MTL - Go Legend - C.944 misery startMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.944 misery startMar 06, 2023

In the second round of the man-machine war in the second season, when the news of Li Xiangping's victory spread, it quickly detonated the major media.

Well, this time the news is not only in the Go section, it is not even limited to the sports section, this time it is really out of the circle, many media reported this news in the social section.

"...I heard that the national Go player Li Xiangping wanted to challenge Google's newly upgraded and strongest version of Go AI. To be honest, I originally thought that Li Xiangping was destined to be a character like Don Quixote. Yes, of course I know Li Xiangping. Xiang Ping is very strong, and it is said that he is likely to be the most powerful Go player in history, but so what? Because the progress of human technology is far beyond everyone's imagination, just like the past decades or even hundreds of years, how many human traditions have The field has been rushed to pieces by human's own scientific and technological progress, and then attempts to stop this progress-innumerable facts in history have proved that it is actually a mantis blocking the car..."

"...Because of this, when I learned that in the game that just ended this afternoon, Li Xiangping defeated the machine dignifiedly, and seeing the photos from the scene, Li Xiangping's smile was so bright, I I can't help but feel very emotional, because at this moment I found out that I also have a Tang Quixote hidden in my heart, and in the deepest part of my heart, I actually hope that Li Xiangping can win..."

"...I'm not a very experienced chess fan. For the next game, I'm still not optimistic that Li Xiangping can win the final victory. But it's still the same sentence, so what? Because today, Li Xiangping is a hero. , that Don Quixote-esque hero, the touch he brought to us will become a beautiful memory shared by all mankind..."

Well, the above is a hot post with a relatively high click-through rate on the Internet, which seems to represent the aspirations of many non-chess fans.

Interestingly, the netizen said that he was not optimistic that Li Xiangping would win the final, but this statement was opposed by many senior chess fans. The reason is very simple, non-chess fans will only look at the results, not the process, but senior chess fans are different.

After watching the live broadcast of the first two games, many senior chess fans even took an oath directly on the Internet, believing that the final victory would belong to Li Xiangping.

"...don't say anything. In the past two days, Li Xiangping and the dog named A Fayuan fought over 400 chess moves. I heard that even the dog himself admitted that among the total of more than 400 chess moves , there are more than 300 hands Li Xiangping is ahead, so no nonsense, I am now sticking to the oath, Li Xiangping will win! If Li Xiangping can't win the dog this time, I will broadcast the keyboard live... "

Well, the perspective of this chess fan is very unique, and it is precisely because of this that the click-through rate of this post is already extremely high, and the click-through rate is surprisingly high, and the reply rate is even higher, leaving other hot posts far behind behind the head.

Of course, the following thread is actually not very nutritious, it is nothing more than a model of a group of chess fans who are so idle that they are swearing by the tricks.

"Eating the keyboard" is already the most acceptable performance, as for the other more bizarre... Forget it, I won't list them all here.

The schedule this time is very tight, Li Xiangping has not fully enjoyed the joy of victory, and on the second day, the third game has arrived. …

Li Xiangping came to the arena early. Before waiting for the start of the game, Li Xiangping swiped his mobile phone to swipe this hot post. When he saw the statement that "Li Xiangping leads by more than 300 hands", he couldn't help smiling wryly at his mobile phone.

Yes, the chess fan’s words also have some truth. At least from the content of the first two rounds, not only did he not fall into the disadvantage, but he still had the upper hand on the whole.

It's a pity that the chess fan forgot that this time it was a man-machine battle, not a man-to-man battle.

If it is two human professional chess players playing against each other, then the above analysis is still very reasonable.

But dogs are different!

Because it's almost infallible, which is the norm for human players. Therefore, in most cases, only the dog can reverse the human chess player, and it is almost impossible for the human chess player to reverse the dog.

So from this perspective, the analysis of the chess fan is actually meaningless. Although Li Xiangping is dominant in content, for the next game, his confidence is only built up to "I and the dog can play" to this extent.

As for really grabbing three games out of five games—

It is necessary to tell the truth, Li Xiangping really does not have that much confidence.

He couldn't have had that much confidence either.

At 9:55 in the morning, Li Xiangping entered the arena on time again, and today the referee was replaced by Dean Wang Lunan. Since there was no need to guess first, Dean Wang announced the start of the game on time at 10:00 in the morning.

In this game, it is the dog's turn to play black, and the dog's opening today is different from the first game. Instead, he learned from Li Xiangping, who was in the second game, and chose the "Er Lianxing" opening.

At the very beginning, Li Xiangping was also going to play "Er Lian Xing", but after seeing the "Er Lian Xing" of the dog, he temporarily changed his mind and decided that this game should be played in a different way. It was also a different mood, so he made up his mind temporarily, and the fourth hand fell on the position of "Xiaomu".

"Xiaomu" has a direction, directly facing the direction of black is called "to Xiaomu".

The direction of not directly facing Black is called "Xiang Xiaomu".

And what Li Xiangping uses today is to play "Xiaomu", which is also the most classic and most common "Xingxiaomu" layout in human Go in the past to deal with "Er Lianxing".

The dog's speed is the same as before, and his 5th hand "hangs down" almost without thinking.

After seeing this move, Li Xiangping paused for a moment——

In fact, in the past human Go, the most common event was "a high hanging room", but Li Xiangping couldn't figure out what was going on. Since the appearance of dogs, a generation of dogs still often played "a high room" hang".

