MTL - Go Legend - C.945 The "natural flow" of dogsMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.945 The "natural flow" of dogsMar 06, 2023

"Xiangping little friend, can you consider getting a three-way toe on top."


Around 11:11 am, when Li Xiangping was thinking about a way to open up the situation, he heard this from Lao Shi.

Well, again, the two have a high degree of tacit understanding now, so there is no need to explain too much. Li Xiangping immediately knew which point on the chessboard he was talking about, and immediately followed Lao Shi's prompt to start thinking. .

After a few minutes, Li Xiangping said to Lao Shi with a wry smile:

"Brother Ding'an, no way, although this attack point is sharp, it doesn't seem like the time is ripe. If you can exchange a hand somewhere, then this means is really powerful, but I just calculated carefully, that exchange may not be possible. When I get there, I think with the dog's power, it can definitely find the only flaw in its chess form. If it makes another exchange at the same time as the exchange, then the crisis will be resolved invisibly, but if it does not make an exchange If I put it up directly, my calculation is that this chess is obviously not valid, and the big dragon will die of anger in the end."

Lao Shi replied: "Well, I have just thought about what you said. You can consider another move. If you don't do the exchange you said, what if you do another exchange somewhere?"


Li Xiangping thought again for a while, and then smiled bitterly again:

"Brother Ding'an, the exchange you mentioned is a bit detrimental, and besides..."

"In addition, the effect is not as ideal as the exchange you said, is it? But little friend Xiangping, the exchange you said is too ideal, and most of the exchanges can't be done in the face of dogs. Although the exchange I said is slightly damaged, it can Subsequent changes are more complicated. We have analyzed the weakness of the dog and believe that only in a super complex situation can we touch his boundaries, and today we are already a little behind, so which plan do you choose, now you Make up your own mind."

Well, Lao Shi's last sentence finally convinced Li Xiangping completely.

Indeed, dogs are different from human chess players after all.

Since Li Xiangping entered the professional chess world, he is famous for his "good layout".

The so-called "the first fifty steps are invincible in the world", and this honor used to belong to the old **** of Fujisawa of Japan and the old Nie of China.

However, when Li Xiangping came out, this statement was only exclusive to Li Xiangping. Even Lao Nie himself once admitted that his prologue skills still couldn't compare with Li Xiangping.

And most of the layout skills that Li Xiangping has practiced come from "dog tricks".

In this case, when he faces a real dog today, and is still the third-generation dog "Afa Yuan" developed by Google, of course he can't take advantage of kung fu chess.

In fact, Li Xiangping didn't know it at this time. He felt that the situation was a little bad. Today's layout was not very successful, but the winning percentage displayed by the dog backstage did not think so.

In this game, the dog is playing black, so the initial win rate displayed in the background is less than 50%, but when the dog makes the 49th move, it thinks that its winning rate of black is about 52%- —

The difference in the prelude stage is within 5%, which is actually irrelevant at all, and can be considered as evenly matched. …

It's just that Li Xiangping has been accustomed to the prelude stage for a long time, and it feels a little awkward today. In addition, the opponent is a dog. Under the strong deterrent force of the dog, the judgment of the situation is a little bit. Deviation, always feel that they are more behind.

After thinking for a few more minutes, Li Xiangping finally made his move, and his next few rounds were exactly the plan recommended by Lao Shi: first make an exchange that was obviously a bit lossy, and then show a partial show that would be very interesting. The sharp hand tendon "Sanluto" with visual impact.

And such a combination of punches obviously has the meaning of "winner and loser", which is the winner and loser immediately after the layout is over.

"Hey~~ once this exchange comes out, I don't know how much the backstage win rate will drop for me..."

When Li Xiangping made his move, such an idea flashed in his mind.

And this time he really guessed it. When there are more white 50 and black 51 pieces on the board, the background shows that the winning percentage of white continues to decline, and now there are only about 45% left.

And that hand "Three Luto" is White 52 in this game.

Whether    can regain the winning percentage now depends on the effect of the hand chess.

But to be honest, Li Xiangping doesn't have much confidence in this.

That's right, if you only look at it locally, this move is indeed very sharp, and it is a very good means of assault, but the effect of this move is too monotonous.

The only function of this move is to break the edge on the dog.

But since today is Kung Fu chess, the situation is very loose.

The so-called "very scattered" means that neither side has a particularly large space, nor does it have any big appearance.

This area of ​​the dog's edge is already a big empty space. Even if Li Xiangping doesn't attack, the dog can surround 20 or so eyes at most.

