Xiangping must not be careless, this change is indeed too complicated, and we may not have all figured out.

"That's true,"…

Li Xiangping smiled and said to himself: "Anyway, we will see you soon. Whether the dog has miscalculated, we will see in a few rounds."

It is true that there are not many rounds. After the long test before, Li Xiangping at this time is very fast.

In the face of the dog's flexible "little tip", Li Xiangping still seemed unwilling to give up. He continued to play a "flying flail" on the periphery, and it seemed that he still wanted to take the white chess player.

No, now because of the extra hand of "Xiaojian", he is already considered to be a master of five-point chess.

Not only that, because this "flying flail" also echoes the "two consecutive stars" at the beginning of black, so white is no longer suitable to continue to move forward.

Because no matter how White moves forward, he can only play a series of single officials with no mesh count, which is suspected of bumping into thick black.

Therefore, at this time, the dog finally freed up his hand to capture the chess, a simple "Two Land Rover", and the piece of black chess that started with the three-three can no longer work.

Of course, this was also in Li Xiangping's expectation, and then he continued to be unrelenting.

In the next three moves, Li Xiangping played all vulgar players, the kind of "command-type" vulgar players.

Therefore, the three rounds just now were all "One Way", and there were no other changes during the period.

After all the preparations were done, Li Xiangping took a deep breath and paused again to finally confirm the real killer move he had prepared.

As for this ultimate move, Li Xiangping thinks that when the dog was playing "Xiaojian" just now, it should have missed the calculation, and what it missed should be the ultimate move like a dagger in this step.

Because Li Xiangping put it down at this time, this is a step of "squeeze", which can also be called "pinch", or simply called "mosaic".

That's right, Li Xiangping made a "squeeze" directly at the "small tip" position of White.

Originally, under normal circumstances, "Xiaojian" is a very solid chess shape, and there is no problem in contact, but Li Xiangping's "squeeze" move is like a flying stone from the sky, hitting it in one fell swoop. The crux of White's chess.

With this "squeeze" hand, a breakpoint has already appeared on White's "small tip".

This breakpoint is very fatal, because Black has already done sufficient preparations before, and the dog can't bear the "squeeze" of this hand. And as long as this piece is safe, then the seemingly solid "small tip" has already appeared a breakpoint. And this breakpoint must not be occupied by black. Once Black grabs the "broken", the chess elite with the 4 stones before will still be killed by Black.

The most embarrassing thing for White is that it is not even suitable for White to make up at this time——

If the dog has "squeezed" at this step before, then it should not be "tip" before, but should directly make a "dead", which is the best way to ensure the safety of White's 4-piece player at that time. .

And if White goes to make up the break at this time, it is actually in the place of "staying". In this way, the dog is equivalent to taking an extra step of "crushing".

This is a completely useless move! Not only is this move useless, but in today's somewhat special situation, this move is a bit of a disservice—

Because White's own qi is tight, once White gets on it, White's own dragon is still not alive as a whole, and because of the "hang" and "flying" before Black, this piece of chess wants to work, the only The way is to eat the corner of dead black.

Need to breathe out!

What does it mean to eat with breath?

means that it used to cost 30 moves in one hand, but now it takes two moves. And after spending two hands, there are no more than 30 meshes, and there are only 24 to 25 meshes left.

And black can take advantage of the dog's breath and continue to manage his already very majestic appearance.

Once you play like that, then Black has the absolute advantage! And it's a big advantage. The advantage is so great that even in the face of the three-generation dog Afayuan, Li Xiangping has full confidence to win the game.

No, it seems inappropriate to use "once" here. In fact, after Li Xiangping's "squeeze" shot like a flying stone from the sky, the subsequent changes were almost unchanged, and it was already close to "One Dao".

At least Li Xiangping thinks it is "one way".

He thought that as soon as the hand "squeezed" out, the dog was definitely doomed today.

And after his "squeeze" shot, it seemed to be really beyond the dog's expectations, because it didn't move any further for nearly 5 minutes. This is the first time in this series. From the beginning of the first set to now, this is the first time the dog has "long test" for more than 5 minutes.

Li Xiangping was waiting quietly, he wanted to see what else the dog could do this time.