However, when it comes to the second generation of dogs, especially the third generation of dogs, "one high hanging" is very rare, and almost all of them are "one low hanging".

Another interesting point of    is that, in the face of this hand "a low hanging", in the past human Go, the use of "flanking" is the most common method. And there are many kinds of "pinch attack", from "one folder", "two folder", "three folder" and even "four folder".

And "flanking" is also divided into "high clip" and "low clip", so in the past, human Go created a very large "set group".

Then since the dog appeared, the dog seems to think that to deal with such a hand "a low hanging", there are only two "basic types", one is "small tip" (this move is also very famous in Japanese Go in the past "" Xiu Ce's tip"), and the other is "Xiao Fei". …

As for those other "flanking attacks", the dog thinks that it can only be counted as "interesting direction"--

"Interesting Direction" is not impossible to play, but it is best to have other sub-forces in the overall situation, so that "Interesting Direction" is the most suitable.

Li Xiangping has been researching dog tricks for so many years.

Well, although he still hasn't figured it out yet, how did those "pinch attacks" become "interesting" for dogs? But that didn't stop him from following suit.

In addition, Li Xiangping also thought that in the first two rounds, the first round was "Shuangfeiyan" and the second round was "Mishi's Flying Knife". These are all extremely complicated and large-scale changes.

Considering that I want to "change my mood" today, let's pick a simpler one.

In this way, under the leadership of this kind of thinking, Li Xiangping's 5th shot: "Xiaojian". This is the very famous "Xusaku's little tip" in the human game of Go.

"Hey Ding'an brother, you have already practiced two games of large-scale routines with the dog, so let's practice Sanshou chess with him today, what do you think?"

"Ha ha."

Lao Shi was noncommittal about this.

Thinking about it, it has been more than 16 years since Lao Shi returned to the world, and he has also not stopped working hard for a moment. Therefore, for such a layout, although this change can be regarded as originating in Japan, Lao Shi is a China. The ancient chess master is also very familiar with these changes.

What's more, there is a saying in Go that "wins or loses are not in this place", so it doesn't matter what routine is used to start the game, whether it is Lao Shi or the current Li Xiangping.

Since "Xu Ce's Little Tip" is out, then this game is likely to be Sanshou chess, and it's easy to form the kind of "Kung Fu chess" that both sides slowly consume.

And the next process of this game of chess seems to be developing in that direction, so compared with the previous two games, the chessboard today seems to have a lot less gunpowder smell.

On both sides, you are a "big field" and I am a "big field", you are a "urgent place" and I am a "urgent place", and it looks like you are good and everyone is good.

In the first 20 moves of the game, Li Xiangping felt that everything was normal. He thought that there was no problem with his "change of mood" today.

Waiting for the two sides to expand to more than 30 hands in the overall situation, Li Xiangping felt that something was wrong.

What was wrong with the reachable, he couldn't tell.

But when the overall situation is close to 50 hands, the layout of the two sides has basically been completed. At this time, Li Xiangping finally realized the problem. So about 40 minutes into the game, he smiled bitterly and said to himself:

"Yo, Ding'an brother, practicing Sanshou chess with Gou** seems to be a wrong strategic choice. I feel that our situation is a little behind, but I can't tell which hand went wrong. Brother Ding'an, what about you?"

"Oh, Xiaoyou Xiangping also thinks that the situation has fallen behind?"

Lao Shi didn't say too much nonsense, but just saying this sentence, Li Xiangping understood what he meant in seconds--

Lao Shi should be the same as himself, feeling that his own situation is behind, but he can't tell why this chess is behind, and he doesn't even know if his feeling is right.

Li Xiangping can only continue to smile bitterly, this is the consequence of fighting Sanshou chess with the dog. …

How to explain this problem?

Let’s use the “meeting together” that is commonly used in human Go.

It is worth mentioning that although the Go term "Jianhe" comes from Japan, the earliest and most famous "Jianhe" was actually created by medieval chess.

For example, the very famous "nine-three-point shot" in ancient chess, there is room for "separation of two" on the left and right, which is the most typical and famous "meeting together" in ancient chess.

Li Xiangping of course knows that in the dog's Go game, the play of "seeing together" is relatively rare, and there is no reason for it, just take the example of "two sides can be split on both sides" just now.

Is the value of these two "demolition two" necessarily the same?

Well, if you only look at the parts, you may think that they are the same size, but once they are combined with the overall situation, these two "split two" may have different values.

How much is the difference? Since there is no way to accurately quantify it, it can only depend on the level of the chess player.

The average professional chess player might be able to tell the difference between 48% and 52% respectively.

Li Xiangping may be a little higher than everyone else, he can distinguish the difference between 49% and 51%.

But if you continue to be precise, accurate to the decimal point, such as the difference between 50.5% and 49.5%, this Li Xiangping can't do anything.

It is possible to be accurate to the decimal point, maybe only a dog can do it!

And the above is the reason why Li Xiangping started behind today.

Of course, Li Xiangping knows that once the game with the dog starts, it will be at a disadvantage. way of the situation.

But in the face of the three-generation dog "Afayuan" who is close to returning to the original, what kind of way can we open up the situation?

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the game started for an entire hour, and just now, the dog had just landed the 49th hand of the whole--

This seems to be the last "big field" on the chessboard, and such Kung Fu chess, if you can grab the last "big field" on the chessboard, can basically be considered as "successful layout".

Li Xiangping's hand stopped, he knew that at this time, he had to find a way to open up the situation, otherwise today's difficult start would easily usher in the consequences of suffering.