It’s precisely because this piece of space is not that big, so it’s not really interesting to break it—

After all, this place is black and white, so no matter how sharp your methods are, you can't completely destroy everyone's emptiness. For example, people originally have 20 orders, maybe your assault method can break 10 orders in the situation.

But don't forget, after all, this is fighting within the sphere of influence of others, and the pieces you have entered will always have to work in the end, so before you fully work, your piece of chess is considered a lone piece of chess, and the Chinese process will definitely suffer Opponent's Scratch.

Don't underestimate this kind of scraping. Many scraping methods in Go may seem inconspicuous, but when you add up, you will become more and more. You broke 10 meshes.

In the past human Go, there are many such cases, and among them, the most famous may be Mr. Takeshi Masaki from Japan. Mr. Takegiya called himself "the flow of the universe" when he was black, and he called himself "the flow of nature" when he was white.

Well, Wu Gong's "universal flow" is naturally famous and famous, but if you investigate his statistics, you will find that his winning rate is much higher when he is white than when he is black.

In Li Xiangping's impression, Mr. Takemiya used the "natural flow" in the most classic battle, which was the "Battle of Beninfang" in a certain year, and Takemiya accepted the challenge of the Japanese chess player Yamashiro Hiro 9 dan. …

In that game of chess, on the surface, Shancheng's 9th dan was still quite active. It should be because he was concerned about Mr. Wu Gong's ability to surround himself. Therefore, Shancheng's 9th dan did not give him a chance at all. As long as a little prototype appeared, he would immediately. Just actively "break in" and never let the opponent make a big appearance.

On that day, Wu Gong also showed a "good temper". No matter how provocative the opponent was, he did not use any particularly violent tactics. I circled another pattern.

So it was like this, one of the two was busy breaking and the other was busy circling, Yamashiro Hiro broke a total of 4 times, and it seemed that he succeeded every time.

However, in the end, Mr. Wu won the game, and he won the opponent with a three-and-a-half advantage in white, thus defending the title of "Beninfang" that year.

This is the power of "natural flow"!

Well, Li Xiangping actually remembered this story around 12:30 noon.

At this time, the overall situation is close to 100 hands. In Li Xiangping's eyes, the dog seems to be using "natural flow" today.

This is the natural flow from dogs, far exceeding the natural flow of humans, so Li Xiangping feels a lot of pressure.

"Yo, Ding'an brother, it's not good to go on like this, I feel like I'm being led by the dog's nose all the time. If it continues like this, I guess I can only be euthanized. Think about it, think about it together, and see if there are other The way to break the game."

Lao Shi was silent. Facing today's situation, Shi Daqisheng did not come up with any particularly good solution.

After waiting until about 1 pm, Li Xiangping thought of a solution.

Of course, what he came up with this time is not a good hand, but in the chaos, he found an extremely complex and dangerous path.

To tell the truth, Li Xiangping himself has no calculation for this method he discovered. The only advantage of this change is that there are many fork points and it looks very complicated--

At this moment, Li Xiangping can only pin his hopes on the "complexity critical point".

It's just a pity that the "critical point of complexity" of dogs seems to be completely different from that of humans.

For example, in the real history of Xiao Li's "one of the gods digging", that method may even be able to calculate the 6 masters of the industry, but the generation of dogs can't calculate it, and it may directly trigger its critical point and cause its program to become disordered.

But today's game of chess, but Li Xiangping, the first master of human beings, thinks it is very complicated. He can't figure it out even when he joins hands with old Shi, but the dog seems to be fine. It is pressing step by step in an orderly manner. A drop of expansion.

At about 3:30 in the afternoon, Li Xiangping entered the countdown early again at this time, when he dropped the 160th hand of the game in the countdown sound.

Dog's Black 161 is almost a second shot.

And this move was something that Li Xiangping did not count.

Not only him, but Lao Shi, who is known as "no last resort" among human chess players, also ignored the chess in hand.

Interestingly, this move is also a "small tip".

In the second game yesterday, the dog's "Little Tip" became its losing move.

But today, the dog also has a "small tip", which is basically his winning move.

Inexplicably, when Li Xiangping saw this hand of black 161, he even lost his mind again.

Because at this time, he remembered that it was also the second season of man-machine war in real history, and Ke Shaoxia challenged the dog in the second round.

There was a move in that chess game, and Lao Nie sighed that "he will never be able to play that kind of chess in his life." South Korean chess player Cui Du said, "This is a very unique and cold move."

The "Xiaojian" hand that Li Xiangping encountered today may be different from the real history in appearance, but the Shen Yun is exactly the same.

"Alas, Brother Ding'an, I lost this game today."

Li Xiangping started to organize his hairstyle and began to prepare for the Battle of Pinghu three days later.

